Aztec Eternals

Chapter 1176: The various tribes gathered to negotiate the fate of Maya (End)

Crocodile Weihai, the envoy of Weihai, left. After paying homage to Diakinkuhuahao and solemnly worshiping the divine object again, he hurriedly left with the good news of the marriage between the descendants of the gods.

As for his return route, he would take a small galley of the Weihai clan and circle almost half of the Yucatan Peninsula, which would take at least a month and pass through Canul, Weiyu, Deer Chong, Chel, Chikin, and Eka. It takes six clans and chiefdoms to reach the Bay of Belize from the Bay of Campeche. And this route is also the only way to go to Cuba from the seaside. It is the Mayan shipping route that the kingdom in the lake must open!

Kapok trees surround the main temple, and the relief carvings outside the temple still bear distinct traces of the old gods. In the temple, a brand-new sculpture of the main god holds a throwing spear and stands silently in the middle of the hall. Opposite Tiakin under the statue, there was only the last messenger of the Fire Salt Clan, Red Bird Fire Salt from the Chikin Chiefdom.

The history of the rise of the Chikin Chiefdom is actually not that long. After the collapse of the Mayapan Kingdom, the royal power on the northern coast declined, leaving a power vacuum in the salt pond origins occupied by the royal family. Several small clans along the coast, in order to occupy and protect the huge interests of the swamp salt ponds, gathered into a clan alliance of 70,000 to 80,000 people, or a chiefdom. This chiefdom was formed only 40 to 50 years ago, and Huoyan Village, the political center of the chiefdom, is not even a city-state, it can only be called a village.

It is obvious that these small clans on the edge of the coast are weak, far away from the center of the lowland Maya, and they do not have any respected divine blood. The Huoyan clan that Red Bird Huoyan belongs to has only ten thousand people, but it is already the most powerful clan in the chiefdom. As for the main god worshiped by the Fire Salt Clan, it is also not an ancient great god, but Ekquwa, the patron saint of merchants.

Therefore, among the clans being discussed today, the Huoyan clan is the weakest and has the lowest bloodline, and has no right to speak at all. The messenger Red Bird Fire Salt also clearly understood his position. He kept his head down and stayed in the corner to observe the situation without saying a word. It was not until the envoys from various ministries left that he respectfully stepped forward, faced Maya Pancuhu Ahoti Akin, knelt down and saluted with a "pop" sound.

"Praise the gods, praise the ancestors! Being able to see the most sacred skull of the ancient saint, and meet the Mayan king with the blood of the Serpent God, really made the Huoyan clan burst into tears! The ancestor of the Huoyan clan was appointed by the royal family The salt collectors of Sajal in the salt pond. At that time, when our ancestors heard that the royal family had been brutally murdered by Xiwu, they cried like spring water all day long, knelt down and worshiped the royal family’s picture board, and even cried blindly!…”

"O Serpent God! The clan has been waiting for fifty years, and finally the revered royal family of Mayapan is revived! And I, the leader of the Fire Salt Clan, Red Bird Fire Salt, swear in the name of Ekchuwa, the patron saint of the clan, Still loyal to the sacred treetops, Maya Pancuhu Ahao! Even if the clan’s leaves wither and the clan’s divine descendants die in battle, the Fire and Salt clan will fight bravely for the Maya King at all costs!…”

"Huh? This is actually the clan leader, coming personally as a messenger?..."

After hearing the translation, Marshal Bertard of the East China Sea raised his eyebrows slightly and observed the leader of the Fire Salt Clan, Red Bird, with interest. Red Bird Fire Salt chattered, and fell in front of Tiakin, weeping bitterly, and paying homage, just like a lonely loyal man who stayed for the royal family until the end.

"Interesting! This chieftain was weeping while turning his eyes to glance secretly... Huh? He didn't look at the ancient saint's artifact, but seemed to be... looking at me?..."

"Good! Blessed by the Lord God and Ancestors! The Fire Salt Clan is willing to serve the royal family. He is truly the most loyal Sahar head of the royal family! When the royal family dies in Xiu and returns to Mayapan, the Fire Salt Clan will have a life as beautiful as the petals of the sacred tree. Great reward!…”

Hearing Red Bird Fire Salt's statement, Tiakin's expression perked up, with a relieved smile on his face. With so many clan envoys participating in the talks today, only the Huoyan clan, representing the Chikin Chiefdom, directly expressed their allegiance! It seems that even if Mayapan died fifty years ago, there are still people who remember the kindness that the royal family bestowed on the clans! …

"Red Bird! In the war to restore the royal family, how many warriors can the Fire Salt Clan send out and how many ships of food can they provide? How many troops can the entire Qijin Chiefdom send out and how many months of supplies can it provide?..."

"Uh... Dear Kuhu Ahao, there are more than 10,000 people in the Fire and Salt Clan. If the whole clan goes out, they can provide the royal family with 300 warriors and 1,000 warriors. 3,000 people can eat food for half a year, and 100,000 people can eat food for a year. Salt! We also have more than ten galley merchant ships that can transport food for the royal family!…"

"Ah! Okay! Great! Red Bird, the royal family must bear in mind the support of the entire Fire Salt Clan!... By the way, when will the support of the Fire Salt Clan arrive?..."

Red Bird Fire Salt raised his long head and made an impassioned promise, as if he really wanted to sacrifice everything in the tribe for the revival of the royal family. But then when he heard the questioning, he threw himself in front of Tiakin's legs and cried bitterly again.

"Supreme King Maya! The Fire Salt Clan is the leaf of the royal family. Even if it withers and falls, it will never regret it! ... However, I am afraid that the support of our clan cannot reach here or Kapok City! ... As long as the clan is loyal to you When the news spreads, the fleet has not yet set off...the greedy Kapoor clan will take action! They secretly forced and bribed the three clans in the western part of the chiefdom. They have long been interested in the Qijin chiefdom and the northern salt pond. I’ve been waiting for you for a long time!…”

"The Fire and Salt Clan is really willing to revitalize the royal family, at all costs to the clan...but the threat of Kapur's hungry wolves is closer than the brutal Xiu Clan!..."

"Dear Mayakuhu Ahao! Please send your troops quickly to send out the invincible plateau spirit warriors who control the thunder! As long as there are two thousand powerful spirit warriors, stationed in the Fire Salt Village in the center of the chiefdom, they can deter the greedy Kapoor clan. …All the clans in the Qijin Chiefdom will lower their long heads and kneel down in worship of the majesty of the royal family!”

"As soon as the extremely powerful spiritual warriors from the plateau arrive! The entire Qijin Chiefdom, the three hundred miles of salt-producing northern coast, and tens of thousands or even nearly one hundred thousand coastal tribes will be firmly controlled by the royal family! Kapur Hungry Wolf, who believes in the God of War, They will also retract their claws in fear! Even the Ekabuishi clan, which offended the royal family and disrespected the king, will tremble and not dare to bark as wildly as before!…"

Upon hearing Red Bird Fire Salt's request for help, Tiakin's expression froze and he was speechless for a moment. The old fox Tikalo lowered his eyes and said nothing, having already made a guess.

However, after escaping Xiwu's crazy pursuit, only the last 20,000 tribesmen of Cocom remained, most of them old, weak and children. The entire tribe can only muster 2,000 warriors, so how can they all be stationed in Huoyan Village? In the final analysis, it is not up to them to decide whether to send troops or whether to fight a war, it is the Mexicans who have the final say!

There was wordless silence again in the temple. The leader of the Fire Salt clan knelt down and the Kokom descendant sat in silence. Marshal Donghai stood up slowly, walked gently, walked to the leader of the Huoyan clan, and looked at this interesting "messenger".

"Praise the powerful gods of the plateau! Praise the powerful Toltec descendants! And praise the Toltec Ahao who leads the army! ... I beg you, the powerful thunder and lightning Ahao! The Fire and Salt clan is willing to serve you..."

Red Bird Fire Salt had a devout look on its face. While raising its head to pray, it quietly turned its kneeling posture, like a nimble ant. By the time he finished praying, he was facing Bertard head-on. The "Ahao" in Mayan is similar to the "Tlatoani" in Mexica, which is a "lord" and "a person who controls some kind of authority or power."

"Ha! How interesting!…"

The corners of Bertard's mouth raised. He discovered many interesting details from the leader of the Fire Salt Clan. Unlike many previous divine messengers, Red Bird Fire Salt's head is not too long, and his eyes are not "cross-eyed" enough. And when the other person opened his mouth, there were no sharpened teeth or inlaid gems. Instead, they were gray and white, often washed with earth and salt. Throughout the entire meeting, Red Bird Fire Salt only looked at the "god object" a few times, and his eyes did not have the same eagerness as other messengers. The other party may be self-aware and not greedy for divine objects, or he may not have enough inheritance and know very little about the ancient saints.

"Hmm...a small clan that has just emerged, a clan leader with few divine characteristics...a fringe clan in the lowland Maya, surviving in the cracks like ants...and also very flexible. I just don't know, about faith..."

Bertard smiled slightly, nodded calmly, looked down at the kneeling Red Bird Fire Salt, and exerted silent pressure. After a while, he spoke in person in the newly learned Mayan language, which he was not proficient in.

"Teajin...King Maya...has converted to the main god...Red Bird...the clan has it willing?..."

"If you are willing, you can marry...the Toltec...noble daughter for...Fire Salt Ahao!..."

"The army of the kingdom... capsized the mountains and seas... protected the coast..."

"The clan that dares to offend...sacrifice the gods...die!..."

"Ah? Let the Fire Salt Clan convert to the main god from the plateau? Wouldn't that mean that they would become enemies of many powerful tribes?..."

Red Bird Fire Salt raised his head in surprise and looked up at the smiling Bertard. From the face of this plateau Ahao with a vicissitudes of life, he seemed to see the fighting across the mountains and seas, and saw the will like the mountains. The deep cuts on the opponent's face also resembled the main god of the plateau holding a spear, carrying a barbaric and cruel killing intent! …

"If the clan is willing to convert, it can marry a noble daughter and receive the blessing of the Toltec descendants?... What if the clan is not willing? Didn't say? What does this mean?... Hiss!..."

Red Bird Fire Salt shuddered suddenly. In the eyes of the Mayan tribes in the lowlands, the legions from the plateau are truly cruel and terrifying barbarians! They did not follow the traditional Mayan clan war rules, and actually sacrificed the superior gods on a large scale and cruelly, completely annihilating the bloodline of a god clan! And these barbaric legions, wearing heavy thick demon skins and holding sharp demon weapons, are almost impossible to resist in a frontal field battle. They even have barbarian priests who have the power of volcano demons and can rain down thunder! …

"Gods and Ancestors! It was a cloudless sunny day today, but the plateau army released more than ten thunderbolts before the meeting! ... With such a powerful force, if the clan believes in the main god of the plateau, the Chel chiefdom of neighboring clans, The Kapoor clan, the Ekabu chiefdom... I'm afraid they don't dare to invade... right?..."

"Red Bird! Answer me!...your...decision..."


Troubled thoughts flashed in Red Bird Fire Salt's mind, causing his expression to change accordingly. It wasn't until the low-pitched, plateau-accented question came that he suddenly stirred, knelt down decisively, performed an ancient Mayan ritual he had just learned, and shouted out the oath he had just shouted.

"Powerful Thunder and Lightning Ahao! The ancestors of the Fire and Salt Clan are a group of plateau warriors left behind when the Toltecs conquered the plateau five hundred years ago! The ancestors yearn for the glory of the plateau day and night, and yearn for the rays of the sun. Lord God. He even looked at the sun in the west every day until he was blind!…"

"The ancestors who have returned to the kapok sacred tree! Have you seen it?...The Fire and Salt Clan has been waiting for five hundred years and finally waited for the return of the plateau god! I swear by the patron saint of the, in the name of the ancestors! Fire! The Yan clan is willing to convert to the main god of the plateau and worship it devoutly, regardless of everything the clan has to offer!"

"Ahao, who respects the sacred plateau! The Huoyan clan is willing to be your leaves. Even if they wither and fall, they will never regret it... You are the top of the sacred tree!..."

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