Aztec Eternals

Chapter 1180 Bertard’s strategizing is surprising to Maya!

The stars and moon are bright and the night is dark. There are trees everywhere outside Kapok City, and the candle cicadas with lanterns are parked in the trees, making a menacing sound as low as a drum.


The low cicada drum echoed among the kingdom's camps, resounding the mysterious jungle whisper in the eyes of the Mayans. In the military camp of the kingdom, the sacred flag of the main god, the royal flag in the lake and the royal flag of Mayapan were erected side by side.

"Dong... click..."

Marshal Bertard of the East China Sea sat silently on his knees in the general's camp. Accompanied by the sound of cicadas like war drums, his fingers gently traced the spread of the Mayan map. From Kapok City on the west side of Yucatan, he traced a very short path. After walking through the narrow jungle road, we arrived at the capital of the Xiwu clan, the "three-reconstructed ancient star city", the three-star city of Uxmal.

"The Lord God witnesses! One hundred and fifty miles, only one hundred and fifty miles!... Starting from Kapok City, the narrow jungle road can only travel twenty miles a day, but it still only takes eight days for the army to reach the capital city of Xiwu... Then , gathering the tribes of Kanur, Puton, and Jinshe, and launching a decisive battle with the Xiwu clan, they can capture Uxmal in one fell swoop, destroy the Xiwu clan emirate, and destroy the most powerful 'Xiu' clan among the sixteen clans!… "

The surging blood surged in the chest, and even the fierce heartbeat was clear with desire. At this moment, Marshal Bertard of the East China Sea was no longer calm, and his heart was filled with the desire to fight for the gods and the temptation to destroy the country... But just a moment later, he calmed down again, exhaled a long breath, and shook his head gently. He lowered his calm eyes and began to take out a pen and paper to write slowly, analyzing the principles of war repeatedly taught by His Highness.

"Guide from the Lord God! When fighting a war, we should not send troops based on the impulse of the generals. We should not be like wild bulls charging in the wilderness, but like coyotes observing carefully in the jungle... Before going to a big war, you must consider the time, location, and people before making a decision. The final decision!…”

"What is the weather in the Maya?...It is a hot and rainy climate. The lowland jungles are hot all year round, and rainfall is very heavy and very irregular. Floods in the jungle will suddenly form, and food is very easy to mold...It is difficult for the warriors of the kingdom to survive for a long time. A, crossbows are easily damaged, and the gunpowder they bring will get damp at every turn... This kind of climate is not conducive to the march, camping and attacking of the kingdom's army, but it is obviously beneficial to the Mayan defenders stationed in the city-state!..."

"What is the geographical advantage of the Maya?... It is an endless rainforest, a very scarce water source... This is a green desert, just like the wilderness of the canine people in the north, even more difficult!..."

As he wrote this, Bertard paused his quill and looked at the lush and dense forest outside the camp where the sun was barely visible. Before coming to the Mayan jungle, he never thought that such a vibrant green jungle with so much rainfall during the rainy season would be seriously short of water!

But it is what it is. The average precipitation in the Yucatan Peninsula is 1000-1500mm, which is much lower than the 2000-3500mm on the Totonac coast. Of the average precipitation of 1200mm, only one tenth can be effectively used in agricultural production! The most critical factor, the biggest difference between the Yucatan Mayan Jungle and the Totonac Coastal Jungle, is that there is no "river" in the Yucatan Peninsula! …

The terrain of the entire Yucatan Peninsula, which is thousands of miles in diameter, is almost flat. The peninsula is generally flat, surrounded by the sea on three sides, without any towering mountains, and there are no large rivers originating from the mountains. This jungle peninsula with abundant rainfall has almost no buffer to store water. When the violent and irregular rainy season arrives, the raging rainwater gathers rapidly and can form terrible and irregular floods in just a few days, destroying fragile villages and farmland!

And when the terrible rainfall subsides, the barren red soil land, developed rainforest root systems, and tropical transpiration will quickly absorb the rainwater, causing the streams formed in the rainy season to disappear completely. There are almost no stable natural water sources in the entire jungle to supply large-scale crowds, which also makes it extremely dangerous and difficult for an army of more than a thousand people to go deep into the jungle!

"Blessed by the Lord God! In the myths of the Mayan tribes, deep in the endless rain forest, there is a kapok sacred tree that connects the divine world in the sky, the human world on the ground, and the underground underworld... The rainy season is the exhalation of the sacred tree. With one breath, He It can spit out clouds from the treetops and bring down endless heavy rain! And the dry season is the inhalation of the sacred tree. When he breathes again, he can use his unfathomable root system to suck up all the water in an instant... In the traditional beliefs of various tribes , ‘tree’, ‘snake’ and ‘water’ have also become the three most important divine totems!…”

Bertard frowned slightly as he wrote down this myth of the Mayan tribe, and also thought about the complex nature, time, place, people and people in the Mayan jungle.

"What are the people of Maya?...It is the absolute rule of the gods over the tribe. The Mayan warriors and the ants have almost no resistance and obey the command and dispatch of the gods!...If you give the captive a knife, kill him The leader will live. The canine warriors in the wilderness will not hesitate to kill the leader immediately. The tribal warriors on the seaside will hesitate for a long time, and finally kill the god uneasily. As for the Mayan tribal warriors, they would rather be killed by others. Even if you kill him, you won’t use the knife on the divine descendant!…”

"O Lord God! The rule of the Mayan gods is so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people that it is almost unbelievable! These Mayan gods elongate their heads, squeeze out snake eyes, and sharpen their teeth... They hardly have the powerful force of warriors, nor do they display any Their bravery... However, the warriors of Maya could easily defeat the leader of the gods, but they would not seize power and resist. Instead, they worshiped the so-called 'divine face' and 'the blood of the gods'... It really made the warriors of the plateau It’s hard to understand!…”

Thinking of what he had seen along the way, Bertard frowned and shook his head in confusion. In fact, not only was he confused, the black wolf Toltec, who had been fighting as the vanguard, was even more confused.

Black Wolf leads the army on expeditions, and has always been accustomed to using the tactics of "taming wolves and raising dogs". While mopping up hostile tribes, he also strengthens the power of servants: coercing tribal warriors and forcing them to kill leaders and priests to serve as vanguard cannon fodder. Then they promoted the warriors with meritorious service, promoted them to the level of warriors, and divided them into titles and lands... As a result, this tried-and-tested method suddenly stopped working when it reached the core territory of the lowland Maya!

The vast majority of captured Mayan warriors would rather be killed than kill the god leaders and priests...and even if they are forced to take blood and receive generous rewards, many Mayan warriors will still give up as soon as they find an opportunity. With the land and property given by the kingdom, he fled into the deep jungle to find the surviving tribal gods and seek refuge...

"Blessed by the Lord God! Disrupting the traditional order of the Mayan gods and establishing a new belief in the Kingdom's Lord God is definitely not something that can be accomplished in a short time!... I even have a hunch that the Mayan tribes in these jungles may be the entire In the world, it is the most difficult tribe to be assimilated by Mexica and brought under the rule of the kingdom!..."

The candlelight was dim, and the faint light of fireflies flickered in the forest. Bertard lowered his eyes, thinking back to the envoys from the ministries during the meeting, and thinking of the strange faces with "clear divinity", he couldn't help but shake his head.

In fact, his hunch was not wrong. Later Spaniards had already landed on the Maya Coast in the early 16th century and wiped out the coastal city-states. In the next hundred years, they destroyed almost all Mayan city-states and firmly controlled the highland Maya with many rivers. However, the Spaniards have always been unable to stabilize this thousand-mile lowland jungle and 300,000 square kilometers of green desert, and can only barely establish a rule based on the Mayan chieftains. The Mayan uprising guerrillas that kept emerging from the jungle actually resisted for three hundred years, until Mexico became independent in the 19th century! …

"The main god radiates light and illuminates everything in the jungle!... For most Mayan city-states, the city-state's maintenance only depends on the two core points! One is the descendant of the god who can unite the hearts of the tribe and command the huge ant people... Well, also It can be called the 'Queen Ant'. The other is an artificial reservoir, a natural underground well, or a 'nest' that can save and regulate rainfall during the rainy season and supply farmland for planting..."

"Therefore, if you want to destroy a Mayan clan, you must completely eliminate their 'ant queen' and kill all the divine bloodlines! ... And if you want to destroy a Mayan city-state, you only need to completely destroy the city-state's reservoir , it will bring about at least three years of famine, causing the city-state’s population to plummet!…”

Bertard looked slightly stern as he wrote down a chilling strategy of destruction. The jungle city-states of the Mayan tribes are so dependent on water reservoirs that they even regard the accumulation of water sources as life. Offering sacrifices to "water sources" and treating natural caves and deep wells as holy places has become one of the oldest and unchanging customs common to all Mayan tribes!

The reason why the former Cocom clan and the current Hiu clan have become the most powerful clans among the clans is because they firmly occupy the central Yucatan Peninsula and occupy several rare "sacrifice wells". ”, “The spring of life flows”! These natural caves and deep wells have also become the most precious guarantee of survival for irrigating millions of acres of farmland and maintaining hundreds of thousands of tribes! …

"Unpredictable rainy seasons, irregular floods, difficult to accumulate water sources... terrain lacking mountains and rivers, jungles with difficult communication, and soil with poor yield... Such a terrifying green desert could actually give birth to the Maya in the golden age, leaving behind the god Tuti Karl’s legend is truly incredible!…”

Thinking of the songs once sung by Tikal, the hundreds of magnificent star observatories in the sacred city of Tikal, the magnificent star-gazing temple, and the huge reservoirs that can supply millions of acres of farmland and support a population as large as the capital city in the lake. The pool... Bertard couldn't help but shook his head, it was really unimaginable!

You must know that in the Mayan jungle, there are almost no water sources and fields that are naturally suitable for tribes to gather and to gather large city-states. To support a large-scale tribe, a large number of fields need to be cultivated in the rainforest and a large-scale reservoir must be built. To complete these infrastructure constructions, there is another prerequisite, and that is a large-scale, organized tribal population! This became an unsolvable paradox, and it was impossible to complete the initial population accumulation of the city-state.

In fact, in such a natural environment, without the exchange of external civilizations and the introduction of innovative production technologies, the Mayan jungle should have become a depression of world civilization, completely locked in the tribal era, just like many rainforests at the same latitude!

But even in such a desert-like rain forest, in 800 BC in the Stone Age and in the Western Zhou Dynasty of the Celestial Dynasty, a large number of prosperous classical city-states suddenly flourished, leaving behind a large number of pyramids, temples and stone buildings. Group of ruins! ...But such a prosperous jungle civilization lacked sufficient self-sustainability. In the ninth century AD, the late Tang Dynasty of the Celestial Dynasty declined rapidly and completely collapsed and migrated...The sudden rise and fall of this civilization has too many unsolved mysteries. It's really It's weird...

"Witness the Lord God! The weather, geography, people, water sources, jungles and city-states of the Mayan tribes are indeed something I have never seen before. They are very different from the tribes on the plateau! ... And in order for the kingdom to effectively conquer and rule the Mayan tribes, it must also be based on The soil of the Mayan jungle can be used to plant a Mayan native sacred tree!..."

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