Aztec Eternals

Chapter 1189 The waves in the Caribbean Sea are really difficult for Chief Silver Crow.

Chapter 1189 The waves in the Caribbean Sea are really difficult for Chief Silver Crow...

"Hundred catties of vanilla? In order to welcome back his daughter and grandson, Chief Silver Crow really spent a lot of money. He took out all the vanilla accumulated in Crow City over the years and dedicated it to me, a woman with no vision and who likes to eat and drink! Haha! "

Night gradually fell, and a bonfire was lit in the hall. The bright firelight reflected the snake mother Miava on the stone pedestal, outlining her thrilling outline of light and shadow, as well as the raised corners of her mouth and the cold disdain in her eyes. The little light snake next to him blinked his eyes, glanced at his mother's appearance, and then followed suit with a half-raised face, raised the corners of his mouth, and "sneered" at the white-feathered messenger.

"Hmm... White Bird?... Mud?..."

"Ahem! Revered Snake Mother, revered Seaside Goddess!..."

The firelight flickered, and the female warriors in the temple wore armor and held axes, casting long shadows. Silver Crow, Elder Grass and White Crow cautiously saluted to the large and small people standing side by side on the stone seat. For the two-year-old Light Snake, he also bowed his head in worship solemnly, even in a more humble manner, showing more respect than he did to Miava!

The little light snake is the prophesied "daughter of divine blessing" who has the blood of both the sun and the divine snake. It is also said that she will be married to the youngest son of the divine king. She is destined to be one of the most respected people in the world. And her "prophecy and divinity" have a real weight in the Totonak tribe, and have entrusted the hearts of countless coastal tribes! Without this "Goddess Totonak" who was intentionally deified and in line with ancient prophecies, the name "Snake Mother" alone would not be able to unite the millions of Totonak tribes.

Even if the "Snake Mother" can see through people's hearts and has strong political skills, she still can't match the appeal of the "God-Blessed Daughter". Because in this era, in the Central American tribes that believe in gods, the people's hearts belong to "gods", the sacred blood, and the ethereal and real "divine nature"! As for the so-called "divine nature", it is natural that it is born noble, that it is born to be aloof, and that it is worshiped by countless people. It cannot be humble or tainted in any way! Only a "god" who is born perfect can guide the tribe and make countless tribesmen kneel...

However, Miava had many twists and turns and spent more than 20 years in a humble life. She had too many humbleness and stains, and had nothing to do with "divinity". In the eyes of the seaside nobles, this is a terrifying "woman" who is as powerful as a snake mother and can manipulate people's hearts, but she is still just a "human". And this difference is why she sometimes can't help but envy or even be jealous of her daughter...

"Witness the Lord God! One hundred kilograms of vanilla and grass beans is enough to show the sincerity of the chief! Even the tribute given by Silver Crow to the Mexica Alliance is only a few dozen kilograms of vanilla a year... The two princesses and royal descendants , it is really not suitable to stay on the Totonac beach for a long time... After all, all royal descendants with the blood of the Mexica royal family will be paid attention to by the Mexica royal family... and as two royal descendants, they will naturally also be paid attention to by the royal family elders. Even the Mexica God King Avit personally proposed the marriage!..."

In this era, until the invention of artificial pollination in the 19th century, real vanilla and vanilla were a Mexican specialty that was more precious than gold! It takes 3-4 years after planting to bloom, and then is pollinated by Mexico's unique Jungle Stingless Bee (Melipona) before it can produce sweet pods with a small yield. And because of its unique aroma, it attracts insects and birds. It is also very delicate and cannot tolerate too much rain and light. To put it simply, growing vanilla requires very professional planting techniques, otherwise it will die at every turn! …

Therefore, in the entire Mesoamerican world, the only ones who are really good at growing vanilla and producing large amounts of vanilla are the Huastec tribes in the south who have domesticated and cultivated vanilla for generations, and the Mexican tribes in the Mexica Valley who have vanilla chinampa and professional serfs. Nobles of Western California. However, the Totonac tribes who have experienced cruel wars do not grow and produce much vanilla.

"Hmm...Mexica royal family proposes marriage? Threatening me with the God King?...Haha! What a crow with eagle feathers!..."

The snake mother Miava smiled softly and did not care about the "Mexica tiger skin" pulled out by the Silver Crow elder. By following Xuelote, her understanding of Mexica's internal politics was much deeper than Elder Silver Crow's. She even knows a thing or two about the personalities of important figures within the alliance, and has studied them deeper than Shulot!

In fact, the "snake mother" Miava, who has a tortuous background, is extremely realistic, and fights back from the bottom. Her study and control of human nature are far better than those who have not experienced major setbacks and still have some ideals and romanticism. "Eagle Father" Shulot...

In Miava's view, God King Avitt is like a proud condor, always staring at the biggest prey and the most threatening kind. His strategic direction has always been southeast, and he is the biggest prey left in the world: the Mixtec and Zapotec who are unwilling to surrender, the 1,400 miles of southern mountains and forests, and the nearly two million Yunzhong tribes!

After conquering the tribes in the clouds, the God King will look for opponents everywhere. He will probably continue to conquer the southeast and attack the highland Maya from the seaside Zapotec... Only in this way can he surpass the achievements of the ancestors of the past generations and be worthy of the God. The immortal greatness that the king longs for can enable him to have great military achievements that surpass and overwhelm His Highness!

In a word, the vision of the God King is too high and his ambition is too great! For the northeastern parts that have long been conquered by the late king Montezuma, for these scattered "little Kalami", these difficult "bad lands" in swamps, jungles and seashores, as well as the wilderness canine descendants wandering around. , he really doesn’t like it! And Miyava concluded that as long as the Northeastern tribes maintain sufficient alliance tributes and do not cause any blatant rebellions to slap the face, affecting the ruling authority of the God King... they will not attract the intervention of the Mexica army!

After all, it would take several years of food accumulation for the alliance to launch a large-scale military conquest and a war to destroy the country. The God King certainly didn't want to waste such a major conquest on the northeastern corner that had already surrendered.

Those who really want to interfere with Silver Crow will only be a certain political force within the alliance. And under the centralized power of the God-King, even the glorious nobles of local states or the royal branches of the central capital cannot bring out many troops... As for the idea of ​​​​Silver Crow Chief Papata, he probably still wants to borrow... Wearing a Mexican tiger skin to protect himself, he sits on the wall at both ends and mainly watches.

After thinking through all this, the snake mother Miava's smile gradually became brighter, and her eyes became colder. She just smiled and nodded, making a calm promise.

"Well, Li Yu and Li Yao gave birth to His Highness's bloodline, and it's indeed time to return to the Silver Crow Tribe!..."

"Ah! Praise you, revered Snake Mother! The friendship between the War Chief and you will last forever. And the Silver Crow Alliance and the Seaside Alliance are also blood-linked allies by marriage!..."

Hearing this, Elder Silver Crow and White Crow Grass were overjoyed and hurriedly praised him. He also took advantage of the situation and proposed the second mission goal of the war chief, which was to form an alliance with the Totonac people, stabilize the southeast, and even jointly resist the dog descendants in the north and west...

"Yes! The Silver Crow Alliance and the Seaside Alliance are both inherited by His Highness's bloodline, so naturally they are in-law allies connected by blood!"

Snake Mother Miava nodded with a smile, and continued to finish what she had said before when Elder Silver Crow's smile froze.

"After all, according to the secret agreement between Chief Papata and His Highness, the children of the two princesses are the undisputed heirs of the Silver Crow Tribe! ... However, with the current situation of the Silver Crow Tribe, if we want to establish His Highness's bloodline as the heir, That’s not easy! It’s really difficult for Silver Crow Chief…”

"Huh? What kind of secret agreement? I haven't heard the chief say that... this? Snake mother? The chief..."

"You see, the Silver Crow Tribe has brought together dozens of Vastek tribes to form the Silver Crow Alliance. There are four or five large tribes of tens of thousands of people in the alliance... so many large tribes, so loosely organized The tribal alliance, even Papata himself may not be able to secure the position of leader of the alliance! As for the candidates to succeed the tribe or even the alliance, they will definitely be subject to internal constraints!..."

"Huh? That... the great chief is the only leader of the alliance... there is no need to worry... and the candidate to succeed... has not yet been..."

"Lord God! In addition to the grandchildren of His Highness, Papata also has several adult sons, all of whom have their own tribes in the Silver Crow Alliance and have married with other tribes. He has also married five wives and concubines from major tribes. He also gave birth to two sons, both of whom had the support of their maternal clan. Even in the Mexica Alliance, his youngest daughter Li Lin and Quatlawac had just gotten married, and they would definitely give birth to royal descendants... Hey! If I were the Silver Crow Chief, I would definitely have a headache right now! To take back my two daughters and grandchildren and establish them as the heirs of the Silver Crow Tribe, how much determination does it take and how much opposition does it take to suppress!..."

"Ugh! Snake Mother...the Great Chief, his...that really difficult!..."

Hearing these words, Silver Crow Elder Cao Baiya was shocked, and his face showed a bit of panic. This snake-like charming woman is really too powerful! She actually clearly saw the true and false details of the Silver Crow Alliance, and even knew about several successor candidates. She was worthy of the terrifying "Snake Mother" title. And the other party is insisting on some fictitious secret agreement and the Silver Crow heir. This is to directly intervene in the internal struggle of the Silver Crow Alliance! …

"So, since the Silver Crow Chief is sincere and has sent you, elder, as an envoy to seek Totonak's support... then as the Snake Mother Chief of the Seaside Alliance, and as a blood-linked in-law ally, I naturally have no shirk of responsibility!... Let’s do this! I will draw out eight thousand tribal warriors and mobilize two thousand navy to escort the two noble ladies and the royal family westward, back to Silver Crow’s Crow City!…”

"Wha...what?!...Send ten thousand warriors to escort the descendants of your noble family?!...This! This really doesn't have to be like this!..."

Little Light Snake tilted her head slightly and glanced at her mother again. Although she couldn't understand her mother's words, she could tell that the white-feathered messenger under the stone seat was obviously starting to get scared. She thought for a while, then imitated her mother's behavior, raising the corners of her mouth and narrowing her eyes into cute crescents, looking at the "white bird" like a "snake". Then, she gently rubbed her little hands, pinched her little face, stretched out her hands and held them in the air, and said innocently with a smile.


"'s fun!..."

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