Aztec Eternals

Chapter 1191 The end of 1492 AD, just because we were here

Chapter 1191 The end of 1492 AD, just because we were here~

The howling North American cold wave traveled from the extreme north to the south, blowing across the vast 6,000-mile North American Great Plains before reaching the coast of the Gulf of Mexico and turning into a cool autumn breeze. Then, the autumn wind howled and floods surged. The northwest wind from the mainland blows deep into the Caribbean Sea and turns into a warm spring breeze.

The spring breeze lingers among the Bahamas, until it reaches a small green island with a wide view, blowing towards a natural harbor with deep water and extremely wide width. In another time and space, this island in the center of the Bahamas, this natural harbor, will become the most eternal landmark in the entire archipelago, "Nassau", the holy land of Pirates of the Caribbean!

"Wow... Wow!..."

The royal flag of Castile hunts in the wind. Some dilapidated sailing ships, the Saint Mary, anchored in the harbor on the south side of the island, rolling up old and new stitched sails. Some of the large and small wooden boards nailed to various parts of the ship's hull were still covered with stubble, obviously they had just been repaired recently. On the observation deck of the sailboat, there was a sailor standing looking out, looking towards the endless sea to the south, as if he was always on guard and worried about something.

"Nova stella apparita, Ne le parti d'Oriente, Per mostrar tutta gente, Lo Salvator ch'è nato... Bright stars appear in the east, telling everyone that the new-born savior has arrived!..."

The spring breeze continues to blow, caressing the spiers of the Taino huts and perching on the newly erected wooden crosses. The pious and loud Latin prayers floated up from under the wooden cross, and then flew into the boundless blue sky where the "robber" frigate bird hovered.

"Veni veni Emmanuel. Captivum solve Israel, Qui gemit in exilio, Privatus Dei Filio... Oh come, come, Lord with us! Redeem the blessings you have seized upon, mourn in exile, we have lost Son of God!…”

Under the wooden cross, the new commander and captain Dela Cosa clasped his hands and looked up at the eastern sky. He was so devoted and pious that he even shed tears of sadness under the dazzling sunlight.

This Christmas prayer is so suitable for the current situation of the fleet! He believed that it was God's blessing that allowed the fleet to discover a new route and reach ancient Japan in Sipan. However, the Lord's severe test caused the fleet to be defeated miserably in a terrible attack by the natives, and they were exiled to an unknown island. The redemption and hope symbolized by the Son of God come from the east and go to the east, just like the desire of the fleet to return...

"Gaude! Gaude! Emanuel! Nascetur pro te, Israel!…"

Captain De La Cosa shouted loudly, tears streaming down his face. At this moment, he had completely immersed himself in the suffering of the redemption of the Son of God and the difficult test of the Lord, and was moved to tears!

However, behind him, a dozen sailors lowered their heads in awe, listening to Latin that they could not understand at all, but they looked completely confused and confused.

At this moment, it was as if a substantial class gap followed the fluttering Latin words, dividing the captain in front who looked up in prayer, and the sailors in the back who bowed their heads in silence. Because, at the end of the Middle Ages, the European Catholic world still had almost unbreakable upper and lower barriers!

At the top of the world of God are the naturally noble royal nobles of all countries, and the bishops and priests who are sacredly respected by the church. They monopolize blood and knowledge for generations, and they are like two parallel lines that run parallel up and down and never intersect with the ignorant and illiterate civilians at the bottom. In fact, for a very small number of upper-class people, the vast majority of lower-class civilians are just mud-legged farmers who pay taxes, mudbloods who escape into the forest, low-class people who serve their masters, and serfs who are enslaved in manors. There are just cannon fodder who die on the battlefield.

The only opportunity for common people in Europe to cross class is to be smart or good-looking since childhood, to be valued by the priest, to become an apprentice of the church, and to learn the scriptures that represent knowledge and power!

These Latin scriptures are in the hands of the church, representing the name of "God", which can explain and judge rural affairs, and can even directly judge and burn "heretic" civilians and "evil" witches. Since the scriptures represent real power, they will not be easily disseminated to the common people. Difficult Latin is the best threshold!

"Veni, veni Adona, Qui populo in Sina. Legem dedisti vertice, In maiestate glorie…"

Captain De La Cosa's voice lowered and he recited the last prayer of the Lord. The sailors who came from the lower class still couldn’t understand the captain’s prayer. But not being able to understand did not hinder him, or in other words, it made everyone more awed. He bent down, knelt down behind the captain, and called the Lord in Spanish with various accents.

"Lord! Our Father in heaven! Please help us return!"

In the deep sea far away from order, the sailor's sword is better than the noble's origin, can decide too many life and death, and release the beast and devil in everyone's heart! But as the day of return gets closer and closer, the hometown of Castile seems to be in the not-too-distant future...

The dignity and order across the continent were once again gradually restored in the hearts of the sailors with the Latin prayer led by the captain. They once again recalled the orderly life dominated by nobles and priests in the countryside and in towns and ports. This order is so natural and right, and the distinction between noble and humble has been established forever since the Son of God was born to save the world!

And if they don't want to become helpless pirates, or stay in the "Wild East" forever, or fall into hell and suffer after death, they must obey the noble Captain de la Cosa who knows Latin! …

"Ah! The white-skinned people are leading their tribes again, kowtowing to the strange cross wood carvings and worshiping their ancestors!..."

Further back, dozens of Taíno villagers were not far away, looking curiously at these "white-skinned tribesmen" who had been shouting for a long time and kneeling before the wood. The villagers were half-naked and without any weapons. And those simple yellow faces all had pure and bright smiles.

Looking around, some people were wearing strings of colored glass beads, some were wearing bright sailor hats, and a few were wearing crosses made of wood. These are precious gifts given generously by the "friendly" white-skinned tribesmen in exchange for the tribe's daily food, cotton threads and tobacco leaves.

"Eh? The entire white-skinned tribe is worshiping. The other leader in the village chief's house is almost healed. Why doesn't he come out to worship?"

"Ouch! He was so ill before, his whole body was burning and red, and his missing ear was bleeding... If the old village chief hadn't washed the wound carefully with salt water, applied it with chewed raw tobacco leaves, and put it on fresh The skin of the sea fish has been dead for a long time... In the past few days, although he can make a lot of noise, he still can't move much. He is as weak as a turtle without a shell... It's normal for him to not come out!"

"Ha! How stupid, you two are stupid fish! These two heads are obviously a little bit difficult to deal with, just like two fighting seals. The injured one is hiding from the uninjured one, naturally he is afraid of being beaten! ... "

"What?! Sushu, you are the only one smart! But I remember a month ago, it was this white-skinned man who took the injured one off the boat... He also looked at the injured one many times, and he spoke very gently! On the contrary, it was the injured one who kept cursing as long as he had the strength..."

"Eh?... It seems that's true... What a strange white-skinned people..."

Hearing this, the smart Taino villager Sushu scratched his head and recalled the time when he first met the white-skinned tribe.

This group of white-skinned tribesmen who had never been seen before suddenly appeared on the southern sea in a big white boat a month ago. The big boat circled the island, and hundreds of villagers on the island also stood on the beach, watching the novel and lively activities of the day. Then, a small boat was put down from the big ship and an envoy from the white-skinned tribe was sent. Not only did he bring many beautiful colorful beads, he also gave the village chief a beautiful red hat!

Although there was a language barrier, everyone was very happy to receive the gift from the White-skinned tribe, just as happy as meeting the brother tribes from other islands! The old village chief, wearing a new hat, treated the white-skinned messenger to a meal of cassava and gave him some tobacco leaves. Seeing that it was getting dark, the village chief invited the tribesmen on the boat to come down and rest in the village.

The messenger from the white-skinned tribe was very friendly, smiling all the time, and strangely kept looking at everyone's foreheads. After looking around, the envoy seemed to finally relax, rejected the village chief's invitation, and rowed the boat back to the big ship. Everyone thought that the white-skinned tribe was not going to stop on the island... but they didn't expect that after dawn the next day, the white-skinned man actually took all the tribesmen, and a wounded man on his shoulders, all off the boat and ashore!

Only then did everyone realize that the clothes of these people were very strange, strange as they had never seen before. Some people are still wearing full-body leather on such a hot day. Some people actually wore hard shells as strong as tortoise shells. The weapons in their hands are also extremely sharp and can cut down trees very quickly and easily kill seals on the shore...

"Hiss!...It's sharp, faster than shark's teeth!"

Thinking of this, the smart villager Sushu shuddered again. He clearly remembered that although the white-skinned tribesmen were all smiling now, at the beginning, the first few people to get off the boat were very fierce! They were waving their weapons, approaching fiercely, shouting threats and shouting something... It was really scary, and made Sushu want to run away just thinking about it.

But soon, the white-skinned man who took the lead severely scolded and stopped his men. With a smile on his face again, he took out more gifts from the boat and gave them to many people in the village. He also followed the tribal custom of meeting each other, smoked tobacco leaves with the old village chief, praised him repeatedly, and gave the old village chief a black cross amulet that was also as hard as a turtle shell. Later, he led more than a dozen tribesmen to dance tribal dances with everyone, gave many beautiful gifts, and spent the night with the women in the village...

In this way, more than a dozen white-skinned tribesmen stayed in the village, either hunting, fishing or drying meat to dry, or repairing on the big boats. The old village chief even thought for a time that these dozen or so hairy tribes were going to officially join the village on the island and were planning to marry them to the women in the village...

"Hey! But the white-skinned man gestured and said that they need to go to the east sea and go to a big island far away, so they need more dried meat that can be stored. The old village chief didn't say anything, just put All the dried meat in the village was given to them. The white-skinned man was very happy and repeatedly gestured, saying that he would definitely come back again with more gifts!…”

The smart Sushu pursed his lips. He didn't know why, but he felt a little uneasy in his heart. He looked at the white-skinned tribe in front of him who were praying and kneeling, then looked at the white ship that was almost completely repaired, and murmured a question to the sea.

"Ancestors! Although these tribes have white skin and white ships...but they should be the same as other island tribes we have encountered, right?..."

"O Goddess of the Sea who knows everything, please tell the smart Sushu... The fair-skinned tribe is so friendly. It is probably, should, and must be Guaitiao from far away, the 'brother and friend of the tribe', right?" …”

The smart Sushu was in a daze, looking at the big ship in the south and the endless sea. But he was smart and didn’t know that the reason why the white-skinned tribe was so friendly at the moment was not because of their kindness and civilization, nor because of the kindness and simplicity of the Taino tribe...

This is just because the white-skinned tribe encountered the "fierce and cruel" "Cuban natives" in the south a month ago. They lost too many people and were a little scared out of their wits! This is just because when they encounter a force that threatens them, they will put away their unbridled cruelty and put on a friendly face to wait for the next time! …

"The Lord God witnesses! All this is not because they have become good people! It's just because we have been here..."

The waves are rolling and the sound of waves is like the answer of the Mother Goddess of the Sea, echoing in the peaceful and peaceful Taino village, but no one can understand it~~

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