Aztec Eternals

Chapter 1198 Demonic Skills, the Saltwater Fields of the Renaissance

"Dear Bishop Sipangu, these blacksmiths usually have three sets of tools... In addition to a set of furnaces for smelting iron, there is also a set of forges for forging iron, and a set of shoe boxes for repairing horse and donkey hooves... Uh, yes, It’s just a pedicure! No, it’s not a human being, it’s a four-legged running hooves…”

"You see, the tools for forging iron include iron felts for hammering the base, hammers of various sizes, iron tongs for clamping iron materials, chisels for hammering and finishing, knives for cutting corners, and the largest number of various tools. A kind of forging mold for forging iron!... Hey, there are only a few weapon molds on the ship. But a good blacksmith shop must have hundreds of different kinds of molds!..."

"Ah! You said forging iron now? This...I...uh?...Yes, yes!..."

The sun rises high, illuminating the still smoking honeycomb smelting furnace, the half-built large forge piled up, the small forge that has been built, various blacksmith tools, and charcoal piled in the corner. with iron material. This large open-air courtyard already has the rough shape of a blacksmith shop.

Chief Priest Tomato walked around the courtyard, observing carefully and asking questions constantly. Carlo, the goldsmith, followed behind covered in sweat, making various gestures and performing various onomatopoeias with great effort. Red-haired warriors guarded various parts of the courtyard. The surrendered captive sailors looked respectful, and several kingdom blacksmiths came to watch.

After looking around, Tomat made a request for forged iron. Carlo was stunned, and when he saw the cane held by the red-haired Cha Bo again, he nodded quickly.

"Yes! Lord Bishop! I will... uh... give you a dagger!... But it will take some time, please wait a moment..."

Soon, the sound of "ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, ding, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, beating sound sounded from the small courtyard. Carlo first used a small forge to red-heat a piece of iron, then clamped it with iron pliers and placed it on a small iron felt on the stone bottom and iron top, and began to "draw" it with a cross hammer.

This kind of hammering and hammering continued, and the iron material became thinner and thinner, stretched longer and stronger, and gradually took on the shape of a dagger. Thomas watched patiently for two quarters of an hour, but he estimated that it would take quite some time before he looked at the other prisoners who were standing respectfully.

"Witness the Lord God! Chabo, these are the prisoners you selected? What do they know?..."

"Dear Tomato Shaman! They look unshaven and it's hard to tell them apart... I gave each of them a wooden sign representing their skill and put it on their chest..."

The red-haired Cha Bo smiled and pulled the yellow-skinned bosun Cha Chu over first, pointing to the knife and cable on the sign.

"This is Agou! He is the best fighter among the prisoners, a good sailor and a very smart man! I asked him to be my deputy and translator to watch over these prisoners!..."

"Praise be to you! Bishop of Huitziloppo!…"

Agou Chachu was kneeling on the ground, with a smile on his fierce face, and he even said a greeting in Mexica. Then, he kowtowed twice, holding the amulet of the Hummingbird Sun and swearing.

"Honorable Lord Bishop, I am the sword for you and the red-haired knight!..."

Priest Tomat pondered for a moment, looked at "Agou"'s yellow skin, listened to the Mexica greeting, smiled and nodded.

"That's right! Cha Bo, let him settle down in Tiewan Town, give him a private hut and courtyard, find a Taino woman, and let him get married in the town."


The red-haired Chabo nodded, drew two little people and a hut on the dirt, then grabbed Agou's ears, pointed at the simple drawing and shouted.

"This is you!...This is the wife the shaman rewards you with!...This is your nest!...Do you understand? Go kowtow to the shaman!..."

"Huh? Uh... Me? Another person? Live?..."

Agou Qiachu was stunned, but the two were equally illiterate and had similar graffiti skills, so there was no barrier to communication. Soon, Agou understood. With a happy face on his face, he knelt down on the ground again and kowtowed twice.

"Praise you! Master Priest! I am your best knife. I can kill whoever you ask me to kill!..."

Priest Tuomat smiled, but he didn't care much about Agou's oath. He looked at the other prisoners, and Chabo followed his gaze and quickly introduced them one by one.

"Praise the Lord God! This is the carpenter Amu. He is very skillful and can repair ships! ... This is the sailor Aba. He is the second most capable prisoner. He can sail and use the thin tube of thunder! ... This is the sailor Agon. , can also sail and thunder... This is the chicken farmer Ah Ji, he can sail and raise some kind of bleating four-legged beast, and he also said he can raise some kind of two-legged chicken..."

"That's right! The last one is Sailor Ala. The sign says 'Detonator and Shit'... Not only can he use the thin tube of thunder, but he also knows incredible magic. He can 'grow' things from the excrement of people, birds and animals." Thunder powder!…”

"Huh?! Grow thunder powder? Grow saltpeter?..."

Hearing this, Priest Tomato looked surprised. His sharp gaze moved away from the carpenter Antonio, boatswain Bartolome, sailor Gonzalo, and sailor Gil, and finally rested on the fawning smile of the guard chief Alana.

"Your name is Ala? You actually know how to make urine salt?..."

"Ah? Dear Bishop, I know how to stack saltpeter!... I have done the work of stacking saltpeter in my family's manor, and I have made gunpowder with the craftsmen. In fact, this is my first time to go to sea on a ship. The muskets I practice all use my own gunpowder. I am also a knight's squire, and I am of noble blood...cough! Just dig out cellars and pits, and then collect feces, urine, wheat straw, fallen leaves, rags... Stacked in a pit, you can create a field of nitrate that ferments to produce nitrate... Of course, stacking nitrate sounds simple, but it is not that easy to succeed! Lord Bishop, I am a real expert, a real What a talent!…”

"Pa!... Stop talking nonsense!..."

The red-haired Chabo pulled out the cane stick with an expressionless expression and waved the "sound whistle" fiercely in the air. Alana immediately trembled all over and looked obviously nervous. He stammered and tried to gesture with his hands, but his ability to express himself was very limited. When Chabo's cane was raised again, Agou Qiachu quickly stepped forward to help with gestures and drawings.

"The Lord testifies! The first thing you need to do when you 'pile saltpeter' is to choose soil! The best soil is soil that is rich in saltpeter and does not taste too salty. The best soil is dry but not wet. , be sure not to be exposed to too much rain. Of course, you can also build a shed, or simply do it in a cave..."

"Alana said that when he used to pile saltpeter, he always lived in a manor in Catalonia. It was really a sunny and rainy hometown!... Jorder! Alana, don't talk nonsense! The gentlemen are waiting!... Cough ! He said that the best land for making saltpetre is a warm, usually sunny and dry land that rains or gets wet at regular times!..."

"To keep warm, just put lime in the pit and sprinkle some water to heat it up... If there is sunshine, more saltpeter will be produced... If there is no rain, you have to water a little every week or so, as long as the ground is moistened, Not too much. Oh, actually watering urine has the best effect... If there is too much rain, you have to build a shed! Because it keeps raining, the saltpeter will be gone... The terrain must be higher. If there is water flowing over and accumulating, the saltpeter will be gone. It will run out again!... You have to be careful when adding saltpeter. The biggest fear is too much water, but it is not that simple. It must be done by knowledgeable people..."

"If everything goes well, after ten months of stacking, the saltpeter field will be ready! As long as you see the white hairs leaching out of the soil, and it tastes salty and spicy, the saltpeter will be produced! Oh, the best saltpeter is special It's spicy! As long as the saltpeter field is established, it can produce saltpeter every year, and it can produce a lot of it, so that the muskets keep banging... So, Alana is a really important talent, with tens of millions of dollars You can't kill me!... Damn it! Let you talk nonsense, let you talk nonsense!..."

In the blacksmith's courtyard, Carlo banged his dagger, and Chachu slapped Alana on the face, while Alana screamed for mercy. The three of them looked at Chabo's rattan stick carefully, and even looked at the expressionless Priest Tomat who was suppressing the surprise in his heart. After a while, Priest Tomato nodded calmly and gave instructions to Agou Qiachu.

"God bless you! Agou, right? Don't fight him. If he can make saltpeter, he is indeed a talent..."

"Well, and your name is Ala?..."

"Ah! Dear...respected Bishop Sipangu, I am the knight squire of Catalonia, Alana...I am...willing to be loyal to you and make saltpeter for you!..."

"Hmm...Ara, I will give you ten Tylenol bushels and allow you to collect urine and feces from the entire town and build what you called a 'nitrate field' on the southeastern hills of the town..."

"Huh? What is the bishop talking about? Did he agree? Did he not kill me?...Ah, thank you, sir!..."

"Witness the Lord God! I will give you ten months to plant saltpeter in the fields. After ten months, I will see the results..."

Priest Thomas Tomat's expression changed from smile to indifference, exerting pressure to manipulate people's hearts.

"Allah, if you fail, fail to plant, or deceive the Lord God...I will personally sacrifice you to the God in the temple in ten months!..."

"The shaman said, if you can't grow saltpeter... just click, click, click, click!..."

The red-haired Chabo had an indifferent expression and drew a little figure on the dirt with a cane. Then, with five light strokes of his cane, and with the threats in his mouth, the villain instantly turned into six segments, with its head and limbs completely separated. Finally, he pointed at the little man on the dirt, and then at Alana, who looked frightened.

"If you don't do it well, this is what will happen! Do you understand?..."

"Ah this! I will do it well and pile up the saltpeter well..."

Alana swallowed nervously and couldn't help but look at the little man on the dirt. Although he couldn't quite understand it, he felt a terrible threat inexplicably, as if this was not just graffiti, but real death!

"Merciful Lord! What does this painting on the mud mean?..."

"Huh? Don't you understand? This is a sacrifice!...Forget it, I don't need to explain it to you. Soon, you will see it with your own eyes! Hehe!..."

The red-haired Cha Bo chuckled, but his smile was full of nonchalant killing intent. Then, he approached the chief priest Tomat and lowered his head to report back.

"Dear Tomato Shaman, these are the seven skilled prisoners I have chosen!"

"Very good! Excluding the evil demon leader who surrendered, there will be exactly ten sacrifices for the main god's festival at the end of that month! Ten white-skinned evil demons that have never existed before, the main god will definitely be happy!..."

Priest Tomato nodded with satisfaction and waved to the goldsmith Carlo, who was standing carefully next to him holding a newly made dagger. Carlo walked over in a hurry, holding the iron dagger in his hand high.

"Dear Bishop! Your dagger is ready!..."

"Not bad! He is indeed a skilled blacksmith!..."

Priest Tomat looked at the blade of the iron dagger, then at the furnace, forge and various tools in the courtyard. Finally, he smiled kindly, patted Carlo's shoulder for the first time, and gave instructions to Chabo.

"Witness the Lord God! Cha Bo, let this blacksmith settle down in the town, give him a larger courtyard, and let him get married as soon as possible and settle down!..."

"Yes! Shaman!"

"Take out two or three kilograms of silver stones from the ballast cargo of the kingdom's longship and reward him! These white-skinned overseas tribes like useless gold and silver the most!..."


"Oh! What a sharp knife!..."

Priest Thomas Tomat raised his dagger, facing the midday sun, and looked at the cold blade with a smile. Then, with a gentle expression, he smiled at Carlo, who looked confused and couldn't understand Mexica.

"Praise the Lord God! For the Lord God's great sacrifice at the end of the month, I will use the dagger you made! ... I will personally sacrifice the most precious sacrifice, the evil priest, to the Lord God! ... And you, as a meritorious assistant, will receive a share of The most sacred blood wine!…”

"Ah? Drink? Wine?...Is this...praising me?..."

Carlo, the goldsmith, was startled, then he quickly forced out a respectful smile and knelt down to salute again.

"Yes! Lord Bishop! Praise the Lord of Huitziloppo, I am willing to serve you and make you the fastest knife!"

"Okay! After drinking the blood wine, you will become a truly reliable believer! Haha!..."

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