Aztec Eternals

Chapter 214: To Teacher (Part 1)

The sun sits high, the clouds are lingering, and the deep sky reflects the magnificence of the earth. And when the king called out, hundreds of people repeated it, and the loud voice echoed in front of the army formation. Hearing Su Anguayuedou's request, the warriors of the two armies all looked excited at the same time. They clenched the weapons in their hands and made a noise in a low voice.

In the hearts of most people in this era, the fate of mortals has long been determined by the gods, and mortal wars please the gods in the sky. Death is always everywhere, inevitable, and will come at any time. Only a glorious death can go to the kingdom of God in the sky and give the soul the best destination. And the holy fight is the most glorious death and victory!

Not far away, in the ranks of the Mexica envoys, the black wolf Toltek was wearing a low-key wolf helmet, staring at the king of Tarasco for a moment. Holding the longbow in his hand, he was separated by a distance of sixty steps, but he never found a chance to make a move. The copper ax guards held large shields and tightly covered the king. On the king's body and head, he wore a golden armor.

Toltek tilted his head slightly, and the bright light of the armor blinded his eyes again. He gave two "tsk tsk" regretfully and enviously, and then carried out the next task of His Highness, trying to remember Su Angua's appearance and stature, and prepared for possible pursuit. Soon, a middle-aged warrior with precise steps walked up to Su Angua and whispered a few words. King Tarasco put down his scepter, shouted loudly, and challenged the army of Mexica to fight!

Hearing the holy fight, the black wolf Toltek was refreshed. He grinned, showing a wolf-like smile, with a majestic fighting spirit in his eyes, sweeping past the elite warriors around the king one by one. And at this moment, the middle-aged warrior also looked over at the same time, revealing a simple and resolute face. At this moment, the two looked at each other, and they both saw similar confidence and desire in each other's eyes!

Yue Dou's shouts echoed in front of the battle. Under the banner of the black wolf, Shulot pondered for a few breaths and looked at the warrior commander.

"Botard, where is Iscari's South Route Army now?"

"Your Highness, the last time I learned about it was the day before yesterday. At that time, he had already obeyed the order and led the army to march northward, from the south more than a hundred miles away, to the city of Ivacchio. In the past two days, King Tarasco's army has launched a war in the south. , covered the surrounding battlefield, and the communication between the envoy and the scout was temporarily cut off. However, Suangua's army has been exposed. As long as Iscari has the fighting spirit, he must be on his way!"

Xiuluo nodded and said with a smile.

"End Moon has been famous for a long time, and he has never been afraid of fighting. Then, let's fight with Su'an Guayo!"

The young commander then raised his right hand and responded to the front of the formation, and the hundreds of guards around him repeated in unison.

"The god of war, Vitzilopochtli, guards us! The warriors of the alliance are never afraid of any challenge! Suangwa, if you want to fight, fight!"

The heroic response echoed between heaven and earth, and the short voice sounded like a war drum. Su Angua looked surprised and thoughtful. He paused for a moment, touching the extraordinary solid bronze armor on his body, and then his expression hardened, and he continued to respond loudly.

"The sun-god beholds us! The holy covenant is supreme! In the name of the gods, I, King of Tarasco, Kasonchi of the Prepecha, Suangwa, descendant of the gods, to my lord of Mexica, Tenoch The god-inspired person of the Titlans, the god-born Shulot, will fight an endless battle of glory!!"


This time it was Xiulot's turn to show surprise. The fight between the marshals of the two armies was extremely rare even in the ancient times of the Teotihuacan people. As for the heads-up of the two kings, it is unique in the epic. There are too many uncertainties in this one-on-one fight, and no one side can be fully sure.

Berthard stepped forward nervously, persuading in a low voice.

"Your Highness, you are a radiant sun, and there is no need to compete in height with an eagle! What's more, you are still young, and your martial arts in the future will never be inferior to mine!"

Hearing this, Shulot blushed slightly. He smiled.

"Don't worry, Bertard, I know my current level. This is a personal bravery. I look at the world and don't take it to heart. Su Angua made such an impossible request. On the one hand, it can be seen that he is anxious at a disadvantage. , On the one hand, it was just to try to damage the morale of our army. Now, I have a little more confidence in the next battle!"

After finishing speaking, Xiu Luote looked solemn, and shouted again towards the front of the formation.

"A true king never goes into battle easily, relying on his own martial arts to seek victory. Because the duty of a king is to rule, and the duty of a warrior is to fight! Why does the wolf king go to capture the white deer himself? Go, I am loyal and loyal. Brave warriors, prove your glory to the king!"

Immediately, the fierce battle drums sounded, the temple guards blew the mournful death whistle, and the senior warriors uttered excited shouts. Then, the commander-in-chief's flag was waved. A hundred Mexica warriors with bravery came out of the elite scout team one after another. They strode to the front of the two armies, howling at Tarasco's legions.

Seeing the holy fight, Izel of Trokambang looked passionate, this is the fastest way to become famous! He clenched the baton in his hand, and was about to step forward and step out. At the critical moment, the old family samurai held his shoulders, and with a light side fall, he fell to the ground.

"Who? You! Warrior Commander, why did you attack me?"

The old warrior commander glanced sideways at Izel, and then said indifferently.

"Izel, you are the war representative of the Patriarch, and I must save your life. Although His Highness has praised your bravery in person, you need to have a clear understanding of yourself. I have followed the great Montezuma Monarch, participated in A pre-battle against the Mixtecs."

Speaking of this, the old warrior commander lifted his battle suit, and there was a long and narrow cut wound on his chest, which almost divided him in half horizontally.

"Before the battle, you will never die, how can you participate in it now! Let's take a good look. When will your martial arts surpass me. Only when you are lucky, you can barely survive the group fight." Come down!"

Izel gritted her teeth resentfully and got up from the ground. He raised his head angrily and looked towards the front of the battle, his expression soon became serious. After a while, sweat gradually oozed from his forehead.

King Tarasco's troops had returned to their ranks. Hundreds of Tarasco warriors, armed with copper axes, batons or bronze spears, stepped into the arena in front of the army formation. The warriors on both sides held up their weapons and shields, boasting of their bravery to the God of War. The warriors in the army also shouted loudly, roaring to the opposite side. The war priests sang loudly, calling for the coming of the god of war. Then, accompanied by a mournful chant, the short war drum suddenly sounded!

The warriors on both sides immediately let out a desperate cry, clenched their weapons tightly, and charged towards the opposite side. In just a dozen or so breaths, the two hundred warriors were completely entangled together.

Izel was dazzled and amazed. The combat skills of these veteran warriors are so proficient that almost every engagement is amazing! They swept and swung forward, stabbed forward, slashed downwards, raised their shields up, deflected their shields sideways, swung their shields to counterattack, and then made rapid progress, stepped back with small leaps, and straddled across. Just right. This is a dance between life and death!

Elite warriors always regard shields as their lives, and it is difficult to get quick results when fighting head-on. A Mexica warrior smashed his baton twice, then kicked hard, knocking back the shield-wielding foe in front of him. He took a deep breath, without stopping, and suddenly turned sideways. Immediately, the sharp baton swept across, hitting another enemy who was fighting. Hearing the wind, the Tarasco tried to shift his shield sideways. The other opponent in front of him was merciless, and stepped forward to press down his shield with a weapon. The sweeping baton came suddenly, with majestic power in the whistling. The Tarasco warrior only had time to show the panic before death on his face, and then he turned his neck "click", and his face was beaten to pieces.

One-hit lethal, precise and concise kills. The Mexica warrior who was the first to kill showed a bright smile and nodded to the warriors who cooperated. However, in just two breaths, his smile froze forever, and his head hung down forever. "Puff", "Zizi". A point of a sharp spear protruded from his chest, and then suddenly retracted. The splattered blood shot out from the piercing heart, splashing out in a fan shape several meters away, spraying another warrior all over. Afterwards, the dead body fell to the ground with a "plop" forward, and a sharp copper spear stabbed suddenly from behind the corpse. The blood-stained Mexica warrior gritted his teeth and roared, and raised his shield to meet him. A new round of catching and fighting begins again!

The peaceful stalemate is always short, and the fierce fighting escalates rapidly. Under the watch of tens of thousands of warriors, two hundred warriors roared and sprayed blood. But after dozens of breaths, the ground in front of the formation was stained with the first layer of bright red.

"Sila", the senior scout Nekali made a fierce sneak attack, cutting through the cotton battle suit half-slantedly, and severing the waist and abdomen of the enemy in front of him. "Zizi", the rushing blood immediately gushed out from the huge cross-cut wound with the internal organs. Nekari grinned cruelly. He didn't care about the mortal enemy, but immediately took two steps back, quickly bowed his waist and raised his shield to avoid possible attacks. Then, his eyes swept across, and his feet kept moving, looking for a new round of fighting opportunities.

"Crack", "Plop", another successful sneak attack. Nekali smiled triumphantly again. Then he smacked his lips in doubt, the feeling of being cut just now didn't seem right? The senior scout quickly took a few steps back, away from the line of battle, and then looked around. The tragic battlefield was already full of blood, and the wailing of the dying resounded through the field. In just a quarter of an hour, more than half of the samurai engaged in fighting had already died in battle!

The Mexica warriors already had the numerical advantage. Howling, the elite warriors gradually surrounded the Tarascos from both sides. And the frontal fighting became more and more intense and frantic. From time to time, red-eyed Tarasco warriors threw away their shields and stopped defending. Holding spears in both hands, they rushed forward desperately, stabbing the enemy to death and being killed by the surrounding enemies at the same time, and went to the Kingdom of God with the opponent in front of them!

Seeing this scene, Nekali shook his head, this was the last madness of the beast before it died. Afterwards, he finally dared to lower his head to check the baton in his hand. Blood slowly flowed from the slot of the baton, and was absorbed by the cotton cloth wrapped around the handle. The obsidian sharp piece on the slot has been completely blunt, and the bright red light shone in the sunlight.

"Bah, damn it! Tough Tarasco!"

Nekali cursed in a low voice, then bowed his waist and raised his shield again, groping quietly on the gradually moving forward battlefield, looking for a suitable weapon.

But for a moment, his eyes lit up, and a shiny copper ax appeared a few steps away from him. He kicked away the corpse of the Tarasco senior warrior, and happily picked up the ax on the ground. The smooth ax blade was extremely sharp, and the metal ax surface shone coldly, reflecting his young and fierce face. Facing himself on the copper axe, Nekali was slightly taken aback. A moment later, on this fiercely shouting battlefield, he couldn't help grinning again, showing the bright smile before hunting!

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