Aztec Eternals

Chapter 287 The Power of the God of War

With the continuous shouting and incitement of the priests of Saka, the thousands of Ottopan defenders near the city wall became more and more noisy. The noisy sound waves spread, shaking up the birds in the mountains.

Sensing the danger, the nimble song sparrow flew to the sky to watch. The two-legged beasts in the mountain city below are divided into two distinct groups, one group shouting chaotically, like a pack of wolves surrounded, and the other group waiting in full formation, like bears standing on the ground,

A fight seemed imminent. More than a thousand impulsive Otomi warriors held bows and arrows and battle sticks, gradually moved their steps, and surrounded the king's flag at the city gate. Some even brandished weapons and shouted provocations at the Mexica with red eyes.

Under the king's flag, five hundred bronze armored guards occupied the gate of the mountain city, forming a tight defensive circle. On the periphery of the circle are two hundred heavily armored jaguars. These elite veteran warriors are accustomed to fighting, and they are skilled in combat skills, and can easily defeat enemies that are several times their own. They wore heavy armor and held shields in their hands. Even in the face of siege, they still looked calm and their eyes were full of killing intent. The inner layer of the circle is composed of three hundred middle-class personal guards, who are also selected from the ten thousand army. They are proficient in archery and martial arts, and can go far and near. At this time, the guards took out their longbows, put on copper arrows, and were aiming at each other with the Otomi archers in cotton armor.

The Otomi priests in the city were also divided into two groups. There are more priests under Oort, and they are loudly reprimanding the surrounding Otomi warriors, keeping most of the defenders in place. Although there are fewer priests brought by Saka, they are younger and more aggressive. They shouted in the crowd, kept inciting hatred, and encouraged the warriors to come forward. The priests of both sides hated each other, cursed at each other, and even fought close to each other.

"Saka, you are crazy! Attacking the alliance at this time? Are you going to destroy the Otomi people?!"

Oort stood firm and roared angrily at a distance of nearly ten steps. More than a dozen priests and guards hurried forward, protecting the old priest behind him.

"Oort, you are old! The Otomi people need a strong leader to face everything with a firm and brave attitude, and gain a new life in the cruel world!"

Saka stood among the guarding temple warriors, protected by a shield. He watched the situation gradually getting out of control, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and muttered to himself in a low voice.

"Two mountain lions compete for the same forest, and the one who backs down will die! I will never be a loser!"

The tribal conference in Ottopan has just started, and the tribal leaders from all over the place gathered together to elect the military leader of the ancestral land of the mountain city. The two samurai captains of Ottopan City, Nelpa and Giova, are fiercely competing for the leadership of the mountain castle.

At this critical moment, the old priest Oort unexpectedly led His Royal Highness Mexica into the city without the permission of the priests. His Highness Mexica has always been close to Giova, and will inevitably have a decisive influence on the selection of military leaders.

The situation was critical and suddenly, Saka made a decisive decision and encouraged the Otomi warriors stationed at the city gate to clash with the Mexica. The tribal leaders all gathered in the center of the city, and no one came to restrain the warriors defending the city at the bottom. As long as the Otomi warriors start fighting and blood is seen on both sides, the tribe of these warriors will have no way out! And whether it is to expel His Majesty Mexica or seize it, the situation in the mountain city will change to the side that is beneficial to us!

The wolf flag was fluttering, the armor was clanging, and the warriors were killing each other. Shulot pursed his lips, calmly, observing the situation in front of him.

Under the instigation of the priest on the opposite side, the situation is gradually falling into chaos. The king glanced at the defenders on the city wall, most of them shouted meaninglessly, the militiamen stood there blankly, and the warriors looked hesitantly at the split priests. The thousands of Otomi warriors who were closest, were affected by the hostile atmosphere in the field, and approached with shouts.

The king frowned. He has five hundred of the most elite armored warriors in his hands, even in the face of the impact of thousands of Otomi warriors, he is completely able to protect himself. The Mexica warriors even occupy the position at the gate of the city, and they can retreat at any time.

"But once the blood is seen, the situation will be difficult to calm down! This is not my expectation!"

Shulot looked around. The Otomi have no tribal leader organization, but are in chaos instigated by priests. They seem to be boiling like soup, but they can be intimidated by ideas.

"Bothard, remove the guard shield and reveal my figure!"

"Your Highness?"

The samurai commander was a little worried.

"Remove the shield! I wear bronze armor, and the Otomi's bows and arrows are not a big threat."

Soon, the guards put down their shields and spread out around, revealing the shining armor of the king in the center. Shulot straightened up, stood under the king's banner, and roared sharply.

"black Wolf!"

"Yes, Your Highness!"

"Plan ahead, blow the bone whistle!"


Toltek was wearing heavy armor and stood at the forefront of the army formation. He raised his two-handed pale bone whistle, brought it to his mouth, puffed up his cheeks vigorously, and blew it suddenly.

"Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!. Whoo! Whoo! Whoa!"

Sharp notes suddenly sounded, and they sounded fiercely at the city gate according to a specific melody. Hei Lang exhausted all his strength, and the ear-piercing whistle pierced the sky, spreading far and wide, until it reached the mountain city! The sound was so penetrating that it made people dizzy, and the surroundings were silent.

"Praise you! The supreme god, sun god, and war god Vitzilopochtli!."

Taking advantage of this short break, Shulot raised the scepter in his hand and chanted loudly, attracting the attention of the Otomi people. He was covered in golden light, his arms were wide open, and he looked up at the sun. This is the action of the priest praying to the gods!

".The god of war held the thunder and roared, revealing his power!."

The king chanted, his voice high and clear, with a certain mysterious charm. Then, he slowly lowered his head and looked up, and then suddenly pointed the divine staff forward.

"The god of war has come, the god has come!"

Seeing His Majesty Mexica's solemn prayer, the approaching Otomi warrior stopped suddenly. In this era, the majesty of the gods is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the power of the gods seems to be everywhere. Thinking of the prestige of "Reaper", the warriors waited anxiously for a while, but nothing happened.

Shulot's staff pointed forward, motionless, with a face like a god. The Otomi stopped, looked at each other, and were silent for a while. After a while, Priest Saka was the first to react. he roared angrily.

"The original god protects the mountain city! This is the domain of the ancestor god Omet Ottel! God-blessed warriors, rush for me."

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!."

The shocking thunder suddenly exploded, like a world-ending wave, rising from the end of the sky, whistling all the way up, submerging the entire mountain city. Thousands of Otomi defenders looked terrified. They looked up, but there was no cloud in the sky, only the dazzling sun!

Hearing the familiar sound of wooden cannons, Xiu Luote's face remained unchanged, and he breathed a sigh of relief. He silently counted four consecutive cannon fires, estimated the time, and waved his staff again, roaring angrily.

"War, god, descend, descend!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!."

Another four deafening thunderclaps pierced into everyone's hearts! Seeing His Highness praying and hearing the angry roar of the gods, the Otomi people present could no longer control the fear in their hearts and shouted in panic.

"Ah! God of War, Vitzilopochtli!."

"The Lord God of the Mexica blesses them!."

"The incarnation of the gods, Shulotel, the god of death!"

The terrified voices were confused. The Otomi in front of the army lowered their weapons and spread out to encircle them. They lowered their heads and backed away in a panic, shouting meaninglessly, not daring to look directly at the shining king. Soon, the Ottopan warriors who participated in the Western Expedition shouted.

"I have been to the battlefield in the south. This is the ceremony of the Mexica Legion summoning Thor! The magic to defeat the Tarasco!"

Memories of the Western Expedition flooded my heart one after another, and the roar of the Hekou Fortress will never be forgotten. Looking at the black wolf flag, hundreds of Ottopan warriors who participated in the Western Expedition knelt down one by one, facing the former marshal.

"Your Majesty God Bless!"

Hundreds of warriors kept shouting, and thousands of Otomi defenders put down their weapons and lowered their heads in fear. Many Otomi militiamen even fell to their knees and saluted the king as if participating in a holy prayer.

"Samurai, don't be afraid. This is the howling of the evil god, and it will not harm the people of the ancestor god."

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!."

After a pause of half an hour, the thunder that shook the heavens and the earth sounded again, interrupting Priest Saka's shout and making him unable to stand still. In the roar of the gods, more and more Otomi knelt down. The faces of the warriors and militiamen were full of awe, and the priests present also showed fear.

Watching this scene, the old priest looked complicated and remained silent. He has been paying attention to the changes of the Mexica, knowing that this kind of thunder is not the power of the gods, but a new type of weapon. He has sent many scouts, but he has never been able to find out how to make this weapon.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!."

The sound of thunder carried a certain regularity, twice in one round, four times in one round, with half a quarter between each round. In fact, this time going north, the Imperial Guards brought a total of eight wooden cannons and a special artillery team. Early this morning, the eight wooden cannons were loaded and ready at all times, waiting for the king's signal.

Shulot looked around again, nodded slightly, maintaining the posture of a god. All the Otomi put down their weapons, and the walls were full of kneeling figures. The tribal leaders in the center of the mountain city were alarmed by the sound of the artillery, and they were rushing over from not far away. The leader was Giova, who looked like a coyote with narrow eyebrows.

"Hei Lang, blow the whistle!"

"Drip! Drip! Shout! Drip! Drip! Shout!" The shrill whistle pierced the sky and spread far down the mountain, conveying new instructions.

The Otomi were silent and looked at the radiant king. Shulot solemnly waved the scepter and sang the final chapter of the prayer with a high voice.

"Praise the Lord God! The light of God covers the earth, and the mighty power of God is everywhere! God is watching us!"

Giova strode and came in a hurry, followed by a large number of tribal leaders. He glanced around the situation in the field, then looked at the old priest Oort.

The old priest nodded slightly. With a gesture of salute, he raised his staff and called out to the Otomi.

"Praise the god of war! He is the sun god and the god of the Otomi people!"

"Praise the God of War! Praise the Sun God!"

Giova shouted first, fell to his knees, and saluted to Shulot's royal banner. Behind him, the tribal leaders hesitated for a moment, then knelt down to salute one after another.

"Praise the God of War! Praise the Sun God!"

Pious prayers echoed one after another, echoing on the majestic mountain city. With the arrival of the tribal leader, the Otomi warriors bowed their heads, and the situation in the city finally regained control, and the roar of the gods no longer sounded.

Looking at the changing situation, Saka's face was pale. He fixed his eyes on the king under the wolf flag, but he couldn't see the young face under the bronze helmet, only heard a final chant.

".God has gone!"

The rain falls in front of the window, and the thunder falls in the room. The cat fell on the bed, and the author had nowhere to hide. (\u0026gt;_\u0026lt;) When the mind is in turmoil, the world becomes small. (_`) in a daze.

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