Aztec Eternals

Chapter 316 The Grass Rat

The sky is clear, the wind is high and the clouds are light, the afternoon sun is full of heat, and the dry wasteland is full of dust. Holding the banner of the black wolf, the dark green legion rushed along the undulating mountains, rushing towards the mouth of the valley forty miles to the northwest. The smoke and dust from the march rose into the sky, and it was still clearly visible dozens of miles away. The scouts of the Guajili dogs saw all this from the mountains, and sent urgent news to the valley, making the Red Fox Valley even more flustered.

Ivikan's eyes were red, his baton was stained with blood, and he stood on the camp at the entrance of the northwest valley. A thousand red fox fighters raised their bows and held their spears, and spread out inside and outside Taniguchi. They have completely controlled the situation and grasped the passage of Taniguchi. The dog tribes nearby were mercilessly dispersed, and then gathered at the corner of Taniguchi, waiting in fear for the escape route.

The valley road in the northwest is relatively wide, and a thousand people can pass through it. There are hundreds of fallen corpses in the valley road, and they are all poor tribal people in clothes. Thousands of young red foxes were carrying food, lined up in a long mixed line, trampled over fresh corpses and bright red, and fled to the north with all their might. Not far away, two hundred chiefs' personal guards, wearing the gray-blue cotton armor of the Otomi people, guarding the heritage flag of the red fox, are quickly approaching the valley entrance.

Ottois walked briskly in the center of the procession. Although he is over forty years old, he still runs very fast. The red fox chief was wearing the dark green cotton armor of the Aztecs, and he was particularly conspicuous in the gray-blue team. There are scouts running from the mountains in the valley to report the latest military situation to him.

"Chief, a legion from the Cactus Tribe is coming towards the mouth of the valley quickly! It's about the size of two ordinary tribes, and the distance is thirty miles away!"

The scouts ran back and forth to report, and then hurried away, like crows flying back and forth, bringing all the sad news.

Chief Red Fox narrowed his eyes. He looked around at the migrating group, then at the sun above his head, and cursed in a low voice.

"Damn it! What a smelly coyote, it came so fast! Thirty miles away, marching in a hurry, just after noon, the tribe's Dingkou retreated halfway, and we have to find a way to stay until dark!"

Otuwa didn't stop walking, and arrived at Taniguchi's camp in a moment. Ivican bowed his head.

"Chief, I dispersed the ordinary tribes at Taniguchi, and killed hundreds of tribesmen who stood in the way. Aww! The Red Crow tribe didn't escape far, they only fled to the east of the north for more than thirty miles."

"Ivikan, you did a good job. Don't worry about the Red Crow tribe! The tribe will go straight to the northwest!"

Ottois waved his hand. He stood on the height of the camp, not looking at the chaotic situation in the valley, nor listening to the loud shouts in his ears. Chief Red Fox looked at the smoke and dust in the south, then at the ordinary tribes gathered near the mouth of the valley, and said in a deep voice.

"How many ordinary tribes did Taniguchi gather? How many Dingkou? How many warriors?"


Ivican pulled his hair and calculated with difficulty for a long time.

"Chief, there were originally five small tribes here in Taniguchi. One was destroyed when I came here, and there are more than 3,000 people in the remaining four tribes. Many of their fighters were recruited by the three major tribes, and it is estimated that there are only four hundred left." It's just a group of weak grass rats, who dare not even snort in the face of fierce red fox fighters!"

"Three thousand Dingkou, four hundred soldiers"

Ottois nodded, but did not speak. He squinted his eyes, watched for a quarter of an hour, estimated the marching speed of the cactus warrior, and silently clenched his hands.

"Ivikan, the cactus tribe came too fast! When they got here, we had just left for more than ten miles, and it wouldn't be dark at all."

"Oh? Chief, what should we do?"

".Ivikan, my warrior. You are excellent at archery and brave in battle. I have always valued you very much!"

"Oh, Chief, I will fight for you!"

Hearing the chief's praise, Ivican patted his chest hard.

"Well. My warrior, in the face of the coyote's pursuit, the grass rat can't keep his head down and run around. I have a task for you!"


"Take the thousand warriors in your hands! Wait for the tribe to leave Taniguchi, drive away the 3,000 tribesmen gathered here, and attack the army of the Cactus tribe!"


Ivican's complexion changed, and his whole body trembled.

"Chief, these 3,000 tribesmen are totally vulnerable! 1,000 tribal warriors will definitely not be able to defeat 2,000 or 3,000 cactus warriors!"

Otuwa looked at the red-haired captain with a sullen face and stern eyes.

"Stupid! Ivikan, I didn't let you fight the cactus warriors to the death! You drove the tribesmen to the front and disrupted the march of the cactus army. Even 3,000 grass rats are enough for a pack of wolves to catch for half a day! Then wait for the tribesmen After the collapse is over, you should harass a few more times, and retreat as soon as it gets dark!"

"There are still 20,000 tribes in the valley, two big tribes. As long as we retreat in time, the cactus warriors won't cling to us! Remember, you can run faster than anyone else!"

Ivican pursed his lips and thought for a moment, then gritted his teeth hard.

"Okay! Chief, I'll go!"

"Okay! When you come back, I will betroth my daughter to you! No matter how many soldiers you have lost in battle, I will make up for you. Ivikan, the continuation of the Red Fox tribe is up to you!"

"Aw! Father Chief, I will fight to the death for you!"

Ivican's eyes turned red again. He knelt down, kowtowed to Ottois, and got up to leave.

A thousand red fox fighters acted immediately. They were fully armed, surrounded the ordinary tribes in the corner of the valley, and announced the order for the tribe to recruit. As soon as a tribal leader refused, he was shot dead by Ivican with an arrow, and more than a dozen bodyguards who resisted were also killed. It didn't take long for the red fox fighters to control three thousand tribesmen, forcing them to throw away their large and small bags, take up crude stone spears and hammers, and desperately prepared to fight.

The sky was slanting westward, and the six thousand young red foxes finally left the valley. With bare feet and carrying food on their backs, they fled to the depths of the wilderness in the northwest in the face of the setting sun. Behind them, there are two thousand red fox fighters guarding them. Many of these fighters came from ordinary tribes and were recruited by force. Now, as they leave the valley with the red fox tribe, leaving their tribe forever, they are filled with mixed emotions.

Autua took the chief's personal guards and stood on a high place, looking to the south. The cactus warriors rushed all the way, but at this time they were only ten miles away. The smoke and dust of the south was approaching, almost mingling with the noise of the valley.

Chief Red Fox looked east again at the valley. In the southeast of Taniguchi, the battle drums raged, and the distant fighting was heard in the wind. It was obvious that the battle was fierce. And along the long and narrow valley, tens of thousands of dog tribes were in a mess, fighting for food, trampling and killing each other. All kinds of sundries were littered everywhere in the valley, and there were bloodstains in the sundries.

However, the way to escape was blocked by the warriors of the big tribes, and the ordinary tribes could only escape through the small roads in the northern mountains. The mountain road was narrow, and all the ministries collided into a mass, and thousands of people did not escape for a long time.

"Oh, stupid weedrats."

Ottois shook his head. He did not block the north, but left a narrow escape route, just to prevent the "grass rats" from rushing to the mouth of the valley.

"Goodbye, Chief Red Cat and Red Frog! Thanks to our ancestors, we will meet again in the wasteland!"

Chief Red Fox showed a mocking smile, then stopped staying and turned to leave. behind him. Ivican led a thousand tribal warriors, drove three thousand numb tribal people, and killed the cactus army several miles away.

The plateau is vast, the sun is slowly setting, and it is another round of purple setting sun. Three thousand tribesmen ran under the setting sun, like a group of desperate rats, rushing towards the array of two thousand imperial guards.

Bertard frowned slightly and shook his head. The fierce cry of killing suddenly sounded outside the valley entrance in the northwest, accompanied by one-sided killing. Dapeng's blood spilled on the ground, dyed purple in the setting sun, as if the Kingdom of the Underworld descended on the world.

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