Aztec Eternals

Chapter 357 The End of 1485 AD, New Changes

In the early morning, the Congo River wakes up from its deep sleep, and the mighty river is full of vitality. The platinum fierce fish shakes its silver fish scales, chasing the oddly shaped elephant trunk fish. The Congo sunbird stretches its colorful feathers and catches the transparent frog among the water trees by the river.

Large mammalian beasts live comfortably in the rainforest, enjoying the newborn sunshine. There are large herds of hippos rolling in the water and small groups of African forest elephants on the shore. The Congo River is the real river of life. Tens of thousands of exotic species live and thrive in the tropical and fertile land.

On the river bank, the three caravels were busy. The crew stowed the anchor, hoisted the sails, and set sail again to the west. Everyone was so impatient, the sailors on the mast kept adjusting the angle of the triangular sail, just to leave this devil's land faster.

On the leading flagship, Boatswain Diego looked smug. He sat on the bow with his legs wide open, and while eating the rich food of the captain's level, he directed the sailors to be busy. Beside Diego, there are several trusted sailors surrounded, eating, drinking and laughing together.

Several people chatted and laughed for a while, and a sailor raised his right hand jokingly, imitating the style of the nobles, and performed a nondescript captain's etiquette.

"Dear Captain Diego, Greetings from the guys! We are about to pass the village of the black natives. When will you take the guys ashore and do it again? Foda-se! We have resupplied in this village before, There are valuable rubies on those heads!"

"Ha ha!"

Hearing the captain's address, Diego laughed in satisfaction. He stretched out his hand and patted the sailor's head heavily, cursing with a smile.

"Foda-se! You idiot! There are not only rubies in this village, but also dozens of warriors wearing chicken feathers! Now it's just us, what can we get ashore?"

"Boss, we can take the sailors from the other two ships and work together! Anyway, it's on the way back, we'll leave after we're done, the natives can't catch up!"

"The other two boats"

Hearing this, Diego's eyes flickered. If the sailors of the other two ships can be recruited, it is not necessary to return to Lisbon. Kill Diogo's old dog and Bruno's stupid cow directly, and kill all the nobles on the other ships. At that time, with the captain's top-secret chart, whether it is to go to the Moors on the other side of the sea, or to the Spaniards in the east, or even to join the pirates in North Africa, it will be better than returning to Portugal. Maybe, I can become a nobleman myself.

After thinking for a moment, Diego grinned, showing his sharp yellow teeth.

"Okay! But the indigenous tribes in this area are too powerful, so please bear with me. When we get to the mouth of the sea, we will find two weak indigenous villages and have a good fight! Kill all the men, young and old in the village, After collecting all the gold, silver, precious stones and food, and getting a few young women on board, the brothers can be happy every day! Anyway, we are the ones who have the final say on the ship now!"

"Foda-se! It's done!"

"The captain is right!"

"I can't wait!"

Hearing that the naughty woman was boarding the ship, the trusted sailors all stared at each other, crying and howling together. Diego laughed with satisfaction, as long as he wins over the sailors, when the time comes...haha!

After thinking for a while, Diego suppressed the excitement in his heart, and shouted at the cronies beside him.

"Go, let the chef bring some wine, let the brothers continue to eat and drink!"

A sailor immediately got up and walked to the deck. The deck mouth was not far from the captain's cabin at the stern, where the imprisoned captain stayed. The sailor glanced in the direction of the captain's quarters, with the customary awe welling up in his heart. He couldn't help bowing his head in salute, and hurried down to the deck.

There was silence in the captain's cabin. The decks and blankets were cleaned, and a piece of cardamom newly obtained from the Kingdom of Congo was lighted. A faint fragrance wafted out, covering up the musty smell of blood.

Captain Diogo straightened his spine, wearing a freshly laundered captain's suit, sitting on a plank bed. His hair was combed meticulously, and his face was as calm as a sculpture. At this moment, he is looking at the sea chart drawn by himself, staring at the river where the exploration ends, without making a sound.

The noble knight Bruno knelt on one knee on the deck of the captain's cabin, also silent. His expression was full of guilt, as if he had been kneeling for a long time.

There was silence in the cabin. It wasn't until the wild laughter of the boatswain Diego came from afar that Diogo put down the chart in his hand and sighed softly.

"Bruno, what are you doing here?"

"Dear Captain."

Bruno raised his right hand as a courtesy to the captain.

"In four or five days, the fleet will arrive at the mouth of the Congo River."


Hearing this, Diogo raised his eyebrows slightly and repeated in a low voice.

"It's time to go to the sea."

"Yes, Captain."

"After going to sea, are you planning to return to Fort Elmina?"

"Quarterman Matim wants to go back to Fort Elmina for supplies, but Boatswain Diego wants to plunder the villages along the way and then return directly to the kingdom."

Bruno nodded, hesitated to speak.

"Oh, I see."

Diogo glanced at him lightly.

"So, you are here today to send me a ride back to the embrace of the Lord?"

"Ah, Captain"

Bruno was taken aback, and sweat immediately oozed from his forehead.

"Then let's do it."

Diogo calmly took out a dagger from his pocket, and threw it at Bruno's feet with a "boom".

"The holy doctrine does not allow me to commit suicide, otherwise I would have finished it long ago. Death by your hand is better than death by someone else's hand."

"Captain, I, I don't mean that."

Bruno knelt on the ground, looking at the captain who was going to die calmly, he seemed to feel the radiance of the Virgin again.

"Come on, boy! Don't be burdened, you are helping me out. I am already under the curse of the devil, and I can't last long."

Diogo smiled. He stretched out his hand, untied the silver cross that Dias had given him from his neck, and put it on Bruno's neck.

"Through redemption, the Lord has shown His grace between the ages and eternity. Bruno, you still have the light of redemption in your heart! Hold the cross around your neck tightly, and don't let it go out in the darkness of the devil."

After speaking, Diogo took out a bottle of olive oil, drew a cross on his forehead, and prayed.

"Per istam sanctam unctionem, indulgeat tibi Dominus quidquid deliquisti, Amen."

This is a dying prayer anointed with oil. There was no priest on board, so Diogo did it himself. Then, he quietly closed his eyes.


Tears filled Bruno's eyes again. After two voyages and several years, the teaching and promotion of the captain flashed in his mind, which made him finally make up his mind. He took a step forward on his knees and grabbed Diogo's hand.

"Captain, please let go of your courage to die for a while. The responsibilities of the kingdom and the church do not allow you to stop here! There is more than one route to the country of Presbyterian John! After arriving at the mouth of the sea, you will leave the land of the devil. The crew no longer have to fear the power of the curse. We can continue south, round the border of the African continent, and head east!"


Diogo's eyes opened in an instant, revealing the gaze of a lion. He grabbed Bruno's arm with his backhand and asked in a powerful voice.

"Are you willing to go south and explore?"

"Yes I do."

Bruno nodded affirmatively.

"But you said that Matim wanted to return to Fort Elmina, and Diego wanted to return directly to the kingdom?"

Diogo's eyes were radiant, and he stared at Bruno's expression.

"Yes, they want to go up north and back."

Bruno looked at the captain sincerely.

"Captain, although we persuade you to return to the voyage together, we are not in the same group! You are my captain, elder, and teacher, and my heart will always be with you. I am different from them!"

Diogo lowered his eyes and tilted his head slightly, hiding all the changing expressions. After a while, he nodded slowly and asked in a low voice.

"So, Bruno, you want to get rid of Matim and Diego?"

Hearing this, Bruno froze, and looked at the captain in awe. Although the other party was imprisoned in the captain's cabin, he seemed to be able to see through everything on the ship. Thinking of this, he stopped making detours and solemnly nodded his head to answer.

"...Captain, Diego is too cruel. He has a dozen sailors in his hands, and he is reckless, threatening the lives of all of us! Therefore, he must die! Matim is a quartermaster who can repair weapons, and his men are also Not much. As long as he is deprived of his position and power, he can be saved."

Having said that, Bruno licked his lips. He looked earnestly at the captain and said respectfully.

"Dear Captain, as long as you get rid of them, you can restore your rule on the ship!"

Diogo didn't speak, nor was he excited. With a calm expression, he looked at this hand-picked nephew with deep eyes. From the eyes of the other party, he saw the growing ambition, the burning desire, and the deepening darkness.

There was silence again in the cabin. The flagship went down the river, bringing the sound of rushing water; the long wind blew through the wooden windows, and Diego laughed wildly. After a long time, Diogo asked lightly.

"Bruno, tell me, Navigator Reynaldo, how did you die?"

Hearing this question, Bruno was shocked. He knelt down on the ground, not daring to look into the captain's eyes.

"Reinaldo. He was the one who was worried about him and worried about his subordinates, so they killed him together."

"Oh? Unlucky boy."

Diogo gave Bruno a deep look, meaning something. Then, he folded his hands together and prayed sadly.

"May Our Lady save his soul!"

"May Our Lady save!"

Bruno bowed his head and prayed in a low voice.

After praying devoutly, Diogo straightened up and asked in a deep voice.

"Bruno, how many people do you have?"

"Chef Haroldo and his logistics sailors, carpenter Ivo and his apprentices, plus several of Reynaldo's subordinates, and my own cronies. There are about twenty people in total."

Brunolu's eyes flickered a little. Because, only in the name of the captain, he can command and move the hands of Ivo and Reynaldo.

Although Captain Diogo was imprisoned in the captain's room, his prestige of more than ten years is still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Before, the crew united to rebel because the captain insisted on exploring eastward, regardless of everyone's life or death. Now that the fleet has returned, the crew is gradually moving away from the devil's land, and the captain's authority has been somewhat restored. What's more, they also want to return to Fort Elmina for supplies in an open and honest manner, and return to the Kingdom of Portugal and their hometown in glory.

The status of the captain is being silently restored in people's hearts. Bruno was keenly aware of this, and that's why he made today's visit.

"About twenty people."

Diogo nodded slightly. He pondered for a moment, showing the melancholy smile common to Portuguese.

"It's not enough. Noble Knight Brunolu, since you came to see me today, you must have other preparations."

Bruno lowered his head, countless messy thoughts emerged in his mind, and quickly fell silent. Facing the lion-like captain, he couldn't hide it at all. And once the lion is released from the cage, how can you ensure your own safety? He hesitated for a while, until he shook the cross on his neck again, which the captain personally put on him, and finally made a complete decision.

"Dear Captain. I am in charge of communicating with the other two ships."

Bruno gritted his teeth and said.

"The two noble captains, Pero Anes and Pero da Costa, have always been suspicious of the flagship situation. As long as I send them your secret letter, both ships will send elite sailors to the flagship Come to follow your command and put down the rebellion for you!"

"Invite Pero Anes, Pero da Costa, and send sailors to board the flagship?"

Hearing this, Diogo raised his brows and carefully looked at Bruno in front of him, with a faint smile on his lips.

"Very good! Bruno, you are very courageous. Taking such a big risk, what do you want?"

"...Captain, I want to become a glorious and honorable royal knight just like you!"

At this time, there is no need to hide anything. Bruno raised his head, not hiding the desire and ambition in his eyes.

"Captain, I also believe in you. Believe in the piety in your heart, believe in the responsibility on your shoulders, and be able to overwhelm the hatred for our rebellion!"


Diogo looked at Bruno, his eyes narrowed, and he smiled like a lion.

"Bruno, what does my piety and responsibility have to do with you?"

"Dear Captain, after the rebellion is suppressed, I will assist you to go south together and continue exploring! If you die of illness during the voyage, I will dock to the east and erect the last padro for you, the explorer stone pillar! Bury you in the land where you arrived last."

Afterwards, Bruno pressed his heart with one hand, and held the cross around his neck with the other, and swore devoutly to God.

"God witnesses! Not just this time! I will inherit your responsibility, continue to explore new sea routes, and look for the East John Presbyterian Kingdom! I will also follow the teachings of Prince Enrique, explore new sea areas, and find the Lordless land. For the future of our Portuguese, expand at sea!"

Diogo put away his smile and looked solemn. He stared into Bruno's eyes, as if he wanted to see through the man in front of him completely. After a long time, he nodded calmly.

"Bruno, a real man should do what he says. I don't have much time and I can't see your future. And your oath, your promise, I will believe it for the last time. In order to survive, you can choose to betray; For ambition, you can be ruthless; for faith, you can even kill brutally."

"All of this, I can forgive you, and the Lord will forgive you. But you have to remember, you are a noble knight and a good man of my Avish! Your courage, your responsibility, must not be let down! "

"Go down and get ready, may the Holy Mother bless you! Noble knight, Blue Nor."

"And you too, honorable Captain Diogo. May the Holy Mother bless you!"

Waterfowl chirped, hippos roared, and the forest of beasts was full of fights. And the Congo River is passing away, rushing westward, never looking back.

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