Aztec Eternals

Chapter 378 The roar of the guns, the most magnificent movement

The land in the south is full of life. The green leaves do not fall all the year round, and the flowers still bloom after autumn, which makes the evening more colorful.

In the barracks outside the city of Alto, seven thousand imperial guards lined up. Mexica warriors, Prepecha warriors, Otomi warriors, Terkos tribe warriors, Guajili red-haired hunters, and elite fighters from all parts of the world gathered under the king's command. Each of them looked terrified, wearing bronze armor and holding bronze soldiers, and many of them also carried longbows and throwing spears.

After resting in the capital, the imperial guards expanded to 7,000 people, and the ratio of bronze armor increased to 80%. At this moment, at a glance, it is full of golden "oceans", full of metal power.

Xiulot was wearing a golden refined copper armor, standing on a high platform, surrounded by hundreds of armored personal guards. In front of the high platform, there were hundreds of southern nobles and guards, all of whom looked terrified and uneasy. Nearly 100 meters in front of the southern nobles, the soldiers of the 500 Artillery Battalion had finished loading ten Condor Cannons and thirty Tiger Squat Cannons, with their muzzles facing the west.

In the west is the fiery red sunset, the shining mountains, and more than 20 noble captives bound by brothers and feet under the mountains, with faces ashen ashes.

Gulamo looked dignified. He stood in the ranks of nobles without saying a word.

Not long ago, he took Medina all the way north, just in time to meet the Kingdom's Gyeonggi Legion heading south. A total of 8,000 warriors passed by him, all of them were well-groomed, with high morale and excellent weapons. They were a solid and strong army. He was very worried. The combat power of this army was obviously much stronger than that of the southern army, and he didn't know how to resist it. However, when he arrived outside the city of Otto and saw the golden-armored imperial guards, he realized what a truly irresistible army looked like.

Beside Gulamo, the old crow Sitley looked at the noble captive not far away, trembling in fear.

That is the Yolodila family, based in the southwest for generations, occupying the mountain pass, owning hundreds of private warriors, and has always been famous for its bravery. But the king only sent a partial division, and within a day or two, the noble family was completely wiped out, not even a single male descendant escaped. At this moment, these noble captives were tied up in front of everyone, and what happened to them was self-evident.

"Your Highness, the artillery battalion is ready to fire at any time!"

Tupa, the commander of the artillery battalion, stepped onto the high platform and respectfully reported to the king. He was originally the deputy general of Heilang, and he participated in the sky fire night attack during the Northern Expedition, conquering the new camp in the mountains, and performed quite well. In addition, he also came from His Royal Highness's personal guard in the early years. He has always been loyal and brave, so he was promoted to be the person in charge of the Artillery Battalion, and his future is bright.

"Well, wait a little longer, let the southern nobles appreciate the setting sun more."

Xiulot smiled lightly and waited patiently. He didn't nod his head slightly until the setting sun fell into the mountains and the sky was filled with red clouds.


Tupa saluted and left. He came to the artillery battalion and announced loudly.

"Yolodilla, a hereditary aristocrat in the southwest, blocked the king's army from going south and refused to obey the king's order! The Yolodilla family betrayed the kingdom. There is no pardon for the crime. Now take back all the fiefdoms, and all male descendants will be executed on the spot!"

Tupa announced three times loudly, each time becoming more fluent. It took him two days to memorize this passage.

A hundred meters away, the southern nobles were standing in the best position to watch the execution, fighting each other with fear in their hearts. Low whispers sounded among the nobles, and then quickly fell silent.

The rabbit died and the fox was sad, and the old crow, Sitley, was also emotionally ups and downs. he asked Gramo in a low voice.

"Guramo, how would the Mexica kill Jolodilla Jr.? Sacrifice?"

Gramo shook his head. He pointed to the golden copper beast in front of him, but he still didn't speak. The Mexica had this bronze beast before them, apparently to be used in executions.

"Huh? What the hell is this?"

"Sun Condor Cannon, shoot!!"

Artillery battalion commander Tupa waved a small flag and shouted orders. The gunners immediately ignited the cannonballs of the Condor Cannon, and then quickly covered their ears and squatted on both sides of the cannon.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!."

The terrifying thunderous sound exploded in an instant, like the roar of Thor! The shocking sound of the artillery echoed between the heaven and the earth, and the southern nobles screamed in an instant, trembling with fear, and even ran away in panic. The bound captives collapsed to the ground, howling desperately.

Hearing the terrible sound of gunfire, Gulamo trembled all over, lost his hands and feet, and his body shook constantly. Fortunately, he has practiced dancing for many years, and his martial arts skills are also excellent, barely maintaining his body balance. Two steps away, Old Crow Sitley staggered and fell directly to the ground. Then, his whole body trembled violently, his old legs shook, and his pants suddenly became wet.

Xiulot waved the command flag, and hundreds of warriors moved forward in silence, driving hundreds of fleeing nobles back to the "observation platform". It wasn't until the echoing gunfire disappeared into the distance that everyone regained their sense with difficulty. Gulamo frowned, pulled Sitley up in disgust, and stared blankly at the still smoking copper beast.

The Condor cannon has a long range, and this wave of shooting did not aim at the prisoners who were close at hand. The ten round bullets made of stone drew a trajectory full of power, and they bombarded heavily in the forest one mile away, breaking several trees as thick as wrists. A broken tree swayed, slowly fell to the west, and hit the ground with a "bang". Subsequently, other trees fell one after another, and there were several "bangs".

Seeing this scene, the faces of the surrounding nobles turned pale. The same goes for Gulamor. He whispered to himself.

"Three gods, please bless your last people!"

If such a thick tree could be broken by the stone shot of the bronze beast, the walls of the noble manors would be equally vulnerable. If the king's army launches an attack with the copper beast, except for the city of Kuramo, which has a solid stone wall, the rest of the Muzhai Manor will be completely defenseless.

Xiulot watched the nobles bled and nodded in satisfaction. Half a quarter of an hour later, when the sun was about to completely set, the king waved again.

Tupa looked excited and shouted orders.

"Rain God Tiger Squat Cannon, Shoot!!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!."

The continuous thunder sounded again. The southern nobles were like weeds in the rainstorm, shaking their bodies in terror, unable to hold themselves in the storm.


Old Crow Sitley fell to the ground again. He closed his eyes and covered his ears in despair, waiting for the end of the trial. Now, he no longer had the slightest thought of resisting the king's army. His pants were soaked, but there was no need to be embarrassed. Because the trousers of the nobles were soaked, he was far from the only one.

Gulamo covered his ears and widened his eyes, trying to see the details of the roar of the copper beast.

At the moment when the thunder sounded, a cloud of white mist rose from the round mouth of the copper beast, and then a large group of stone pellets suddenly spewed out. These stone pellets were faster than sharp arrows, and they struck fiercely on the noble captives who were nearly a hundred meters away. Almost in an instant, more than twenty nobles fell limply to the ground. They almost didn't let out a scream, and they were shot into a sieve that was transparent from front to back. A large piece of blood and minced meat spread all over the floor, as if the scene of a demon after eating.

"It turns out that as long as the flame is lit, the copper beast will eject stone pellets and smoke. What kind of magic is this?"

Gulamo pondered deeply, but could not get any answer. He took a deep breath and smelled the breath of the volcano monster. Then, he suddenly realized, and bowed his head silently.

"It turns out that this is not magic! The magic of various states has never been so powerful. It must be the sorcery of the volcano monster! The brutal Mexica reached a deal with the mythical volcano monster, and by sacrificing their flesh and blood, they obtained Terrible power!"

On the high platform, Shulot lowered his eyes, not looking at the prisoners who were executed by artillery fire. Only by using the cruelest means to frighten the nobles in front of them, so that they dare not refuse the kingdom's order to change, can the purge of the south be completed at the lowest cost and the casualties of civilians minimized. That is true kindness.

Seeing the power of the tiger squatting cannon, Tupa, the artillery battalion commander, became hot all over with excitement. He can command such a powerful army, so why worry about not being able to make military exploits and get promoted? And as long as he has the trust of His Highness and makes enough meritorious deeds, he can even lead an army alone and become the head of the army like the leader of the black wolf!

Thinking of this, Tupa suddenly raised his hands and took the lead in shouting.

"Praise the Lord God! God bless Your Majesty!. He is omnipotent!"

The gunners of the artillery battalion also came to their senses and cheered in unison, followed by hundreds of guards, and finally the entire army!

"God bless Your Majesty! Everything is possible!"

Amidst the cheers of the crowd, the southern nobles maintained a dead silence. The king sniffed the gunpowder smoke in the wind and enjoyed the cheers of the legion. Then, he raised his left arm, and thousands fell silent.

"A dinner party is held in the army! It's in this school ground!"

The king paused, and shouted boldly in a passionate voice.

"Hey! My warriors! Tonight, I will have fun with you!"

"Roar! God bless Your Majesty! Omnipotent!"

The cheers rose again immediately, reverberating throughout the school grounds, combining with the rumble of cannons in the mountains, and turning into the most magnificent movement!

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