Aztec Eternals

Chapter 382 The king and the girl go together...

Chapter 382 The king and the girl go together.

The night fades away and the sun rises. In the early morning of the second day, the southern nobles left Alto City and headed south to their respective fiefs in a hurry. The king did not stay, nor did he see any nobleman. When the sun sets and the moon rises, darkness falls again, and Alto City returns to its former peace.

The king's flag of the black wolf fluttered in the night. Xiulot is still busy in the big tent. He looked at the topographic map of the south, thinking about the follow-up arrangements.

"Bothard, Zicao County has a vast area and complex environment. After the southern nobles changed their titles, I plan to form a new Zicao Army and hand it over to the veteran Etalik."

The warrior commander nodded respectfully.

"Your Majesty, General Etalik is calm and prudent, and he is familiar with the situation in Zicao County. He is indeed a suitable candidate for the head of the army. And with the qualifications of the old general, he should have commanded the army long ago."

"Well, I did owe him some things before."

Hearing this, Xiulot agreed with a smile. Etalik is a loyal warrior of the family, following his grandfather for many years. Whether it is loyalty, qualifications, ability or merit, he is enough to guard a place.

"Botard, where should the new legion manpower be drawn from?"

"Your Majesty, in the hands of General Etalik, there are now a thousand warriors. In addition to the 1,000 warriors and more than 3,000 miners under Necalli, the director of industry and mining, there are also 2,000 resting Tarasco troops. The mines that have passed a year have almost been tortured."

"Well, then transfer to the south. That way there will be 3,000 people."

Shulot nodded slightly. It is too dangerous to use the army to mine mines. After the Kingdom replenished the miners, they replaced them. And this time the Gyeonggi Army Corps went south, and it did not include the Chinganbat Warrior Battalion in Nekali. Because large mines in this era must be suppressed by the army, otherwise riots will occur every minute.

"The remaining manpower will be replenished partly from the Tuntian Army, and then partly from the militia in Zicao County. Then they will be stationed on the spot, half full."

Given the current situation in the kingdom, there is no way to raise another standing army. In fact, the support of the new legion will fall on the land and Dingkou that will be confiscated in Zicao County.

The two monarchs and ministers continued their discussion. During the conversation, Zicao County was already regarded as a direct subordinate of the kingdom. After all, more than 30,000 elite troops marched south, armed with bronze armor, longbows and bronze cannons, the southern nobles had no way to resist.

Suddenly, Dunweitels opened the tent door and strode in. He looked at His Highness and smiled plainly.

"Your Highness!"


"The girl from last night is here again."

Hearing this, Shulot raised his brows and looked at Bertard.

"It's so late, hasn't Gulamo gone south yet?"

"Your Highness, Gulamo went south and left early this morning. Ms. Medina may have escaped secretly, may have been left behind by Gulamo, or maybe it was a combination of both."

Berthard understood, bowed his head and replied.


Xiuluo nodded. He pondered for a while, and roughly guessed what Gulamo meant. The king hesitated for a moment, then glanced at Bertard again. The warrior commander lowered his eyes and remained silent.

"Well, let her in then."

Tells turned and left. Soon, the tent door opened again, and a graceful figure appeared in front of the king.

Tonight's Medina is a little different. She doesn't have the original charm, but she is stunning after being dressed up. She was wearing a decent pale yellow dress, a feathered cloak, and embroidered cotton shoes on her feet. She pulled up her hair, put a light rouge on her lips, and even dyed her nails light blue. At this moment, holding the clay pot from last night in both hands, she mustered up her courage and stood in front of the king.

"Your Majesty, I salute you!"

Medina put down the pot and knelt down to salute. On her face, there was a beautiful smile, but also the loss and anxiety that could not be concealed.


The king nodded expressionlessly.

"Medina, why are you here?"

"His Majesty."

The girl's eyes were instantly moist. She lowered her head and said softly.

"Patriarch. Don't want me anymore. I can only come and go to you"

Shulot raised his eyebrows. He was silent for a moment, then spoke.

"Metina, I can send a warrior to escort you back to Zicao Manor."

"Your Majesty! Woohoo"

Medina couldn't bear it any longer, and cried on the ground with a "woo hoo".

"I beg you, I beg you, take me in! If I return to the manor, the patriarch... the patriarch will, will kill me!"


Hearing this, Xiulot was a little surprised. He asked the girl in a deep voice.

"Metina, isn't Gulamo your father?"

"Your Majesty. I'm just one of the patriarch's dozens of children. To him, I'm just..."

Medina cried with pear blossoms in the rain, her voice choked with sobs. Her small nose twitched slightly, with a painful expression on her face.

Seeing this, Shulot's heart seemed to be stabbed quietly by something. He stood up slowly, took two steps forward, and stared at the lovely person on the ground.

"Medina, speak up"

"Your Majesty. In Zicao Manor, I am just a beautiful tool, a beautiful work of art."

Medina cried more and more quickly, her face showing the loneliness from the bottom of her heart.

"I haven't had a mother for as long as I can remember. As soon as I can walk, I have to practice dancing day and night, learn to sing, raise birds, and recite poetry. And when I grow up a little bit, I have to learn how to attract people and please people. Others, if they do anything wrong, they will be punished, and they will be sentenced to the terrible waterboarding, Your Majesty, I am afraid."

Breeding birds is to exercise the eyes and make the eyes attractive. At this time, water torture mainly uses intermittent suffocation as punishment, which is extremely painful and does not leave scars.

In Shulot's heart, the softness from later generations emerged again. He gently stretched out his hand and stroked the girl's hair.

"Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid."

"Your Majesty, do you know that my mother committed suicide? After she died, the patriarch took off her head. When I was young, I accidentally entered the patriarch's collection room."

Horror appeared on Medina's face. She stretched out her catkin in fear, hugged Shulot's big hand, and pressed it on her cheek. She held it so tightly, as if hugging the last straw, even her blue nails were tightly attached to the back of the king's hand. Fortunately, before scratching the king's skin, the girl regained some sanity and put away her fingers.

"Head. Collection"

Hearing this, Shulot lowered his eyes. The nobility of this era had a penchant for collecting skulls, often treated with embalmed herbs, as a special kind of trophy or collectible.

The king silently felt the girl's cheeks, which were soft and moist with tears. He pitifully helped the girl up, stretched out his arms vigorously, wrapped around the girl's slender waist, and held her in his arms.

"Metina, don't be afraid. I'm here."

Hearing this, Medina raised her head and looked at the handsome king. Her eyes were full of tears and full of anticipation.

"Your Majesty...will you take me in?"

Xiulot stared into the girl's eyes, was silent for a while, and finally nodded imperceptibly. Then, he looked at the samurai commander.


Berthard sighed silently. He whispered back.

"Your Majesty, since Ms. Medina has left the family, it won't cause too much impact. She can enter the royal capital and serve as a priestess serving the gods in the temple of the Goddess of Spring. As long as she remains anonymous, she will not appear in public. , participate in kingdom politics, the alliance side will not."

"Enter the temple and serve the gods"

Shulot lowered his eyes and nodded. He thought of another girl, guilt emerged in his heart, and the rushing desire was once again bound. After a while, he calmly looked at the girl.

"Medina, would you like to?"

Medina stopped crying, and stared blankly at the sincere eyes of the king. She didn't speak for a long time, and she didn't know what she was thinking. After a while, her eyes gradually became charming, and her words also revealed a sense of spring.

"Your Majesty, I am willing."

While confiding emotionally, Medina stood on tiptoe and kissed the king's lips. Shulot was startled. He couldn't restrain himself and lowered his head, kissing the girl's lips.

The girl's lips are so delicate, as beautiful as roses, with the gentle breath of spring. The king sucked greedily, feeling the softness he had never had before. It was hard to believe, but it was his first kiss.


After a long time, the two slowly separated. The king's eyes became gentle. He has opened his heart, let go of all defenses, and accepted the lovely girl in front of him.

A strange red color appeared on Medina's face. She looked at the king charmingly, and giggled.

"It turns out that the feeling of kissing is so beautiful."

Then, the girl gently stretched out her hands, stroking Shulot's handsome face. Her light blue nails lightly scratched across the king's face, and then across the king's neck, as gently as cat's claws.

"Your Majesty. Do you know that I was so lonely, so I wanted to be accompanied by others, so I wanted to be rescued. If, if, I could meet you when I was a child, how wonderful it would be"

Hearing the girl's words, Shulot felt a little ominous. He took a deep breath, sniffed the girl's body fragrance lightly, felt the warmth in his arms, and asked suspiciously.

"Medina, you"

Medina retracted her tenderness, her smile became more charming and strange.

"Your Majesty, I am really lucky to meet you. I want to go to the Kingdom of the Underworld with you!"

Hearing this, the king's heart suddenly rang an alarm. He looked at Medina in astonishment, but saw that the girl's eyes suddenly became sharp. Then, there was a sudden pain in his waist and abdomen.


At some point, in the girl's hand, there was already a small blue dagger. The short dagger pierced the king's waist, but was blocked by the close-fitting bronze armor inside.


Shulot roared angrily, like a wounded beast. His expression was in disbelief, but also full of the anger of being betrayed by someone he trusted. He didn't have time to think about it, he immediately drew back and at the same time pulled out the bronze sword at his waist with his right hand.


Berthard has been more than ten steps away, avoiding disturbing the king and the girl. At this moment, seeing the scene in front of him, his eyes were about to burst, he pulled out the bronze sword "suddenly", and ran quickly.

"Whoa! Whoa!"

Medina had a strange smile on her face. She danced lightly, chasing after Shulot's footsteps, always within one step. She swung the blue dagger, stabbed the king's cheek, and then slashed at the king's arms, palms, and thighs where there was no armor.

Shulot kept retreating, relying on his uninterrupted warrior training, and struggled to dodge the girl's attack. He bound his hands and feet to avoid being scratched by You Lan's dagger, and he couldn't pull out the bronze sword at his waist. However, the girl's movements are far quicker than expected! She finally cornered Shulot before Berthard arrived, scratching the king's arm.

"Your Highness!"

Berthard cried out in pain, and dozens of personal guards poured into the big tent, holding up spears, and surrounded the king and the girl.

Shulot leaned against the edge of the big tent. He looked at the blue wound on his arm, and his mind was dizzy.

Medina stopped her movements, stood there gently, and smiled charmingly.

"My lord, I've got you. Let's go together!"

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