Aztec Eternals

Chapter 394 Attack and Kill

The wind is blowing, and the vegetation is turning yellow. The swirling red leaves fell from the hills around the valley, covering the large corpses in the valley, stained with more vivid red.

The accurate shooting of the dog-born hunters only lasted for half a quarter of an hour, and nearly two hundred palm warriors were attacked and killed. The more than one hundred red-haired elites in the valley immediately launched a charge and defeated the remaining hundred warriors. The short ambush suddenly became intense and ended quickly. The Guajili warriors roared, swung their copper spears, and shot feathered arrows, chasing the scattered enemies.

Zotor, the palm patriarch, lay motionless on the grass. His eyes widened unwillingly, dozens of sharp copper arrows were stuck in his body, and the dark red was constantly spreading under his body. Death was so sudden that he didn't even have time to leave his last words. Until he died, there were still surprises and puzzlements in his eyes, as if he was still questioning: Why did I die suddenly? The northern barbarians who sneaked up, don't talk about it.

"Haha, dumb deer, it's really tried and tested to lure the enemy by feigning defeat, ambush and beheading!"

The red monkey Ozuma grinned, leading hundreds of hunters, and quickly climbed down from the cliffs on both sides. Behind him, thousands of Guajili fighters emerged from the cliff. Howling wolves in a low voice, they walked along the edge of the cliff to kill the palm warriors outside the valley.

"Red Monkey, I just can't figure it out, why am I the one who lures the enemy every time? Being chased is like a dead dog, and you have to keep your strength at all times so as not to throw off the opponent."

Red Deer Massat was out of breath and somewhat dissatisfied. He lured the enemy all the way, and was driven by Zottoer for twenty miles, and finally led to the ambush valley.

Fake defeat to lure the enemy is easy to say, but it is actually a real technical job, especially when running with two feet. If the soldiers don't have enough will to fight, they will collapse if they run away; if they don't have enough mobility and experience, they will go the wrong way while running. When Masat fled, he not only had to control his speed, but also had to constantly adjust his direction, losing more than a dozen elite lures in the middle.

"Dailu, isn't it because you have experience and run fast?"

"Hmph! Red Monkey, the more times you lure the enemy, the more experience you will have."

"Masat! I am the leader of the Red Monkey Squad, and you are the deputy leader. According to the rules of the southern tribe, you must obey my orders!"

The red monkey Ozuma sternly pressed his face on the brand-new bronze sword at his waist, revealing a bit of complacency in his words. After the Northern Expedition, he was highly regarded by His Majesty, and became the head of the 3,000-man battle group, and the deer Masat served as his deputy. The 3,000 fighters under their command were selected from tens of thousands of western dog descendants, each of whom was adept at fighting.

"All right. But I was in charge of the most dangerous luring of the enemy. According to the rules of the big southern tribes, these two hundred heads are all mine!"

Red Deer Horse Sutter paused, his eyes flickered, and he spoke his calculations.

"As for the subsequent military exploits, the two of us must share them equally!"

". Here it is! It's just more than two hundred heads. I thought that the southern tribes were as difficult to deal with as the tribe of the Great Chief Death, but I didn't expect it to be so vulnerable. Now it seems that, let alone hundreds of heads, Even a few thousand are easy!"

Ozoma looked confident. After thinking for a while, he looked at the corpse of Zotor, the palm patriarch.

"The head of that southern chief"

"It's mine too!"

Massat looked anxious and shouted out.

"He's been chasing me for so long, I'm going to knock off his skull and use it as a bowl!"

The use of human bone vessels is also a tradition of the wilderness tribes. However, there is a lack of food and even less wine in the wasteland. The dog descendants can't use wine glasses, but can only use bowls. According to the Priest of the Wasteland, this vessel can absorb the bravery and life of the enemy, making the warrior more brave and stronger!

"Here, it's all yours. Although this southern chief is brave, his brain is not good. I use his skull to make a bowl. If I don't make it, I will become stupid. Dude, you use it just right!"

Ozoma laughed, full of joy of victory.

"But the heads of these people are still useful now. Warriors put their heads on their spears, just to terrorize the enemy warriors and villages!"

"Okay! The enemy on the opposite side lost its leader and scattered into a long snake, which can be defeated in one fell swoop!"

Massat's grin, obviously did not hear Ozoma's innuendo.

The two wasteland chiefs chatted and laughed for a while, and the red-haired hunters had already cut off the heads of their enemies and strung them on sharp spears. Afterwards, the hunters did not stop, and turned back to kill the Taniguchi in the south. There, thousands of Guajili fighters fought ferociously, and just defeated another wave of chasing enemies.

The red leaves were flying, and three thousand red monkeys gathered from all directions, driving away the defeated palm warriors, and charging at the enemies behind. They held up the head of Zotor, the palm patriarch, howling wolves and shooting deadly arrows.


"Palm Chief Zotor is dead!"

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The friendly army broke up, the leader died, the two wings were attacked, and the arrows rained continuously. Under the repeated and violent attacks of the dog descendants, the three thousand palm warriors who went out to fight in the city had no time to stand up, and they were carried away by the defeated army and fled. The disintegrated formation was like a landslide, surrounded by ferocious howling wolves on three sides, leaving only a death path to the south to flee for their lives.

The tragic rout continued for twenty miles, from the valley of the ambush to the city of Apatchingan. Along the way, there were corpses of palm warriors everywhere, most of them with their backs facing upwards.

Hundreds of dogborn warriors rejoiced, beheading fallen warriors and groping for their relics. Whenever they touched jade, gold and silver jewellery, the dog-born warriors would cry out excitedly. The houndborn cursed under his breath whenever he touched ornaments of wood and stone. The tribe has just settled down and is still very poor. As long as they can loot two valuables and bring them back, they can be worth a year of farming! And the dog-born warrior who didn't touch anything could only continue to chase forward with a cold face, carrying a bronze spear and a longbow.

"Chase, keep chasing, don't stop! Damn it! Everyone has a share in the seized property!"

The red monkey Ozoma cursed and, together with Masat, drove the tribal fighters to continue hunting. Although ordinary tribal warriors are brave in battle and tough in times of adversity, as long as they win and face the temptation of spoils, they will forget the rules of battle. Their discipline is still not comparable to that of the Samurai Legion.

A day later, thousands of dog descendants finally gathered again and approached the city of Apachingan. After the war priests counted their military exploits, they piled the heads of two thousand palm warriors into a Jingguan, stacked within two hundred steps of the city. The morale in Apachingan City plummeted instantly.

The palm patriarch led 3,000 people to fight, but within a few days, the army was defeated. Of the 3,000 warriors, 2,000 were killed, 500 were captured, and only 500 remnants fled back to the city. The rebellious southwestern nobles were in panic, and they were terrified day and night. Even though there are still 6,000 militiamen and 4,000 young men in the city of Apachingan, after losing the warriors who are good at fighting, they will completely lose the ability to go out of the city to fight.

Staying trapped in an isolated city is bound to be a dead end. And the only hope is the more than 10,000 reinforcements from the "shield" Chief Chimali!

Black Wolf Toltek took hundreds of guards and stopped under the city of Apachingan. He frowned, watching the situation at the top of the city.

This southwestern important town played an important role in the old dynasty, and it was the front-line military city of the Kingdom of Tarasco against the Tekos. Apatchin Kampang is named after this city. The entire city is small in size, but the height of the city wall is close to six meters, which is higher than that of Kuramo City. Because there are plenty of stones in the nearby mountains, the towering city walls are made of granite and volcanic rocks of different sizes, plus soil and corn mortar. Although the city wall in front of it looks ugly, it is actually very strong. In the past hundred years, the Terkos invaded many times, but there was nothing they could do about this stone military city.

"No wonder Zotor dared to rebel. It turned out that he relied on this fortified city."

Hei Lang watched for a moment and muttered to himself. He pondered for a moment, then ordered five hundred red-haired hunters to shoot for cover, and five hundred Prepecha warriors to test the siege.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The red-haired hunters were wearing cotton armor and approached within eighty steps. They braved the rain of scattered arrows to shoot at the archers at the top of the city! The arrows whistled, intersected with each other, and shot through the warrior's body. Dozens of people died in an instant!

Black Wolf frowned again. After surrendering to the kingdom, the nobles of the Southwest also learned how to make longbows. At this time, the big bow on the top of the city flashed, and it was very powerful. It is difficult for the archers to approach and suppress without paying huge casualties.

"Boom boom boom!"

The sound of war drums reverberated through the mountains and forests. Five hundred Prepecha warriors raised their big shields and took crude wooden ladders, pressing towards the city wall of Apachingan. The Prepecha warriors rushed within fifty steps, and the rain of arrows at the top of the city turned immediately, and began to shoot through the cotton armor and kill the warriors. Within twenty steps, the javelin from the top of the city was thrown down, smashing the shield and striking around the wooden ladder. Further back, the Apatchingan militiamen held heavy stones and clay pots filled with lime, ready to drop.

"Drip!.Drip! Drip!"

The Prepecha warriors withstood the ferocious attack, and before they approached the top of the city, the retreating conch horn sounded suddenly. The warriors paused, then threw down the wooden ladder and hurried back. A burst of cheers suddenly erupted above the city of Appachingan.

"Ah? Respected leader of the Black Wolf Army."

Ozoma looked at the black wolf Toltek.

"Stop fighting! Ezpan's Long Spear Corps is about to march westward. This broken city is so hard, let him eat it!"

Toltek looked calm and waved his hand. He will not do such stupid things as eating a pad and gaining wisdom and attacking the fortress of the strong city.

"Apachingan is an isolated city that has completely lost its ability to fight in the field. Ozoma, leave 500 guards behind, and we will continue to advance westward! Keka has been staring at the big tribe of 'shield', the more than 10,000 of Chief Chimali People, have entered the Apa Plain!"

"Okay, Legion Commander! Let's have a good fight with these southern barbarians!"

"No, Chief Chimali's tribal fighters have just come out of the mountain, and their morale is high. We will keep two thousand troops hanging on him, and we will not fight for the time being."

"Ah? The legion commander, where are we going to fight?"

Ozoma realized in his heart, but still pretended to be puzzled.

"Ha ha!"

Toltek laughed loudly and taught proudly.

"Ozoma, you need to learn a lot! Guacili warriors roam the wilderness and are the best at running! Let us go deep into the mountains and dig out his lair!"

"The legion commander is wise!"

"Ha ha!"

The black wolf's laughter scattered into the wind, heading southwest, turning into a chilling thunder.

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