Aztec Eternals

Chapter 425 Talk

Candles are shining brightly, and the golden and silver carvings in the splendid king's hall; the bonfire is raging, and the gorgeous murals of gods are dazzling.

The door of the main hall was tightly closed, and there were only two people and attendants in the hall. There was no word, and all was solemn. Avet raised his eyes slightly, staring at the murals on the zenith of the palace.

The sun god, the god of war, and the patron saint of Mexica, Vitzilopochtli, is located in the middle of the sky, wearing feathers stretched like the sun on his head, and holding a spear radiating from thunder and lightning, looking down on dozens of gods and thousands of people. And in his lower left hand is the god of death, Shulotel, who is wearing a black wolf's head and sticking out a long red tongue. He loyally protects the rising sun.

After that, Tlaloc, the god of rain, Tescatlippo, the primordial sun, Ometeotel, the god of day and night, Misquatl, the god of hunting, and Quesartesin, the god of fire.

In this zenith mural, the order of the gods is deliberately designed, which seems to be full of deep meaning. Among the gods, the Feathered Serpent God Ketsalcoatl, who is not widely believed in by various ministries in the world, is obviously newly painted not long after the Reformation.

Avit stared at the frescoes of gods and spirits on the zenith, thinking silently. The sun god shines everywhere! No matter how valiant the god of death is, how famous he is, he is the loyal servant of the main god, always guarding the rising of the sun, and has never disobeyed in the slightest. And the residence of the God of Death is in the west of the sunset, desolate and far away, never threatening the throne of the Lord God. The power of the god of death is even more incomparable with the main god who rules the world.

Many unforgettable memories flashed one after another, like a picture scroll drawn by the gods. The picture scrolls came alive in an instant, and then disappeared one by one, taking away some of the advice from the nearby ministers.

After a while, Avit's heart finally became clear. With a confident smile on his face, he raised his scepter and stood up from the throne like a jaguar.

"Praise the lord! Shulot, my student, in the past three years, you have surrendered the three states of Otomi, conquered the Guakili people in the north, changed the enfeoffment in the south, and conquered the Tekos tribe. Even in the lake seven hundred miles away Zhongducheng, I can keep hearing good news about you! My child, I am proud to watch you grow up day by day! At this moment, you appear in front of my eyes, already handsome and handsome like an eagle, in the vast sky Fly to your heart's content!"

In Avit's words, there was joy from the heart. He stepped down steadily and powerfully, and came to Xiulot's side. Afterwards, he stretched out his hand, shook the young man's hair naturally, and helped him up kindly.

"Sholot, my student, get up! You don't need to be polite in front of me."

Hearing this, Shulot stood up, smiled respectfully, and looked at the king's face.

"His Majesty."

"There is no one in the hall, and call me teacher!"

Avit raised his eyebrows and interrupted Shulot. Then, he laughed boldly and gave the students a strong hug.

"Haha, your height is slightly higher than mine!"


Facing the king's warmth, Xiulot was a little moved. He bowed his head and saluted. Then, Avit turned and returned to the throne. Shulot followed and stood by the throne.

"Sholot, how is the situation in the Lake Kingdom?"

"Bless the Lord God, everything is going well!"

Xiulot thought for a while and replied with a smile.

"Whether it is the Otomi people in the north or the Tekos people in the south, they have sent envoys successively to surrender to the alliance and pay tribute regularly every year. The Chapala Lake area in the west is overwhelmed by the harassment of the Guamal dogs, and it is powerless. It's just that the kingdom has not been established for a long time, and its foundation is a bit shallow. There is not enough food in the country, and there is also a shortage of food after repeated battles."

"Dingkou and food, I will find a way for you."

Arvette calmly agreed. Then, he took out a huge map from under the throne and unfolded it in front of Shulot.

"After the autumn harvest, the alliance will use its full force to launch a war of gods, conquer the Tlaxcalans, and destroy the old enemy in the east!"

In the king's quiet eyes, there was a burning flame.

"The core of the Tlaxcala Four-State Alliance is located in the Tlaxcala Valley two to three hundred miles to the east! The alliance will mobilize 100,000 warriors, divide them into two routes, the north and the south, and head east respectively to destroy all those who dare to stop enemy!"

"What, mobilize 100,000 warriors?!"

Hearing this, Xiulot was shocked. Behind the 100,000 warriors, there must be at least the same number of militiamen to maintain logistics and garrison the rear. The main body of the alliance has a population of three to four million, mobilizing more than 200,000 young men, which is a real big deal!

Of course, this rate of requisition is due to the fact that the logistics distance is only two or three hundred miles. If the alliance's territory expands again, and if the Zapotecs are to be conquered a thousand miles away, the number of troops that can be conquered will be reduced by more than half.

"That's right! 50,000 warriors directly under the royal family, 50,000 vassal warriors from various states. There are more than 1.3 million people in Tlaxcala. They are good at fighting. They have been fighting for a hundred years and can mobilize 40,000 to 50,000 warriors and nearly 100,000 militiamen. More The key point is that they have built many difficult mountain cities, and they need a large number of troops to surround them. In this battle, the Alliance does not want to pay tribute or surrender, as long as the Tlaxcala Alliance is completely destroyed!"

Avet's face was cold and hard, deciding the fate of millions of people. The alliance has been quietly accumulating for three years, just to eliminate the old enemy in one fell swoop. He looked into Shulot's eyes and said in a deep voice.

"The scouts have found out that the old enemy Tlaxcala has secret covenants with the Totonacs in the east, the Mixtecs in the south, and the Zapotecs in the south. Soldiers will be sent to rescue. Shulot, my prince, if the food is supplied by the alliance, how many warriors can the Lake Fengguo dispatch?"

"Teacher, the kingdom can mobilize two and a half legions, about 20,000 warriors!"

Xiulot had expected it a long time ago and answered frankly.

Excluding the troops stationed in the counties, the kingdom can dispatch two and a half legions for expeditions. The main force is the 7,000 Imperial Guard Corps and the 8,000 Guacili Corps, and then thousands of tribal fighters are drawn from the surrendered Tekos army to assist. If these tribal fighters stay in the hinterland of the kingdom, it will be a hidden danger to public security. And once recruited to the front line, under the pressure of tens of thousands of elites, they are the best vanguards!

"Twenty thousand warriors. Not bad, very good!"

Hearing this, Avitt's eyes flashed, quite satisfied. The Kingdom of the Lake has not been established for a long time, and its foundation is not stable. In his opinion, 20,000 warriors is indeed the limit of the kingdom's troops. And Shulot can dispatch so many elites to fight for the alliance, which is enough to prove his loyalty. In this case, he gave the students a chance to choose.

"Sholot, do you want to join the Northern Army or the Southern Army? The Northern Army goes straight into Tlaxcala, and pay attention to the support of the Totonacs. The Southern Army attacks Tepeyakak, and beware of rice The attack of the Sterecs and Zapotecs."

Shulot frowned slightly, lost in thought.

By this time, the Mexica Union had five points and two points. The remaining ministries in the world are all secretly contacting each other, forming a vague encirclement network. In general, the Mixtecs and Zapotecs on the South Road have more troops and are more troublesome. But with the support of the waterway of the Talsas River, the spoils of looting can be continuously transported back to Zicao County in the south.

"Teacher, I will join the South Route Army!"

After a while, Xiulot made a decision and replied loudly.

He believed that with the powerful strength of the Imperial Guard Corps, he would not be afraid of any field battles! In this alliance's eastward expedition, the land of the Tlaxcalans obviously has nothing to do with the feudal kingdom in the lake. If the Eastern Expedition succeeds, the Tlaxcala Valley will either be directly under the Union, or be enfeoffed as a princely territory, or both.

And what the Lake Kingdom can get is the spoils looted during the Eastern Expedition. Among them, the large number of young adults who can consolidate the foundation of the kingdom are the most precious. Only along the Talsas River can the population acquired in the war be transported thousands of miles back to Zicao County in the south.

As for the Mixtec and Zapotec people, if they dare to send troops to attack, they will plunder all the Mixtec states along the river!

"very good!"

Avit nodded in satisfaction, and smiled at Shulot. With just a few words between the two, they decided on the alliance's military affairs and the future direction of the world. The army is dispatched, and the affairs are complicated. The specific military affairs details will be handled by special consultants and generals.

Next, the conversation between the teacher and the students is much easier. Avit asked about the scenery and customs in the north and the south, and Shulot also talked about the situation of the various tribes in the wilderness in the north, and the rolling mountains of the Tekos people in the west.

"So, the wilderness extends infinitely to the north, more than two thousand miles to the north, and there are still tribes of dog descendants?"

Avit was quite surprised. His eyes widened like a jaguar smelling fish.

"Exactly! Teacher, according to the chief Guakili who surrendered, in order to avoid the cold wave and divine disaster, they went south from the northern wilderness more than a thousand miles away and arrived at the land of the Otomi people. On their former land, further One or two thousand miles to the north, there are still countless migrating tribes. The tribes in the wasteland are like stars in the sky, and further north, there are tens of thousands of miles of land in the place where the endless cold wave is raging! These lands are extremely fertile and covered with thick There are thick long grasses, and dense black forests. There are several big rivers running from north to south, connecting everything along the way."

Shulot was talking about the vast North American continent, with the same brilliance in his eyes.

"In the northern wilderness, there are huge gold and silver veins, exposed between the Gobi and rocks. Going further north, there are huge open-pit copper mines, open-pit coal mines, open-pit iron and other metal mines. In the northwest of our world, there are towering The rocky mountains stretching into the clouds stretch for thousands of miles. It is likely the source of our Mexica people, the land of Aztlan relies on the blocking of rocky mountains, and many places in the far northwest will not be attacked by the cold wave. There are The fertile soil that can be cultivated includes rivers flowing from the mountains, more prosperous tribes, and even city-states in the mountains.”

Hearing about such a vast world, Avit stood up suddenly. He looked north, with a hawk-like desire to conquer in his eyes. After a while, he calmed down and slowly sat back on the throne.

"Sholot, my student. Hearing what you said, I really want to take the legion and go to the north. You said just now that the Tekos people in the west of the world also have thousands of miles of land?"

"Indeed! From the mouth of the Leman River to the mouth of the Tulsas, the Turkos of the north and the south are scattered over a land of more than 1,500 miles. Their land is either along the endless western lake, or along the The terrain of the river valleys between the mountains is extremely scattered and the terrain is quite dangerous. Only by opening up the two great rivers in the world and conquering along the seaside can the Tekos land be brought under control!"

"Yes, Not Bad!"

Avit nodded slightly. He looked at Shulot and said with a smile.

"Sholot, my student. I handed over the west of the world to you, but the west is so vast! It seems that the future lake kingdom can do a lot!"

Hearing this, Shulot's eyes flickered and he nodded respectfully. He thought about the teacher's words and heard the subtext.

"The kingdom in the lake can only expand to the west."

The two talked and laughed at Yanyan, and they chatted for a long time without knowing it. All ministries and major events in the world are contained in the hearts of the kings, and they are also considered in their minds.

"Sholot, I heard that you have reduced the seals and reforms in the south, and the reduction of the Prepecha nobles' fiefs has exceeded 90%?"

After a while, Avit shook the magic staff in his hand and asked another question of concern.

"Exactly! Teacher, these southern nobles are the remnants of the Kingdom of Tarasco. They control 80 to 90% of the land and ports in the south. The tribute and manpower collected by the kingdom from the 200,000 people in the south are not as good as 40,000 to 50,000 people in Gyeonggi."

Xiuluo nodded with a confident and firm expression.

"After I went to the north, I rested for a season, and then I continued to go south to reduce the land. Tens of thousands of elite warriors were pressed down like mountains, and the old nobles had no way of resisting, so they could only obediently obey their orders. Those who refused to obey, all were wiped out, and the fiefs were completely recovered. , the children are exiled in northern Xinjiang!"

"Good, good! Excellent!"

Avit was slightly moved, and his words fluctuated.

"The old local nobles have mastered too many fiefdoms and populations! The power of the royal family must continue to be strengthened! What a pity!."

Hearing this, Shulot's heart trembled. He pursed his lips and carefully looked at Avette's expression.

"Teacher, the alliance and the kingdom are different after all, so there is no need to rush. Otherwise, the counterattack of the nobles is really dangerous."


Avit's expression remained unchanged, noncommittal. He looked at Shulot and asked with concern.

"Sholot, my child, I heard that you were assassinated in a dangerous way in the south?"

"Ah! Yes"

Shulot lowered his eyes and nodded in response.

"Teacher, the situation at that time was quite dangerous. The assassin hid the frog poison in his fingernails, and I almost missed death"

"Well. I heard the details from the intelligence officer."

Avit stared at Shulot calmly, thinking of something. After a while, he opened his mouth lightly.

"Sholot, my child, the mastermind who assassinated you has been captured by the alliance and is being imprisoned in the dungeon of the nearby temple. They assassinated His Royal Highness of the alliance, which is an unforgivable crime. They save their lives at this time just to let you see Go up! Soon, they will all be executed, and their heads will be erected in front of the Great Temple to warn the nations!"

"Ah! Gulamo was captured by the Alliance?"

Shulot's heart shook, and the surging hatred rose up, turning into a cold killing intent.

"Lord God bless! Thank you, teacher! I will go to see them well!"


Avit nodded calmly and didn't care. For the king of the alliance, the fate of a few noble assassins is nothing more than a small grass mouse. He pondered for a moment, looked at the mural on the ceiling again, and said quietly.

"Sholot, this is the end of today's conversation. Alyssa is waiting for you in the rose garden at this moment. She has been waiting for you for a long time, don't let her down!"

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