Aztec Eternals

Chapter 539 The king's decision, an unprecedented sacrifice!

"The immortal sun has set. My great-uncle, who has been shining for thirty-seven years since I was a child, has fallen!"

The cry echoed in the big tent, and the sadness spread among the people. After a while, Avit came back to his senses, grief appeared on his face, and tears fell from his eyes.

When he heard the fall of the immortal sun, it was like seeing a sacred mountain collapse, and his heart was suddenly empty, losing a sacred tree that stood upright and could be relied on. He thought of the majestic teachings of his uncle Trakaerel, the voice and smile that resembled his grandfather Montezuma, and the admiration from his childhood, and he couldn't help feeling sad.

The king in his prime suddenly turned his back to the crowd. He wept angrily, like a tiger that has lost its parent!

"Woo! Ho! Woo!."

The mournful cry came from the large tent of the Northern Army Corps, with the low growl of a jaguar, and also like the mournful cry of an eagle, painful and majestic!


Gilliam's eyes flashed, and he sighed silently. He looked at the envoy of the capital crying on the ground, and asked in a deep voice.

"What kind of decree did the elder leave behind before he died?"

"Woo! Elder's decree. Priest and elder Ugel will be the new high priest; Tonatiu, Yazar, and Akap, the three priests and elders, will be the deputy chief priests. From now on, among the high priests All important matters are decided by the high priest, the deputy chief priest and the rest of the elders."

"Huh? Ugel is the high priest? Three new deputy chief priests? The high priest group voted to make a decision?"

Gilliam was startled, this is really an unexpected arrangement, and it must contain the deep meaning of the elder.

".The new high priest who is weak and mediocre, the ambitious chief priests, the elders meeting who cast a lottery. Good! The powerful power of the high priest group has been completely divided from now on, and it is no longer a threat! The prestige is outstanding, just above it, governing the theocratic and royal power of the alliance!."

The female snake intelligence officer frowned, thought for a moment, and gradually relaxed her brows, even with a hint of a smile. After a while, he pursed his lips and sighed with emotion in a low voice.

"The elder is really... well-intentioned towards the king."


Avet's crying gradually subsided, and his voice was a little choked. He fell into grief, still unable to extricate himself. Gilliam looked at the sad king, and his face was also sad. Afterwards, he sat up straight and asked solemnly.

"The high priest passed away in Cholula, was he poisoned by the priests of the Holy City?"

"Exactly! The high priest ordered the elders of Cholula to choose two people and sacrifice them to the main god! The priests and elders of Cholula were full of resentment and sent poisonous smoke and potions. After the high priest used them, that night He was poisoned and died, and went to the Kingdom of God!"

The envoy of the capital city stared and replied in a deep voice. When he mentioned the priests and elders in Cholula City, he couldn't help gnashing his teeth with anger in his voice.

"How dare the city of Cholula do this! This is a great insult to the Mexica Alliance, and it is a bloody feud that cannot be shared!"


Gilliam looked serious and nodded in agreement. He remained calm, his thoughts were spinning, but he couldn't figure it out for a while.

"The holy city of Cholula should not have the guts to murder the high priest, but if an elder did it impulsively, it is also possible. However, the elder and the high priest fell at the same time almost in no particular order? It is really strange, and among them There must be a secret!"

The chief intelligence officer frowned deeply and fell silent. The intuition brought about by years of intelligence work told him that there must be something hidden behind the death of the high priest. But as the messenger said, since the high priest died in the city of Cholula, it was an insult to the powerful alliance and a blood feud that must be sacrificed! The priests and elders couldn't argue with a hundred words, and they might not escape death. He thought for a moment, settled down, and asked carefully.

"After the High Priest went to the Kingdom of God, what was the reaction of the Southern Army, Your Highness Xiulot?"

"His Royal Highness was both sad and angry. He personally put on armor and led the Guards to attack the holy city of Cholula. When I came, I heard that the city of Cholula had been broken. mouth, all the families of the twelve priests will be wiped out!"


Hearing this, Avit turned around. There were tears in his eyes, and he was surprised.

"Sholot destroyed the holy city of Cholula and slaughtered 20,000 people in the holy city? Is this what that child would do?"

After the Western Expedition, Shulot left the Kingdom of the Lake, and Avitt had few chances to meet him. In the king's heart, he still kept that intelligent, persistent, pure and soft boy.

Gilliam raised his eyebrows, feeling a little more apprehensive. The cub has grown up, roaring ferociously in the forest with awe-inspiring killing intent. In contrast, the little highness is a fledgling that has just hatched, and needs to hurry up and grow up!

"Exactly! His Highness avenged his grandfather, and personally sacrificed the twelve priests and elders on the Great Pyramid of Cholula! After the sacrifice, His Highness raised a dagger, danced a sacrificial dance, chanted incomprehensible divine words, and bid farewell to the cremation The High Priest! Everyone at the scene heard it, felt the same, and shed tears of sorrow."


Seeing the envoy's confident nod, Avit sighed. He imagined that scene and shook his head slightly.

"The child will be so angry that he will slaughter the city. It can be seen that the death of the high priest really made him heartbroken! Well, let him give him some time, after calming down his grief, let's recruit the South Route Army to go north!"


Hearing this, Gilliam was startled. The South Route Corps had postponed their northward march, and he opened his mouth to attack the Three Snake City Fortress. He observed the king's expression, hesitated to speak, and decisively changed the subject.

"The elders of Cholula City promised to surrender. The gods and Dingkou in the city."

"Well. I will send an envoy to ask Shulot to send the fetish and enshrine it in the great temple in the capital. As for the tens of thousands of people in Cholula"

Avit pondered for a while, feeling a little relieved in his heart, and also a little sincerely sentimental. He has always respected and feared the old fox of the royal branch, the resolute and ruthless high priest.

Back then, it was the two who planned together to overthrow the rule of their elder brother Tisok and successfully control the power of the alliance. And these years, the high priest has been in charge of the high priest group in the capital, and his prestige has grown day by day, and he is close at hand. Without making a fuss, he exterminated nobles and priests from all countries; when he prayed in the morning and evening, the 200,000 people in the capital echoed in unison! Such a majestic power made him feel like a light on his back, making it difficult to sleep peacefully.

Now, since the high priest has gone to the Kingdom of God and no longer controls the divine power, the imminent threat to the throne from the Holy City has disappeared in an instant.


The young king breathed a sigh of relief, and put down his guard against the holy city. He thought of Shulot, the nephew from the distant matrilineal line, the student he trained by himself, and the son-in-law who watched him grow up. His heart suddenly softened, and he became more tolerant and loving.

"The Kingdom of the Lake has just risen, and Dingkou is needed to replenish it. Let Xiulot handle the tens of thousands of young and strong captured by the South Route Army!"


"Ok, deal!"

Avit regained his composure and made a decision. He waved his hand to let the warriors and envoys in the tent go out, and then he spoke coldly, his words were as cold as a glacier.

"Gilim, the expansion of the Great Temple has been completed, and the elders and the high priest fell at the same time. The two elders who suppressed the alliance passed away, and the capital city in the lake must hold a great sacrifice that has never been done before! Only in this way can we sacrifice to the main god and ancestors, and show The reverence of the dead, and then suppress the hearts of the people of all ministries and states in the alliance!"

".The unprecedented.'Great Sacrifice'?"

Hearing this, Gilliam was immediately stunned. He saluted solemnly, asked in a low voice, and paused for a while on the word "great sacrifice" that the king emphasized.


Avit nodded coldly, his expression was full of killing intent, without any pity.

"There must be at least 6,000 descendants of Tlaxcala gods and nobles, plus five times the number of warriors and militiamen, and 36,565 people will be sacrificed! Envoys from all ministries and alliance states are invited to count them all. Come to watch the ceremony. The great temple in the capital city will sacrifice for a full 30 days, 200 noble bloodlines and 1,000 ordinary prisoners of war will be sacrificed every day! I want all the city-states and tribes in the world to bow their heads and fear the shock!"

When the king said this, he kept silent and did not speak thoroughly. For the Mexica, who believe in gods and are warlike, the victory of the war and the grand sacrifice can best establish the prestige of the king. And Dongzheng wins, after the great sacrifice, he will succeed the elder and become the new Immortal Lieyang!

"Ah! Six thousand descendants of the gods and nobles?!"

Gilliam paled in shock and let out a low voice. Thirty thousand men are easy to get, and the Northern Route Army has captured so many Tlaxcalin men during the half-year eastward expedition. But six thousand noble descendants of the gods and nobles? This is a number that can make everyone in the world tremble!

You know, the four states of Tlaxcala have a population of 1.2 million, with a noble ratio of 1%-2%, the total is no more than 20,000 noble blood including old and young! And the cruel conquest of the world until today, the Otomi, Tarasco, and Tlaxcala, the three major ethnic groups have lost nearly half of their lives, leaving only eight or nine million people, and hundreds of thousands of noble blood!

"That's right! In this great sacrifice, we will exterminate the cloud snake descendants of Tlaxcala, and sacrifice half of the world's noble blood!"

Avit raised his head and looked at the cloudy sky, his eyes were as cold as a mountain, and his will was as firm as corundum.

If the alliance wants to unify the world, the biggest obstacle it faces is the noble species with noble bloodlines among the various ministries and states. In this era when the descendants of gods were born, the noble blood really has a deep appeal to the warriors and commoners of all states!

The history of the establishment of the Mexica Alliance firmly records all this. More than seventy years ago, the city-state of Texcoco was conquered by the Tepanek Alliance. Prince Nezaval Coyote, who had been in exile for more than ten years, was still able to return to Texcoco, and called on the nobles and warriors who surrendered to the Tepanek Alliance to raise their troops and fight against the city-states of Trochtitlan and Traco Pan Chengbang formed an alliance.

In this way, the Mexica Tri-Cities Alliance was established, raising troops in the hinterland of the Tepanek Alliance. Taking advantage of the Tepanek's legion, they quickly captured the capital of Tepanek, Azgapozarke, and sacrificed to the royal family of Tepanek. In this way, the alliance succeeded in one fell swoop and established the hegemony of the Mexica Valley. The exiled prince Nezaval Coyote has since restored the glory of the royal family and has become a famous poet-king.

It is precisely for this reason that the elders will kill decisively, using the death of Kechar to exterminate the royal family and nobles of Texcoco. During the Western Expedition, he also issued a strict decree to destroy the royal family of Tarasco, and no one should be left behind. And after the death of the high priest, the demise of the family of the twelve priests of the holy city was also in his plan. As for this Eastern Expedition, all the descendants of the Tlaxcalans will also be slaughtered!

"All descendants of the gods in the world must be exterminated! Only the Mexica royal family can inherit and continue, and rule the world forever!"

Hearing this, the female snake Gilliam fell to the ground excitedly and kowtowed heavily. He raised his head, looked at the king's cold expression, his heart was full of admiration, and his chest was full of murderous intent.

"I am the king's dagger, protecting the king's inheritance! I will spare no effort, regardless of life and death. For the rule of the Mexica royal family, the descendants of all gods in the world will either be publicly sacrificed by priests or secretly executed by secret guards! "

".It's just that, after decades, which royal family should succeed? It's up to man, and the fate is still undecided!"

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