Aztec Eternals

Chapter 637 The second kingdom exploration, ancient myths, mighty Mayan epic!

"Oh, you said the descendant of the Heavenly Snake, that's incredible!"

Go to the north of the Changjiang River, and the lagoon is flowing. Honghu Town is located between the river and the lake, and the seven long boats are moored at the junction of the river and the lake. At this moment, the epic poems of the various tribes of the Maya are coming slowly in the evening wind at the mouth of the river. But in a few words, it has spanned thousands of years of rise and fall!

"This has to start from the past golden age! The entire Mayan land, from the northernmost coast of Yucatan to the southernmost mountain of Guatemala, is more than two thousand miles from north to south. From south to north, it can be divided into seven hundred The northern lowlands are 700 miles away, the central basin is 700 miles away, and the southern highlands are 700 miles away. Hundreds of tribes and city-states are scattered in this vast rainforest, which has lasted for three thousand years!"

Tikalo looked far away, and raised his head slightly, as if he was looking back on ancient memories. He paused for a moment, and his tone became serious and serious.

"However, although the Maya tribes are scattered north and south, they have a common source. That is Maya in the golden age, the city-state of the gods in the Central Basin! Thirteen hundred years ago, in the endless rainforest of the Central Basin, many descendants of the gods lived in the Under the guidance of God, the golden age was opened and the most glorious ancient poems were written. At that time, the entire Central Basin was full of reclaimed farmland, built aqueducts, vast cities, continuous stargazing towers, and towering towers. Temple of the gods of the clouds!."

Speaking of this, Tikalo's eyes are already full of yearning. He couldn't help himself, and sang a Mayan ballad that has been passed down for thousands of years, with a vicissitudes and melodious voice.

"The gods came from the sky, leaving the descendants of the gods in the forest to guide the people on the ground! The Mayans, bathed in the starlight of the gods, led by the descendants of the gods, built towering temples and built a vast The stadium, build a high platform of stars, build a magnificent city-state!."

"There are eight million stardust in the sky, and eight million mortals on the earth. There are eighty thousand bright stars in the night sky, and there are eight thousand star-gazing platforms on the heights. The gods have eight thousand shooting stars, and the city-states have eight thousand There are 800 gods in the God Realm, and 800 god descendants in the human world!"

"Countless mortals worked day and night, and countless pyramids rose from the ground. Myths and epics were carved on long-standing stone tablets, and the inherited boards recorded the mysteries handed down by the gods. O corn people, just follow the footsteps of the gods, and the footsteps of giants will be It will never stop! Like the magma surging in the volcano, like the strong wind blowing on the sea, from the earth of the world to the starry sky of the gods, the soul will never stop! "

Ticaro sang loudly, with visions, imaginations and dreams of a golden age. Chivako, an old militiaman, blinked his eyes and thought for a long time before he came back to his senses and shook his head with emotion.

"Hey! My God! How many people are there in a rainforest of 700 miles, and 8 million people? Why are you in the rainforest? How can you build so many temples if you stay in the rainforest?"

"Eight hundred gods, eight hundred descendants of gods? Damn it!"

The main god priest Tomat raised his brows and his eyes sharpened. Then, thinking of the miraculous hot air balloon in the kingdom, he muttered to himself,

"From the land of the world to the starry sky of the gods? The Mayans never stop?"

"There are so many people, so many descendants of gods, so many city-states, so it's still a mess? No wonder there are so many people's sacrifice stadiums."

Puap stared and touched the copper ax on his waist. Soon, he eagerly opened his mouth to urge.

"Where's the descendant of the Celestial Snake? Say it, say it!"

"The Mayan city-states of the golden age are densely covered in the central basin. The most glorious of them is Tikal, the capital of God, and Calakmul, the capital of snakes. The two great city-states compete with each other and fight each other. The competition for the leadership of the Mayan tribes lasted for hundreds of years, and finally ended with the victory of the capital of the gods! The capital of the gods, Tikal, has since become the capital of the gods. Sheng!"

".However, according to the records of the ancestors, the real name of the gods thousands of years ago should be Yax Mutal, the 'great knot'. In ancient times, the knot also implied the divine snake. And 'Kara' is a snake, and the meaning of Calakmul is 'the habitat of the divine snake'. Therefore, the descendants of the ruling gods in these two most glorious city-states all inherit the blood of the Celestial Snake God. The most respected descendant of the Heavenly Snake God!"

"Ah! Good, good! Where is this Tikal, what Calakmul, where is it?"

Puap couldn't wait, clenched the copper ax in his hand, and asked through gritted teeth.

"There are not many descendants of their gods, can we catch them?"

With a half-smile, Ticaro glanced at Puap and shook his head.

"The capital of gods and the capital of snakes are both in the rain forest deep in the central Maya. From here to the east, you have to go through the jungle for more than a thousand miles to reach the ruins of the two great city-states."

"What! Ruins?"

"Yes! No matter how magnificent the golden age is, it will come to an end, just like the sun will go to dusk. When the god capital Tikal was at its peak, the self-confident and ignorant descendants of the gods offended the gods somehow. The gods led After leaving in anger, a terrible divine disaster came immediately, which lasted for two hundred years! Two hundred years of floods and severe droughts, two hundred years of fighting and sacrifice, and unrecorded horrible disasters. Two hundred years later, the Central Basin Hundreds of city-states were destroyed by divine disasters. It was a dark age when countless gods were extinct and countless tribes died! Even the long-standing stone monuments have been permanently stopped six hundred years ago, and only a few words of fear are engraved. A murky dark history."

Ticaro's expression became gloomy. He pursed his lips and gritted his teeth, but he still couldn't calm down the fear and sadness of that era in his heart. This is a deep and indelible emotion of the ancestors who were vague and written in the inheritance epic. After a while, Ticaro sighed quietly.

"The rain forest covered the farmland again, and the birds nested on the top of the temple. The observatory was covered with spider webs, and the stadium was full of hares. The once-populated central basin suddenly turned into a green desert. The remaining ministries are like fleeing , stay away from there in fear, and don’t want to stay in the city-state of death anymore. The golden age of Maya is over! Then, there will be the great north-south migration in the dark age.”

"The remaining descendants of the gods, with sporadic knowledge of the gods, re-established new city-states and even formed alliances in the Yucatan lowlands in the north and the Guatemala highlands in the south. From the great migration to the present, For more than 600 years, the North and South Maya also flourished again. Of course, this kind of prosperity, compared with the Golden Age, is just that the kestrel is compared with the golden eagle, and the bright moon is compared with the sun!"

Speaking of this, Ticaro blinked, and spoke calmly before Puap asked anxiously.

"The descendants of the Heavenly Snake Gods from Shendu and Snake Capital each migrated to the Yucatan lowlands in the north, which is where the fleet is about to arrive. More than 600 years ago, they established a new land in the northern lowlands. However, the descendants of the gods have only lived for a hundred or two hundred years, and the Toltecs' eastward expedition army surged from the plateau!"

"The Toltecs rushed like tigers, gnawing at the flesh and blood of the descendants of the gods. They believed in the Feathered Serpent God, and their capital was in Chichen Itza. With the help of Mayan craftsmen and the knowledge of the gods, they built a The Feathered Serpent Temple of Chichen Itza! This temple contains countless astronomical knowledge. It is a remnant of the golden age, and it is also the inheritance handed over by the descendants of the Celestial Serpent. However, in Toltec Under the rule of human beings, the descendants of the snake gods have always been in a miserable situation. The Toltecs often hold great sacrifices, taking away the blood of the most revered gods, and using various methods to dedicate it to their main god, the feathered snake god Kuku Erkan."

Speaking of this, Ticaro clenched his teeth, with an unconcealable hatred in his expression. Chihuaco gave the Mayan businessman a strange look, and the other party suddenly realized that he lowered his eyes and his tone became gentle.

"The cruel rule of the Toltecs, centered on Chichen Itza, lasted for two hundred years and finally came to an end. Two hundred and seventy years ago, floods and droughts broke out alternately, and divine omens revealed the demise of the dynasty. Strange The kings of Chen Itza were terrified and held sacrifices more frequently."

"The warriors of Chichen Itza captured a young celestial serpent and threw him into a deep well of sacrifice. They wanted to use the blood revered by the deity to please the rain god Chuck who controlled the rain. .And this descendant of the Heavenly Snake, who is destined to be extraordinary, is named Kekemu!."

Tikalo paused, hiding some inexplicable expectation, and looked at everyone present. However, everyone came from the Mexican plateau, and they didn't have any understanding of this name that resounded through the Mayan tribes and was recorded in myths and epics. The bald Mayan businessman lowered his head, coughed twice in embarrassment, and then continued.

"Ahem! The god-born Kokom was born extraordinary. When he was born, there was a strange phenomenon in the night sky. The Chagel birds surrounded his house, singing incessantly! The nobles of Chichen Itza were terrified, bound him hand and foot, and threw him into the deep In the Well of Sacrifice, 200 meters deep underground!"

The Sacred Cenote is a well-known deep underground well and cave near the Temple of Chichen Itza. There are no large rivers in the northern Mayan lowlands, so the famous large city-states are located around natural deep wells to obtain stable and reliable water sources.

"Born to be extraordinary? Two hundred meters underground?"

The main god priest Tomat frowned, with suspicion in his eyes. However, there was no doubt on the face of Mayan merchant Tikalo, only respect and admiration from the heart.

"The god-born Kokom, with the most revered blood, came from the god capital Tikal, and was blessed by the heavenly snake god! He fell into a deep well, and there were elves in the water who helped him remove the rope, and elves from the earth who brought him along. Give him great strength! Step by step, he climbed from the steep ground to the mouth of the cave. Then, he walked back from the sacrifice of death, with the blessing and protection of the gods, and brought back a new name: Hunac Ceel Cauich! Hunac Ceel Cauich, 'The Bearded Squirrel of Precognition'."

"Uh, how is it possible? This Kokom was really rescued by the elves, not by others secretly?"

The old militiaman scratched his head and asked suspiciously.

"And this strange name, what does it mean?"

".God-born Kokom is blessed by the Heavenly Snake God. There is no doubt that dozens of god-born have witnessed it with their own eyes!"

The Mayan merchant Tikalo replied with a straight face.

"As for the name, oh, that's awesome! Cauich, for foreknowledge, foresight, the divinity of the prophet. And Hunac Ceel, 'the bearded squirrel' on the surface, but you see, the bearded squirrel, and Like what?"

"What does it look like? A squirrel has more whiskers, so it can't pretend to be a bobcat, can't it be a tiger?"

Chivaco scratched his head, looked at Tikalo's darkened face and bald head, and suddenly realized.

"Could it be a monkey with less hair and a turtle with hair?"

".It's a divine snake!"

Tikalo gritted his teeth, and said the answer with a dark face.

"In the mythology of the Mayans, the bearded squirrel was the divine snake! In that era, Hunac Ceel was regarded as the incarnation of the Feathered Serpent God, but in fact, he was the incarnation of the Celestial Serpent God! That is to say, Kokom, a descendant of the gods, is the son of the snake god with the ability to predict, and he was born to lead the Mayan people and establish a new kingdom!"

"Kokem, the descendant of God, showed his miracles and proclaimed the name of God! His deeds were spread among the Mayan tribes in the north, and he became a hero respected by the Mayans. The nobles and warriors of the Mayan states respected his divinity and united in him. Under the flag! All the confederations joined hands and fought against the ruler of Chichen Itza for decades, and finally overthrew the rule of Chichen Itza 270 years ago and established a new kingdom!"

Speaking of this, the eyes of the Mayan businessman Tikalo are full of reverence.

"Kokom, the heroic descendant of the gods, led the Mayan nobles from various states, overthrew Chichen Itza, and re-established their capital in Mayapan (Mayapan)! Mayapan is a holy city with a long history, an ancient city established by our Mayans in the golden age , and has nothing to do with the Toltecs."

"Since then, Mayapan has been the land of the gods, the capital of all states, the 'model and norm of the Maya', the immortal city of gods! And the hero-descendent Kokom is also in the temple of Mayapan, among countless gods. Under the worship of descendants and nobles, he became the 'King of Maya'! The Kekemu family, descended from the snake god, has since become the royal family of Mayapan, ruling the northern Maya tribes for two hundred and twenty years!"

"So that's it! The descendant of the Heavenly Snake is the Kekemu family, in Mayapan!"

Puap suddenly realized. He grinned, showing his sharp teeth, and held a copper ax in his hand.

"Tikaro, so we just need to go to Mayapan, and we can find that royal family of Hekokom? See the descendant of the serpent?"

". Hahaha! No more, they are all dead!"

Ticaro suddenly raised his head and laughed, and laughed bitterly for a long time, even his eyes were moist. Then, under everyone's puzzled eyes, he shook his head and said with emotion.

"We Mayans all respect the royal family Kokom, and regard them as the real kings of the Mayan tribes! However, forty-eight years ago, the leader of the Xiu family, Ashupan Xiu, led tens of thousands of warriors, suddenly rebelled against Kokom. The royal family attacked Mayapan, the royal capital! He led the family warriors to brutally massacre the capital for ten days, and then set fire to the magnificent Mayapan. This is a long-planned rebellion, and even more despicable and shameless betrayal! All the Kokom royal family, all the descendants of the Heavenly Snake God, were killed by the Xiwu family!"

"Since then, seven hundred miles from north to south and nine hundred miles from east to west, the great Mayapan Kingdom has been destroyed! The entire northern lowland Maya was then split into sixteen clan chiefdoms, ruled by different divine families. And inherited from the god capital Tikal One branch, the most respected descendants of the Heavenly Snake God, completely disappeared among the Mayan tribes."

"What! Heavenly Serpent Goddess, gone?!"

Hearing this, Pu Apu turned pale with fright, his face turned pale and pale, and his whole body felt a little weak. Chivako looked at Old Pu suspiciously again, thought for a while, and said.

"Tikalo, I remember you said before, besides the God City, there is also a Snake City, which is also the descendant of the Heavenly Snake God! Where did they go after that? People with noble blood like this are very You can fool people. You Mayans seem to believe in that noble blood, and they will definitely be good at it!"

"Captain Chivaco, you are really like a sea turtle, with great wisdom in a calm manner."

Ticaro smiled and sincerely praised. Then, he pursed his lips, gritted his teeth secretly, and said with a flat smile.

"The descendants of the Snake Gods in Snake City are closer to the northern lowlands, and more descendants and tribes escaped during the disaster. They established a rule in the city-state of Uxmal and merged with the local ancient nobles .Afterwards, they bowed their knees and cooperated with the rule of Chichen Itza, and continued to grow and develop. In the last years of Chichen Itza's rule, they also joined the army of the hero Totom, participated in the overthrow of the old dynasty, and in the new kingdom Become a powerful and powerful city-state leader until the kingdom is destroyed. And their family is Xiu (Xiu)!"

The map of the land of Maya is in the easter egg chapter, you can see it later.

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