Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 322: Sit on space and reach the pinnacle of life

Click on the panel to have the functions of turning the ground, weeding, sowing, disinfesting, watering, fertilizing, and harvesting.

It's just that these are all points that need to be redeemed, so she was lucky to have saved 10,000 points, otherwise she would have to wait for a while.

Life is indeed like this, no matter what time you have to leave yourself a way out.

Luo Xiaohua's every move is also seen by men. He also feels very gratified for her seriousness, non-greedy, and hard work. It seems that she has really found the right person.

I chose to turn the ground with a hundred points, and a thousand points for sowing.

Then Luo Xiaohua saw a few seeds dropped in the sky on the two fields. Sure enough, it was convenient because of high technology.

She also didn't expect to take root in this moment, so after clicking to exit, she didn't continue to tinker, instead, she planned to take a turn around.

There is plenty of aura in this space, which makes people feel refreshed when they come in. However, it may be the reason why it hasn't been developed yet. It looks empty inside, like a wasteland from the outside.

It seems that she really has a long way to go. If she wants to develop this space well, she also needs to take care of it herself.

With longing for the future, Luo Xiaohua is also carefully observing this space.

Suddenly, when she was walking, a wide river appeared out of thin air. Looking at the crystal clear water, she felt like she wanted to go swimming.

Although she is a land duck, it does not prevent her from enjoying swimming.

Especially in summer, lying in the flowing water is very comfortable.

In their village, girls cannot go swimming, and they must protect themselves. Boys can swim by the river in summer. Girls don't even think about it, or they will break their legs when they go back. Because she couldn't swim, she almost drowned when she was pushed down the river by Liu Yan.

Now that she sees the river surface, she feels cruel and itchy, especially in such a deserted world, that can be as she pleases.

Now that she is here, she must have a good time to enjoy it, but when she squatted down, took off her shoes, and wanted to feel what it was like, she found that her feet were all black.

Then, a huge force pulled her directly into the water, frightening her to make a terrifying sound.

It's a pity that the voice was immediately annihilated, because she was directly submerged in the water.

After entering the water, her body seemed to be bitten by an insect, and the bone-erupting pain made her wish to die instantly.

However, it all just started.

Luo Xiaohua really regretted her death at this moment. She would have been so curious if she knew it, but it is a pity that the most lacking thing in this world is regret medicine.

What she didn't expect was that the waves of pain that made her feel unhappy did not disappear when she was desperate.

She didn't get rid of the pain until she passed out.

When you wake up again, you will be on a bed, will you die again?

Looking at the white room, Luo Xiaohua couldn't help but wonder.

"What are you thinking about? You were washing the menstruation and cutting the marrow just now to remove impurities from your body."

"Are you talking about me?"

Although she has never seen how to cleanse the sutra, but she has never eaten pork, and hasn't seen a pig run?

She had seen this when she watched it. Then, any medicine for washing the menstruation and cutting the marrow is taken, and the pill for washing the marrow is included. How can it be soaked in the blisters?

"It’s really long hair and short knowledge. Is that normal water? It’s Lingquan. Didn’t you see that the water in there is very clean? If you wait for you to expand it later, feed a little fish and shrimp, as long as You can't eat anything else after one bite."

"Such a great deal, then I'm not making a lot of money?"

Luo Xiaohua's eyes are shining, and she really has a bright future!

But this will not affect the child, will it?

The pain made her want to die. She really remembered her, and she felt trembling on the apex of her heart.

While his mind was thinking, his hand couldn't help touching his flat stomach.

"Oh, this guy is actually moving?"

Luo Xiaohua exclaimed when she felt the beating sound of the fetus.

How old is this kid, so he can't even move?

"What are you doing in such a shock? Since you are reshaping your body, the children in your body will definitely be together!"

"Then this won't hurt the child?"

This is not the same as being a mother. Everything will first think of the child.

"Definitely not, washing the menstruation and cutting the marrow will help them a lot, and it can strengthen his body."

"That's good, as long as there is nothing wrong. Then can I get it out in the future?"

With such a good thing, she also wants the people in the family to reshape their bodies, especially grandparents. As they get older, their bodies are getting worse and worse. If you have this thing, let’s not talk about it. It’s okay to live to the tenth year, eighty or ninety years old!

Grandparents are such good people, she just wants them to live a hundred years old.

"If you are strong, you can take it out."

After getting affirmation from the man, Luo Xiaohua was refreshed. She will work hard to make money and support the family, and strive to make the health of the family better.

"Grows pretty fast!" When Luo Xiaohua was about to go out, she saw that the rice had sprouted, but she didn't expect this speed to be faster than that of the greenhouse.

"Why don't you look at the rules? The growth period of vegetables and fruits is written on it. You can just harvest them when the time comes."

After saying this, the man also left.

Luo Xiaohua didn't know where he had gone, anyway, he was always a dragon without seeing the end, and now she only needs to take care of her space.

With the motivation of life, Luo Xiaohua became more optimistic, saying that she can't walk with wind, and she seems too happy.

No, watching her so energetic every day, everyone in the family wonders if she knows anything good.

"Huahua, dad has something to ask you?"

As soon as she walked in, she was caught by her father, Luo Xiaohua raised her delicately dressed face and asked.

"Then say But, hurry up, I still have business to do."

Even though there are only two plots of land now, but in order to fulfill her wish as soon as possible, she will take care of it as long as she has time, harvest the mature ones, and then continue to sow.

Therefore, in less than two days, the rice was all received in a small box.

"I watch you run to the room every day, what are you doing?"

But the son-in-law told them to take care of them. If something happened to the girl, he wouldn't be able to explain it.


How can such a thing be said?

Luo Xiaohua immediately fought haha.

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