Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 337: Don't have a hole in the sky

"I saw it below."

Luo Xiaohua only noticed when Xiao San said this. No wonder she thought the mountain was very interesting from the bottom up, as if it had entered the clouds, but as she went up, she couldn't see the white clouds. Set the blindfold.

"Is that lady an old lady?"

"You think you are watching martial arts, that old lady is an old lady, she should be the one who is responsible for keeping watch, let's keep going!"

At this time, Luo Xiaohua didn't know what to do with this matter.

I thought it was just a poor mountain and gully, but now it's fine. Others are old villages isolated from the world.

"I blame you for not telling me clearly!"

Luo Xiaohua also finds it strange. In her previous life, she had also dealt with Yu Dan's parents. They were very simple people, but didn't they hear that they lived in the stockade?

"Say what?"

Luo Si was as if the monk Zhang Er was confused, and didn't understand what the younger sister said at all.

"Say this is a stockade!"

"Is this a difference in the stockade?"

"Of course..."

If she said that she came to the wrong place, she would not do it. She wanted to make an excuse.

This is just great!

"You girl, you really thought your fourth brother came with us to propose a marriage, and we came to do business."


Luo Xiaohua looked at her man, then her fourth elder brother, and then her sister she just recognized.

"Okay you guys, you guys lie to me together?"

"I didn't lie to you. It's another thing to do business. Your fourth brother really has a crush on that girl, so you can help me decide."

This village is almost isolated from the world. When they came to the village gate, there was an accident that the patriarch gave to Li Jinhua and the others.

This gave Luo Xiaohua the feeling of a bandit's nest. She didn't expect that there would be such a place in Nancheng.

This gate is not a particularly tall gate like others, but in the middle of a big stone. When entering, someone has to open the gate. Isn't this the story of the martial arts TV series in ancient costumes?

Wouldn't this place be a place for others to take pictures from now on?

When she was thinking, she had already stepped in.

The scene inside really surprised Luo Xiaohua. If the scenery inside is beautiful, it really looks like a paradise.

I don't know how the 4th brothers found this place?

By the way, does Yu Dan really live in such a place?

"She is here, but when we met, we didn't meet here."

In fact, Luo Laosi and Yu Dan met on the cliff.

For Yu Dan, Luo fourth is a life-saver, and if it weren't for him, she would have no life.

The two people met by fate and wanted to continue this fate.

Yu Dan is petite and has a dark skin. However, he is refreshing and has a crisp and pleasant voice, which is very flattering.

When I walked into the stockade, I saw houses made of stones and two-story buildings. In the middle of the stockade, there was a large dam.

Inside the dam, some are drying herbs and some are drying grains.

They live a self-sufficient life here, but if they encounter natural disasters, people in the clan will go outside to find food.

"It's really pretty here."

Luo Xiaohua said this to Li Jinhua.

"The first time I came here, I was also very surprised."

However, in the eyes of Li Jinhua, the conditions in this place are still far behind those of other places, perhaps because the news is blocked!

Follow the guides and continue to move forward. Some places are carving, some are making pottery pots, and when they reach the innermost point, there is no cave. This is also the most important thing for Li Jinhua and their trip, that is, cotton and silk.

To be honest, seeing that they have so many characteristics here, Luo Xiaohua's first feeling is that there should be no end here.

In fact, it is because they make their own products here and do not sell them to foreign countries, so everyone is very poor.

There are still many families who don’t have enough to eat and wear, but there are also rich people who have a long-term vision.

"Patriarch, hello, we meet again."

I saw the old man sitting on the wicker chair from a distance, and Li Jinhua stepped forward to greet him.

"You girl, didn't you say that you came yesterday? Why did you come today?"

Seeing the visitor, the old man pretended to be angry and said.

"Isn't there something wrong with me? I just brought my friends and them over to have a look."

Li Jinhua didn't mind the expression on the old man's face, and said frankly.

"What are these people behind you?"

"They are all my friends, this is my man's apprentice, that is my **** girl, and that is her man."

Li Jinhua introduced the elderly one by one.

Seeing her generous, not humble or arrogant way of speaking, Luo Xiaohua admired her a little bit. No wonder their business will grow bigger and bigger. If they can hold such a thigh, they will be able to make money by sitting at home in the future.

The most important thing is that she gives people a feeling of being worthy of friendship, which is what ordinary people call a blessing.

"It turns out that they are all friends, please from among you."

The old man stood up and reached out his hand to make a please gesture.

And it was this action that made Luo Xiaohua frown.

"Old man, I take the liberty to ask, have your legs always been like this, or occasionally?"

The old man's complexion was ruddy, it didn't look like he was suffering from illness, but his legs and feet felt inflexible, but it didn't look like an old illness.

"Make you laugh, my legs are like this as soon as the sky changes. It's no big deal."

Luo Xiaohua also knows that people like them, due to overwork when they are young, tend to have problems in their bodies when they are old, especially the joints.

"I saw that you should have rheumatoid arthritis. Have you never seen a doctor?"

It's not that she Luo Xiaohua is troublesome, but like this ancient stockade, there are dedicated barefoot doctors, so they usually don't go outside to see if they are sick.

In fact, what Luo Xiaohua worries most is that the elderly are not rheumatoid arthritis, but gout.

This gout can be big or However, if you don't avoid the mouth, it will easily cause big problems. As long as you keep your mouth shut, there is nothing wrong.

"Excuse me, there is a doctor in our stockade. I have seen it before. It's an old problem."

The old man froze for a moment at first, then laughed again.

"Then when you are in pain, just apply some herbs? Or if you eat some soy-like things, it will immediately hurt again?"

This rheumatoid arthritis is painful when the weather changes. This is better on the knees. If it is on the waist, it will be useless. Not only can you not walk, but it is still a problem to straighten up.

And this gout is the most inconsistent with beer and soy products, try Bailing.


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