Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 346: 1 hand reserved

Just as Luo Xiaohua, who was about to take Yu Dan to play with him, after hearing Yang Gao's discussion with his friends, he first went to the patriarch.

"Grandpa, I didn’t take it out just now because of the large number of people. This is a part of my mind. If you are not in good health, you will use this to make tea every day. If you only make this a little every day, your health will be much better after one month. ."

The good thing is to cover people's eyes and ears, or else they will be worried about. She doesn't want to let others fall into an overwhelming situation because of her kindness.

"You girl, you really have an exquisite heart with seven orifices, just tell me, what can come to me?"

After living for most of his life, he still sees people have his own set, just like the girl and the little fox, he wouldn't believe it if he said nothing to look for him.

"You can see this?"

Otherwise, how could she say that nothing is going to go to the Palace of the Three Treasures, she must have asked him for it.

When she said what she wanted to do, the patriarch couldn't help but doubt her words.

"I think you think too much?"

Although their village is not rich and wealthy, it has always been considered relatively safe. The people in the village also love and help each other, and they have never said that they have moved any crooked minds.

Let alone murder and arson.

"I didn't think too much. You don't have to do anything for me when the time comes. You just need to help me go to the earthquake site. I believe you should have some forest rangers here, who are dedicated to guarding the village. They are all strong and strong. The kind of person who is also very powerful, right?"

Luo Xiaohua heard that Yang Gao was gathering several of her good friends to deal with the people at home, and wanted to grab her to her house directly by Zhang Dan, and then raw rice to cook mature rice, and the marriage was done. And he didn't need to pay the gift money, and he didn't need to pay anything, so he married a daughter-in-law.

Even if Yu Dan wants to sue him or something, he will say that they are baby relatives, and he is just fulfilling his promise.

Luo Xiaohua was also very angry with Yang Gao's shameless thoughts. He has seen shameless people, and has never seen such shameless people. This is simply a beast.

"Yes, there are, but I think you are a bit too much, then Yang Gao is indeed a bit sloppy, but it is not going to do such a thing."

It turned out that he was called out before he even woke up. Fortunately, he had already said hello before, otherwise it would be difficult to find someone again now.

After hearing what the patriarch said, Yang Gao sneered at him.

"You are always getting more and more confused. My daughter-in-law has run away. Why do you think I care about him? My sister is my sister, and my nephew is a nephew. That has nothing to do with me!"

"Who said that little bastard, let you talk to me like this, and call your dad and them over."

The patriarch was so angry that he took his crutch and struck him down.

"People are old and useless, so don't tell me what they have or don't. Sometimes you open your eyes and close your eyes to live longer."

"Yang Gao, how do you talk?"

A tall man assisted the patriarch, and then yelled at Yang Gao.

"Uncle Dahai, I am not very angry. You said that I and Yu Dan are baby relatives. Their family turned out to be wrong. How can I swallow this breath? How will I live in this village in the future."

Seeing the man Yang Gao also swallowed his saliva, Xu Dahai was the next candidate for the patriarch. Last year, because he discovered something wrong in time, he took the villagers to open a canal, otherwise the whole village would be killed.

He could not buy anyone's account, but he had to buy his account. If someone dared to challenge him, the whole village would catch him and besiege him alone.

"I know about you and Yu Dan, but you can’t do that. Even if you are taking care of it, then you are not taking care of it now. There is also the matter between Yu Dan and you. I heard that Yu Danbu Agree. The two families also talked about dissolving the marriage contract. You seemed to agree at the time, right?"

"I was not young and energetic at the time, they agreed to dismiss me, but then I regretted it..."

When it comes to the back, he is getting less and less emboldened.

"It's useless to repent. In fact, you have known in the past few years that the people in Yu's family have been more polite. You agreed to it in those days. Now you are coming to force their family to marry, and they are also persuading your daughter to marry you. , But Yu Dan disagrees, then they must have nothing to do. But look at yourself, what are you doing now?"

"Why don't I know this?"

Yu Zhengneng blinked and looked at his old fellow.

If he knew this had happened, he shouldn't let his daughter go out to hide first.

"You don't know it's normal. Didn't you go out to collect rabbit fur? This marriage was brought by my sister-in-law with us. I was a witness for them. I originally thought you knew about it?"

Seeing Yu Zhengneng's bewildered look, Xu Dahai did not laugh at him, but explained the matter straightforwardly.

In fact, Yang Gao retired at that time because he fell in love with another girl, but later that girl married someone else. So later on, it was not high or low, and it dragged on for a few more years.

Then I saw that Yu Dan was admitted to university and was working as a teacher in the village, so I was moved again and wanted to marry her back.

"Then since things are already like this, Yang Gao, please go back, don't make trouble here for me anymore."

Xu Dahai said calmly.

Even Wang Hui, who was about to come in and make a big noise, stopped.

When entering the door and seeing all the wolves, Yang Ying knew what his mother and brother were thinking about, but now, how come it seems that they are the ones who are at fault?

How did she not know about the divorce between sister-in-law and her brother?

"Mom, since my brother has agreed to dissolve the why do you still allow him to come and make trouble?"

Although she is not liked by her mother-in-law and her mother-in-law, anyhow the husband listens to her, as long as she can stand firm at home, after that, when the daughter-in-law becomes a mother-in-law, she has no choice but to tell her. Like her mother-in-law, everyone in the family has to listen to her.

After everyone had left, Xu Dahai looked at the patriarch and asked.

"Uncle, few people know about the dissolution of the marriage contract, how did you know?"

When the marriage contract was dismissed, Yang Gao himself wanted to dissolve, and then Wang Hui found him and asked him to be a witness so as not to trouble them at home.

But don't want to, now they are making trouble again.

"You don't care about that. Anyway, if you want to learn what will happen in the future, we must keep a hand."

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