Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 349: See tricks

"Don't worry about the two of you there. Our goods are all good. We are not afraid that there will be no repeat customers. If we don't help, we will drive out and sell them one by one."

Although I don’t need money for college now, I still have to pay for my living expenses.

Therefore, when Yu Dan was in college, he did a lot of odd jobs, especially in the sales industry.

Because of her hard work, many seniors like to teach her things.

For example, how to sell more goods, as well as the furnishings of the goods, and then the appearance and appearance.

These three are indispensable, that is, good goods must have a good appearance, and a seller who can sell goods is also needed, preferably a beautiful young lady.

Otherwise why, many large shopping malls recruit beautiful women, no matter when they look at their faces.

However, she is lucky. In the big city, she can still do something to make some money. In the small city, she is not so lucky.

"Yes, that's okay!"

This operation is really no stranger to Luo Xiaohua. Not only is she reborn and sold vegetables for a while, she is also in her previous life!

Suddenly, she felt that this difficulty was what it was, wouldn't life be a slap and a candy!

In fact, life is really simple. No matter how big the difficulty is, as long as you face it bravely, it is also a small problem.

Now the competitiveness is not as great as that of later generations. As long as they work hard, they will definitely be able to fulfill their dreams. The main reason is that there is not much time. If you want to build a large shopping mall with tens of thousands of square meters in half a year, this is a bit difficult, let alone time. , Even this money can make them overwhelmed.

If it doesn't work, she can only sell the rare medicinal materials in the space first.

In fact, Luo Xiaohua didn't want to borrow the things in the space before. She wanted to accomplish her dream step by step on her own.

So, in order to be able to expand the space and use the things in it freely, after going to bed, she ran into the space to start-the days of harvesting, digging, and sowing.

"Where is this person?"

When Xiao San returned to the bedroom after washing and found that the bed was empty, he became a little worried.

I walked out of the bedroom and turned around, but still no one was seen. Then when I returned to the bedroom, I saw her lying on the bed.

"Daughter-in-law, did you fall from the sky?"



Knowing what he meant by a man, Luo Xiaohua didn't intend to keep hiding from him.

"I didn't fall from the sky, I was favored by the gods in the sky."

While laughing, Luo Xiaohua took Xiao San's hand, and then led him into the space.

"Are you not afraid that I will treat you as a monster?"

Seeing the new world that suddenly appeared, Xiao San's question made Luo Xiaohua stunned.

"You like me, even if you become a monster, you will definitely like it."

"It seems you are quite confident."


No matter what she becomes, he will like her.

"Come and see this, I see if you can operate it."

The growth period of the grain in the space is indeed short, but it must be collected by someone. She definitely can't do it alone. Pulling Xiao San in, she just made this calculation.

"Look at this. Isn't there an operation guide on this panel? See if you can use it. If you can, come in and help me take care of it if you have time."


As soon as Xiao San's hand touched the panel, he made a harsh sound, which shocked both of them.

"Daughter-in-law, you can't do it if you don't, this new world belongs to you, let's not ruin him."

Xiao San has also heard about space and systems. However, he heard from his good friends that he doesn't love him, he always feels too illusory and deviates too far from the facts. Therefore, he usually reads newspapers and impurities when he reads books, but he doesn't touch him.

Fortunately, he has a good memory, even if a friend said inadvertently, he can remember clearly.

"It's strange, you can come in, but you can't use it. By the way, you come and try this."

In fact, in normal times, she also took out some of the spiritual springs in the space for them to use, but it was still better not to come directly.

"Aren't you afraid of swimming?"

The daughter-in-law is a land duck, but he knew very well, seeing her sliding into the water like this, Xiao San couldn't believe it at all.

"This water can't kill people, so quickly come down and take a dip."

"So every time you take a shower, I can't hear the sound of water. It turns out that you ran inside to wash."

Even if a heater is installed at home, it will not be able to withstand the severe cold in Nancheng.

"I'm not thinking about my baby yet. If I catch a cold, it will harm her."

People who are pregnant cannot take medicine after catching a cold, because they are afraid that the baby will be harmed. The harm will last a lifetime.

After experiencing it once, Luo Xiaohua knew a lot. After this pregnancy, she was even more cautious.

Especially on one day, she dreamed that her daughter got into her stomach. She didn't know if it was a dream or it was true. Anyway, the debt in her heart gradually disappeared, and she interacted with her every day.

"That's the same, then wait for me, and I will come down too."

Since his daughter-in-law asked him to go down, it would certainly be beneficial.

"It's so unfair, there is nothing wrong with how you came down."

Originally wanted to see the embarrassed look of his man, but he didn't expect that after he got into the water, there was nothing wrong with him.

"What is going to happen?"

"Of course, you don't know..."

After the daughter-in-law had said everything she wanted to say, Xiao San also stretched out his hand to wrap her waist.

"Silly girl, this must be your usual credit."

"It should be too. There are no impurities in your body, so when you come down, the water won't turn black."

It wasn't until this time that Luo Xiaohua realized that the appearance of herself and him was too ambiguous!

"You look so good!"

Perhaps it was because his movements were too large when he was in the His hair was wet, and then the crystal clear water drops along his hair, rolled down on his eyebrows, and then again It fell on the curled eyelashes, flowed to his hardcover chest, and then dropped into the water, making a crisp sound.

The sound hit her heart, making her tremble.

"Daughter-in-law, you look good too."

When Luo Xiaohua went into the water, she wore a tulle skirt. At this moment, she looked like a lotus flower in the water, which also induced Xiao San's heart to surge.

"Then you tap it!"

Having been married for so long, it seems that this is the first time outside of bed, Luo Xiaohua is a little excited and a little nervous.

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