Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 478: Excited heart

Although this village is not a minority nationality, it is a stockade left over from a long time ago. It seems that this place was once a bandit den. Then with the changes of the times, it became a village. Everything is respected by the village. The patriarch had the final say.

Therefore, the people here, even now, still lead a self-sufficient life.

However, their conditions here are not very good, after all, many things are also in the oldest way.

A lot of what they eat here is not to push with a mill, that is, to grind with a pan, and to buy things from the bottom of the mountain, that are all with donkeys and horses.

As for the clothes, there are still coarse cloths made of sangma. The same is true for that house. It is not a stone house or a wooden house. Coming here is like traveling to ancient times.

"Luo Xiaowei? Are you Luo Xiaowei?"

As Luo Laosi was walking and enjoying the beautiful surroundings, someone suddenly called him behind him.

When he turned his head, he saw a woman with a dark skin and a gray turban on her head, but the woman with a particularly bright smile, grinning at him.

In an instant, Luo Si remembered who this woman was, and immediately stepped forward.

"Aunt Yu, where are you going?"

Yes, this woman is Yu Dan's mother. She is a simple and honest woman who has lived in the village all her life and has not yet walked out of the village.

Don't ask why, because the first time Luo Si came here, he heard Yu Dan tell him about it.

At that time, it seemed that after Yu Dan's mother heard him talk about things in the city, Yu's mother showed a particularly envious expression on her face, and she caught him asking many weird questions.

Although there were a lot of question marks in his mind, Luo Laoshi also solved her puzzles one by one, and he took up the pen very intimately, and drew her what a car looks like, what a boat looks like, and what a tricycle bicycle looks like.

It was because of Luo Lao Si's thoughtful behavior that he won Yu Dan's favor.

And Yu Dan also told him about his mother indifferently.

Yu's mother was born in an out-and-out village. She has never gone to school and is illiterate. She has a very poor sense of direction. The family dare not let her go out, because in normal times, as long as she is too far away from home, she is lost. She is easy to get lost, who can rest assured to let her out of the village.

Therefore, even if the villagers have begun to communicate with the outside world, she has never gone out.

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Even when Yu Dan went to the town to attend junior high and high school, it was Yu's father who was in charge.

"I'm just looking for you. My Dan'er said that you are coming today. I will go to the Zhaimen to wait for you."

Luo Si looked at the direction of her finger with a clear expression. No wonder Yu Dan and the others didn't dare to let her out. She didn't know the direction in such a place. If she went out, she would be lost. , It is really impossible to find it.

"That's not right, Dan'er said, that gate seems to be a little lower. The one I just went to seems to be the top of the mountain."

When Yu's mother said this, she smiled embarrassedly.

"Fortunately you came, I saw you there right there, so I ran down."

Knowing that she was going in the wrong direction, Yu's mother was not upset, she still had a grinning expression, which made Luo Si amused.

To be honest, Yu's mother is really happy. At such an old age, her heart is still so simple. This must be the credit of her family.

"It's okay, let's go to your house now. I bought you the spleen cake slices mentioned last time, as well as the fried peas made by sesame sugar and my mother."

Luo Si followed Yu's mother and said with a smile.

In addition to this, he also brought five catties of sorghum wine to Yu's father, which was all brewed in his own village.

It was now approaching midday, and many villagers began to rush home.

When I saw Teacher Luo, they joked with Yu's mother one by one, asking if it was a son-in-law but she came home.

As for Mom Yu, she was quite satisfied with Luo Lao Si, the son-in-law, and she was not stingy in admiring him.

"This is my son-in-law. You will all come when you have a wedding drink tomorrow."

Yu's mother's short body looks very petite and exquisite in front of other people, especially when she is the height of Luo Laosi, she feels short.

The smile on her face and the brisk voice made her particularly energetic.

"Lao Yu, I haven't lost my son today. I brought you my son-in-law back."

Only then did I see the thatched house in Yu's house, and heard the voice of Yu's mother talking loudly.

Dad Yu is a dull gourd, even if he hears it, he won't come out.

Yu's mother, who had been with her for decades, knew about this, so she still talked to herself.

"You also said that you will look for me later. I'm just picking up people now. Old Yu, you come out quickly. This son-in-law has carried several big bags and bought you wine. If you are If I don’t come out again, I will take my son-in-law to Lao Li’s house and ask his family to marry her daughter to him."

Where does such a well-behaved and sensible son-in-law go?

Seeing that her husband hadn't come out yet, Yu's mother began to threaten.

"Aunt Yu, don't worry. Uncle Yu must be busy. Besides, it's not the first time I'm here, so let's just order whatever."

If it weren't for Yu's father's temper, Luo Laosi would really think he was unpopular.

With them, whether it is a new son-in-law or an unmarried son-in-law, they will be warmly received when they go to the old man's house, and they have to eat a bowl of sweet eggs.

For the village of Yu Dan, he didn't know any customs, anyway, he just followed with a good temper.

"Busy, where is he busy all day, he must be tossing about that broken sound every day, there is no sound, and I don't know what is tossing about?"

"I said your mouth, can you take a break all day long, the water in this village is almost drunk by you."

Just when Luo Laosi followed Yu's mother up the steps, Yu's father walked slowly with a cigarette stick in his hand, and when he finished speaking, he took a sip.

Across Lao Yuan, Luo Lao Si could smell the thick smoke.

"Uncle Yu, this is the wine my dad brought you. It's not a good wine, but it's brewed in the village. I'll send it to you for a taste."

Luo Laosi handed a white jug to his father, and then he saw him open the jug directly.

"Good wine! Give me a thank you for your dad. He is also the same person. He didn't come here. Why would you bring me wine?"

In the first month of the Lunar New Year, Luo Laosi and his father came to visit once, after all, the matter between him and Yu Dan was almost done, and the family still met.

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