Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 569: Can't sleep at night

"It's so close, or let's walk home and let Xiao San take the child back in a car."

When they walked to the door of the hospital, Zhu Huifang pulled her daughter in.

This made Luo Xiaohua dumbfounded and looked at her mother confusedly.

"Mom, what's the matter? Do you have something to tell me?"

Luo Xiaohua was a little unclear about her mother's reaction, so she pulled her mother aside and asked gently.

"No, that's...that's...well, you're in confinement, I heard that you can't take a car, if you sit, then you have to use the whip."

Zhu Huifang said hesitantly, she didn't know how to tell her girl about this matter.

Anyway, she had also heard about this, but she felt that she would rather believe it and not believe it. Since someone has said it, it must be someone who has encountered trouble.

Although in their village, the women in this confinement can indeed go to work in the field, but they can't run to other people's homes.

"Is there any other saying?"

Hearing this rule, Luo Xiaohua was also dumbfounded, and she began to hesitate in her heart.

She just pulled the string, and if she walked home, she wouldn't be affected by the wound, then she would suffer again.


Luo Xiaohua, who was extremely depressed, also began to struggle.

"Mom, what's the matter, let's go home and talk about it."

Xiao San was also full of doubts about the mother-in-law's pulling her daughter-in-law aside, especially her tangled appearance made him feel indescribable.

However, since the other party was the mother-in-law, he didn't ask too much, but drove the car over.

"Mom, what's the matter, let's go home and talk about it, you help me hold the baby."

Luo Xiaohua disagreed with what her mother said. She didn't believe it at first, so even if her mother said it, she still chose to go home in her own car.

"Or, I'll go back with you in a tricycle. It's fine if you put your hat tighter."

Even when she heard her son-in-law calling them, Zhu Huifang still held her own opinion.

Menstrual blood is a very unpleasant thing here. If it is usually on the top of the pants, the washing water is poured into the toilet, and it will never be dumped indiscriminately. Even more can't touch the man's clothes in the family. If you touch it, you will burn some paper for your ancestors so that they can bless him.

When a woman comes to the moon, she can’t just drop by, pick up and give off her relatives, or touch the new couple’s dowry.

Zhu Huifang, who has taken this knowledge deep into his bones, has always believed in this.

"Mom, it's really okay. If you are really worried, just ask Xiao San, if he lets me walk or take a tricycle home, then I will follow you."

Luo Xiaohua really doesn’t know much about confinement. Anyway, in her previous life, she was a daughter born at home, and then because she was not able to give birth, she was still a doctor at a health center and came to help her deliver the baby. Maybe Because of the limited medical conditions, not only did her mouth become irritated, she started to have a fever again before waiting for a day, and the milk almost returned. Fortunately, when she got better, she drank the soup again so as not to make her daughter hungry.

"This matter, how do you tell me to tell him."

The daughter belongs to her own, she must be easy to say, although the son-in-law is a half son, after all, it belongs to someone else's family, she is not easy to say.

"Sister Zhu, hurry up, this child seems to be peeing."

Hearing everyone's urging, Zhu Huifang got into the car in a panic, but she was a little offline.

"Let me tell you, don't even think about running. Let's take them for a while. It would be better if you can get rid of them. If you really can't stay, let them ask someone to take them."

Seeing Zhu Huifang's sad face, Wang Lu thought it was a child's matter, so she directly comforted.

The third daughter-in-law of the Luo family was also pregnant, so she knew she could not stay for too long, otherwise, the daughter-in-law would have opinions at that time.

"I don't want to go back, hey..."

Zhu Huifang sighed, let Wang Lu

Little Oyster crawled over, clutching his stomach, oops, screamed uncomfortably and cried, you say what's the matter with him. Five with stomach, oops, oops. Is it a stomachache, Xiaomi Li, what's wrong with you? Isn't it a stomachache? Da Oyster asked curiously. Don’t mention it. The other day, I lay on the beach and tanned my belly like you. I thought of a grain of sand running into my body. My stomach hurts, Little Oyster said sadly. Hey, you can only blame yourself for being careless. You see that I have always been cautious in doing things. I absolutely don’t allow any obligation to pass through the defense line of my hard shell, so I have always been very comfortable. Big Oyster proudly said The words of Big Oyster are like worsening the situation. It is even more uncomfortable to hear the millet grains, Little Oyster. Rubbing his stomach in pain, oops. Ouch, she kept screaming, the mother-in-law looked at her worriedly but couldn't think of a good idea to alleviate his pain. Just as they were at a loss, an old crab crawled sideways. The old crab saw the mother and daughter together. With a pained expression on his face, I asked curiously, have you encountered any problems? Big Oyster told the old crab about what happened. He didn't expect that the old crab was not comforted after hearing what Big Oyster said. Baby oysters. Instead, he smiled and said that I would like to congratulate Little Oyster, the little witch in the hall, the Oysters were a little angry after hearing what he said. If you don’t help us get rid of the pain, it’s fine if you still say such cold talk. We used to treat you as a friend. I really misunderstood you. The old crab hurriedly explained that I didn’t say cold talk. The sand in the little oyster’s belly soon Will become pearls. At that time. Little Oyster has a baby, of course I want to congratulate her, how can pearls become pearls when they are muddyed. Bodhidharma asked if you didn't believe it, the old Crab patiently said that although the little oyster is suffering from the grit, she will automatically secrete pearl disease in her body. Layer by layer will. Encrypted and wrapped during business trips, these sand grains will eventually become the most moving and beautiful pearls in the sea. As for Xiao Mu, he seemed to have an insight and he was silent. From then on, he no longer screamed in pain, but bravely faced the pain. I greet the big oyster strong every day, seeing her admire and admire her, saying, little oyster, you are so brave, I want to learn from you, and I will have my own baby in the future. Oyster suddenly felt that his stomach no longer hurts. He opened it to see and found that there was a large crystal clear, round and shiny pearl lying inside. mother. did not hear.

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