Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 588: Xingshi asks crimes

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"Boom boom boom... boom boom boom..."

Early in the morning, when the husband and wife were in their sleep, someone knocked on the door. Fortunately, there was still a yard away, otherwise the three babies would be awakened.

"You get up and have a look."

Recently, the appetite of the three babies has also increased so much that she can't bear it anymore, feeling that they are not full.

And in order to keep them full, she also drinks a lot of soup at every meal, so that there are more milk and milk babies.

Thinking about it, it’s really not easy to be a mother, especially when there is not enough milk, even more ways to increase milk.

With insufficient milk, Luo Xiaohua wakes up more and more times at night, so, she kicked it directly with her feet, planning to ignore other people's Xiao San.

"You go and have a look, is my mother here?"

Zhu Huifang is also too busy every day, and it is about to summer, and the family work must work hard, otherwise there will be no food in autumn.

However, she also ran back once every three days, and usually helped with her baby.

Originally, the old couple of Luo family and the old couple of Xiao family were willing to help bring them, but Luo Xiaohua thought that they were getting older, and the three babies are now eating, sleeping, and eating, and they don’t need to. People accompanied, he politely refused.

In addition to Zhu Huifang's help to watch the baby, there is also an aunt whom I invited before. In addition to them, there are also three others, Wang Lu, who usually buy a bunch of things when there is nothing to do.

"You brat, I think you have hard wings, so you dare to come back with me?"

When Xiao San opened the door, he was beaten three times by Grandpa's crutches.

Originally he could avoid it, but when he saw that it was Grandpa, he directly chose to resist.

There is no boy who made no mistakes when he was young, so Xiao San is also a beating physique.

"I beat you to death, and turned your elbow out?"

When he was the first to fight, Old Man Xiao was really angry, and when the crutches really hit his grandson, he was really distressed.

Except for the heavy weight the first time, everything else is fine.

Xiao San also felt this, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief in his heart.

"Grandpa, the arresters of the security team will let others know, you beat me up and down, I'm still stunned."

Regardless of Xiao San's tall and magnificent appearance, in front of his grandfather, he was not obedient. Whatever the old man said, he would not have any resistance. After all, he was brought up by his grandfather when he was a child.

"You are so embarrassed to ask, you see I won't kill you today..."

"My family, don't be angry. It's useless if you fight it. Why don't we sit down and clarify the matter."

Xiao San, with a dumbfounded expression, could also see the people who came right now.

It turned out that the fourth aunt's descendants came to the door, but fortunately they had the face to come, and they didn't look at what their daughters had committed.

"I think this thing is that they bully others, and they can see the house, and that is the money earned by abduction. Who does this ordinary person have this ability?"

"Mom, their Xiao family is too bullying. The eldest sister has suffered so much in the security team. I think this house should be used as compensation."

"Everything with shallow eyelids, just this house is enough, I think, don't accompany a ten thousand dollars, we will not let this matter go."

Hehe, these lions opened their mouths before they entered the house. Hearing what they said, Luo Xiaohua on the second floor couldn't help but laugh three times.

As the old lady said, all of them have shallow eyelids and don't even think about who they are. If they are so easy to ride on their heads, would they still have the face to live?

"Grandpa, what are they doing here?"

I saw Si Aunt’s face before. Later family members, Xiao San would say hello. Today, he didn't give a good expression.

From their conversation, you already know what they are here for.

As for him, he was already prepared to welcome them.

It's him, he's the thief, this time he won't break things again, that's great. It turned out that the animal trial conference was in the public trial of the little mouse. The little mouse stood on the dock, looking lonely and depressed. The animals babbled about the little mouse. The scene seemed a little chaotic for a while. The sound of the sound, everyone fell silent, the judge said that today is the public trial meeting of Little Mouse, if someone's home is stolen or something is damaged for no reason, you can file a lawsuit against him. Let me talk about the goat first. I am the neighbor of Little Mouse. The big pigs in my house have bitten marks, which is ugly and dead. He is really annoying, I have to say too. When Brother Little Pig jumped up to get angry, I had a lot of delicious food and hid them in a tin box, so he loves to attract drugs, who knows the next day There must be a hole on the top of the talking box. The delicious food is bitten in a mess. Little Mouse, you have to accompany me. Okay, everyone, please be quiet. Justice Lion said to maintain order. Now, I would like to ask Little Mouse, do you have anything to defend? My little mouse is so sad, choked and speechless, do you have any concealment? The kindly mother Lu asked, this is how the little mouse finally stabilized his emotions. There is a cavity in the ruler of each tooth, called a magnetic water gun, which is a newly-grown tooth. The lower end of the water tank is open. From then on, the blood vessels and nerves pass through the teeth and once they grow into the lower end, they are closed. Lipids are no longer secreted, and the teeth stop growing. Have you talked so much about our judgment? The lion judge questioned, yes, it is related, because our mouse teeth do not secrete at the bottom of the water gun, which means that our teeth can grow for life. The longer it grows, you may not even be able to close your mouth in the end. I want to say that in the end, the little mouse got wet and cried with pain. Everyone ate it.

What should I do? The little mouse asked distressedly, we mainly rely on food to grind our teeth, such as carrots, sweet potatoes, and cucumbers, which are both delicious and able to grind our teeth. Isn’t it just killing two birds with one stone? You can’t pick out something brand new, I know I’m wrong, and I won’t be willing to recognize things in the future. I hope everyone will supervise me. He was able to recognize his mistakes in time, and he made a guarantee, so we gave the little mouse a chance to reform and rehabilitate. The court broke out

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