Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 637: Strange man

"What are you talking about, don't you know what your last name is?"

Just when Xiao San was about to go out, he was stopped by Xiao Jiaren who had just returned. When he asked him clearly what he was going to do, he slapped him.

That is, Xiao San reacted fast enough, otherwise the slap would hit him in the face.

"Father, what are you doing?"

Xiao San, who didn't know why, looked at his father with a dazed expression.

"What? I just want to kill you. Why are you doing badly all day long and have to take care of your uncle's affairs?"

"What you said made me want to die?"

If it weren't for them, it would be fatal.

"I'm not saying that you can't save you from death. You said your aunt is all right. Why do you have to go to jail?"

Xiao Jiaren also learned that something was wrong with his elder brother's house, so he hurried back.

When he got home, he was very anxious when he heard his wife say that his son had to punish his eldest brother by the government.

Anyway, that is his elder brother, besides, there is a brother who has committed a crime, and he can't look up when he goes out!

"Father, uncle, he's a dead end, if this is released, there will definitely be accidents in the future."

At any rate, he is also a person who has experienced most of his life, and he thinks that he can still know people.

"You don't care what he does, you can't participate in this thing anyway."

Xiao Jiaren blushed and his neck was thick. If it weren't for him, he would have to beat him directly.

"But... what if this old lady is beaten to death by him again?"

Speaking of his aunt, Xiao San also felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

Marry a chicken with a chicken, marry a dog with a dog, although it is said that, but a woman does not want to find someone who knows how cold and hot she loves her.

But the aunt of his family not only failed to find a distressed husband, she also married a family with no parents to help, and a family who always wanted to come over to fight the autumn wind, because she hated her poor family, so every time she came here Just take something and leave.

"It deserves to be beaten to death, who told her to eat so little a day, she can't stand the beating at all."

"You should be beaten if you have three wrong views."

Well, the sneer lying on the bed is really hard to listen to. He opened the door and walked outside, and cursed at Xiao Jiaren.

"A girl from a girl who speaks so rudely, how did your parents teach it?"

From the initial shock to the later heartache, Xiao Jiaren almost refreshed Luo Xiaohua's fantasy about him.

"My father and mother taught me how to draw a knife to help when you see an injustice. You must remember to curb your temper while walking outside. However, don't be afraid of troubles. Don't bear it even more. If you want to be ashamed, you must be ashamed."

In fact, Luo Xiaohua really didn't want to **** him. After all, this was her father-in-law after her body. It would be miserable if she were to wear small shoes to her after marriage. Of course, it was not that she was miserable, but she was miserable.

Oops, it's the original body!

However, Luo Xiaohua wasn't very worried. Just because of her identity, people from the Xiao family wouldn't take her any way.

Although it is a farmer, industry and commerce, this merchant ranks last, but since ancient times, the people have relied on food, and the rich are still the uncles.

"Which three views are right? Where is my three views? Is your little girl really not showing any affection when talking?"

When Luo Xiaohua said that, the big man Rao Xiao Jiaren couldn't help but blush. He is also a scholar. Although he knows what he means, he still has to live a good life.

"Yes, it’s Lian San Guanzheng, but have you ever thought about it? If your daughter is beaten by her husband after marrying, would you feel bad? Also, if you are a woman, you will be beaten by your husband all day long. Fight, will you resist?"


"I know you think it is not good for Xiao San to come forward and let his uncle go to jail, but have you ever thought about what kind of harm he will cause to his family after he comes out. Will Yaoyao be sold by him again? Go to Hualou, she is still a child!"

She is still a child!

These words are really sad to read, especially in the era of patriarchal sons, which is very unfair to girls.

As a daughter, I can't help myself to choose this.

But, just like this, they were disgusted by everyone, and after they got married, they didn't get the respect of their husbands.

Who is to blame for all this?

Everyone is wrong. A woman is not a tool for childbirth. She is the inheritor of the times. It is they who have reproduced and raised offspring.

But in the end, what they got was not love and respect, but dislike and beating instead.

Especially in this era, if they live in a poor family, they are likely to be sold to the flower house and become a woman of the wind.

"It's not because you can't afford it, you can't just starve to death at home, right?"

"You are so weird, what does that Hualou do, don't you know?"

"I know……"

"Okay, okay, don't talk about it, dad, we have to discuss this matter carefully. If you want to let it go, you can go to town with you in the future. There is also auntie, and Yaoyao. The two will live here in the future. The two of them can be separated or separated. It depends on what the two of them mean. However, it depends on what the auntie said."

They are now playing a leading role, and the specifics are still up to her. Only if she is hard-headed can we have a better life.

"I ask and leave!"

Tian Caiyun didn't even dare to think about this before, that is, this time, after experiencing death and despair she knew that this woman can only change her destiny by her own efforts.

When Tian Caiyun said this, not only Xiao Jiaren felt shocked, but Lu Siyu, who had just entered the door, also had an expression of disbelief.

The shock brought by her words was no less than that of Xiao Jiaren sending her daughter to the flower house. After all, in their eyes, being a father can determine the fate of their daughter, plus, she is saving her father's life!

So, they had only complained about Boss Xiao before, and they didn't feel that I was doing anything wrong. Even if he fights Tian Caiyun, they still feel that it is difficult for an upright official to break housework, which is their housework, and they can't manage it at all.

The most important thing is that they still have a kind of woman, since she was married, she was a member of the Xiao family in life, and a ghost in the Xiao family in death. This is something that cannot be changed.

"Auntie, have you figured it out clearly?"

Although what she said did satisfy Luo Xiaohua, she still has to go on her own in the future, so she still has to think clearly.

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