Back to Zero

Chapter 2: Tempted

The eyelids moved slightly, and Jun Lixuan gradually regained consciousness, suddenly opened his eyes, the dazzling light made Jun Lixuan squint, and wanted to raise his hand to block it, but he pulled the wound on his shoulder, making Jun Lixuan in pain. Frowned.

How is this going?

The pain in the shoulder and the aches in the body made Jun Lixuan realize that something was wrong. He was obviously dead, how could he feel it? He was indeed injured on the day of usurpation and arrest, but it was in the abdomen. Later, Ling Qiyang secretly brought him the wound medicine. Although it was not complete, it also lost the scab, but it hurts when touched.

He moved his right hand and stroked his abdomen. Although he was behind his clothes, Jun Lixuan did not touch the wound, only his left shoulder was hurt.

The door was gently pushed open from the outside, and Jun Lixuan's close-fitting servant Mingli walked in with the boiled medicine. After seeing Jun Lixuan who opened his eyes, she exclaimed in surprise: "Master, you are awake. Come on, the prince is awake!"

After that, there was a turmoil and chaos. The doctors, those who returned to the sage, and those who went to find the prince Yi and the sixth prince... it was a riot.

Jun Lixuan looked at Ming Li, only feeling the pain of his head jumping. Ming Li died in the hands of the guards sent by the Fourth Prince to assassinate him during his rebellion, but now he is standing in front of him alive, still laughing and lively.

"Master, what's wrong with you? What's wrong? The doctor will be here soon." Seeing that his master's face was wrong, Ming Li thought that Jun Lixuan's wound was hurting too much.

"It's okay, you don't need to call a doctor." Jun Lixuan calmed Ming Li and asked, "What's the new year today?"

Ming Li undoubtedly had his answer: "Going back to the prince, it is already the seventh day of November. You had a high fever when you came back to Beijing due to a busy schedule. You have been asleep for three days. The emperor is worried that you are in the house. , Will directly take you into the palace and take care of it. You calmed down the southeast, and the emperor said that you would like to reward it again, only waiting for you to wake up."

Jun Lixuan frowned. He settled Southeast at the age of twenty, but he remembered that he was not injured in the battle.

"By the way, Lord Yi came to see you this morning. Empress Empress and His Royal Highness the Sixth Princes are also too worried. Now you wake up, and the younger one has asked the three masters to report their safety." Ming Li smiled. Jun Lixuan helped him up and took another pillow for him to lean against.

"The emperor?" Jun Lixuan was stunned. His emperor should have passed away this summer, how could it be...

"My lord, forgive me for being too much talkative. Although you and the empress are not close, the empress really cares about you. When you came back from the injury, the empress cried so that her eyes were swollen." Ming Li handed the warm medicine to Jun Lixuan. .

After drinking all the medicine, Jun Lixuan also fully awoke. He was actually born again and returned to the year he was twenty. Although everything was a little different from the previous life, it also gave him a chance to make up for his regrets.

Compared with the soberness now, everything in the previous life seemed like a dream. He betrayed his father, misunderstood his brother, alienated his mother, and let down Ling Qiyang... But they never gave up on him from beginning to end...

Every movement and expression of Ling Qiyang when he died was deeply engraved in his memory, and that tear was a cinnabar mole burned on his heart. I can’t forget, and I don’t want to forget...

Those are not dreams, they are what he has actually experienced and belong to his life. And now, God has given him a chance to come back, and he has no reason to repeat the same mistakes.

There was a rush of footsteps outside the door, and then the door was pushed open, and the queen and the third prince rushed in with the imperial physician and attendants.

"Xuan'er, you can be considered as awake." Empress Empress ran over quickly, sitting on the bedside and touching Jun Lixuan's face. The red and swollen eyes and thick dark circles all confirmed Wei Niang's worry.

"The emperor, the child is not filial." When he saw the mother who had died in the previous life, Jun Lixuan couldn't help feeling sour when he thought of his own attitude towards the mother in the previous life.

"Stupid boy, it is the greatest filial piety that the emperor can see you in peace." The queen hugged Jun Lixuan and wiped the tears that came out again with her veil. Jun Lixuan didn't want her to touch him before, and he didn't want to hide today. The queen couldn't help but feel relieved that it was her own child.

Jun Lixuan patted his emperor lightly, turned his head and said to Jun Liyuan who was standing next to the bed: "Brother, I worry about you."

Seeing that he was awake and able to sit up, Jun Liyuan was also relieved, "I am worried that you should be, but you, you have to take care of your body and heal quickly."

Jun Lixuan nodded, and asked, "Where is the sixth brother?"

"My father sent him to do errands this morning, and people have already notified him. I guess I can come back the next night." Jun Liyuan said.

"Let the sixth brother don't rush, I'm fine now. See you again when you come back." His sixth brother is an out-and-out scholar, and the carriage is too bumpy and can't stand it.

"Don't worry, the oldest six is ​​counted." Jun Liyuan waved, and the imperial doctor waiting by the side immediately stepped forward and knelt on the ground to get Jun Lixuan's pulse.

After a while, Fang got up and said: "Report to the Queen Mother and Lord Yi, Lord Lin has gone from the fever and it is no major problem. Just rest and recuperate. In recent days, please don’t go out to avoid catching cold and affecting the recovery ."

"This king knows." Jun Lixuan nodded.

"You Lao is too doctor." The queen was relieved, and asked the maid to follow the doctor to prescribe a prescription.

The quilt was slapped for Jun Lixuan, and the queen said, "Do you want to sleep for a while?"

"Erchen is already sleeping with a headache, so let's go to sleep at night." He wanted to stay with his emperor and third brother for a while, so as to settle a trance after rebirth.

"Alright. The emperor will tell you something." The queen looked at Jun Lixuan's face and hesitated.

"You say, Erchen listen."

"You know that the emperor asked the master to do the calculations for you, saying that you have to marry a male wife to keep your peace. Your father has always been very fond of Wang Yang's son Ling Qiyang, but you have not been willing. Although he is willing to wait for you, but so It's not a way, and others will feel that the royal family is infatuated."

At that time, the emperor sent someone to take the eighth son of the seventh prince’s birthday to Ling Qiyang’s, so everyone acquiesced that Ling Qiyang would marry the seventh prince. But just when everything was ready and the emperor was about to make an order, Jun Lixuan saw him and openly refused to marry Ling Qiyang. The emperor was furious, but after all, he was his own son. He had to estimate the queen's face and punished him for thinking behind closed doors.

I originally thought that it would be over if this matter was no longer mentioned, but I never thought that Ling Qiyang would push all the people who came to the door and waited for Jun Lixuan. Qing Zi wanted to marry, but the prince had no intention. Ling Qiyang quickly became a joke in Jingzhong. Those Qingzi and women who had been jealous of him continued to ridicule him and scolded him for shame.

"You are not young anymore. Your father and mother are always thinking about your marriage. A few days ago, your father told me that if you don't like men, Wangyang's eldest daughter is not bad. This year, she just turned 17. You can refer to you as a concubine." The queen stroked her hair and said helplessly: "As for the child of Ling Qiyang, your father is going to point your sixth brother to be a concubine. He is an infatuated child and cannot be treated badly. he."

"What?!" Hearing that the emperor father wanted to point Ling Qiyang to the sixth brother, Jun Lixuan clenched his hand in the quilt in vain, pulling the wound and causing him to frown with pain.

"What is your child doing so excited?" The queen patted Jun Lixuan's hand, "Is it satisfied this time? If you agree, the emperor will go and tell you your father."

As soon as the queen's voice fell, the attendant outside the door shouted: "The emperor is here!"

The present-day Emperor Yanxi, who was wearing a bright yellow dragon robe, came in, accepted the gifts of everyone, waved his hand to signal that Jun Lixuan did not have to get out of bed, "No. What are you talking about? Xuan'er just woke up and should rest well."

"I'm telling him that you are interested in Uncle Wangyang's daughter and want to point it to him." The queen smiled gently.

"Yeah." Emperor Yanxi nodded, sat on the side of the bed, and asked Jun Lixuan, "When you return from the war, I also want to reward you with marriage. What do you mean?"

Jun Lixuan was silent for a moment, then, regardless of his injury, got out of bed and knelt on the ground. The queen wanted to stop, but seeing that he seemed to have something to say, she let him go.

"Emperor father, my son-in-law thanked my father for his love. It is the son-in-law's responsibility to share the worries for his father. The son-in-law does not ask for rewards or fame."

"I have a clear view of rewards and punishments. If you have done something, I will give you what you deserve. Otherwise, people will look down upon you." Emperor Yanxi was very satisfied with Jun Lixuan not seeking fame and fortune.

"If the emperor father wants a reward, then please answer a request from the child minister." Jun Lixuan looked at the emperor with scorching eyes.

"Let's talk about it." Emperor Yanxi couldn't think of what his son who had never wanted anything would want him to allow.

"Erchen begs the emperor to give Ling Qiyang to the emperor as his concubine." After speaking, Jun Lixuan bowed his head respectfully to the emperor to show his solemnity and determination.

Jun Lixuan wants to marry Ling Qiyang?

Jun Liyuan was shocked.

The queen mother was shocked.

Even Emperor Yanxi who had seen the world was shocked.

Emperor Yanxi thought for a while and asked: "I asked you to marry before. You would rather not be the king of Lin. That made Ling Qiyang wait for you for three years. Why did you suddenly marry this time?"

Zhizi Mo Ruofu, his own son, naturally knew that even if forced, Jun Lixuan would not submit, unless he really wanted to.

Jun Lixuan straightened up and said: "My son has been alone all these years. Whenever I see the father and the queen, the emperor's brother and the emperor's wife, they are deeply affectionate, and the piano and the violent ringing together make me envious. I also want to have someone in love. We grow old together. In the past three years, Erchen and Ling Qiyang have met several times, but Erchen has never liked restraint, and always feels that Ling Qiyang's infatuation is a burden, so he is always indifferent and alienated."

"Don’t be concealed from your father, the children’s ministers are recovering from injuries these days, somehow they are all Ling Qiyang’s face. I dreamed of this dream when he fell asleep, and I remembered that the children had a relationship with him. And he saved his life when he was young , This may be the reason why he is so obsessed with Erchen. Erchen is so ignorant that it is only then that he remembers the old things in his childhood and has let him down for so many years."

"I beg your father to see that the child minister is willing to make up for his mistake, and he is not willing to lose it again. Give Ling Qiyang to the child minister." Jun Lixuan said with a serious face. Anyone would think that the Seventh Prince was really determined to marry Ling Qiyang.

Emperor Yanxi was silent for a long time, sighed, and said, "Get up. Since you have a heart, I will fulfill you."

"Thank you, Father." Jun Lixuan leaned forward to thank you.

Fortunately, the plan of letting Jun Lixuan marry Wangyang uncle's eldest daughter and the sixth prince to marry Ling Qiyang was only mentioned by the emperor to the queen and the third prince. It was a family matter, and no fourth person knew about it. So it is not difficult to change your mind. The key is that his son has found someone he likes and is willing to treat them with all his heart. And he, the emperor, is also satisfied with this marriage, that's enough.

Three days later, Wangyang Bofu——

Uncle Wangyang took his concubine Ling Qiyang and his family to kneel to receive the imperial decree.

"Feng Tian, ​​the emperor said: Ling Qiyang, the son of Wangyang Bo, was born in a famous family, courteous and courteous, with both political integrity and ability, and a strong character. Although he is a bastard, I feel his benevolence and filial piety. It refers to the king of Yu Lin, Lixuan, as the full concubine, who will be married on the 18th next month.

"Thanks to the emperor, Longen."

Ling Qiyang stiffly accepted the imperial decree, which was too sudden for him. He knew he should be happy, he should be happy, but why is it so hard to even show a smile?


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