Battle Frenzy

Vol 3 Chapter 72: Aggressive

The federal ace of mobile units, which is the gathering place of the elite of the entire federal elite, the lowest rank in the beginning is also from the beginning of the second, the Tianjing students now idol Grace, is to stay in this ace of mobile units.

Even, even the most powerful ten marshals of the Federal Military Department, seven of them are from the ace of mobile units! It can be said that it is the most ideal temple for all those who are interested in the military!

In addition to being selected among the elite non-commissioned officers of the frontline military, they will be given a certain number of guaranteed places each year to the major prestigious universities in the United States. Although the number of those who have been sent to the past will be subject to screening by the Aegis Mobile Force, Having this qualification is the most crucial first step, so every place is precious.

Even though the Tianjing English Soul Academy has not fallen for more than a decade, the deadly camel is bigger than the horse. The soldiers of the army are the most memorable. After all, the Tianjing Academy has been brilliant, and there are many like Grace. The officers from all walks of life who went out here in Beijing and continued to serve in the trump card force made the Tianjing College have never had one more four places to be sent to Leiding every year.

On the other hand, Adolf College, do not look at the chF ranking far higher than the Tianjing College, can be compared to this past, old feelings, forces, really can not catch up, they can get from the Ace Mobile Force a year There are only two places.

Of course, the glory of the past can not shelter you for a lifetime. Most of the Tianjing College has been relying on the old people's feelings to maintain the face of the famous school.

But whether it is the number of places like the trump card, or the federal care in terms of resource ratio, I heard that there has been a rumor that if the Tianjing Academy still does not improve this year, then these old people’s feelings should almost be used up. It's time.

Green couldn't help but sigh. He understood Bradley's meaning and bent around, including coming to play this so-called wasted exchange. In fact, he wanted the ace of the Tianjing Academy this year. Guaranteed places.

Indeed, at the level of this year's three years, even Reeves has gone, and there are few people who can pass the screening of the ace of mobile units.

Lai Li? Is Caulby? They are at most similar to the four people who were sent to last year, even a little worse. After all, one is a woman, and the other is an assassin who is not very popular with the military. If such conditions are to enter the trump card, it must be better than the excellent standard. Excellent. Hayman may be a little hopeful as a special talent, but there is only a little hope.

As Bradley said, the four places that Tianjing College occupied this year, no matter who it is, is almost a waste. Even if it is really given to Bradley, it seems that there is no loss.

However, even if it is really wasted, it belongs to the children of the Tianjing Spirit School. They have been looking forward to it for three years. Even as the principal of the school, they have no right to deprive them! What if you don't try it, who knows where their last potential is? If Bradley wants money and credit, he can say it here, but he wants to use this as a condition for this exchange. I am afraid that he is wrongly calculating.

"Don't be so dead-minded, old classmates," Bradley smiled and patted Green's shoulder: "We are old schoolmates, brothers college, living next to each other, you see you a heavenly news, you need to exchange opponents I don’t want to bring the children to come over immediately! Besides, it’s not all to send more outstanding talents to the Federation. Why is it so clear that your college is so clear?”

Green decided to set the god, and the cloud said lightly: "Without Reeves, we also have Haiman, Lily, Kaulby, and many other excellent three-year students. Oh, I believe they just With enough effort, there must be an opportunity to enter the ace of the mobile unit."

Bradley laughed and looked at Old Green: "Old classmates, your excellent three-year history, even the competition with these one or two-year-old freshmen did not win, was excluded from the gate of chF, you still intend When is it self-deception?"

“That’s just because our first- or second-year-olds are even better,” Green’s principal responded. “But this doesn’t mean that the three-year classmates are very bad.”

"Haha, old classmate, I believe that you are an honest person," Bradley's words are getting sharper and sharper. The ace of the ace school is the purpose of his trip. He must get it: "But you can't rely on it." Mouth, if these two or two-year-old children are defeated by our Adolf College in the exchange competition tomorrow, it can only show that they are not good enough, and they are even worse than their three years of age. At that time, old classmates You should have nothing to say?"

"The game is the game, the principle is the principle." President Green categorically refused: "I will not take what the children deserve and gamble with you, even if Bradley wants to cancel the exchange immediately, I also Will not compromise because of this."

"Oh, I didn't expect the old classmate, you turned out to be such a selfish person." Bradley shook his head. "For your narrow eyes and face, I would rather waste valuable places in your college." I am reluctant to give people who really need it. I am really disappointed."

"Oh, President Bradley, they know that they will lose, so they dare not fight, but they have to say how good they are. It is really a laugh." The students of Adolf College began to support No one is a fool. The principal is vying for these places for their sake. Of course, they must be very strong. When they help, they will help.

"Isn't it, please let us whisper when we come, really come over, but even a few small places are reluctant." Some people sneered: "This college, but also a famous school!"

President Green was stunned, and Bradley’s speech was stabbed. I didn’t expect even the students who were half-children to dare to speak out.

Oh, the Tianjing Spirit Society has not fallen to such a point?

The students around the other Tianjing Institutes were filled with indignation and clenched their fists one by one. President Green was a kind-hearted elder in the college. His prestige among the students was high, but he was so ironic and even satirized as everyone. Mother-like Tianjing Academy! If it is not because the other party is a guest, people have already made a sound.

"President Green," Wang Zhong stood up. He smiled slightly and was not irritated by the rude words: "Can I say a few words?"

Everyone looked at him suddenly, and Bradley looked at the young boy who looked like a young man with a squint. The purpose of the words he just said was to anger Green and the students and let them agree under the impulse. His own requirements, in fact, he has already succeeded. In addition to a limited number of veterans such as Vice President Moore, most of the other Tianjing College people have already had a bit of an eye-opener, but this boy is the only one. The calmness of the face, and even the most natural smile, made him feel invisible.

Who is this boy?

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