Battle Frenzy

Vol 4 Chapter 65: Simba

Muzi nodded. "In the legend of the old civilization, the weight of a person can judge good and evil. Later, people think it is a myth. The human body is definitely heavier than feathers, but if we weigh the soul in the fifth dimension, everything All reasonable."

The king focused on nodding. He remembered the federal materials he consulted and said: "It is very likely that in the last civilization, human beings entered the fifth dimension and created some connections."

"If it succeeds, we may see the secret of the dimension. However, once it fails, it will only be destroyed." Muzi said, "This belongs to the Life Judgment Array. Once you choose to start, it is equal to the trial. The result is no matter who is. Can't resist, unless it's a rule of detachment!"

"This is a trap. No one will have no evil. It is a part of human beings. The balance is reached. No matter who is dead!" Ayros did not think that after inspiring the wall of sighs, the next test would be called Good and evil!

No soul is without sin. The birth of the creature itself is the original sin, the product of it, containing the unknown darkness, but the darkness produces light and complements each other. Human wisdom can balance the original attributes, but this soul is weighed. But they just went to one-sided, this is a dead end.

Muzi nodded, and he was good at secret surgery. He knew this more clearly. Once he chose to accept the trial, it was equivalent to starting the preconditions, and fate was not in his own control.

"Do you want me to try?" Wang Zhong's courage is still very against the sky.

Aeolos shook his head. "You can't do it. The character under the federal system will be finished by this setting. In your words, this should be a dark curse or a dark secret."

Muzi turned his head, as if inadvertently, looked at the ham.

The ham is amazed, Wang Wang! The second head that quickly split from the Big Mac's body shape also quickly retracted into the body, instantly turning into a small bark of poor Bara: "Wang Wang?"

Muzi regained his gaze and gave up the idea of ​​a cannon ash to test it first.

Aiolos bit his teeth. "Let me try it first."

In the past, it was not without such a mortal situation. There is always a way.

Muzi grabbed Aeolos and said, "I can't do this! This is a life pattern, which is completely different from the general trap. The result is immediate. There is no chance for people to respond. It is directly destruction!" This is not the destruction of the spiritual body, but it will affect the destruction of the ontological life, or let me come, I am more confident about this secret technique."

That is the case, but obviously Muzi does not have much confidence.

"Ah, stupid humans, why don't you always accept the lesson, you have forgotten who just let you solve the wall of sigh? At this time, you should ask the great Simba for help." Simba, finally It was his turn to show, "In front of the great Simba, all the worms and worms will be clouded!"

Simba flew forward and said to Muzi: "Bad, give you a chance, worship me, give me your little pet," the great Simba can forget your rudeness before, give you Justified asylum."

Muzi just stared at Simba, apparently he did not adapt to jokes at this time, and Simba flew helplessly to the soul balance.

Wang Zhong looked nervously at the balance, and the soul of the whole body unfolded. As long as the situation was slightly wrong, even if it would be destroyed together, he would also rush to the balance to bring Simba back!


Just in the moment when the balance of Simba stood, the balance made a squeaking sound, and the end of the white soul feather suddenly floated up.

Is Simbaby feathers heavy? ?


Wang Zhong’s body was just moving, and a dignified force suddenly emerged from the statue of the soul weigher. In an instant, he was wrapped up in a concrete wrap, and the whole body was up and down, and even the corners of his mouth could not move. Not only him, Muzi, Aylos also stagnate all the movements, the entire space, under the rules of the life pattern.

The balance is more and more inclined to Simba. Once it touches the bottom, it is the judgment of the life pattern, and the sin is established, it is to immediately destroy the destruction!

The face of Muzi flashed a dignity, and the coffin behind him began to emit a strong radiance, and the soul of Ayros was also blooming.

But Simba is extraordinarily relaxed, just staring at the feathers, and thinking about the various ps, the next second.


One end of the white feather slanted to the bottom.

The soul trial is established!

Simba passed the good and evil weighing of the soul!


In an instant, the rule power of the three heavyweights was swayed. In the roar, the huge soul weigher turned and the balance in his hand gradually changed into a huge key, and then inserted into the wall of sigh.

The door, as it appeared with the insertion of the key of the balance, the quaint and broken doorway, the years are dying, the walls that have just turned back and become bright, with the appearance of this door, also began to reply to its due time. , color decomposition, fading, wall mottled.

Wang Zhong took hold of Simba, who was still preparing to force it. Now it is obviously not the time. The three men quickly passed through the hole. This trial is not for humans, but for some special dimensions. It is obvious that Simba It belongs to one of them.

The vision suddenly became clear, and no one thought of it. They walked through the wall of sighs and they stood on the shore of a lake.

In the wind, with the suffocation of grass and water, a few birds sing, far away, a group of swans flew over and landed on the surface of the lake, a vibrant atmosphere filled with the perception of three people.

"Fantasy?" With the precedent of a floating gate, Ayros is still very cautious.

"No, no, it is real."

"what is that?"

Wang Zhong pointed to the lake, a golden color, reflecting the light.


Aeolos glanced at the expression on his face burst into excitement. "It seems that we really got it right this time!"

Wang Zhongyu’s Chaomuzi looked over. Muzi was still immersed in Simba’s breath and then reversed the life of the pattern. After a slow response, he said with a voice: “Aeolos said Yes, the appearance of this seal shows that this is the place that really contains the secret of the dimension, we have entered the core of the pyramid."

"Look at me!"

Ai Luosi stepped forward and made a complicated pattern on the surface of the Hu, and the soul was like a living snake to form a huge rune matrix, "Open!"

The bang, the lake of Pinghu, was immediately crushed by powerful forces. When the water splashed, Wang Zhong saw a huge altar rising from the lake.

"This is part of the seal."

When Muzi’s voice fell, he followed his shot again, once again offering his coffin, acting as an aircraft, and flying fast toward the altar with everyone.

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