Battle Frenzy

Vol 5 Chapter 50: Come back!

The man was also shocked, the kind of chill and threat from the soul, but did not care, no one dared to do it here.

"Oh, little girl is quite overbearing." Casio smiled and said: "You are the Assassin family? Here is the city of Lei Di, but it is not in your holy Montgomery, Assin is nothing, you have the ability to do it. Hands-on, I still look at your eyes."

Emily's mouth is raised in a curve. To be honest, these days have been very annoying, very violent and very violent, waiting for the time on the wall is just a second.

A cold dagger flipped silently into her hand and was buckled with her wrist.

"There are many ways to vent," Gray smiled. "There are still half an hour. Waiting for it, the seniors will be able to catch up. I feel like it is almost there."

Casio couldn't help but shook his head. The whole team was a madman. This mother also had the feeling that he thought he was who.

I was about to say something, and suddenly I heard a rush of bells over there.

"The last half hour! Teams that have not submitted their registration forms over time are considered to be automatically abstained."

"I said..." Casio laughed, but before he could say anything, he heard a burst of surprises around him.

"Look, what's that?!"

Many people are looking out of the city gate, only in the white world, a shadow of snow splashing is rushing toward the gate of the city!

"That... that is personal? Fast speed!"

The speed is really amazing. I just saw that there is a black spot far away. After only a few ten seconds, I saw a long, snow-like tail splashing behind the shadow. It’s just like Like a railroad head rushing from the snow, the rumble of the moment made everyone look at it.

His hair has been like the old-fashioned ink, his ears swayed a little: "Good speed and momentum."

"Oh?" Elishi next to it is completely ignorant of the city gate. His eyes only have ink to ask. Simply put, he is really interested in Mo Wen. "Do you care about this degree?"

"Anyone who is strong is worthy of my respect." Ink asked faintly, "This is my way."

"Strong...cough..." What Iasi couldn't stand most was the tone of the ink to ask for the speech, and the clothes were forced to be loaded, and the things like 'dao' were pulled up. Generally not talking about these? This is simply impossible to communicate!

Unlike the calm of the Celestial team and Torres, the gate of the city has already been blown up.

"There is no one at this speed. Look at it, it seems to be carrying a person!"

"Is it a rescue team? Isn't it that the ice wind has blocked the road and can't pass?"

"The individual players of the rescue team can still pass."

"Wait, it seems, not a rescue team!"

The rescue team in the city of Lei Di, the dress is too obvious, no matter when you always wear a uniform silver uniform, it is their logo and honor, can be rushed toward the gate of the city, but wearing a gray-black The clothes are the uniforms of a certain team!

"Is it Wang Gege?" Amy Lil's eyes lit up, although she couldn't see anyone, but the color of the clothes could already be guessed.

"Rely, I know that Wang Zhong will be able to!" Ma Dong directly picked up eight feet high.

Gly's vision is better, he has already recognized it, and even saw Scarlett on the back of Wang.

"I don't think it's Wang Zhongxue!" Gly's eyes are full of smiles. Participating in this chf will make him excited, but if he is missing Wang Zhong, it will be too unsatisfactory.

A few words of effort, the figure has already rushed to the near, can already see the face.

Sure enough, Wang Zhong!

Wang Zhong had no rest at all, and Scarlett was still sleeping on him. Wang Zhong was like a tireless running machine. In the meantime, he encountered three ice-cold winds and several times the wolves. However, Wang Zhong has all resolved. When the storm hits, he directly immersed himself in a hole under the ice layer. When the mutant beast came, he killed a few Liwei to let them know and retreat. Later, Wang Zhong was too lazy to pay attention. I am trying to get rid of it all the time.

The two legs are like the perpetual motion machine, and they are struggling to make great strides.

Scarlett, who was on his back, was already exhausted and couldn't open his eyes, but it was also an inspirational spirit: "Wang Zhong! We caught up!"

"I said it must be!" Wang Zhong is actually extremely tired, but his eyes are still calm.

"Wang Zhongge!"

"team leader!"


A large group of people from the Tianjing team were excited to rush to meet.

Wang Zhong’s one-legged squatting, the horrible impulse allowed him to slide over the ground a dozen meters away, plowing a large groove to stop, and seeing a lot of people at the gate of the city.

Ma Dongchong was a bear hug, and Emily also hugged up. Everyone smiled and shouted excitedly. Barron had a straight arm and put Ma Dong and Emily together with Wang Zhong and Scarlett. They both gave their legs off the ground.

"Haha, I know you must do it! So happy!"

"Wang Zhongge, you just had a good speed. Where did you go from the storm?"

"Rely, buddy, you can scare me," Ma Dong's eyes were the sharpest. The first time he noticed the intimate physical contact between Scarlett and Wang Zhong, he laughed. "But, value! What is it?" Value!"

"Wow! This pose!" Although Heyman, who ran over, participated in the cuddle, but he was no less excited than anyone. He pointed to Wang Zhong and Scarlett and laughed with tears: "Captain Adult not heavy?"

"Wang Zhong, let me down." Scarlett red face, Haiman, they will stop, there are so many people at the gate.

The knot tied with the cloth strip was untied, and Gray smiled and handed over the registration form and the pen: "Wang Zhongxue, Scarlett Sister, the registration form must be filled out by the person, and the last half hour."

"Right right, I almost forgot about this, hurry! Ha, there is time, you finally catch up!"

When filling in the registration form here, many other teams are also talking about it.

"Is it really back two? Tianjing College, isn't that c-class?"

"Is the vice captain missing the same?"

"This person is very fast. Are their captains an assassin who is good at speed?"

"Is it stupid? It will run away. What's so amazing, who knows where they are hiding in a corner?"

Everyone talked a lot but didn't care too much. I just thought that the last moment arrived, luck was really good, but it was a little ugly.

He is a type of sand that can't be seen in his eyes. At Stuart, there were about a dozen teams in the hotel who didn't choose to stand on his side. Except those who were assigned to other divisions, the Leidi area was here. He is going to let all the guys who don't give face all finish in the first round. It's also done a part. For example, the Aurora team, whose overall strength is more faint than its own team, has no resistance in front of his group tactics. I will kill myself like myself. Isn’t it a victory?

(The second is sent, ask for one, thank you!!)

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