Battle Frenzy

Vol 6 Chapter 38: Day 1

"Yes, the strong king of the mouth is very strong at present, but there are actually many people in history, but in the end they have sunk, and they are so popular. To be honest, I am also a fan of the king. I really like the rise of his grassroots. However, returning to reason and conscientiously judging and analyzing, Wang’s brother is actually a bit hurting Zhong Yong. It’s easy to lose himself on the cusp of the cusp, and it may be ruined from being killed.”

"Say so much useful? It's all nonsense. I want to say that the strong king of the mouth is invincible, how! I am the brain powder, not obeying it! Who is afraid of it! Battle!"

"Oh, I am also a sensible wave, um, well, I think, the king has to have another nickname, how about the Dragon Warrior, or the Dragon King?"

"After destroying the king of the wolf, add the dragon to the dragon king? No taste! But... I like it! Hey, I want to use the laughter of the barbell to wish the king to create a miracle again, let the people of the shackle close them. After eating the mouth of garlic!"

"Everyone should not quarrel, the Tianjing team will only play in the afternoon, let us pay more attention to the next giant peak? My big bee king Dikapo's opponent Hercules team is not weaker than the s-class team, at least than Capofil Strong."

Looking at the various discussions in Tianxun, Zhao Zimo smiled very happy, Tu Long?

Many people who touted Tianjing and the mouth of the king were hired. The victory was 10,000 for the Shenlong team, but the weak is characterized by ignorance and luck, so he has to blow a wave of Tianjing. When the Shenlong team crushes them, they will benefit more!

In fact, the Tianjing team is an experienced baby who has fattened. Whoever eats and earns it and kills Tianjing is absolutely great help for Zhao’s entry into the top five. This is simply a gift from heaven.

Therefore, before the results, Zhao Zimo will definitely be a faithful "Tianjing powder."

No war before the heat, compared to the personal hot comments on the news, TV and other official media is still a law-abiding release of news.

"Stuart morning news special report, chf third round 32 strong into the top 16 battle will be officially started at 10:30 this morning. The game is divided into two arenas simultaneously, the first, The No. 1 Arena will be played by the Giants Team against the Hercules team, and the second arena will be the Rockets against the San Diego team..."

The TV screen turned around, and then, the broadcast of the first players was broadcast.

Dikapo appeared on the TV screen and smiled and said: "Hercules College is a veteran school. We will prepare for it. I personally look forward to it. I think it should be a hard battle. I hope that Hercules will not Let the fans who like us disappoint."

The fans of the queen bee Dikapo are very satisfied with this interview. This is very disco, "I feel that it is hard." "I hope not to let the fans down." Dikapo is worried that the opponent is not strong enough?

The picture turned around and it was the turn of the Hercules team interview. They were interviewed by their vice captain Sas.

"The view of the giant peak team? It is a bit of a surprise, we want to meet the s-class team."

In front of the TV, the supporters of Giant Shenfeng jumped, and wowed a big one. I also thought that Dikapo’s interview was a bit arrogant. I didn’t expect Hercules to be more mad, a little unexpected? More want to meet the s-class team? Why don't you go to heaven? This is completely ignoring DiCapo and Giant Peak!

However, the data party quickly released the history of Hercules College.

"The madness is because of the mad capital. Hercules College is very strong in history. Do you know how many celebrities have been in the halls? The famous brands in the old schools are not because the civil strife has been stagnant for more than ten years. This is definitely A s-class team is alright!"

"Hercules College has a very strong history. It was once a famous school. It is a mythological school. It used to be a little recession, but it has been recovering in recent years. Really, they have the most perfect training methods and the most terrible teaching methods. Teaching experience, can be called a factory-level manufacturing plant!"

"In fact, Hercules has always had a high quality in recent years, but there has never been a core. There are a few masters. No one is obeying anyone. The internal consumption is serious. The light is covered up by other famous schools. Several times the competition has not been resolved because of internal contradictions. The real masters were not able to attend the game because they had lost both sides in the game and could not attend."

"This year's Hercules has a king, completed the twelve test of Hercules College, smoothed all the hills, unified the spirit of Hercules, asked me to say that they want to touch the s-class team is serious It’s definitely not the arrogance of the wind."

"Oh, I am Hercules College, I am not afraid to be bragging about you. This time our school's chf team, each member, has almost the strength of the so-called a-class team captain, s-class team, as long as it is not a martial spirit This kind of s+ level, we all have to vomit blood when we meet."

This interview made the news of Tianxun spread. Many old people are recalling that Hercules College is really brilliant. It seems that it is going to recover now. The new generation searches for history on Tianxun and finds He. Lacleus College really has arrogant capital and history. It has always been a quasi-state production factory. For a variety of reasons, reputation has not spread widely!

The queen bee Dikabo hit the iron plate this time.

The war started, the giant peak team vs. Hercules team!

The first game, the pioneer of the giant peak

In the battle ahead, this is a brute force monster, but it seems to have no features other than brute force. The figure is short compared to the warrior, but the power is amazing, and He The reloading of Lacleus is the strongest in the top 20 in the federal rankings. In addition to its own talents, technology and experience are also the three years of leverage.

However, at the beginning of the game, the opponent obviously understood Boering. In the face of the simple and violent attack of Pola, the opponent who chose the light shield made a positive face on the surface, but suddenly he suddenly stepped away and let the wave open. Attack, and then kill the opponent, but he clearly escaped the attack of the hammer, but still was shot, flying like a volleyball far away.

Giants Peak easily won.

In the second game, Dikapo, who took the lead, sent Fernandis, the assassin with petrochemical ability once again demonstrated his super strength, and made a petrified power at the crucial moment of hard work with his opponent. Won the second victory.

The completely unsolved attack itself has a very strong combat power, and every time it reaches a critical time, it can be turned over with petrochemical abilities. This ability can be attacked and defended, which is simply desperate for the opponent.

It can be said that one of the most disgusting abilities in melee so far.

The giant peak started two to zero.

In the third game, Dikapo took the initiative to challenge the captain of the opponent. This time, Dikapo chose to be an empty-handed player. In the game, he even made the empty-handed boxing skills of Mohist, and it was not a simple imitation, but full of power. Ink asked how good the cracked empty hand shocked four.

The problem is coming. I feel that this Dikapo is also very similar to the king of the mouth. Of course, his cross-wheel can't be compared with Wang, but other aspects are even stronger.

This year's dark horses are very powerful. After DiCapo once again showed all-round ability, Giants Peak took a four-to-zero wave of opponents and showed the tough side of the dark horse.

It must be said that compared to Tianjing, the giant peaks are much more powerful, the scenes are good-looking, the positions of the lineups are balanced and strong, and the opponents are not so perverted.

Sometimes luck is also very important. In the end, you must become a king. It is not only the depth of the bench, but also the luck. Every time you encounter a level, this kind of hard consumption can't afford to hurt.

In any case, the giant peaks representing the strength of the civilians are close to the top 16, so many people have retained hope. Basically, no matter how the air is blown, Tianjing will definitely lose in the battle against Shenlong Academy, but hope. They don't lose too much.

On the other hand, the blazing angels vs. Tuima team, the two teams have been in place, and the final commissioning and tactical arrangements are under way. The Tuima team is even more powerful than the blazing angels, although there is no ink list, but in fact five The reputation of the main players is higher than the level of the blazing angels in the previous division competitions. Simply put, they are all levels of Papada.

At this time, the Tianxun live broadcast, as well as the Stuart TV station are also playing related programs, the Tianxun live broadcast room, mainly to explain the analysis.

"The sacred angels are a bit strange. The feelings of the last two days are different. Before they gave people the feeling is very crazy, in a state of excitement, this crazy-like momentum, let them play Into the 32 strong, but with the 32 strong, their madness suddenly disappeared. As if they are not like the game?"

"Well, yes, give me the feeling, like being satisfied with the current results, there is no victory, but their reloading player Ouli is still very worth looking forward to."

"Yes, whether it is value, or other aspects."

"The key is the value? Haha, make a joke, Ou Li is a very special reload, relying on her ability, but now, everyone understands her characteristics, I don't know if it will be targeted ""

"Then let us look forward to the performance of Ouli players in the game, I hope she will not be in a state of decline because of losing the victory, well, after discussing the Blazing Angels team, now, let us pay attention to Tuyi Ma The team."

"This is also a team based on team battles. If you don't calculate the s-class team, they will definitely be in the top three."

"Oh! Yes! Tuyma College is a well-known sergeant of sergeants. It sends a large number of front-line commanders to the Federation every year. Their team battles are a bit of an army, very serious, but they are particularly useful."

"However, the Blazing Angels team is also a strong team in the team. This is also a matchup between the strong and the strong."

"Yes, it is worth looking forward to!"

Stuart TV is also broadcasting interviews and promotional videos from two teams.

This time, for the 32 strong, Stuart TV station invested a lot of manpower. During the rest period, a large number of personnel were deployed to track and match the major teams that advanced to the 32nd, and most of the time they played. Greetings with the shoot, some videos and pictures of everyday life.

The collective appearance of the Tuima team in the propaganda film is very handsome, showing the strong style of a class a team.

The captain’s standard military personnel sent to the scene, facing the interview, serious and serious treatment, "our team's goal is the top eight, it is very difficult, but it is not impossible."

"The team that you want to meet most? The celestial team, they are a very comprehensive team, and they will play a serious game, which will help us a lot."

"What do you think of the Blazing Angels? Hey... I feel that they have no belief in the game. I don't know the philosophy of the School of the Angels. I can only say that if it is in Tuima, this is hard to imagine. ”

"To say something to the Blazing Angels team, that is to hope that they can learn from each other. Their team battle is also very strong. It is more tacit than ours. I don't know how they did it."

Modest, courteous, and spiritually positive! Shi Wei’s interview video was well received.

The TV screen turned and the darkness turned. With the music of the propaganda film, the sacred angel team appeared. More than ten figures emerged from the darkness, and the dark picture became brighter and brighter...

The audience in front of the TV set their eyes wide open, for fear of missing a picture. By convention, the next step is to show time.

However, not!

The blazing angels are all in a circle and are praying to heaven...

Many people look at this picture, feel good and fake, is there a crow flying above the brain? Is this a team or a **** stick?

At this moment, the program director is full of face cancer, the uncomfortable crying of the cancer, never seen such a wayward team, let them show their self, they actually started this kind of thing in front of the camera, pray? Why not burn incense? What was your previous madness? Thirty-two strong is satisfied? Not too advanced!

In just three seconds, the embarrassing picture was quickly taken over and entered the interview.

It was the Ou Li who was very concerned about the interview.

Immediately, Ou Li’s outstanding appearance immediately swept away the shackles. The key is the slender figure, which gives people a feeling of burning.

"The team that I want to meet is the team that I have already encountered. God will arrange everything." Ouli is very calm, crazy because of God, calm, but also because of God, they are close, to see, to witness, soul I have completed a journey, and even changed. Next, it is another scene. Just like the end of the caterpillar is the butterfly's new life. She looks at the camera faintly. Some things are incomprehensible to ordinary people.

"..." The audience is very aggressive, manual and funny, how come to God?

"There is nothing to say to Tuima, ah, yes, please don't give up, this is God's arrangement, just obey."

Sure enough, it is God! The clever audience has already guessed this answer.

"...What do you mean by saying that you have the grasp of winning?" The reporter wanted to buy a piece of tofu and slammed it up and then killed it.

After watching the promotional videos and interviews, most of the audience had a basic understanding of the two teams. After all, before the 32nd, hundreds of teams, even s-class teams, actually had a lot of viewers. Be clear about the situation.

Tianxun platform, TV platform, at the same time, opened the option of voting support.

In an instant, the support of the Tuima team suddenly slammed!

Seventy-nine percent of the people supported the Tuima team to win this victory. They felt that they were stronger and more suitable to continue to go in the chf, and then look at the Blazing Angels team, although Ou Li was rated as the top five by the ink list. One, however, the whole team is getting more and more stunned. Is this still the blazing angel at the beginning? Many people doubt it, and, as the commentary says, they can't find a strong victory over the Blazing Angels.

This is already 32 strong, and this attitude is impossible to continue to advance.

Many people are so confident and full of judgments. Looking at the picture, the blazing angel team’s ancient well-waveless look is even more so deep.


When the game officially began.

The blazing angel team without "upper heart" dragged the game into the stage of the team battle. On the scene, Tuyma took the upper hand and led the match three to two. But after entering the team battle, Tuima felt that he had encountered a madman.

Even the two victories won by the blazing angels are not easy. Ou Li’s defense is quite a hand, but her attack is obviously lacking means. Papada is a balanced strong, but unfortunately does not have the ability to crush, others They are relatively weak for a line But once they enter the group battle, this group of people... is simply crazy!

I thought it would be a very tight team battle, but under the leadership of Papada and Ouli, a wave of take away opponents, the Tuyma team, which is said to be very powerful, has no chance, the five on the blazing angel field. Personal, it is like a whole, everyone is me, I am everyone!

The full range of defenses like Ouli, Papada's midfield bombing, and the backcourt remote, let the squadron team be born for the team battle.

After watching this game, everyone has only one feeling, either to solve the blazing angel in the individual game, or to wait for a bite with a group of madmen in the group battle.

On the first day of the battle, the four teams entered the top 16, which were the Giants Peak Team, the Blazing Angels, the Hurricane Eyes, and the Ghost Wars. In addition to the blazing angels, the other three teams were overbearing. Nearly, of course, there is such a + existence as the Ghost Emperor, even if it is the 16 strong battle is also easy to write, Ghost Hao did not shoot, headed by ghosts and hearts, two main forces, two substitutes to solve the battle, the eyes of the hurricane Soul beasts are not as strong as the ink list, but they are only a line. Five such existences are a bit scary in a team. It is impossible to imagine what their team will look like.

No matter how brilliant it is, in the present, the strength is the only one. Although it will not become a giant overnight, the rise is unstoppable. Whether it is on the news or the official, the official is to promote the winner. The giants are not bad, but for The emerging power of the newly rising giant peak is crucial.

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