Battle Frenzy

Vol 6 Chapter 47: Weird card

"Tianjing is playing with their main assassin Emily, the little girl from the assassin family Assin! Although she is still young, she is said to have completed the assassin trial of the Assassin family, and in the previous qualifiers. There is also a very bright performance in the middle!" Ruo Zhi introduced: "When Tianjing played against Bharadion, Emily did not play, perhaps because of tactical arrangement, or perhaps wanting snow. But there is no doubt that she is definitely the mainstay of Tianjing College, besides Wang Zhong and Glei, which has always been above the standard! This should be the most powerful counterattack before the battle of the king of the mouth, and the success or failure is here. We hope she can have a magical performance!"

Asahi and Zhao are really nothing compared to each other, but in this magical dark horse team, how much will give some expectations, and who can guarantee that Emily is not a trump card!

A man came out of the reserve area of ​​the Shenlong team.

"The Shenlong Academy also had a strange card. The main players were Zhao Zhancheng, the remote assassin, and the Shenlong team. This is the beginning of preparation for face-lifting. Zhige feels that the Shenlong Academy is actively using the remote assassin's strength. Not counting it?" said the madman with a smile.

“It seems that Xiaofeng is not particularly familiar with Shenlong College,” said Ruo Zhiwei. “Zhao Zhancheng is a long-distance, but he was once an assassin. He has a deep understanding of the Assassin and he also has very powerful mobile skills. It is a very typical successful transferee. He has quite rich experience in the assassin. Even at the Shenlong Academy, he has the title of 'Assassin Killer'. He used him to deal with Tian Jing's Emily. This is a fairly targeted pair. Bit, of course, the assassin hits the remote, and its own advantages still exist, just to see how much Emily can swing."

The hope of Tianjing.

Two red-hot cockroaches appeared on Emily's hand.

This is the scorpion scorpion that Moore's deputy dean has tailored for her, and the lines of the flame are clearly visible on the raft.

Wang Zhong once said that if you want to be a real assassin, you can't rely on foreign objects, so even if you just sent it to her in the hands of the school, she has never used it, even if she is participating in the family test. The same is true during difficult times.

And now, finally it’s time to drink it!

Victory? Or defeat? Is it the light of hope, or the abyss of despair?

The scene was quite quiet, and all the supporters of Tianjing were staring nervously on the stage, whether it was the scene or the sky.

The two sides are already in place, and the expressions of the two people are quite calm. The feeling of a mountain rain is lingering on the field. The red fire and the cold-eyed wind-hunting arrow will reflect the demon light on the stage. !


Game start!

Emily suddenly disappeared from the place!

Assassin is a long-distance, countless classic teaching, unless the strength of the two sides is too different, otherwise it will be a contest of distance.

Emily's start-up is amazing, and the disappearance in an instant gives people a s-class assassin's style, which makes people feel bright.

However, the large screen does not capture the moving trajectory, obviously can not win the perception of Zhao Zhancheng.


The bow and arrow are remote. In the public's cognition, it belongs to the remote type with long range, good ballistics, great power and can be added to the control of the soul force, but it is absolutely impossible to pull the relationship.

Not only will your bow movements slow, but your trajectory will be slower. After all, it is a parabolic trajectory. Unlike sputum, which is different from hot weapon bullets, it is hard to get up.

However, Zhao Zhancheng’s arrow is a bit subverting people’s cognition. The action of his fingers pulling the bow is almost astonishing. Often the bowstring has just ejected an arrow, and the shaft has not yet had the cochlear aftergrowth. I have already pulled the bend again, and in an instant it is a shot of ten arrows!

The perfect arrow brake time blocks all of Emily's routes.


Just a little slower, the fire red is in the middle of the soul, the special embossed weapon, no matter which of the soul circuit or the embossing blessing is handy, actually put the arrow that killed all of his position Pick it up.

Ai Mi Lier is not losing momentum, but the next moment is the bow and arrow open, a string of arrows like a worm flying in the sky, instantly shrouded! At the same time, Zhao Zhancheng's feet also moved, stepping on the mysterious pace and flying around, the degree is not even slower than Emily!

I saw only people in the field, such as shadows and arrows, and a distance war between the blockade, the position and the anti-transition position has already entered the stage of short-handedness!

The distance war is the most arduous and the most difficult way to brew the audience's emotions. The distance between the two sides measured in real time through God's perspective is also constantly beating on the big screen.

The mobility of the two people is extremely fast, and the number that keeps beating is always on the warning line of 50 meters. Emily can't break through, but Zhao Zhancheng's arrow can't hurt her.

Consumption, pressing, the two people in the offensive and defensive and walking in the back and forth, can not stand.

Both the scene and the news are quiet. Whether it is a supporter of Tianjing or a supporter of Shenlong College, everyone forgets the embarrassment, but focuses on the battle that can be said to determine the life and death of Tianjing.

I have to say that Emily's display is obviously quite different from other ordinary Beijing Tianjing. It can be said that after many years of excitement, Emily is making rapid progress every day, and this shot can feel different. Although Barron won in the front, but won a very "earth", very emotional, not a high standard ~ ~ and Emily saw the family's system training.

But it is precisely this hope, so that the supporters of Tianjing have already seen the eyes of the blind.

In normal times, in the face of such a distance war, perhaps everyone will have a mood to see that they are slowly consuming, or even to say that they have enjoyed it for a while, but now, the feeling of waiting in the fear is really driving people crazy. .

"Amelie's performance is amazing, whether it is the power and eyesight of the blocking arrow, or her excellent movement, it is indeed above the strength level. She has been looking for opportunities to approach, it may seem a bit difficult, Zhao Zhancheng’s arrow blockade is too old, and there is no impatience or hard work, but a step-by-step blockade. But this kind of unskilled foundation is precisely the most difficult to deal with. Choosing a positive hard top is bound to drag the rush. Degree, but if you choose to dodge, but will inevitably give up the blockade of the opponent's position, Emily is quite a headache, under the suppression of the arrow, the degree is at least slowed by 30%, but it is felt that Zhao Zhancheng's mobility is better than her. It’s faster. It’s been two minutes since the start of the game, but the distance between the two has been around 50 meters. I can’t pull it closer. Zhao Zhancheng used the kite tactics of the long-distance warrior to the extreme!”

If the voice of Zhizhi just fell, Emily’s degree suddenly increased!

She studied the so-called 'Assassin Killer' Zhao Zhancheng, taking advantage of the excellent mobility that was once an assassin's origin, taking advantage of the far-reaching, fast-moving and weird, unpredictable parabolic trajectory, and the number of assassins who died by his kites, countless. This confidence is an opportunity for her!

Suddenly, Emily has a flame on her body. At the same time, the degree of the whole person has been greatly improved. The same attribute and the understanding of different professions are not the same, and what Emily needs is Flame lift! 8 more wonderful novels, welcome to visit the reading house

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