Battle Frenzy

Vol 6 Chapter 77: Unstoppable

The audience at the scene looked at it. If Zhizhi was a sacred god, he would return to God: "I didn't even see it, let's take a look at the replay on the big screen!"

In the slow motion on the big screen, it is obvious that the hand of the ink has not been moved and the foot has not been lifted. Even just relying on the defense, will the attack of Kupata be bounced back and shaken? !

Kupata, who was attacked by the earthquake, did not stand up for a time. His strength came from him. He had multiple hands in the attack and heavier in counterattack. Fire??????????. ?ran?en`

This is the essence of the ink-soul beastmaster. Each of his forms has a deep meaning. The state of the turtle can not only resist the attack, but also rebound.

On the other side of the ink spirit, the expression on the face is quite weird, and the lips seem to be talking to people.

If Zhizhi’s eyes turn, “We saw that Lingling just seemed to be talking to Lipper and Neipelmo on the side of the field. It’s quite amazing dialogue. It’s just that I understand a little lip and translate it for everyone.”

"Little Lingling, the boss said, the quarter-find war gives the opponent some respect, don't let go of the dead hand when you come up, what do you do?" If Zhizhi learns the language, he knows that this is The sound of Napier ink on the side of the field.

"I know, this does not let him play, the second-order power of the turtle form is automatically stimulated, and I have no way!" If the spirit of the spirit of the spirit is a look of helplessness and hardship.

Tianxun’s viewing area exploded in an instant, and the celestial team was so powerful. No one thought they were forced to do so. This is very consistent with the style of the celestial pole. It is strong and humble. After all, no one can enter the quarter-finals and give the opponent a chance to show. That is to show the heart and also show their strength, of course, this is only the celestial pole can be like this.

In the preparation area, the other people in the celestial team were screaming and laughing. The ink asked if it was not moving, but the ink on the stage was quite embarrassing.

You can read it out in lip language. It’s **** that it’s a **** egg!

This is good. It was originally a low-key plan set by the boss to ask the boss to make the first game of the quarter-finals better and more accurate. He also gave certain respect to the top 16 and the result was Give you this break, but it makes people's face bad.

Instead, Napier ink on the side of the field glared at his knife, or a silly look with no heart, no matter what his business, he knew nothing.

Mo Ling’s face is dark, and the ink star in the stands has already smiled and bent down. Napier ink is definitely a living treasure in the celestial team. The Moh, which has always been known for its rigor, has such a different kind and has always been strictly prohibited. The Mohist has such a freak, especially likes to mess.

After a short period of sluggishness, the fans of the celestial team have burst into laughter.

"Merlin boss is mighty! The celestial team is invincible!"

"The strongest water release in history! No one!"

"Merlin boss and Napier are definitely the best partners!"

The audience is laughing, but the contestants will not. Anyway, the players of the Tianjing team are serious. They are coming to study. Wang Zhong can feel the confidence of the opponent. Kupata’s strength is very strong. He has studied the blood power. It is indeed an important inheritance of human beings through the dark ages. They themselves have such a rare giant blood. These years seem to have received clever guidance. The strength is soaring and coming here, it should be again The strength of the parliament can be described as a retreat. Although I don't want to pay attention to it, Wang Zhong will not naively think that Tianjing's luck is really so good. Even the s-class team can only say that In the entire top 16, it is either a family power or a parliamentary force. Only the wonderful thing of Tianjing is a real accident.

Probably both sides did not expect such a spoiler, but the strength of the parliament is the role of the impactor. It is a good thing to have a spoiler, but the family strength first shot, but did not expect to fall into the Tianjing quagmire.


A huge figure stood up from the rupture of the ruins.

Kupata’s face was angered after being humiliated, and her face turned red! In the tone of Mo Ling, there is actually no subjective will to humiliate, but in fact it has already brought shame to him.

The majesty and pride of the giants are absolutely not tolerated!

I saw a faint red blood stunned on him, and the whole body was soaring!

Two meters fifty, two meters eighty, three meters thirty, three meters seventy, four meters!

"Juhua! It is the giant technique of Juxiang City! It is passed down from the ancient golden blood. It can be said that it is a physical ability, it can also be said to be a blood talent! This is a gift from the dark age, although it is not as good as before. The wolf's blood is so rare, even if it has a complete heritage in the giant elephant city, even if it has the golden blood, this kind of giant technique is not for everyone to display!"

Most people know this ability. After all, the history of the college must be mentioned. I think that the best in the human reloading army has this ability. It is not a simple bubble expansion, but a real giantization. With a huge body and strength, it has not lost its agility and speed.

After the greatization of Kupata is simply a lot of power, just a sway, the power of terror has even shattered a large piece of the platform, the cracks are everywhere! Long arms attack from incredible positions, and it is difficult to predict with common sense. But the most terrible thing is his speed! The physical weight of the soaring body has not made his movements clumsy, even more swift than before!

The enhancement of Juhua is not only the appearance, but also the corresponding strength, even double the growth! The weight of the physical increase is simply negligible in the face of exaggerated power increases.

With all-round improvement in strength, speed, and defense, this is the giantization of the golden blood!

Mo Ling’s thick face is still expressionless. Before, I only knew that the squad team had a golden bloodline, and perhaps had the ability to use the giant technique. However, I did not expect it to skyrocket to four meters. It is worth shooting. .


The whole person of Mo Ling was photographed. The giant's deterrent blow was like taking a fly, but the ink spirit that was shot was like a person who was okay. The soul turtle of the body retreated. This palm is just the same. Apologize.

Why do so many people like the Mohist family, this is the heroic spirit, not the current mainstream style of the Federation, like the other three major s+ are very strong suppression, even Stuart is also true, but the Moh is able to make people feel like a spring breeze, even if the opponent the same alsp.

Kupata leaned his head, did not pursue, is also a warrior, he can understand the meaning of the other side, the momentum of both sides is constantly rising, the two have a certain ability to compete flexibly, but Mo Ling gave up the so-called flexibility, he wants to be hard with the giant just.

A black soul bear, which is not the same as Lola, breaks through the void and appears behind the body of Mo Ling. The soul of the cockroach blasts from the body of Mo Ling, and the horrible power pushes down. It is not just the library that faces the center of the field. Pata, even the audience on the sidelines can feel the suffocating wind pressure from the attacking Yu Wei!

In the players' viewing area, many people have a little dignity, and Mo Ling has four forms. Any one of them has a point to make the opponent speechless. The Mohist people are really...

Kupata has a feeling that it has been locked by the other party in an instant, and this palm cannot be avoided!

Moreover, he does not have to avoid!

Whether it is strength or momentum, there is no one in the gold sputum, giant to four meters of self!

Kupata is red-eyed and welcomes on the palm, he has to pick it up!

I saw it on the huge body, the thick roots of the blue ribs exploded, and even the forehead was full! The stout body once again soared a bit, and the inhuman voice almost gathered in an instant, as if it were a giant cockroach from the dark ages.


In the horror of the horror, the earth-shattering four palms collided!


The whole scene, and even the time, seemed to be stagnant and solidified in the moment when the four palms were attacked, followed by the horrible catharsis! The waves of the waves rushed from the two sides to the surrounding area. Fortunately, considering the quarter-finals, in order to cope with the possible accidents at the moment, the stadium's anti-theft lattice pattern has been open.

This is a striated array that is sufficient to defend against all the soul-level attacks. It can only be shocked by the scattered waves, but it is also washed up like a ripple.

The four dust mites and air waves instantly flooded the entire platform in the ray pattern, even if there was only a faint gray on the big screen.

The scene was silent, only the aftershock of the huge roar was echoing.

At the same time, I heard a sigh and a sound of falling to the ground.

"How's it going?!"

"What results!"

"Who is falling down?!"

Everyone was waiting anxiously, after twenty or thirty seconds, as the layer of the waves spread, they barely saw it.

Still standing still on the field is Kupata! However, the ink spirit that had been attacked by the power of the tyrants had been bombarded more than ten meters, and it was stable and his face was slightly pale.

Actually, is Kupata better? !

The fans of the celestial team were all stunned, and the squad's grandstand area burst into bursts of joy! Can hurt him to beat him! I still dare to look down on us before, now I know it is amazing!

Unfortunately, the joy is only lasting for a few seconds.

Kupata, who has been standing in a standing position, did not even move, and a light breeze blew.


His thick muscle surface turned out to be a crack, the surface of the blood flying sword, like a fountain, the four-meter-high giant has retracted the original two-meter-thirty shape, directly curled on the ground and motionless.

One hits the country!

In the first game, the celestial team won!

The two sides of the second match were the squad of the celestial team and Kukuchi of the squad.

More difficult than the first game, the strength of the heavy weight in the previous game is obvious to all, is also the most important role of the celestial college before, played in the three rounds, and easily win, the standard s-level reloading, in the offensive and defensive two The end has excellent performance and is praised as a heavyweight fighter who is able to rank in the top three under the reload of the five major ink charts. However, in the face of only Kucuqi, one of the main players of the battle team, winning is still quite difficult. In the face of the opponents who are close to four meters in height after the giantization, they have carried out a full half-hour offensive and defensive war. Stronger endurance and consumption win.

The ink weight is an academic textbook, inheriting the various advantages of reloading, but the giant's ability to fight and lasting has caused him a lot of trouble. The blood of the giant is very good and the growth is extremely high, although the weight is heavy. Take the game, but everyone has seen the advantages of this blood.

However, for the cricket team, what they feel is not just awe.

From the edge of the equator, the giant elephant city is a place covered by yellow sand. The high temperature of hot roasting all year round, even the most 'cold' in the year, continues at about forty degrees! Frankly speaking, it is not a place to live. Even the new human beings who have gradually adapted to the environment in Juxiang City can only say that they are adapted. They basically do not dare to stay outside the city at noon, the raging sun and high temperature. Enough to let anyone die in a short time, the harsh environment is not inferior to the infinite desert of Tutankhamun, even the most elite troops in the Federation are not willing to stay there! The result of this is the lack of combat power!

Even the tall and powerful city built before the federal government can resist the attack of the mutant beast, provide security for the residents in the city, can be adjacent to the variation zone, and there is no federal resident force, which is doomed to the lack of the surrounding environment. There are no villages, no crops, and the people in the city can eat very little!

Compared to the North, which has always been considered by the federal public to be the worst in the environment, people in Giant Elephant City can say without exaggeration, ‘It’s a paradise! ’

This is a corner that is almost forgotten by the federation. The people in the giant elephant city have not given up, and they have been struggling in the poor and poor land from generation to generation. There is food, water, and resident garrisons! It is also a citizen of the Union!

"team leader!"


Kupada and Kukuchi, who have already lost, did not choose to leave and did not choose the medical team's treatment. Although they were very seriously injured, they insisted on the sidelines, and one by one. The tall players also have deep anxiety in their eyes. Different honors or futures that they think of when fighting with other teams, for the giant elephant city and the confrontation team, the purpose of the competition is only one!

That is to show enough potential in the game, enough to let the federation face its potential!

If the celestial team directly hits a four to zero, the so-called talent and potential in the eyes of the federal high-level eyes is only a direct joke! Pay attention to the giant elephant city? Invest in Giant Elephant City? Sending a garrison? Just for your idiots who are long and light?

They represent not themselves, but more than 50,000 people in the giant elephant city, they can not lose!

Captain Wichita slowly stood up.

His goal was originally aimed at the ink question, and he wanted to press the axis. But now, it seems that he has not been able to choose it. The celestial team is unexpectedly strong, even a reloading that is not on the top of the ink list actually has such a level. !

(Recently I can't sleep at night, I can't sleep during the day, I feel dizzy all day, I have a lot of negative emotions, I doubt whether it is depression or not. I finally decided to travel, the effect is wonderful, I will fall asleep, my mind, my mental state. Can be improved, insist on insisting!) (To be continued.)

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