Battle Frenzy

Vol 6 Chapter 82: S+ horror

In the first game, the Haunted House of the Emperor won!

"God, what is this ability?"

"This... is it a ghost?"

"Ghost? Only he beats people, can't anyone beat him?"

"The real thing, the power, all of them are lost. Isn’t Ghost Wu Li really a ghost?"

"Ghosts go to the wall! This is definitely the real core power of Ghost Wulie. I am going, invincible!"

Tianxun, it is even more explosive!

"Fortunately, I didn't go to Mario. Ghost Wu Lie's special grammar, black flame is invincible, and people can't burn it. It's burning? Wen Xiao? said ??????.?r?an ?en`"

"Fortunately, fortunately, hey, the flames team and Mario! The next game, see Mario's revenge, can win a ghost home, are victory!"

The audience in the Flame City was shocked and stunned, but also fortunate, but I have to admit that Shermi really did his best, but the martial arts martial spirit was too horrified, and the title of the first Assassin of the Federation was deserved! One of the five homes of the ghost family, the inheritance is really invincible.

Ma Dong sat down, "I fuck, Wu Ghost will not be so abnormal? No solution!"

"Everyone, everyone must be curious as to why the last attack on Shermi is completely ineffective. I am here to explain that this is the legendary dimension technique, one of the evaluation criteria of s+, the general abilities and the soul. It is impossible to have an effect on the dimension warfare technique. Of course, the dimension warfare technique is not invincible, but it is difficult for people of less than level to understand.” If Zhizhi said, let the whole scene and Tianxun’s comments be more boiling. “This is the first game. After Napier ink made the soul warfare, the s+ team once again showed the top combat skills!"

Ghost Wulie did not care. With the battle behind, the dimensional warfare technique will no longer be a secret. This is also the reason why Zhao’s family does not enter the stream. Zhao Yilong has no comprehension of dimensional warfare skills or soul warfare techniques, and is not a master.

Traditional techniques, precise abilities, and arrogant souls are clouds in the face of dimensional warfare.

More than 100,000 spectators in the audience broke out with earth-shattering joys. They not only watched the game, but more importantly, they could see the power that was mysterious and could not be imagined.

Today, Ghost Wu Li did it!

This is the powerful Haunted House of the Gods!

Ma Dong looked at Wang Zhong, who was not looking at him. He felt a little tight in his heart. This means that Wang Zhong’s cross wheel and the Overlord’s gun may become clouds. Because Wang Zhong’s dimension is not a dimension, his powers are weak. How do you feel that the quarter-finals are a bit shivering?

This is not only his feeling, but also the same on Tianxun. In the morning, Naipur ink has let countless people begin to question the king's demeanor of the strong king of the mouth, and in the afternoon, Ghost Wu Li has revealed his hand, which makes people feel that the real master is fundamental. Will not waste time on the op.

The failure of Shermi, everyone is amazed by the power of the ghosts and martial arts, there are a lot of pity, Shamir this game, in fact, has been very perfect, against the ghost Wu Lie, no mistakes, the power is indeed not The reputation of the negative flame city is only stronger than the opponent.

"Shermi, it's a pity, but this is the game, the charm of winning and losing, is cruel." If Zhizhi is doing a summary, he said: "Next, the flame team is absolutely passive... ”

Mario! Mario! Mario!

Just then, there was a sudden buzz on the scene! They are supporters of the Flames team and also fans of Shermi. The failure of Shermi makes them feel awkward, but they also have Mario!

We are from Flame City, with the same passion as fire!

The same temper of fire!

We love to be clear, we have a flame team, we have Shermi, we have Mario, we never believe in fate!

Because we burn fate, we never believe in failure, because we have Mario, we are the flame city, we have black flames!

The singing voice rang, and the audience in Flame City was not a lot. Thousands of people were thrown into the main arena of 100,000 people. It was really like a drop in the ocean. However, when their songs rang, the main arena The sucking sounds of 100,000 people, the voices of talks, the voices, the snoring, the laughter, were all overwhelmed.

Not just because of the size of the sound. This is the flame city, their emotions, their passion, like, is the flame. They are infected, they are infected, they ignite.

Mario calmly embarked on the arena, no need to consider what tactics, and frankly, he admired Wang Zhong, especially the ability to withstand pressure, but the tactics he can not play, can not move, He must be on this battle, and some recruits can only be used by some people.

Raising the sword and shield, Mario greets the air in the air!

"We are from Flame City!" Mario responded to his supporters.

The ghost heart listened to the song from the flame city outside the field, standing up expressionlessly, very indifferent, as if everything in the world had no cause and effect with her, one step, one step, I don't know when, the sky suddenly clouded.

When the ghost shadow stood on the arena, the last rays of the sun on the main arena were also swallowed up by the shadows.

"Ghost Heart! The second player of the Ghost Warrior team is actually the little princess of the ghost family."

"This is the essence of s+. In the face of Mario, Ghost is still sitting on the Diaoyutai."

"Hellfire is not necessarily invincible. Soul combat skills and dimensional warfare skills are the real bulls. Hellfire is still in the field of power."

"Looking at a woman? Stuarts is still Caroline! I also have Twelve, one of the four princesses at night, and the strength of ghosts will not be weak!"

There are many supporters of Ghost Heart, although she is cold, but many people just like this. Among the four princesses, Twilan and Caroline are the most exposed. Ink Star is not a combat type. It is the lowest-key inside, but the name of genius is long-lived, on the appearance, ghosts and shadows are similar to Caroline's gorgeous, Twilight's enthusiasm is different, just like the empty valley, a little lonely, but it makes people want Knowing the possession, although the rose is thorny, it is in the bloom.

There is a dozen in this battle, Mario defeated the ink list fighters, has enough strength, and the ghost heart shadow is also the top master, on the scene, it is still five or five.

The ghost heart is very indifferent, and there is still no expression on her face. Her coldness is not cold, because cold is actually an emotion, and in the ghost heart, you can't see any excess.

"The second game, start!"

The referee gave an order.


The straight heart of the ghost heart instantly disappeared in the same place, the eruption after the accumulation, her movement with a trace of the image, without a trace of fireworks to Mario, and Mario has long been waiting, although the last game won Scorpio, but there is no pride in him, still a challenger.

Mario has never underestimated the strength of s+, especially since two people have used his incomprehensible combat skills, and he does not feel that his abilities are invincible, but he does not feel that the dimensional combat skills and soul combat skills are true. Invincible, but there are some tips that have not been discovered. This is a bad eye. To deal with ghosts, you have to make the worst plan, stable defense, waiting for opportunities. He believes that the strength of his hellfire is also the soul-making period. The opponent is not necessarily blocked.

Wang Zhong looked very seriously. The quarter-finals were extraordinary and brought a lot of things to him. Mario's choice is undoubtedly correct. The idea is very clear. In the case of ghosts and hearts, he knows the dimension of the soul.

For the fifth dimension, there is an understanding beyond the peers. It must be said that the top ten families in the federation are really different. The accurate dimensioning skills are to use the soul force to temporarily contact the fifth dimension. In a short time, a shuttle effect can be formed. Of course, according to everyone. Different talents, with a special effect, seemingly just a trick, in fact, in fact, has been a lot of levels, this is useless in the soul period.

The soul warfare technique is actually interoperable with the dimension warfare technique. There is no absolute difference between the two. The focus is different. The soul sea is a huge discovery of human awakening. There are many possibilities. From a young age, you can see the king of fate. The soul sea is also different. The use of the soul sea is definitely not just the generation of soul power. It is as natural as sucking.

Ghostly martial arts dimension strategy should be through some kind of connection, so that the body is on the edge of reality and dimension, so the actual attack will have no effect on him. Similarly, he should not attack others, so the attack will definitely It’s a pity that Shirmi didn’t realize this, and even if he realized it, he didn’t necessarily seize the opportunity.

Napier ink's multicolored explosion is focused on the use of the soul sea. It seems to be a physical body. It is actually a soul. The biggest effect of the explosion itself is to directly attack the soul of the opponent. It is obvious that his soul sea is very special.

This means that the top family has completely surpassed the college, and their knowledge structure is based on the soul and the dimension.

At this time, the ghost heart shadow has occupied the absolute upper hand, and the violent attack of the violent body is like a tortoise, but in fact, Mario’s defense is very wretched and lives all the year round in Shirmi’s Under the shadow, there is quite a lot of experience for defense, plus very strong earth power, so that the ghost heart shadow is also very helpless, and the ghost heart shadow is obviously also taboo, seemingly defensive, everyone knows Mario's **** fire It is the most difficult ability to cope with the current chf, and it will be finished with a touch of it.

Everyone in the flame team was sweating for Mario, and Shermi also showed an anxious expression. Although she tried her best, Shermi also wanted to win one, and no one wanted to fail, and all this Look at Mario's.

In the VIP table, there are also many people in the major consortiums of the United States. The game is ubiquitous. Although the strength of the parliament is leap, it is not so easy to break through the blockade of the top five.

The attack of ghosts and hearts is very elegant, but once Mario can't defend, he will immediately come to Hellfire. This trick is very rogue.... It can be said that it is shameless, but very practical.

Use Hellfire to attack, can not grasp the pace of ghosts, but used to defend, what are you?

The ghost home is calm and calm, and there is no fear of ghosts and hearts. Ghost is still chatting with people around him.

The ghosts on the court are also very calm, shocked again and again, and Mario's expression is always dignified, seemingly relaxed, in fact, every defense, he feels the horror of the opponent's attack, so drag on, and finally It must be him who finished.

Must break!

The ghost-like rune sword was once again killed from the side, and the Mario Shield was placed with a very accurate defense, but the change appeared.

Mario's Rune Shield bursts!

Many people don't understand what's going on, but many of the masters on the scene are watching it. Every attack of ghosts and shadows is almost at one point. Mario's rune shield is not indestructible.

The sudden change obviously made Mario a little confused, and the ghost-like rune sword chief drove straight in. At this moment, Mario did not evade and retreat, but instead voluntarily greeted him. Rune Sword directly inserted from the right chest, blood splash, but Mario's hand caught the ghost-like rune sword tightly, and the eyes glowed in the eyes.

This is the opportunity!


Avalanche cracks the flame hell!

The earth wall that was like a grave in the moment enveloped the two people, and the hellfire of the **** rose into the sky. This is the only chance!

Mario doesn't know if his rune shield can't hold it. He plays, when the opponent's sword hits himself, it is also the most relaxed time, that is the only chance. He knows that normal circumstances, his hellfire can never hit the ghost. Heart shadow, the opponent may not even use the seven-point force.

There is no sound in the audience. Who can think of this change between the electric and the flint? The people in the entire Flame City are holding their fists tightly. This is Mario’s change of life and the last trick that the college will teach. Defend the law.

This **** fire, even if it is the soul of the soul to die, the flame city finally has to win a victory, perhaps this has nothing to do with the final result, but it is the victory of dignity!

However, the ghost home is still talking and laughing...


Almost a blink of an eye, the earth wall formed by Mario burst, and the black flames floated out. Apart from the serious injury, there was nothing inside...

The shape of the ghost heart appears not far away, as if it is coming through the void, full of mystery and glamour.

"You are very good, come to the ghost home, you can let your talent to the extreme, you should not stop here." Ghost heart faintly said.

Mario looked at the sword on the chest, and the opponent could actually pull it out. Then he would die. This seemingly ruthless girl is just cold outside.

Mario smiled and shook her head. "My life is not mine!"

Said, Mario's black flames burned, and even the rune sword on the chest melted, and his face was paler.

The black flame has become more and more intense. If the first **** fire is just shocking to its power, the current **** fire has a strong evil, death, and decaying negative effects.

"Mario, enough!" said Shermi under the audience.

Mario smiled in the black fire, he knew that Shermi wanted to win, how much she valued this victory, so he must take it down, at all costs!

Suddenly, Mario's illusory shadow appeared behind him, the position of the ghost heart that had just been circled, and another ghost heart appeared. The white hand's right hand passed through the black flame and cut directly behind Mario. neck.

Mario's flame alienation came to an abrupt end, and it was incredible to see the ghosts and hearts that appeared from behind, but there was a ghost shadow on the opposite side.

The black flame burned into the "ghost heart" body along the arm. It didn't take long for the ghost body to become an illusion again, disappearing along with the hellfire.

At this time, Mario had fallen to the ground, and he did not figure out what was going on from beginning to end.

The audience is silent, this Nima... What the hell? ? ?

This is the little princess of the ghost house? ? ?

The dark magician was simply turned into a dark child.

In the second game, the Ghost War Kings team won!

The people of the flame team have already rushed up, and when Shermi passed the ghost heart, he whispered a thank you, which was a bit of a temper.

Ghostly heart shadow still walked with no expression, the therapist was already treating Mario, watching the anxious Charmi nodded, and Shermi was relieved, this is definitely a ghostly heart. Otherwise Mario will not be dead and will be disabled.

In the stands, the two legendary referees shook their heads at the same time. "Now the children are too impulsive, I really think that King Kong is not bad."

"The ghost house is a bit different from this little girl."

"Stuart and Ghost Emperor are leading too many others, and the parliament has little chance this year."

On the other side, Mario vomited a **** blood and woke up. Xia Mier had already slaped it over. "You bastard, no maiden's permission to do anything else, see I don't kill you!"

Mario was beaten, "cough, captain, I am wrong, wait until I am still playing?"

Shermi hugged Mario's head and placed it on the bust of the sky. The eyes were a little red. The other players around him didn't feel Mario anymore. This guy, they all wanted to fan.

The loss of the two cores also led to the defeat of the flame team, and eventually was eliminated by zero to four, the Ghost Warrior team entered the quarterfinals.

At the end of the first day of the game, s+ once again defended the status of the absolute leader. People also found that the fancy and beautiful in front were just because the opponent was too weak, only to face the real test to see the strength.

The Tianjing team, which had always been the leader, has been reduced a lot. Instead, it is the four major s+ teams. Even if they have not yet shot the Stuart and the Leidi team, the audience is not at all level, they can also see the strength. difference.

How to say it, so far, super dark horses like the Tianjing team and the giant gods team can only be regarded as juggling teams, but also need to prove themselves.

On the first day, s+ crushed the promotion. If there were several games in which the Big Eight had a big suspense, the next day, Capofil was undoubtedly one of the blazing angels.

Among the top ten s grades, even if they have been eliminated, the Dragon Warrior team, Beira Dean, Capofil has always been considered the bottom s level, and there is only one ink list remote Kakar in the book. Supporting the scene, Lola is also fortunate to be on the ink list, but this summoner list is more out of her fame and the Mohist valuation of her future potential, as a sneak in the elite section of the sky. The summoner can't say that she is weak, but at the level of the chf top eight, it really can't be covered.

(Partners, the double monthly ticket started, ask for a support, thank you!) (To be continued.)

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