Battle Frenzy

Vol 7 Chapter 13: God soldiers have no solution

No matter whether it is a frequency step or a ghost step, it is impossible to confuse the wave. At this level, the skills of those who confuse the general warrior are useless, otherwise the top ten families will have been annihilated.

Wang Zhong’s various attempts have been suppressed, and each attack of Bobo can bring great trouble to Wang Zhong. It doesn’t matter whether it’s heavy or not. It’s not too light. This kind of light and heavy mixing brings too much defense. The most important thing is that no matter how light or heavy, the speed is extremely fast, which is unimaginable in general weapons.

There is a saying in the hall class: Don't fight with Bobo Torres, because he will make you suspect that you will not fight at all.

If a hit is heavy, it will be on Wang Zhong’s body, and the ground will explode in an instant. Wang Zhong’s center of gravity is also pressed, but it’s completely easy for Bobo, and it’s a blow, followed by a trident. There was a strong violent stroke.

Holy Cross!


Wang Zhong was hit by the positive spirit, the soul burst, and the whole person flew out and slammed on the ground.

On Tianxun, the supporters of the strong king of the mouth are all dumbfounded... What is this?

This is not the same as the script. How did it really become a strong king?

Bobo frowned, and he was somewhat disappointed. He thought that this guy was the same master as Mo Wen, and he could bring some surprises to himself. Now it seems that he thinks more, just a frog at the bottom of the well.

Wang Zhong stood up from the ground, smiled, so happy, since the op battle to the CHF battle, although experienced a lot of difficulties, but for a long time did not encounter such a characteristic opponent, very comprehensive, and he has almost no trident Weaknesses and unique attacks also put a lot of pressure on him.

But this is exactly what he needs!

Wang Zhong stood still, opened his arms, and changed his mind. Wang Zhong was not the first time to create himself with his free-floating boxing. This power is invincible.

Bobo’s eyes showed a hint of excitement, and their souls slowly rose. Obviously, for this battle, they need more than just victory. They must also learn from their opponents with the experience and strength they need to become stronger!

Wang Zhong’s free-floating boxing is no secret. He has been studied by countless people. The power of terror lies in the combination of dual strength and soul fluctuation. This is the root of terror, and with his own fighting judgment and momentum, he can The power of this punch is the ultimate.

In the past, opponents obviously only have some powerful combat skills, but they do not have such combat literacy.

However, the waves are different, and the waves have the same judgment. This is the real game for both opponents.


Carrying the Trident, Bobo Torres launched a lightning assault. The whole person was like a golden lightning rushing toward Wang Zhong. Is this a hard-nosed wave punch?

At this time, Wang Zhong’s right fist is accumulating, and his eyes are not staring at the waves. The whole person enters the state of mind and senses everything around him. He will not miss it.

In an instant, the golden trident smashed through the void, positive!

Bobo Torres chose a positive assault, and Wang Zhong will not evade, no unfavorable no-floating boxing punches directly to the golden trident, no matter whether the other party's strength is virtual or not, no time swings can be broken!

At this moment, there are about a dozen centimeters between Wang Zhong’s boxing and Bobo Torres’s golden trident, but the strength of both of them has come to an end!


嗡~~~~~~~~~~ 轰~~~~~~

The soul exploded, the two intertwined forces all pressed against Wang Zhong, Wang Zhong flew out again, this time the situation is more serious, the violent force is in the chest, the whole person retreats... almost instantaneously, a golden shadow has been chased To the sky, the golden trident descended from the sky and directly slammed on Wang Zhong.

Touch... Hey!

Wang Zhong’s whole person was shot directly into the ground like a pie, and a loud bang was broken, and Bobo had already swayed lightly, and then the golden trident’s point of land was lightly returned to the ground.

At this time, Bobo Torres, the golden trident shines, and the rune above is constantly flowing under the blessing of the soul force. The short body is as majestic as the **** of war.

Another big killer of the mouth of the king is broken!

The free-floating boxing does not need to be touched, and it is directly played by the fluctuation of the soul force, but the wave with the gods can also be the same. The most important thing is that due to the barrier of the gods, the power of the free-floating boxing is transmitted to Bobo. There was not much time at the time, but the gold-trident's super-gravity blow was directly on Wang Zhong.

"In this position, the gold trident is enough to make the warrior who is good at technology desperate. Wang Zhong is a ship in the gutter. He may have some hope with the cross." Ghost Hao smiled, finally gave a tone, Meng Bo still Did not let him down.

At this time, the scene was also cheering. The strong king of the mouth probably wanted to use the close combat to restrain the long weapon, but he did not choose a sharp dagger. Of course, at this level, the general weapon is actually not very harmful, but always better than nothing. Moreover, there will be more fighting styles with weapons. Now, all kinds of steps are restrained, and there is no effect on the unfavorable free-floating boxing.

Suddenly... everyone found that the mouth is strong and the king is just like that...

No matter what difficulties in the past, I feel that Wang Zhong has unlimited possibilities, but this time, all possibilities have been killed.

Unlike the cheers of Torres supporters, most people in the arena are speechless.

"Bobo probably only used 70% of the force, the true power of the soldiers has not yet played." Caroline said faintly, the expression is light ~ ~ but the mood is very good.

"There is a match between the soldiers and the ordinary people like Wang Zhong." Vladimir smiled. "It is worthy of praise for him to go this step."

"The game is not over yet. Is it too early to say something?" Lola couldn't help but say that she was the one who knew the most about Wang Zhong. In the top battle, Wang Zhong had the advantage of his no-floating fluctuation. Boxing, as well as the magical cross, other methods of attack, not to say that it is not strong, but he will, others will, does not have absolute repression, the problem is still Wang Zhong’s talent... neither power nor dimension Soul warfare, this is a bad injury.

But even so, Lola really can't see this group of people.

Of course, the "conservation" of Ghost and others will not be compared with Lola.

At the scene, Bobo stood proudly, the strength of that punch was good, and it was also commendable in terms of skill, but it was completely useless to face his golden trident.

The power of weapons, or the power of oneself?

Some people may question, but on the battlefield, this is his own strength. He and the golden trident are one, until death, even if the end of life, his soul is also injected into this golden trident, nourish the gods, continue Torres The glory of the family!

The smoke spreads out, and the king in the pit is still on the ground. It doesn't jump out as soon as people think. The scene is extraordinarily cold. The heart of Tianjing is once again hoisted. If Wang Zhong defeats, then the front The victory of all was turned into a bubble, and Tianjing’s road came to this end.

Scarlett and others are also very anxious, but they can't help any, just wait.

Legendary knot?

The ink question that has been watching suddenly smiles slightly, and Nora White, who is not far away, has widened his eyes.

(The second is sent, and ask for a monthly ticket. I wish friends, happy weekend!!!)

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