Battle Frenzy

Vol 7 Chapter 24: Looking to the future

From the scattered to the audience of more than 100,000 people, the shouting has spread to the major colleges. All the students in Tianjing are standing, raising their hands and using their strength to shout the strongest king. The same is true of other colleges. Although Wang Zhong is not his own college, or his college has been eliminated, or is not qualified enough to participate, but Wang Zhong represents everyone's dream of the king.

In order to stand in the middle of the man, yes, this is the real strongest king!

In the VIP room, Ghost Hao is as ugly as eating a fly. Although he is free and easy, the whole incident makes him look like a humble clown. Vladimir looks at him with a smile and laughs. Lola also Disappeared, she is going to celebrate for the king, too cow, she has begun to worship this guy!

One by one disappeared, because Wang Zhong’s performance has made them lose the room for discussion, either to prove themselves with action, or to shut up, and Debbie has no meaning. Tianjing has entered the quarter-finals, they have to consider, who It is the opponent of Tianjing.

Now no one is willing to be the opponent of the same day, the weakness?

As long as the king is heavy, who dares to say win the heaven!

This is the "heavy" of the king!

Wang Zhong’s control of the cross wheel has reached an incredible point, which is a supreme killer of medium range distance.

Elazi is very clever, but he still made a fatal mistake. From the very beginning, the most dangerous thing for Tianjing was Wang Zhong. It didn’t make much sense to solve other people, but if they were left, these people could still pose a huge threat. This is where he is difficult.

Others are already in the first aid, Emily and Ray Li are a bit heavy, Scarlett is a little better, but Barron’s injury is not light, but his physical fitness is stronger and his resilience is stronger. Go here. One step, the basics are already approaching the limit of Tianjing. There are still a few people who can participate in the next game. It may be a problem, but everyone has tried their best.

Although it pays a lot, but this is CHF, this is also the fate of the soldiers, everyone must use life to fight.

This time, the victory belongs to Tianjing, and Tianjing advances to the quarterfinals. The whole world will remember a name called Wang Zhong.

In the afternoon, it is a battle that stays up all night. If someone says that Tianjing is more popular than staying up late, staying up late to stay in the light of Tianjing, there is a more popular name than Wang Tizhi, who must be regarded as a madman. .

Now, the high attention of the afternoon game is indeed a continuation of the Battle of Tianjin, people are not addictive!

This one is worth looking forward to. The barbarian team is probably the fiercest of the entire CHF. Almost every battle is full of effort, and their desire for victory is beyond life.

The location of the barbarian city is remote, and it is clear that the barbarian city is not to be seen in the federal system.

The same is true. In the federal administrative system, the barbarian city has always belonged to the bottom of the city. However, unlike other weak city-states, the barbarian city has a certain strength, and the reason why their administrative level is backward is for historical reasons.

The barbarian city is a sensitive buffer area because it is located at the edge of the border. At the beginning, there was only one very small settlement. The main purpose was to study the mutant organism, but with the development, the original research point gradually evolved, and the federation regarded it as a criminal. In the place of exile, many criminals who committed felony but did not die were all exiled.

Barbaric name, I don't know when it was called.

For the federation, there is no need for a city-state like the Barbarian City, where people wear the label of sin, or their own sins, or their parents' sins.

Barbarism is such a place to extract value. In the end, not only the prisoners of the death penalty and the heavy criminals, some misdemeanours have been exiled here, and the dark order is prevalent.

However, all this, with more than a decade ago, the barbaric city announced the establishment of the city, and was terminated.

But the survival is getting worse and worse. Now the barbaric city not only has to face the harsh environment, but without the support of the federal urban defense system, they rely on pure human power to defeat the mutant beasts who compete with human beings for survival. The beast tide is a battle of life and death. Every savage city person who is still alive, they are bound to be scarred. Physically and psychologically, everyone has been hurt. Everyone has a loved one to die in the annual life and death battle.

Must receive federal support, real support!

They need a federal defense system, a squirt gun, and more importantly, food and better medical conditions.

The struggle between the parliamentary forces and the family forces gave them the opportunity. If they enter the quarterfinals, the parliamentary forces will find a way to give a seat to the barbarian city, which means that the status of the barbarian city will be truly recognized, and it is possible to obtain more resources. .

So, they came here, for the quarterfinals!

In the top 16, they are close to success, and many federal people are beginning to know their existence, but this is meaningless to them and must enter the quarterfinals.

It is extremely important to stay through the night and night, but the problem is that the day and night team obviously does not want to fall into the hands of such a team, and does not want to be a stepping stone for such a chess piece.

However, the result of this battle was astounding. Under the leadership of Twilight, the team stayed up late, and Gironda played well. Bierhoff and Lancelot both showed superb standards, even though the barbarian team did their best. With all his strength, he only got an insignificant victory and was taken away by the night and night team four to one.

Of course, because their overall level is quite characteristic, it has probably attracted the attention of the major families. Perhaps the situation of the Barbarian City will be changed, but on the battlefield of CHF, they have stopped.

The third day of the quarter-finals was over. This is undoubtedly a day of great impact on many people. Tianjing entered the quarter-finals and gave countless people hope. Wang Zhong also became famous through this battle, not in the previous mouth. Strong king, or dark horse, but truly into the ranks of the younger generation of the federal young generation, Torres defeated no temper, Gry also came back in the afternoon, this buddy has always been a big heart, like no fear at all The final result, but the news of the victory is still very happy.

In addition to the great harvest of Wang, another great achievement is the Barron. From now on, no one dares to ignore this reloading that lowers the average level. No one has thought that Tianjing can go this step and let the Union More people are paying attention to this city.

The last day of the quarter-finals began. The Stuart Powerway debut at home was still infinite. As the largest city in the Federation, it was also the most prestigious and great existence. This team received the highest popularity support in the quarter-finals. One-sided support for the Stuart team

The squadron's summoner tactics have no way to face the powerful Stuart, the battle ended in Stuart's personal show, a four-zero zero without suspense, still unable to force out the strength of the hurricane team More things in Stuart, Caroline did not appear, the battle won still easy.

In the afternoon, the giant peak seems to be in the same way as Stuart, and it is also the same strong four-to-zero victory over the plateau knights. Among them, the polo hammer is still desperate, and the opponent can not hide that one. Hit, Fernandis's instant petrochemical ability is also invincible, unless you encounter the ink question, you can't look at the opponent, but watching the opponent can be petrified at any time, too deadly, Anger's five-shaped beast The blood can be called the dragon blood of the tibia, and it is quite domineering. With the feather fan towel as steady as the Taika Dikapo, the giant gods team also shows the giant temperament of the champion.

Of course, the victory is very happy, and some people questioned that the opponent of the giant peak is too weak, at least compared with the Tianjing, but the angle of the 16 strong no weak, and then Stuart and other teams have no so-called opponents, what is the opponent Too weak? !

Giant Shenfeng is a strong leader in the quarter-finals. How to say it, although it is not as violent as Tianjing, it always makes people feel deeply bottomless.

Jushen Peak locked the top eight places, so far, the CHF eight strong all came out.

Ghost Warrior, Stuart, Celestial, Leidi, Tianjing, Capofei, Day and Night, Giants.

These eight teams represent the current highest standards of the Federal Soul Academy.

At this time, no one said anything more fortunate, fortunately, to reach the quarter-finals, it represents absolute strength.

At the scene, announced by the legendary soldier Rogo Riggs, the quarter-final battle will be held after seven days.

It seems that the time of seven days is very short, but for the warriors who have been fighting for so long, they are already at the peak of the soul-making period. Every day is precious, and every day there may be a new understanding and breakthrough.

This is why everyone is forced to stay in the soul-making period, in order to make progress under this stimulus.

"This is normal. The 16th round has been playing very fiercely, especially in the last game. It is really the final of the 16th round. How did Franken die? Now the video is not uploaded. The full version must be coded, because it is too cruel, the quarter-finals, and definitely have to prepare more time for the major teams!"

"Really, the giant peak is really strong. At first, I saw that they were ranked seventh in the official. I am not convinced that they do not have strong Tianjing team. Now it seems that I am wrong. The giant peak is the most hidden and most horrible, because the strength of the Tianjing team is now clearly seen, one two three four, can be said, but the giant peak, super hidden, tell the truth, to It’s not that Franconia has a hatred with that of Angray. Maybe, this Angler will give the team of the quarter-finals a huge surprise."

"I have said that the giant peaks in front of the Tianjing team are justified."

"Speaking of it, the civilian team was overwhelmed except for the Tianjing and the Giants. It was thought that the Blazing Angels and the Flames had a chance to break through."

"S-level evaluation is S-class, the strength of the family, as always, it is estimated that the quarter-final is the upper limit of the Tianjing team. The giant peak is not good to say, the last one, really shows something strange, very Mysterious, this is the biggest surprise of this year's CHF."

In the news, there are some comments in the group discussion. There are some comments that always tie the giant peaks and Tianjing together, and even look at the giant peaks.

The family is very calm and thinks that this is a natural result. The Tianjing team is a bit of an accident. As for the giant peak, it is the plateau knight team. In their words, this is a chicken and a chicken. It is obvious that such evaluation Immediately triggered a fierce rush, many on-site audiences broke out in the first time, did you watch the game, do you know how fierce and horrible the game is?

Stuart, the celestial team, the Leidi team, the Ghost Emperor team, is undoubtedly the top team of the quarter-finals, and the Tianjing team, the night and night team, the giant peak team, the Cabo Fel team is the next echelon.

The entire federation is now discussing the situation of the quarter-finals. Of course, it depends on the situation of the match. It can be said that the opponent is who will directly affect the results of the semi-finals.

As for the Tianjing team...

Wang Zhong’s preparation is to drink beer, and his name is beautiful, "work and rest."

However, the actual situation is that Tianjing did not have any preparations for the results of the quarter-finals. It is really not a little prepared. They actually went into the quarterfinals! For Tianjing College, the surprise is close to horror! However, this also makes their intelligence system seem to be stretched, a little embarrassed, they do not collect much data, the battle video, only those exposed on the CHF, no more, this stage, not you want to have And people also have confidentiality measures.

Up to now, the entire Tianjing team is very proud, everyone only needs to let go of the baggage to fight, the whole Tianjing state is also the most exciting.

As for how to fight in the future, I have to wait until I have confirmed my opponent. As for every member of Tianjing, I already have my own ideas. Wang Zhong has already set the attributes for this team.

(Partners, happy weekend, ask for a monthly ticket, thank you!)

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