Battle Frenzy

Vol 7 Chapter 99: Stars

Of course, the protagonist in the stands obviously has not only the audience, but also the large-screen lens of the warm field, which frequently gives the picture to the VIP seats and the players below.

The big guys in the VIP seats have not been reduced. If you pay attention to the celestial and Stuart in order to join, it is clear that Tianjing and Lei Di are obviously coming to Tianjing. The rise of Tianjing has become a climate, but it can When you reach the height, you can see the performance of a game.

The star power of each team is even more full, like S-levels such as Day and Night Team, Torres, and Baila Deen. There are also A-level and A+-level teams such as Blazing Angels, Mammoth Team, and Asuna Naval. Even the ghosts and sorcerers who were eliminated by Tianjing, except for the ghosts, were almost all members.

The ghost heart took the team and sat in a fairly eye-catching position. Most of the faces of the members of the Ghost Wars team did not imagine the hateful hatred of Tianjing. The ghosts’ young generation resources were reshuffled. In fact, these young people in the ghost family have benefited a lot. The ghost is too unique, and the heart is too thick. Something that is assigned to other people’s heads will be passed by him once. This is all right, but the temper is too big, and the temper is not moving, but now the ghost heart is obviously not That way, so in addition to a few hardcores of Ghost, most of the young people of the ghost family may be uncomfortable with the defeat of the Ghost Emperor, which leads to a series of redistribution. After all, they are losers. One side, but really, there is absolutely no hate in my heart.

Today, when I came to the scene, many people's positions may be neutral, but they all want to see for themselves. When will the dark horse of Tianjing be black?

Of course, the ghost home is not the biggest card in the stands.

As with yesterday, the players played the most central and best position on the stage and left them to two teams.

Tianji and Stuart.

As early as yesterday at the end of the game, many fans who feared that the world would not be chaotic had screamed that Stuart would never be willing to give up. They would be able to find the off-court at home.

But the reality is that yesterday's Stuart did not have any restless behavior. Even at this time, Caroline was smiling and talking softly with Mo Xingchen in the stands. From time to time, the two men gave some pleasant laughs. Obviously, I am very happy to get along. I have to say that Caroline is really powerful in this respect, and can turn the disadvantage into an advantage. Of course, her talents and abilities have been fully demonstrated. The future of the sword may be far greater than the ink question. After all, ink Asked for more than a year, this year is actually very important for them, of course, as a party will not care about this.

The rumor of Stuart's 'careful eye' is not broken in such an atmosphere. Frankly speaking, despite the battle of yesterday, despite being eliminated by the other side, Stuart maintains a very high level of athleticism. . It is not only in front of the public and show, but to judge the king with the mentality of the civilians, it is obviously impossible to get the correct answer.

This may make some fans who are waiting to see the big things not too big, but they are more dissatisfied, but the attitude of the two sides, especially Caroline, also makes people’s eyes completely out of yesterday’s battle. Get rid of it and put it into today's game.

Some pre-match data about Tianjing and Ivan Leidi also came out. The injury problem of Barron, which had caused the public to worry about it before the game, finally got the answer when determining the main starting list of both sides.

Barron suddenly appeared on the starting list.

"It seems that Barron's injury is no problem. The eight-day break and adjustment gave him enough time to recover and adapt. It is said that the fire team's Mario deputy captain also made a lot of effort, huh, I believe more than that. I am grateful to the Tianjing team, and Ivan Leidi will be grateful."

"Yes, for the straight Leidi team, the danger of swearing is obviously not the way they like to win. These soldiers from the North District prefer to use violence to conquer their opponents."

"So, is Zhigo more optimistic about the Leidi team?"

As the prophecy of the previous game, if Zhizhi’s current prediction is still quite interesting to many people on Tianxun, he smiles slightly: “I didn’t say this, frankly, personally, I prefer heaven. Jing, after all, I am also a fan of the strong king of the mouth, and everyone knows that in such a life-and-death battle, the outcome of the battle depends largely on the captain's battle. This game obviously depends on Wang Zhong and Vladimir. Mill's strong collision, the captain battle is likely to determine the direction of the entire game, in the history of the previous CHF, after the knockout, those who have the collision of the two captains, won the team of the other captain, usually won the last Victory. For the personal strength of the strong king, I don’t think anyone has reason to doubt that although Vladimir’s captain is quite strong, if I am single-handed, I am more optimistic about the five-fifth.

"Oh, the captain battle decides the outcome of the game. This is almost the iron law of CHF. But it can't be taken lightly. Although the Tianjing dual-core will pass the road, but this time it is the Leidi mode of the semi-final, and the Glory should have been The other side’s research is thorough. Frankly speaking, although Gry is very strong, he has not reached the level of superstition like Wang Zhong’s captain. If he falls, no matter how strong Wang Zhong’s captain is, Tianjing is likely to be unable to get it. Entering the opportunity of the group battle, so in general, Tianjing still has certain disadvantages."

While analyzing, Chen Yuer began to read a string of data: "This can be seen from several large pre-match voting results. In the voting of major military academies, support the victory of the Lei Di team. There were more than 50% of the finals. In the internal voting of the contestants and some experts, it was believed that Lei Di could win 70% of the competition. The other media also voted roughly the same. The only one that had different results was Tianxun. This is a The magical place, the different voting results, Tianjing overwhelmed the Lei Di with an 80% advantage."

"Oh, Tianxun is the base of Wang Zhong’s captain and the strong king. After receiving the data from the background, the voting on Tianxun has been rewritten. The support rate of Tianjing has risen to 85 percent. This has nothing to do with reason," Ruozhi said with a big smile: "There are too many fans of the king here, and given the miracles that Tianjing has made in previous rounds of competitions, this result is not surprising!"

"Yes, guessing is just speculation. Everyone is looking forward to the beginning of the game and looking forward to the real result! I can see the audience's enthusiasm, and the number of people on Tianxun has soared to more than 24 million. This is a terrible number. The real game has not yet begun. The online number is close to yesterday's limit saturation. Today it is likely to break yesterday's online record again! It can only be said that the charm of the strong king is on the sky. Absolutely no one can!"

"Well, the game is about to begin. The chairman of the organizing committee, Rommel, is still the referee of today. He will also read the list of the main players and announce the beginning of the game. Let us hand over the lens to Rommel Chairman!"

The chairman of Rommel in the field has already stood in front of the microphone, and he can see him raise his hand. The propaganda film, the explosive rock music and the crazy voice of the audience have all stopped in the arena. Countless fans watched him excitedly, and also looked at the black-painted player channel of Tianjing and Ivan Leidi.

Rommel smiled and sang the name in front of the microphone.

"Leidi College, Vladimir."

The first to appear is Ivan Leidi, regardless of the small points of the previous game, or the strength of the two teams, Ivan Leidi clearly has an absolute advantage.

Vladimir took the lead, and the ice prince's handsomeness has long been a household name in the Federation. The value of the anti-sky is different from the gentle beauty of the southerners, but it is extremely heroic. The well-defined cheeks and the handsome smile of the sun, coupled with the handsome and exploding scorpion muscle, give the impression that it is the darling of heaven!

On the big screen, Vladimir’s various data and handsome publicity images are also quickly presented.

As the Ivan Leidi, who still maintains the ancient inheritance system in the five federal federations, Vladimir is the only legal heir to the family. Unlike other families, whoever is strong, Vladimir’s status in the family is extremely stable. Even if something goes wrong, it can't be shaken. From the moment he was born, he lived as the future king of the North District. His superior conditions and absolute dominance, combined with his terrible talent, made it out. It is the real king!

There are obviously many people on the VIP table who have a strong interest in the future king of the North District. Although as a party 'princes', his influence is destined to be not as big as Caroline, but wins in its solid and unmanned Can be incited. Of course, the strong strength of the Leidi family in the North District is also the biggest reason for the taboos and attention of all parties.

"King of the North District! Lord of the Ice!"


At this time, the king powder at the scene was mostly relatively quiet at this time. Only the whispering voice of the cockroach was cold, but the quiet southern stand was bursting with a squeaky scream.

It is not the same as those of the group that was previously organized by the Ghost Emperor. Although the voices of these North District men are also uniform, they do not have the mechanical bluntness, but are full of passion and fanaticism! Through the soul! The screaming exhaustion is full of the madness that screams in the empty world!

It was such a cold outburst, and almost did not scare the scene of the courage to the urine.

"Nora White, Pomeranian, De Gea, Leninski!"

The main force of Ivan the Terrible followed by Vladimir, and everyone’s appearance was accompanied by the terrible screams in the south stands. It’s purely not called cheering, giving people the feeling. There are countless beasts screaming and roaring in the south stands, only one side of the stands, about three or four thousand people, but it is tossing out at least 200,000 people to make the audience 100,000 king powder They are all eclipsed!

Frankly speaking, this is the North District.

Many of the king's powders in the stands are also face-to-face. They always feel that Wang Powder is the most crazy fan in the world. It is quite proud of this. However, compared with fighting the nation, the word crazy is really not to be used casually. The madness of the madman and the excess of hormones can really make you doubt life in an instant.

"I have never known where the strength of the bottom line of Ivan Leidi's lineup this year is. I may see it today and see how Tianjing responded."

"Leidi is really stronger. If you use reasonable tactics, even a shaved head is not unusual."

In the player area, most of the stars who have been eliminated maintain this view, including Bobo Torres, Elasi, Brooks and others who once lost to Tianjing. Even if they are optimistic about Tianjing, most of them will not express Obviously, there is no absolute certainty in the first place, and the second is to follow the trend. However, there is a voice that is obviously not listed here.

"I still think that Tianjing will win." It is Papada who can't see any meaning of arguing with others. It is only a natural explanation of what he takes for granted.

"Oh, Captain Papada is a bit subjective, I think..."

The words have been interrupted before they are finished.

"Let's wait." This time, not only Papada, but also Ouli, along with other blazing angels, are also steadfast: "This is God's instruction!"

Other people are instantly spicy chickens, and chatting with **** sticks is definitely not a pleasant experience. Is it true that the blazing angels discovered what the secrets of Tianjing? Maybe, but there is really no common language with these gods.

It was also at this time that Tianjing appeared.

"Tianjing team, Wang Zhong!"

For the strong king of the mouth, for the idol-level figure who emerged from the civilian population, the federal may have not paid enough attention to Dikapo's relationship before, but now, it is absolutely no effort to promote.

Unlike other people, the picture of the classic king's road appeared on the big screen, followed by the scene, and the glorious road that has been popular in just a few days!

As the biggest black horse of this year's CHF, as the most promising and inquisitive and other people who compete for the world's first soul-casting warrior, the strong king has already left countless legends.

Perhaps I want to report the revenge of being stunned, or it may be purely a cry from the heart of the king.

In the moment when Wang Zhong appeared, the scene rioted directly. Numerous crazy fans shouted in the most screaming way in the stands, swinging and madness with the maximum body language!

"Wang Zhong! Captain Wang Zhong!"

"My God, my king..."

"The mouth is strong! Ah! Ah!"

The scene kept screaming and shouting, and the voice of the support of Ivan the Red Emperor was completely crushed. The countless women and ordinary people mixed in the powder of the king might not be as high as the strong brawny men in the south, but However, the number is more, and obviously more three-dimensional, the scream of women is the limit of repeated conflict dolphin sounds, reverberating in the arena, driving the sound outside the stadium one after another, and sometimes from time to time because of too excited and fainting, but countless Fans who held their heads up to the side of the field, regardless of sight or hearing, were absolutely crushed than the madness of the previous Leidi fans!

Many of the big names on the VIP seats also showed a faint smile. Frankly speaking, in the top four teams, the most unqualified status is Tianjing and Wang Zhong. However, the most interesting thing about these big names is he.

For the opponents who hold the real power, no matter how strong and talented Caroline, Mo Wen, or Vladimir are, they can't ask questions. No matter what achievements are reached, the labels are fixed.

However, Wang Zhong is different. Frankly speaking, the reputation of the so-called strong king is not within the consideration of these amnesties, and does not care at all. For them, if you really want to make God, make another mouth. The strong king is just a matter of words. This is why the parliament, including Caroline and others, did not pay attention to Wang Zhong at the beginning, and only those superficial civilians felt that the name of the strong king was worth a million dollars.

Really let these big guys start to look at each other differently from Wang Zhong, only from the battle of the ghosts of the last occasion, combined subwoofer, combined rune handprint!

With a little bit of insight, you can see how huge this innovation is, and if this skill can be popularized, it will definitely write a lot of color if you change one era.

A powerful power skill, a powerful power skill that anyone can learn!

Coupled with Wang Qiang's own powerful potential, there is no background in pure white. The Assinian stream is directly ignored. Persistence is the little sheep of the red fruit. Who does not want to win?

The eyes of the big men in the stands are hot, and even the strength of the parliament has changed the strategy. The recent trend of the rain is obviously that the parliament is also paralyzed. From the current level, Dikapo can’t resist the banner of the parliament. It may be a good choice to win over Wang Zhong.

Of course, such a thing, everyone is tacit, it is not appropriate to declare it.

"Oh, it’s really awesome for the civilians in the audience to be so crazy. I have a chance to touch them personally."

"Old card, I don't need to be so embarrassed and expensive, is this going to dig the corner of our old speaker? Haha!"

"It’s all ugly to say that it’s for the federation and for humanity. I don’t think the old speaker would mind.”

The old speaker smiled a little and didn't answer the words. There was a light wisdom in the slightly dull scorpion.

In the past few days, the major families have been wooing the people of Asuna and the Mammoth, and the parliament is clear. Although it is very uncomfortable, to be honest, the parliament has no good solution. On the one hand, it is the parliament. The system is quite mature. It is impossible to break the promotion rules indiscriminately in order to compete with the vicious competition of the family. On the other hand, the parliament is also aristocratic. You have me, but I have no one in you. This is the congenital disadvantage of the parliament.

At present, the major teams have not responded to the efforts of Tianjing. After all, the battle continues. In addition, Capofei seems to be near the water. With the very good relationship in the past, even the old Porter has settled in Tianjing.

The big buddies on the VIP seats were stunned, and under the stage, other main forces of Tianjing also appeared.

"Scarlett, Glyn, Barron, Emily!"

When the first five tigers of the same day appeared on the arena, the cheers and enthusiasm of the scene had accumulated to the apex, especially when the two captains stood in the opposite position, shaking hands, whether it was a fan of Tianjing or a thunder. Fans, collective roaring motor shocks, the entire dimension of the arena is instantly pushed to the climax!

Tianjing VS Ivan Leidi, the game is on the verge!

The buzz of the scene, as the two players retired into the preparation area, lowered the temperature slightly.

Of course, it is only the decibel reduction, not the excited and excited heart. Countless people are discussing the arrangement of the two sides tactics. The most important thing is the Pioneer first battle candidate.

According to the consistent urineiness of Tianjing, Glei seems to be taken for granted in the first place. If Ivan Leidi wants to put the king in weight, the best choice is to go to Vladimir in the first battle and directly kill Glei. As a four-day king, Greg did not seem to have to fight.

Of course, Tianjing is also likely to expect this, the scene to reverse a inferior, the first choice to use the ordinary main force against the child, the loss can be Ivan Leidi.

"You can go to Vladimir and be confident in the honey of the mouth of the king. I think he is unlikely to change the tactics."

"Cute, do you think Wang is so stupid?"

"I think it's still up to Norah White, attacking reloading, both sides of the attack and defense are not bad, there is still an advantage for the Upper Grae, it is estimated that it can be opened on June 4, and if it is really put on the Pioneer battle by Tianjing With a second place to grab the first win, taking the first-hand power is not too bad."

"Impossible, Nora White is still used to stabilize the situation. It is very disadvantageous to be exchanged by Tianjing." After all, Vladimir may not be able to win the game.

"The captains of both sides will definitely calculate each other, the biggest possibility is still to exchange each other!"

There was no end to the sound of the scene, and there was no intense discussion in the preparation areas on both sides. Whether Wang Zhong or Vladimir clearly had absolute control over the team, the candidates for the first battle must have been considered beforehand. Clearly, although it has not yet been announced, the two captains are smiling at each other's faces, but they are already showing the confrontation between the two sides. sister thinks who Wang will send What? "Ink Star Chen asked Caroline: "I heard that my sister knows very well about Captain Wang Zhong. ”

Caroline smiled and glanced at her and heard that there was something in the girl’s words.

Frankly speaking, Mo Xingchen is an absolutely different kind of existence among the children of the major families. He rarely participates in the exchange activities between the children of the major families. He rarely represents the Mohist family and actually goes to the stage, but absolutely no one will. Suspecting the status and authority of the ink star in the Mohist family, even Caroline, in front of this little sister who does not show up in the mountains, can only be on an equal footing.

Before the battle between Wang Zhong and Zhao Jia, there was an anecdote between Caroline and Wang Zhong because of the storm in the Tianjing training room. However, because of the power of the Stuart family, such winds are just beginning. It has already been annihilated. However, in Wang Zhong’s victory over the Ghost Emperor, and the rise of the rune handprint, the Stuart family seems to have had some other thoughts.

The family no longer controls the public opinion behind it. Even, there are two or three family elders who are deliberately pushing the waves, and even making out more things out of thin air. This time, the whole federation is rumored to be a strong king and Caroline. Between the fairy tales, and given the special identity of the two, and Caroline’s status as a goddess among the federal civilians, there are quite a few civilians who are optimistic and supportive, of course the story is controlled within a range, in general It is Wang Zhongyu admiring Caroline and the like.

However, this rumor is actually limited to civilians. Under the horror of the Mohist intelligence agency, what kind of state is between Caroline and Wang Zhong. If the Mohist really wants to understand, it is definitely not theirs.

Ink Star Chen obviously knows the inside story, but can still ask this question, is it intended to ridicule himself?

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