Battle Frenzy

Vol 8 Chapter 45: Last group

Really won? ? ?

"Wang, Wang Zhong!"

"Wang Zhong!"

"Wang Zhong! Wang Zhong! Wang Zhong!"

Wang Zhong ah~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It took only one second to return to the audience. The whole audience, the whole day, instantly changed from extreme silence to boiling. No, it was evaporation. Everyone was crazy...

The vibrating cheers went straight into the sky, and countless people jumped and screamed, tore their own clothes, and even patted their heads. I couldn’t believe that all this was believed, and there was a lot of tears that could not be believed, the invincible Mohist, The invincible ink asked, the Tianwei, the existence of the Supreme, fell down, just as their own spiritual pillar collapsed.

At this time, even few people screamed the nickname of the strong king.

Once, the four words represented invincible, convincing and fascinating, but that was the record of the OP.

But now only the level of OP has long been insufficiently watched. The captain of the heavyweight on CHF has won more times than the one who once was much stronger. Now he even defeated Mo Wen, the one who claims to be the only one in the world!

The light of the strong king has been replaced by the more dazzling CHF first person and the more dazzling Wang Zhong captain.

At this moment, everyone remembered the name and screamed for it.

"Wang Zhong! Wang Zhong! Wang Zhong! Wang Zhong!"

At the news and on the scene, countless Wang Zhong’s supporters have been completely crazy, filled with every corner you can see!

Before this game, even the most **** king powder, I can't boast that Haikou said that Wang Zhong can win. After the experts of all parties have combined the strengths of Wang Zhong and Mo Wen, the evaluations given are all three, seven, and three.

Moreover, this is still a guess without knowing that there is a deified five-line body.

Until the two really started the battle, Mo Wen’s deified five-line body fancy all kinds of fancy hangs... Frankly, no one thinks that Wang Zhong still has a chance to win, and everyone is shocked by the power of the ink. Even Wang Zhong’s supporters can only comfort themselves by saying, “It’s already won when you get here.”

However, the miracle was born. Under the absolute gap, Wang Zhongyi was black in the end, and the super-predicate over the sky, overcoming the ink question, in fact, knowing the last moment, even the master of the soul period judged, the ink asked to win, the situation is Clear and clear, but Wang Zhong actually turned hard!

It’s such a domineering, it’s so powerful!

"Champion! Champion! We are champions!"

In the distant Tianjing City, countless civilians and even nobles, too many people are screaming in madness, waving in excitement on the street, this is a scene that Tianjing City can't even dream of, even in the area, Tianjing City, a Without the big family and the second-tier cities where the great family existed, there was such a genius that all the best peers in the entire federation were stepped on the foot. He completed a dream that no one could even think about.

Before the game, if anyone said that Tianjing College would be the first person in the Federation, then this person must be beaten to a refugee camp outside the city.

But from OP to CHF, from Eddiega of the Sound Soul Academy, to the celestial ink that is known as the invincible world.

Wang Zhong created a history and a legend. This glory is not only his own, but also belongs to the Tianjing Academy and everyone belonging to Tianjing!

This is an era with the most emphasis on honor. The honor represents not only the spiritual reward, but also the essence. There is no doubt that the CHF champion is won, the powerful ink question is overcome, the popularity of Tianjing, the status in the federal city, and even the city. The resource quota will be greatly improved in all aspects. The whole benefit will be the entire Tianjing City. This is simply the festival of Tianjing.

Countless days on the street, the Jing people are excited, shouting, crying, and wielding their arms desperately. The whole city is like a wheat wave. Although it is unorganized, it has no beauty, but the spontaneous enthusiasm is Infecting everyone.

At the scene, inside the arena and outside the arena, there are a lot of cheers and shouts. There are many people who hate Wang Zhong. There are also many supporters of Wang Zhong. I feel that at least half of the cities are screaming at the king. Heavy name.

Under the stands in the scene, Scarlett, Emily, Ma Dong and other players have already rushed to the stage, surrounded by Wang Zhong, who is receiving treatment, and Scarlett and others have cried with tears. Like people, Ma Dong is crying, crying and laughing. "Haha, we won, we really won, don't cry, we should laugh, oh..."

The Great Jedi reversal made it difficult for everyone to calm down. The entire arena was boiling. The supporters of Wang Zhong were like Da Dandan. Human beings are a very strange creature. They are The pursuit of the spirit far exceeds the food and the flesh, and this power is also the most powerful force of mankind, surpassing life.

But there is excitement, it is destined to be lost, the game is not over yet, but the celestial team and their supporters are like losing. Inkstar Chen took Napier ink, the most sad he cried, the other people in Moh is also good. Where is it, in fact, it is plain, they are just a group of twenty young people, training all day long, fighting for the honor of family glory and warriors, failure is a heavy blow for them, no one is better than Who has one more head.

In the players' area of ​​the stands, most people are even more glamorous. They can't be fans of them. They are only admiring at most, but now they are more awe, there is a question of ink on their heads. For them, it is already like a cloud-shading shadow.

But now, there is even more embarrassing!

Obviously, under such a disadvantage, it can be turned over. This is definitely not luck. If it is luck, it is even more horrible. What is more terrible than a person who is favored by fate?

Vladimir’s eyes were full of brilliance, and the impact of this war was not much less than his own failure. In that case, Wang Zhong could turn over, this experience and experience for Vladimir The warrior is too precious and precious. Only personal experience and witnessing, and the fighting of concern will bring such an impact. This will become an important scene in the growth of the ice prince, even if it is more than ten years later, someone asks. The most profound battle of the great Ice King memory, Vladimir's first reaction is still this one.

It is a pity that he was not born in the north. Otherwise, there is the shelter and protection of Ivan the Terrible, and he must have a brilliant future.

Caroline’s expression was quite quiet at this time, and even with a hint of a smile, as if she was congratulating the king, such a performance is impeccable, but as a few in the Federation, after all, young people who know Caroline Vladimir saw the complex look hidden in it from the smile.

Caroline’s heart really can’t tell what it’s like, just like knocking over the spice bottles of the five flavors, just habitually keeping the smile that should be, watching the Tianjing team that is being jubilant.

and many more.

Caroline saw a beautiful figure, ran down from the stands, the field guards who should have been strictly guarded against the audience did not stop her, let her run directly to the downfall.

It is Lola!

Caroline’s eyes flashed a slap in the face.

Lola gasped and rushed down from the stands. Frankly speaking, it was a little rash. After all, this was a match of Tianjing. Moreover, because of dating with Wang, it was blocked by countless people on the street, causing news. It also made many people gossip about the hot discussion, and she heard the anecdote between her and Wang Zhong.

The family is obviously banned from this kind of thing. The grandfather’s grandfather has been beaten by Tianxun. Even if he always loves her, he even likes Wang’s old porter. He is also persuading and tempting. Wang Zhong’s young man is also very good, but definitely not too arrogant. The problems of her and Wang Zhong’s identity are too sensitive, so be sure to pay attention.

So after that, Lola has always been paying attention to the influence. He met with Wang Zhong or went to Tianjing. He tried to avoid the reporters who were secretly everywhere. But at this moment, in this most eye-catching stadium, she I have already forgotten these things, and there is only one thought in my mind. It is the first time to accompany Wang Zhong’s side, whether he needs to take care of him or share joy with him.

Lola suddenly joined at this time. If it is in peacetime, it is definitely a big news of earth-shattering headlines. At this moment, both the media and the supporters of Tianjing are mostly blind. It is really heavy. The record is too dazzling, dazzling to let people have overlooked everything else, just want to celebrate.

They cheered together, celebrated, and excited.

The reporters on the side of the field were quickly facing the excited Tianjing people and Lola on the stage, pressed the shutter, and a precious photo was born.

Although the game has not really ended, the awkward scene and the boiling celebration are still not able to calm down for a long time, just as Tianjing has already won the CHF championship.

It took more than 20 minutes to complete the order, and the whole team of Tianjing team entered the lounge. Wang Zhong and Mo Wen were both seriously injured and left. The injury of Mo Wen was even worse than Wang Zhong. Otherwise, The referee will not be shot, Wang Zhong is eager to meet the spirit of the soul of the question is psychologically prepared, and the question of the attack on Wang Zhong can be instantly unprepared, the difference between heart and unintentional is very huge, so The defense of Mo Wen is slightly better, but the injury is even heavier.

The team battle has not yet begun, and Wang Zhong can already be the first person in CHF, but the two teams will eventually have a final victory.

Although many people have cooled down a little from the excitement, they are still talking about the ‘噼里啪啦’.

There is also a final suspense.

For the supporters of the celestial poles, the fall of Mo Wen is definitely the heaviest blow, which makes them sad, but the celestial pole has not lost. If you can win the CHF championship trophy, it is undoubtedly a consolation prize. After all, history It is always the champion to remember, the champion has a name, and the runner-up is just a unified title.

For the supporters of Tianjing, the process of waiting is equally painful. Wang Zhong has created one impossible after another. Can he create it again at the last moment? If he leads Tianjing to the CHF championship, then...

Just see if he can stand out in the group battle.

Both the supporters of the celestial poles and the supporters of Tianjing are waiting in the middle of the hustle and bustle. The broken scene is filled with a sly voice, and a large number of staff are holding spare shields. Taking advantage of the repair time before the two groups, they quickly laid on the scene.

At the same time, the moment of Wang Zhong and Mo Wen’s battle is being played back on the big screen.

Unfortunately, the most precious last piece of image has not been completely preserved, so the time is full of smoke, so that everything is attributed to the full screen of snowflakes and dust mites, it is amazing.

The federal ban on the soul of the soul before the ordinary people, once let the federal civilians have a lot of words, that this is the federal parliament and the major families cherish, and deliberately conceal the core power to the public.

However, this game has made many people realize that it is not a deliberate concealment. The battle of the English soul-level fighters, ordinary people simply do not have the qualification to watch the war.

If you let such top players open their hands and feet, the aftermath of the battle may be enough to destroy large buildings. Ordinary humans will definitely be shackled and fish. If the power is too strong, they must be controlled. Otherwise, the existing order will collapse.

If it is not because of CHF, if it is not because of Wang Zhong and Mo Wen, these two historical-level genius monsters, I am afraid that ordinary people will not be able to see such a wonderful game for the rest of their lives.

This is even more sighing, especially the supporters of Wang Zhong and Tian Jing, it is not easy ~ ~ Wang Zhong coming this way, can be said to face the most challenges.

Counting the course of Tianjing from the knockout stage, the first opponent is the Eddie Brooks of the ink list assassin. And every opponent since then, almost all of them are top players on the ink list. The only Adam Levin who is not on the ink list, that is the terrible warrior with the blood of the werewolf! But these people, these days of pride, all in the hands of Wang Zhong, sinking sand, saying that he is a ace killer can not be overemphasized.

And in the end of this battle, it is even more important that Wang Zhong can directly seal God!

The first person in CHF, the first master, has no first person who is more than his gold.

If Zhizhi’s almost out-of-control voice is being heard out loud in the console, it’s not just to adjust the atmosphere of the scene, to supplement the blank of waiting, and more, it’s also that Joo’s own excitement.

"A great battle, a great showdown! Whether it is the captain of the king or the captain of the ink, only these two people can contribute to the world the most classic battle in history! The limit of casting soul! ......"

"...The game is not over yet, and the final team battle will determine who the two teams can win the trophy of honor."

"Let's wait together, let us look forward to it, let us boil together, let us go crazy together! For the most powerful cast of the past, the two legendary warriors, for the final victory, crazy cheer!"


The lounge doors of the two sides of the team were closed, making people nervous and speculative. In just 20 minutes of rest time, the people waiting outside were really busy, and the team of the celestial team took the lead.

Both Mo Wen and Mo Ling are not there.

(Seeking a monthly ticket, thank you!)

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