First of all, I will gather the Covert Units, the “Shadows,” who have been active in various ways. They are the people who always work behind the scenes in everything from escort missions to information gathering. It’s a unit that was officially launched after coming to the royal capital, so its history is short since it was created, but the role it has played so far is quite large.

I, myself, of course, had my friends and companions escorted by the Shadows, and they helped me countless times. In addition, when I am in conflict with other nobles, they work in various ways, such as information gathering, information manipulation, and deception.

“First of all, as far as we can know at the moment, give me all information about the Second Queen Amelie and her factions, as well as Nassam and Siegen,” I said. “I would also like information on Duke Bayen’s Faction. And also, as much about the Principality of Aust as we can.”


When I don’t give any particular instructions, the “Shadows” gather information widely and evenly. If something happens in the process, they will report it to some extent, but if it’s just a rumor that has nothing to do with my House, they won’t report it one by one. Even I would just be bothered if I received reports about insignificant rumors within the nobility.

However, this time Margarete advised me, but there was no report from the “Shadows.” First of all, let’s listen to the information that the “Shadows” are grasping, and then think about how to respond.

According to reports from the “Shadows,” Amelie, Siegen, and Nassam have been meeting frequently recently. But Amelie’s family’s House is the Siegen Marquisate, and it is a branch family of the Nassam Duchy, so it’s no wonder that these three are meeting. Rather, I would be told, “What was wrong with meeting with your family or the branch family?”

The “Shadows” also seemed to have grasped the information that the three of them have been meeting frequently recently, but they didn’t grasp the details. On the other hand, you can’t sneak into a large noble mansion like Manor Nassam without any instructions from me. If it fails, it’s no big deal.

For the time being, it seems that information was being collected by methods other than directly infiltrating because it might affect House Caan, but no convincing information was obtained from other sources, and the three parties met in secret to discuss specifics. It seems that they have not yet grasped whatever it is.

The Bayen Faction is similar. I’ve heard that it’s been active recently, but nothing is known about its contents. On the other hand, it is not a situation to infiltrate unreasonably to collect that information.

Nassam and Bayen may not have anything to do with our current movement, but just because suspicious people are actively moving, they took strong measures without my instructions and conducted infiltration investigations. There is no way I can do it. In the end, it was still unclear what they were doing because they were still investigating.

In that respect, the Principality of Aust is easy to understand. Apparently, the war had been going on for some time.

To the southwest of the Principality of Aust lies the Meditellenean the Meditellenean Sea. And the southeast direction seems to be a peninsula. The peninsula is called the Barchans Peninsula, and it seems that the country called the Oltoman Empire in the south and southeast direction is gradually expanding its power.

Aust also wants to avoid the expansion of the power of the Oltoman Empire for the sake of national defense, so you could say that Aust and Oltoman are currently facing each other across the Barchans. In order to deal with this threat in advance, Aust has taken control of the Barchans and is trying to intercept Oltoman in a place far away from the Principality’s mainland.

Ideally, of course, it would be best to take all of the Barchans and intercept the Oltoman Empire along the coast. However, even now, the power of the Oltoman Empire has already extended to the Barchans Peninsula, and in order to drive it out, it will end up being a direct battle between the Principality of Aust and the Oltoman Empire.

Leaving that aside, the Principality of Aust cannot stand by and watch the Oltoman Empire continue to expand its power. So it seems that they are in the middle of a war to take over other powers and nations in the Barchans Peninsula.

By the way, we can’t ignore this as irrelevant. The Kingdom of Ploiss and the Principality of Aust, even if they are at odds with each other, are in a somewhat twisted alliance. As a member of a single ethnicity, there is a struggle for leadership, but against outsiders, we unite as members of a shared lineage and oppose them.

Moreover, the Oltoman Empire is a sect different from the religion around here, and there is also religious conflict. They are historically related partners, and support from the Principality of Aust is not only from the Kingdom of Ploiss but even from the Kingdom of Frasia. The Oltoman Empire is a matter to be dealt with by the countries around here in cooperation.

If the Principality of Aust is moving to confront the Oltoman Empire, we have no choice but to support it. Other countries won’t support them now that they are at war with countries and powers on the Barchans’ side, but the Kingdom of Ploiss needs to support the Principality of Aust.

As expected, it seems that the official information is coming in properly because it is a war on a national scale. However, this is also a problem in other countries, so I don’t know the details. Even if we send personnel to collect information, it is unknown how much information we will be able to obtain.

“Understood. That was a lot of trouble,” I said. “From now on, please gather information centering on the Nassam faction, the Bayen faction, and the Principality of Aust. If you can find anything out, I will allow you to use strong-arm tactics to a certain extent. Please contact and discuss with me in advance before doing so.”


The “Shadows” vanish. I was able to confirm that there was a movement as Margarete said. I would like to say that it has nothing to do with my House, but that’s probably not the case. Nassam and the Bayen Faction seem to hold a grudge against me, and if they are plotting something bad, there is a good chance that they will harm us.

Even if there is no direct support for the Principality of Aust, there is a high possibility that the royal family will ask the nobles to bear the burden in order to provide some kind of support. You will have to prepare yourself for financial and food support.

It’s utterly annoying… I went on an expedition to the Blish Isles without anyone’s support… Even the Principality of Aust must be confident that they can do something on their own. Even if they failed, they didn’t know it just because they were stupid. I want to leave them alone… but I don’t think I can…

Ahead of the ceremony tomorrow, I went to Caanza Trading Firm. It seems that the count’s formal attire has been completed, so it’s for confirmation of the final product.

“How fares it, Hugo?”

“Right. It’s over here,” Hugo said.

When I went to the office instead of the store, Hugo guided me to the back. And what I was shown was a well-made count’s formal attire. It’s pretty good. No one would have guessed that this was done in a week.

“It’s quite well done, isn’t it?” I said.

“Thank you,” Hugo said. “Would you like to try it on?”

“Yes, indeed. I have to confirm it fits one last time,” I said.

It looks fine, but there may be something wrong with it, or the size may not fit. The moment you put it on and move, you will be amazed! There is also the possibility that, well, it’s Caanza Trading Firm’s job, so I trust that it wouldn’t be wrong, but it’s natural to wear it and check out the measurements.

I ask Hugo to come out and have Katharina and a female employee of Caanza help me try on the clothes. It certainly looks good. Even the lining is elaborate, with a pretty good cloth I’ve seen. In the first place, the lining is invisible, and in my case, I don’t even show my figure properly. Still, it’s so elaborate. It’s a way of working that pays attention to invisible places.

The decorations are finely crafted with fine gold and silver, and gold threads are used abundantly. I don’t know what to do as King of the Blish Isles, but as Count Caan, it would be enough.

“How do you like it? Miss Flo…”


“Lord Floto”

Katharina tried to call me Flora, so when I stared at her, she rephrased it. Katharina tries to call me Flora as much as possible. Everyone else is good at TPO, but only Katharina is too stubborn. Of course, if it was absolutely necessary, she’ll have to call me Froto properly, but it’s bad because it’s a selfish judgment of the person herself, and she calls me even when I think the situation is barely gray.

Just because we’re inside the Caanza Trading Firm doesn’t mean that the line between Flora and Floto is vague. Even though I always say that Katharina just won’t give in when it comes to calling me Flora. She’s an excellent maid when it comes to other things, but if she’s so loose-lipped, I won’t be able to leave important things to her…

“Katarina, if you don’t pay attention to how you call me, you won’t be able to accompany her to important places, be entrusted with important tasks, or do anything else. Or is that what you want? Should I meet your desires?”

“-!? I-I’m sorry!”

When I paid close attention, she bowed her head in a hurry. If you can do that, why don’t you usually pay attention to it? She may have something to do with it, but if she pulls her master’s leg with that, she’ll be in lethal trouble and disqualified as a maid.

“I’m in a difficult position right now. There won’t be a next time, will there?” I said.


I could lose my position all at once if someone was so careless and carefree. It’s fine if it’s just me, but it’s possible that this matter could cause trouble for the royal family and Eleonore. In the worst case, I can abandon my country and go into exile, but if it becomes known that I am a woman and I am trying to marry Eleonore, the royal family, and Eleonore will be in trouble.

“Haa… Well, it’s fine. Then let’s move a little.”

I try to move my body a little to check the quality of the formal wear. It’s not particularly hard to move in or stick somewhere. No, well, it’s hard to move because it’s a cramped formal dress…but that’s not a problem with this costume, it’s a problem with the structure of the formal dress, so it can’t be helped.

Even if I move my arms and legs, it won’t break anywhere, and if I squat down, my crotch won’t rip. Good work. The finish is perfect, not too bulky.

“It’s a good result,” I said. “It doesn’t look like it needs any alterations.”

When I said that, the employees of Caanza Trading Firm suddenly smiled. Were you worried about the finish? I don’t think there are any customers complaining about how well their work is.

Satisfied with the finish of the formal wear, I thanked Hugo and the others and paid the price, and left.

The promotion ceremony was held in a grand manner. When it comes to countdom, it’s not as easy as knighthood or barondom. As expected, I don’t know much about the etiquette of the ceremony of the rank, but it’s not that difficult. It wasn’t much different from the ceremony up until now, and it’s a level that can be managed with a little practice after being explained in advance.

I think the ceremony itself was a grand one, but there were relatively few participants. It would be so. The number of people who can participate is limited even if the ceremony is suddenly announced a week in advance. Only those who are free in the royal capital or its suburbs, or those who are okay with suddenly vacating their jobs. Perhaps this sudden decision to hold the ceremony was also a ruse by the King and Dietrich.

If the ceremony is announced well in advance and enough time is left, there is a high possibility that a large number of people will attend. If you become a count, you will probably get a lot of attention even within the nobility. There should be a lot of nobles who come to the ceremony to see the face of the new count. Besides, if you can participate in an important national affair, a promotion ceremony, but you do not participate, you are not fulfilling your duties as a noble.

Normally, it would be a top priority to participate, and unless you had a damn good reason to be unable to join in, even if it was within a week you should have been compelled to attend.

On the other hand, I prefer not to be seen by other people as much as possible. Since identity and gender are hidden, it is better to hold the ceremony with as few people as possible rather than be seen by many people. It’s also a fine stage for ordinary nobles, so the more grand it is, the better. But in order to marry Eleonore in the future, I need to go through with being a man.

That’s why the King and Dietrich decided to announce the ceremony in a short period of time so that the number of attendees would be as small as possible. A normal aristocrat might get angry at this kind of treatment, but for me it’s desirable.

The ceremony ended without any particular problems, and my stay in the royal capital ended. I have to hurry and head to the Caan Knight’s Nation. No, it’s not like there’s some sort of problem going on over there, right? But even though I only have time for 3 months during the semester, I have already stayed in the royal capital for an extra week. It’s better to hurry because the time you can stay over there is getting shorter and shorter.

When I thought that the Knight’s Nation was gradually getting out of hand and I was able to get around to a certain extent without me, this time I was forced into it, and even if it was for my own convenience, I got the Blish Isles, the end… there is no end, is there…….?

There are 4 months in the semester, but the last month is the exam, so I can do it freely for 3 months. It’s been a few days, so let’s move on. The second semester of the second year is also going to be full of absences. The next time I go to school will be the final exam of the second year and the closing ceremony.

I gave a picture diary to Eleonore who was upset this time too… but this time the pages weren’t so calculated. According to the standard up to now, one volume is not enough pages, and two volumes are too much. It’s impossible for me to decorate the last page of the third book. I should have decorated the first and second’s last pages so far, but unfortunately, that’s all there will be.

“Now then, shall we head to the Caan Knight’s Nation?” I asked.

“Goodness, you just can’t stop being busy?”

“It can’t be helped.”

It was full of fluttering movements, but we immediately started moving toward solving the next problem.

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