Become a Villain Loli

Vol 5 Chapter 69: Xiling Kunlun Mountain, Xuxian

The Xiling Mountains have a dangerous terrain and are rarely inhabited, but there are many herbal beasts in the mountains, and the townspeople at the foot of the mountain basically make a living by collecting herbs. Although it has to take risks, it is also very rewarding. If it is sold in the market of a neighboring city, the bid can be 50% higher than that of other places.

There is a small town at the foot of the mountain, named Shaoyao Town, which is small in scale. The townspeople rely on the mountains to eat the mountains and the water to drink water. It has a history of hundreds of years here. .

The name of the university in the town is Zhao, and it has more than a dozen families. It is a family of medicine. In addition to opening a medicine hall in the town, there is also a special caravan of medicinal materials, which is transported to the neighboring big city for sale. Although it is not as good as those of the county-level Wang family in the big cities, it is still a big family with a small fortune.

On this day, the second master of the Zhao family stood at the gate of the courtyard as usual, waiting for the third brother of the clan to return from selling medicines, but when the evening was approaching, no one came back.

This is more than half a day later than usual.

"Yu Zhongcheng is only a dozen miles away from here. It won't take long to go back and forth. Has the third brother been delayed by something? Could it be that he encountered a horse bandit?"

This made him pacing back and forth in the courtyard a little uneasy, silently calculating what he might encounter.

"Hey, second uncle, don't worry about it blindly, the official road has always been in good order, and there are court soldiers patrolling, why did you get caught by a horse thief?" A young man came over, the direct son of Mr. Zhao San, but at this time he said with a smile: "I heard that Yu Zhongcheng has recently visited a river crossing dragon. It is a family of herbal medicine in the prefecture. It has partnered with some county magistrates, and it is backed by the master of the rank, which is suppressing the market price of our local medicinal materials. My father may still be in Yuzhong City, for the sake of You're in a rut, haggle over the price, right?"

"Business has been difficult to do in the past few years, but it's enough to earn a little bit, and make money with peace!" Zhao Erye shook his head and sighed again: "As long as there are no other mistakes, it doesn't matter if you make less money, after all those Aristocratic families and county officials are not something we can offend.”

But when night fell, the shadow of the Zhao family caravan did not appear, not even a message.

Now it's not just Master Zhao Er, but even the entire Zhao family is a little uneasy. If there is really a delay, it would be excusable to send a servant over to inform the situation.

But now, there is no sound at all.

In the midst of this uneasiness, in the brightly lit Zhao family hall, a man covered in blood rushed in and shouted, "Elder Master, Second Master, it's not good!"

Everyone was shocked, and when they saw the man who was covered in injuries, they all felt that something was wrong. This young man is also a son of the Zhao family, one of the guards of the caravan. He has been practicing martial arts since he was a child, and he has been taught by an acquired master in Yu Zhongcheng.

Master Zhao hurriedly stood up, regardless of his manners, stepped forward to support the other party, and said solemnly: "Huh, what happened? Is it really a bandit?"

Although Zhao Hu was not seriously injured, there were too many scars on his body, and the blood flowed non-stop. It seemed that the light was returning to light. He shook his head and looked at the Zhao family, crying: "It's not a bandit, it's an innocent disaster. Ah! The inconceivable disaster!"

Knowing that his time was short, he quickly said: "There is a guardian of the White Lotus Sect who was injured by the government's divine arrest. He fled to Yuzhong City recently. Xue Lian, the flesh and bones of the dead, only followed our Zhao family caravan out of the city, and killed the killer on the way! In order to cover me, Master Zhao San came back and reported the letter, and even...even was beaten to death."

"This...this...this..." Zhao Erye next to him was so frightened that his face paled, he felt dizzy and took a few steps back in disbelief." But this Tianshan snow lotus, didn't we sell half of it to the government some time ago? The truth of the innocence of ordinary people, and the truth of guilt, I can still save it. How can my Zhao family dare to keep a penny of this treasure! "

"That's right! Master Zhao San told the other party the same way at the time, but he couldn't stand people's disbelief! The White Lotus Protector believed that although my family handed over the Tianshan Snow Lotus, there must be some remaining branches and leaves, just for the sake of these unnecessary leftover branches and leaves. Give our caravan...our caravan to..."

Speaking of this, Zhao Hu couldn't help but feel sad, and his injuries were instantly affected. After coughing up blood several times in a row, he fell into Master Zhao's arms without making a sound.

Before he died, he didn't even close his pupils. That kind of unwilling emotion was written all over his face, and he really couldn't rest his eyes.

The Zhao family hall was silent, and everyone present was shocked by the bad news and could not speak.

Zhao Wuye, who was sitting in the chair, still maintained his rationality: "If such a murder occurs, we have to report it to the officials quickly!"

"Reporter?" Master Zhao stretched out his hand and stroked it, making Zhao Hu's eyes closed, and said solemnly: "Fifth brother, do you know what level of the White Lotus sect protector? The lowest is also a congenital master, a human-level martial artist! To deal with such masters, only Yu Zhongcheng can send troops to encircle and suppress them, or Fucheng sends great masters to pursue them, and they can be sure of everything!”

"But no matter which option you choose, when the government sends someone over, our Zhao family will no longer exist!"

Innate martial artist!

The towns around them add up, and they can't even find an acquired master. An acquired master, even in a big city like Yu Zhongcheng, can open a martial arts hall and recruit apprentices.

Not to mention the innate martial artist!

Even if you go to the City Lord's Mansion, you are all guests, but you can rely on the official mansion to become a guest minister!

"Then...then there is no possibility of peace talks?" Master Zhao returned to his senses and asked tremblingly beside him: "Our Zhao family really has not left any branches and leaves of Tianshan Snow Lotus! "

"If it were an ordinary congenital expert, he wouldn't attack me just because of unwarranted news." Uncle Zhao said, "But the White Lotus Sect is a cult, and the government has been wanted for many years. Among them, he can serve as the guardian of the law. Yes, each of them is a demon who kills without blinking an eye!"

When he said this, he closed his eyes a little painfully, and made a decisive decision: "I am the head of the Zhao family as my order, the second brother, the fourth brother, and the fifth brother, each of you took part of your ethnicity and escaped from Shaoyao Town and went to Fucheng to escape. The limelight. This family business can’t be lost here, and I’ll just come back after the guardian is executed by the government.”

Following the order of the family, in the face of the crisis of life and death, the Zhao clan scattered as birds and beasts, and for a while, the sound of crying and running could be heard endlessly.

Zhao Qingqing, the third young lady in Zhao's big room, was also trapped in the fleeing team at this time. She was still reading in the boudoir, but she was pulled out by two maids, and followed her father's team to flee with a blank expression.

There were also many people in Shaoyao Town at this time. When they learned that the Zhao family was in great distress, in order to be affected, they closed their doors and windows one after another, and there was no one on the street.

The night under the mountain is a bit cold, not as good as inland.

"I hope my Zhao family can escape this disaster!"

Some people prayed silently in the escape team, hoping that the white lotus protector would not catch up, or hope that the officials in the government would come quickly.


But they don't know, but...

Innate masters condensed the true meaning of martial arts, and immediately formed a mark when they fell on their opponents, which was enough to chase the soul for thousands of miles.

The reason why Zhao Hu was able to come back alive was not because of his strength or luck, but because the White Lotus Protector did it deliberately.

The purpose is to find Zhao's house and search for medicine treasures.

Seeing the people of the Zhao family fleeing, I am even more convinced that the other party has snow lotus branches and leaves, otherwise why is this so?

Immediately, he set up a squat outside the town, one knife at a time, all of them were killed, and one by one, the belongings were searched.

Anyway, the cult protects the law and kills a lot of people. As long as you are happy, you don't care about the lives of these ordinary people. Even if you kill the wrong ones, it doesn't matter. As long as you start, there is no reason to stop.

The Zhao family escaped from several teams, and basically none of them were spared. They smashed the wilderness outside the town. When only the Zhao family's big house team was left, they had only just escaped for a few miles.

A distance of several miles is nothing to a congenital expert. This white lotus protector locked his soul for thousands of miles, and quickly chased after him, chopping melons and vegetables, killing these ordinary people who were not even the day after tomorrow.

Occasionally there is some resistance, but the addition of an ordinary weapon will only leave a white spot on his body, and it will not break his body protection infuriating.

Miss Zhao San looked at the clansmen behind her, her brothers and sisters were tragically killed by the sword, and then looked at her father who was pulling her to escape, she couldn't help but closed her eyes and muttered to herself: "I, Zhao Qingqing, are still out of the cabinet, If you don't even have a sweetheart, are you going to die like this?"

"Leave people under the knife."

Just as the white lotus sword was about to fall on the girl, stones flew up and knocked the white lotus guardian's sword into the air.

The protector Bai Lian was startled and thought it was an official man who was chasing after him, so he quickly turned to look back.

I saw a green cow walking slowly in the distance, sitting on it was a young female crown in red clothes, but in 28 years, she has picturesque features and graceful appearance, holding a wine gourd in her hand, and a mouthful hanging from her waist. Daojian is looking towards this side with a smile.

"Who is the girl?"

The protector Bai Lian met those deep and charming eyes, but intuitively did not perceive any danger, but did not dare to despise it, just asked repeatedly.

"Pin Dao Xiling Kunlun Mountain Taoist, Xu Xian, immortal's immortal."

The young female crown smiled lightly and said with red lips.

"Kunlun Mountain? Among the 100,000 mountains in the Xiling Mountains, is there a name for this mountain?" The protector Bailian thought for a while, and then asked back, "I don't know what the girl is looking for?"

"Not for you, but for my apprentice."

Xu Xianxian looked at the charming, her eyes wandered, she passed the white lotus protector, and looked straight at where Zhao Qingqing was.

Zhao Qingqing met that gaze, and felt inexplicable for the rest of her life after the catastrophe.

Then the female crown retracted her gaze, looked at the white lotus protector again, and smiled: "And your poisoning method is too clumsy, it's really boring."

"You actually found it!"

The protector Bai Lian was startled and touched the poison needle bag in his arms, trying to increase the dose of toxin.

But the young woman's crown moved, and the Dao Sword was suddenly drawn from her waist, just swept forward.

A sword light cold.

The night seemed to turn into day at this time, and even the moonlight was dimmed.

No one could see this sword clearly, not to mention the Zhao clan, even Bailian Protector did not know where this sword started and where it went.

It seemed that only a moment had passed, and it seemed that a long time had passed.

The eyes of the protector Bai Lian were filled with unbelievable emotions. He didn't seem to have thought that he was so fragile and unable to resist, just like those mortals who were not skilled in martial arts.

The next second, the head fell to the ground, but the blood did not flow out at all, as if the sword not only broke his head, but also the vitality of his whole body.

"Why come here?"

The female crown leaned lazily on the green ox, and still drank the wine slowly, as if the sword had not been drawn at all, or the sword had been drawn, and no one could see it at all.

Heaven and earth seem to have returned to normal again, and all the changes in the earth just now were just hallucinations.

The moonlight shone down and fell on her body, like the fairy of the vast cold, the master of the moon palace.

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