It was getting dark at night, and the grain merchants gathered together again. This was their third gathering in the past few days.

The grain merchants were having a hard time. After the price of wheat increased, they were excited to make a copper coin for a day, and then they were on the verge of bankruptcy. No one came to buy their wheat.

Ever since the new aristocrat Liu Feng, he actually acted like a madman and recruited all the untouchables in the city to work. What's abominable is that he paid wheat as salary. This was completely blocking their way out.

"Damn, hate, so hateful"

"bang bang bang………"

The fat merchant yelled and hit the table with all his strength, making a"bang bang" sound.

The faces of the grain merchants present were so gloomy that they were about to drip with ink, and many of them had evil eyes. Anyone who stood in their way of making a fortune deserved to die.

It is said that businessmen are profit-oriented and pursue money. This is understandable. People are greedy and only look at whether they can control their greed. However, these grain merchants have long been blinded by greed, and the life and death of civilians have long been ignored in their eyes.

If a businessman has a 10% profit, he will not be afraid of hard work and run around to make money.

With 20% profit, businessmen dare to work hard to make money.

With 50% profit, businessmen risk their lives to make money.

When a 100% profit is achieved, businessmen dare to make money by any means necessary.

When the profit reaches 300%, the merchant has already sold his own kind as goods.

Human nature has disappeared. They only have copper coins in their eyes, and they only care about whether they can earn more copper coins.

In the eyes of these grain merchants, they only care about whether their wheat can be sold, and will not consider price reductions or anything like that.

"That damn Liu Feng, if it weren't for him, we would be sleeping on a bed covered with copper coins."

"Hateful, is this Liu Feng a fool? Is he an idiot? Actually taking out wheat to feed those untouchables? They even demolished all the good houses."

"As far as I know, Liu Feng may not have much wheat left, and can only hold on for three or four days at most. By then, we can earn a lot of copper coins. In order to make up for the loss, I suggest raising the price of wheat by another copper coin."

Many people were moved by these words, and several excuses for raising prices immediately appeared in their minds. For example, a lot of wheat was robbed by horse thieves during transportation, and there was only this little wheat left. Do you want to buy it?

"No, it’s too slow to raise the price after a few days."

The fat grain merchant's eyes were filled with madness and he said coldly,"Kill that Liu Feng, and everything will go back to where it started, and those untouchables will be at our mercy."

"What? Do you want to kill Liu Feng? Is he a noble?"

"No, no no...this is going to be beheading."

Several grain merchants were frightened, but the shouting voices were hesitant, and they were probably thinking about the feasibility of the plan.


The obese grain merchant sneered,"We are all insects on a rope. No matter who pulls the rope, everyone will be shaken down.""

"Moreover, the new nobleman Liu Feng does not have any powerful soldiers, and the knights only have Niu Ben and his family. But I got the news that Niu Ben’s sons have left Xiyang City with the new soldiers. Such an opportunity , not every day"


The grain merchants present were breathing heavily. After all, they were killing nobles, even the weakest nobles.

"Add me, I have five strong men in my escort, they can come in handy."

Some people immediately expressed their opinion that the autumn harvest is getting closer and their old wheat must be sold quickly, otherwise it will all become moldy and rotten.

"My guards have all been brought, and they are outside. You can do whatever you want. I just want the wheat to be sold. After all, winter is coming, and I have to rush back to Baron Omar."

"I also participated. There were newly married maids at home, and they were waiting for me to favor them."

The fat grain merchant stood up, glanced around with squinted eyes, and laughed wildly,"Very good, if everyone has this determination, we can make a lot of money. Baron Omar said that as long as the money in this place is plundered, then The points you get are higher"

"Hehe... It's all that Liu Feng's fault."

"In fact, I have already had the idea of ​​killing him"

"The cat orc in the castle belongs to me. I can buy it for fifty copper coins."

"Hahaha... You are too willing to give up fifty copper coins for a despicable orc."


The grain merchants present expressed their willingness to send guards to participate in the operation.

The fat grain merchant smiled proudly. He looked at each other and nodded with satisfaction. They had all colluded in advance. They just wanted to harvest an early harvest, or maybe they wanted to rob the city lord's mansion.

In fact, the obese grain merchants have received accurate information. During the autumn harvest, horse thieves will come to rob Xiyang City. If the current situation continues, they will not be able to sell out all their wheat, and they will be robbed by horse thieves..

Since they were going to be robbed by horse thieves, they might as well kill the noble Liu Feng now, sell the wheat at a high price, and escape from Xiyang City before the horse thieves arrived.

While the obese grain merchants were discussing their plan of action to assassinate Liu Feng, a group of people was already quietly lurking outside the yard.

Xinke looked at the four guards guarding the door outside the yard, with a fierce look in his eyes that only appeared when hunting.

"Greedy businessman, you dare to plot against Mr. Liu Feng, you all deserve to die……"

"Asking for collections, asking for flowers, asking for evaluation votes, asking for everything"

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