Turns out they were right, they were a bunch of self-masturbating, self-orgasming morons.

Considering that the "Civilization Destroyer" may continue to use the "Curtain Penetrator" to continue to do more amazing things, Li Wenyuan chose to directly destroy the machine that controls the "Curtain Penetration Instrument".

The carrier-based aircraft weapon of one of his escort ships penetrated through layers of protection, penetrated the planetary shield on the "cradle", and then hit the machine that maintained the "curtain penetrator" in operation.

The reason why they don't use battlecruisers or Titans is because after being strengthened by the "curtain penetrating instrument", the weapons of these warships are so powerful that it is unimaginable that they may destroy the entire "cradle" planet if they are not careful.

For this reason, he can only use a small carrier-based aircraft on an escort ship to do this.

Those sophisticated mechanical creations evaporated in an instant, leaving only a large pit that was still steaming, and the "curtain penetrating instrument" that fell to the ground intact.

This dense sphere has an unexpected protective power, which has been verified for a long time. If the planet blows up, it will not have any problems, but the activators of the "civilization destroyers" themselves are quite fragile.

The moment the operation ended, the weird power that shrouded the remnant fleet of the "Guardian" and "Civilization Destroyer" dissipated.

The fleet of the "Civilization Annihilator" has returned to that weak, pitiful, and helpless state, and has become a piece of space scrap iron in the role of "suppressive position".

And the "Guardian" fleet returned to normal from a strange state of mosaic,

Just as "Civilization Destroyer" guessed, the effect of the "Wishing Machine" also acts on the opponent, and it seems that the effect is much greater.

The status they had been expecting, fantasizing, and believing in had been dealt a heavy blow.

Now there is no third bystander here, but the "Civilization Destroyer" now has self-knowledge after a long absence.

The pride they had always had was completely shattered at this moment, and only this feeling of "being slapped hard" could bring them back to the era of the weak natives who looked at the starry sky ignorantly.

Even if they don't want to believe it, the facts are the best evidence.

Obviously, this "guardian" who hung them up and beat them from the very beginning is the existence appointed by the "Apocalypse".

The Relic of the Apocalypse, which they call the Reality Perforator, works infinitely better on the Guardians than they do.

Those unheard of terrifying fleets can only be built by the civilization designated by the "Apocalypse".

But after the confusion, unprecedented anger emerged.

They didn't regret not checking the situation of the galaxy first, and launched an attack with the arrogance of the past, completely unaware that there was an existence stronger than them in this galaxy.

They also didn't regret the bad behavior of creating "cordyceps disease" to invade the galaxy and wanting them to commit suicide together with the civilization of the galaxy.

They are angry now, angry why the "Apocalypse" didn't choose them in the first place, but chose a group of robots who don't even know the "truth of the world"?

Arrogance is still rooted in their blood, and it has gradually become ingrained and integrated into the soul with the passage of time.

Perhaps even if human beings come here in person and explain the reason to them, they will only get a series of questions from them.

"Ahhhhh! Why would the 'Apocalypse' choose you, an empty shell that has nothing but a string of data!"

A high-level "Civilization Destroyer" fell to his knees, crying out in pain.

How much grief and anger can be heard from his hoarse voice, and he didn't expect the AI ​​manipulating those battleships to hear what he was saying, he was just venting.

But it's a pity that Li Wenyuan not only heard it, but even saw their expressions clearly.

The subspace sensor of the "Sky Veil Battleship" is observing the situation of the entire "Cradle" planet in all directions without blind spots, including every flow of air on it, and every bit of dust dancing on it has been recorded.

"... Didn't reflect on it? But I don't expect them to reflect on it... Will a civilization that can unswervingly want to pull the galaxy to commit suicide have such regrets?"

He shook his head, just wanting the Colossus to jump to this galaxy, using a "gentle" method to end the history of "Civilization Destroyer".

But immediately after, he heard more voices of "Civilization Destroyer", all crying.

"Why not us! We are clearly only one step away from 'reality'! You damn robots, you are the sinners of the galaxy!"

"Pity those little guys in the galaxy, they will be trapped in this false world again for an unknown period of time... In the future, there will definitely be our successors who can lead them to welcome the real 'reality'!"


These crazy people have completely abandoned all the will of being "the pioneers of ancient inheritance", and the entire civilization exists to "embrace the truth".

Li Wenyuan didn't want to go into too much detail with them, but seeing their fanaticism, he thought about it and gave them a chance to understand the truth.

He invaded the network system on the planet, and the big screens that were showing the images of impassioned speeches turned into a black screen without exception.

But after the shady scene, a large number of characters appeared on it.

At the beginning, these madmen of "Civilization Destroyer" kept yelling and cursing, as if they completely dismissed Li Wenyuan's method.

They have fought for this for so long, how could they change their minds just because of a little "little bewitchment"?

But as more and more characters were displayed, their shouting momentum also stopped, and the emotions in their eyes experienced countless changes, and finally fell silent.

Those characters are characters that are very unfamiliar to the galaxy, but they are very familiar to the "Civilization Destroyer".

They also saw this kind of writing in the place where the "curtain penetrator" was discovered. At that time, they thought it was some kind of symbolic religious symbol.

But as the secret of the "veil penetrator" was analyzed, they knew that this powerful relic came from the "Apocalypse", so those so-called "religious symbols" are likely to be the words of the "Apocalypse".

They attach great importance to this, because in this way they can understand the language, habits, customs, and even social forms of the "Apocalypse" through words, so as to get more inheritance from the "Apocalypse".

But because the number of characters is too scarce, they can't understand the meaning of these "words" at all.

However, every member of the "Civilization Destroyer" kept the shapes of those characters firmly in their minds, in order to be able to quickly realize that this matter was related to the "Apocalypse" when similar characters were found.

But now, among the characters on the screen, they saw the shapes of characters that were already familiar to them and engraved in their instincts, and they were even clearly and completely displayed in front of their eyes.

They don't recognize 99% of them, but the few characters that are nearly identical are enough for them to figure out what it is.

If there are such a number of characters, it is not difficult for them to parse out the meaning of the words "Apocalypse", and it is not impossible for them to get closer to "Apocalypse".

But obviously, this also represents one thing - how can there be an inheritor who doesn't even know the script of the inheritor?

The "Apocalypse" orthodoxy they have boasted for so long has been completely shattered this time.

If they were able to deceive themselves by saying "the 'curtain penetrating instrument' doesn't know people" before, they have now fully realized their identities.

However, unlike the previous feeling of madness, after the fig leaf of "identity" was torn off, it didn't become more embarrassing and angry, nor was it self-hypnosis.

Now every "Civilization Destroyer" citizen has calmed down, carefully reading the translations on the screen that match the text of "Apocalypse".

Those are part of the "curtain theory". The complete "curtain theory" has extremely complicated models and introductions. For the convenience of viewing, Li Wenyuan only selected the important parts.

There is an expected direction called the "curtain project", which aims to put the entire galaxy under the protection of the "curtain", and according to the requirements of the "curtain theory", there is a layer of "false galaxy" outside the "curtain" Used for show.

In fact, when he discovered that the "Civilization Annihilator" was the "lucky guy" who picked up the "Curtain Penetrator", Li Wenyuan vaguely guessed why this civilization changed its friendly attitude and became so crazy.

At first, he couldn't understand that there would be civilizations willing to believe that "the galaxy outside is real", which is out of reality, but seeing the "civilization destroyer" refined by thousands of years, he understood that this civilization is now Just live for one purpose.

——In order to do a greater cause than the "Apocalypse".

They don't know the specific function of the "curtain", but they believe it is a "cage", and they firmly believe that collective suicide can get rid of it.

So for them, what could be greater than the cause of "Apocalypse"? Of course it is to lead the entire galaxy out of this "cage"!

But is the "curtain" really a "cage"?

The words on the big screen came and went quickly. After the invasion, the big screen did not return to the previous passionate speech, but was still a dark scene.

But those contents are enough for "Civilization Annihilator" to understand one thing.

Maybe they got it wrong from the beginning, the "curtain" is not a "cage", but a "protection".

After the broken legitimacy, the second broken is the goal they have been moving forward,

Their civilization has integrated this goal into the depths of their souls, and after being broken, their path to civilization will end here.


"—Impossible!" With a cry, the leader of the "Civilization Destroyer" burst out, and transmitted his voice to everyone through loudspeakers all over the planet.

"What we do will never go wrong! Even if everyone doesn't understand us, we will go on firmly!"

His voice was so contagious that it brought back to life the "broken heart" people for a short time. Even if it was just a flashback, it still temporarily lit up the dark world of "The Cradle", and ignited a fanatical cry.

Such a scene made Li Wenyuan feel that they would not shed tears when they saw the coffin, and they would only admit it if human beings gave them an explanation in person.

But after looking at the leader, Li Wenyuan showed a surprised expression.

Although his behavior was full of madness and his voice was full of bewitching, his expression was very calm, not as crazy as imagined.

When he looked at those people again, Li Wenyuan also found that although they were fanatical, their eyes were not passionate, but calmer than ever before, even with a touch of tranquility.

They know everything, and they are aware of "truth" and "reality".

But the civilization has continued to this day, and the long-term and firm cohesion has infected everyone's blood.

Even if they are wrong, they will never admit it.

After hearing the leader's words, everyone had a tacit understanding, and after making a few gestures, they sat down in place and gathered together in the form of countless groups.

At this moment, they seem to have returned to the original time. A group of people gathered together to discuss what those huge planets in the sky were.

And the leader of the "Civilization Destroyer" also took out a strange device, which looked like a tube sealed with a spiral structure.

This is the "suicide machine" that controls the lives of all of them. After it is activated, everyone's genes will collapse at the same time and die on the spot.

This scene seems familiar.

An inexplicable premonition made the leader of the "Civilization Destroyer" look up at the sky, passed through countless vast stars, and met the leader of the Fire Alliance who was also looking at the sky for some reason.

They didn't look at each other, but they seemed to be facing each other.

"We are the destroyers of civilization! It is a thing of the past to watch us! This road has not yet been completed, and we will personally verify what the truth at the end is!"

With the activation of the device, all the main species of "Civilization Destroyer" collapsed genetically at the same time.

This pain didn't have any effect, they were still sitting together, looking at each other until they turned into a puddle of organic liquid.

The moment their consciousness dissipated, they seemed to have really returned to the past, dressed in original costumes, and looked at the sky curiously for the first time.

And the universe continues to function normally, just as it always has.

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