"—Emergency! The phenomenon of 'ghost signal' has been detected again on a large scale!"

A piece of news about the "Guardian" was taken over layer by layer, and finally passed to the high-level hands of various civilizations.

There are quite a lot of introductions and supporting evidence related to it, but in the end they all integrated a meaning: there may be something wrong with the "guardian".

The difference between organic life and machine intelligence makes it difficult for ordinary people to understand what will happen when a machine is 'ill', but it does not prevent them from enjoying it.

——For example, is it possible that after the mechanical body gets "mental illness", it will ignore all previous logic and start to attack indiscriminately.

This seems to be a kind of "evil fall" that cannot be solved by idealistic means, and it cannot be "awakened" by words.

This is a materialistic programming error problem. Perhaps only the top engineers can find a way to fix the code after overcoming all kinds of difficulties and dangers.

The reasons and speculations about the possible anomalies of the "Guardian" have always been the focus of secret investigations by various civilizations. Many scientists have been secretly studying the "Guardian" and the civilization that created the "Guardian".

Even if there was no large-scale transmission of "ghost signals" in the galaxy, it is impossible for the galactic civilization to stop exploring such a special lost empire.

The most widely circulated theory is that the "Guardian" has gradually corrupted over a long period of time, and the accumulated errors in machine intelligence have reached the limit, causing the "Guardian" to produce abnormalities.

This kind of speculation is not groundless. There are also "myth busters" who have conducted experiments with some artificial intelligence systems of Galaxy General, and found that it does not even take as long as in theory to make an "artificial intelligence" go wrong.

Although they know that the artificial intelligence of the "Guardian" is definitely not comparable to other goods, their "experiments" may not be applicable to the cutting-edge intelligence of the "Guardian".

But who can say clearly about the long time?

There have even been vicious conspiracy theories speculating that it was The Guardian who destroyed his creator, and that his current appearance of benignity is nothing more than a disguise.

Even if this speculation is groundless, many people scoff at it, but they can still show their attitude to some extent.

Therefore, when the signs of the large-scale spread of the "ghost signal" reappeared, almost everyone turned their attention to the "guardian".

After all, the last time this happened was when the "Guardian" was abnormal.

The destructive and infectious power of the "ghost signal" is obvious to all, and everyone knows that this peculiar signal virus can theoretically infect any electronic device.

Even if the "Guardians" do not seem to need to use this method to destroy them, they must also be responsible for themselves.

"I knew it! That mechanical intelligence is definitely not safe! Now it's revealed, right? I propose to nominate the 'Guardian' as a 'natural disaster'! Otherwise, when it strikes, we will never have a chance again!"

Among the "galactic community", some people who are extremely hostile to robots and artificial intelligence issued such lawsuits.

A small number of them are extreme idealists with sincerity. This part of people regards all artificial intelligence as "blasphemy", even if the other party is the "guardian" who saved the galaxy.

The other part is the planners. Their goal is not the "Guardian", but other omnic civilizations in the galaxy. The "Guardian" is just an excuse to lead to their next proposal.

Although the proposal to designate the "Guardians" as a natural disaster seems to be justified, the galaxy is still mostly conscious and neutral.

"Is it the cells called discrimination, stereotyping, and self-assertion that fill your poor brain tissue? It takes so much effort for the 'Guardian' to destroy you? There are not enough people in the whole galaxy to fight!"

The Tinder Alliance was the first to express its opposition, and the words were extremely fierce, just like they used to.

They stated that unless the Guardians sent warships to bomb their planet, they would never do anything that might be an enemy of the Guardians.

But those neutrals made it clear that they "need to talk about evidence," and they do not objectively support this issue.

So those nominees began to boast, and published the information related to the "ghost signal" collected within the civilization:

"As you can see, the waveform of this signal is very similar to the 'ghost signal', and even the function and propagation speed are almost the same. Our scientists believe that the possibility of this is a 'ghost signal' is more than 80%. It is very likely Variations of the 'ghost signal'..."

"...You also know that it is a variant of the 'Ghost Signal', so how can you be sure it was sent by the 'Guardian'? Could it be that a certain civilization in the galaxy deliberately released it to create chaos?"

Some representatives thought that the reasons were not sufficient and hoped that they could produce more evidence. However, the subject of the motion laughed and said:

"I'll leave my words here. If it wasn't caused by the 'Guardian', I'll—"

Before he could finish speaking, the entire venue of the "Galaxy Community" suddenly fell into silence, and even the representative who was speaking froze in place as if he had received some information suddenly.

After a while, the expressions on the faces of all the representatives present changed slightly, and then they looked at each other, and after confirming that the other party knew about it from their eyes, they all looked at the person in the center of the venue in unison. , The representative who was still talking nonsense just now.

The representative was also stunned for a while, and after a while of hesitation, he returned to his seat without saying a word.

The entire "Galaxy Community" collectively fell into silence, and every representative was thinking about the message from the mother star just now:

[It was discovered that the "ghost signal" is spreading in the galaxy, and the source is... the guardian! 】

Everyone originally thought that the special signal with an unknown source that was very similar to the "ghost signal" was actually the "ghost signal" of the "Guardian", with only a slight change.

Now, however, the real "ghost signal" seems to be starting to spread.

They all thought about one thing in unison: Is this a harbinger of the Guardian's corruption, or is he coming forward again?

Li Wenyuan, who was the center of the incident, did not expect that the Galactic Civilization had compiled a complete set of background stories for him that could be justified.

His idea of ​​using the "ghost signal" is very simple. Now that the "observation terminal" is not yet available, he may be able to use the strong diffusion of the "ghost signal" to find clues of the "active purification protocol".

Compared with the "privacy" that may be snooped by him, the galactic crisis of the "Active Purification Protocol" is obviously more important. After all, the "Active Purification Protocol" is also artificial intelligence in theory, within the scope of influence of the "ghost signal" .

He hasn't figured out how to explain to the Galaxy what the "Galaxy Exam" is yet to come, and he can't just tell them directly, "There was a race called Humans who thought you were too rubbish, and set up such an exam for Come to test the progress of civilization, and if you fail, go back to the indigenous era and practice hard." Such words.

However, a certain sociology technology on the technology tree gave him an idea to use this "Galaxy Exam".

【Social Experiment: The Great Tragedy】

[Technology level: 3]

[Introduction: Excellent tragedies can often arouse the resonance of creatures. Through guidance, this emotional fluctuation may be transformed into the power to move forward in life. Tragedy is not only about destruction and hatred, but also about sacrifice and dedication. A great enough tragedy will completely sublimate life. If the impact is far-reaching enough, it is not impossible to reshape the collective spirit.]

[Possible Technology: Social Stage Theory (Researched)]

This is the source of his idea. He can carefully design a "story" to ignite the determination of the galactic civilization to advance. Even if only a few civilizations can achieve it, it is better than waiting for a long time for them to self-destruct and self-progress.

After that, he can also complete the "perfect ending", and releasing the "ghost signal" to find the "active purification protocol" is only the first step.

"... At what point to make an action, it needs to be carefully planned, and I don't know the 'Active Evolution Protocol'...Huh?"

Li Wenyuan, who was still designing the script for "Story", was taken aback suddenly because he received unexpected news.

"...This kind of signal seems to have the same source as the 'ghost signal'... There should be no other civilization in the galaxy that can replicate this kind of signal, probably because the 'Active Purification Protocol' didn't run away... It just came so fast? It seems It's not the scheduled time yet, is it?"

Li Wenyuan tentatively sent this signal into the core database, and then found that the countdown began to decrease rapidly, and soon there were only a few months left.

Even if it hasn’t started yet, this abnormality clearly shows that this kind of signal similar to the “ghost signal” is a pre-warning of the “Galaxy Civilization Stress Resistance Test”, and it also means that the “Galaxy Crisis” is coming.

However, he was not flustered by this, but instead had a feeling of "waiting for a long time".

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