Best Actor

Vol 3 Chapter 216: advent

The 82nd Oscars are coming as scheduled, and they are still at the Kodak Theater on the Avenue of Stars. Although the Kodak Group has been very bad in recent years, it has not yet planned to terminate the title.

And at this Oscar, the film academy finally made some reforms, such as expanding the nominations for best film to ten - well, this is no different from before the reform, it is nothing more than A few more escorts.

It's like those bureaucrats, it looks like there are some changes, but it's not really useful at all, but they still say smugly: Look, we made changes.

In addition, they hold the power, and most of the public opinion is on their side, so only those who hardly want to do anything with the film school, or who don't care about getting some benefits, will make it public To express dissatisfaction or ridicule.

Most people don't do this overtly, and may even applaud the academy, so when the awards ceremony arrives, the red carpet is still full of stars.

"If you don't want to win the award, it's definitely impossible, but I don't know how many chances there are. I'll leave it to God to decide." Sean smiled at the microphone of the red carpet host. said so.

Although the ratings of the Oscars in recent years are not high, at least a lot worse than the peak period, but after all, it is the most concerned film award in North America and even the world, and it is also a Hollywood influence. one line. It's fair to say that if one day cheating was needed to boost ratings to keep Hollywood in check, they would definitely use it without hesitation.

Therefore, as always, there are many reporters, standing on both sides and filming non-stop, and once asked by the host, Sean has to answer a few words.

It has come to this time, and he no longer hides it, making it clear that he has the will to be re-elected. Of course, face still has to be given, so whether or not to win the award depends on God's arrangement.

"Do you think there is still 70% certainty?" After leaving the host and posing in front of the camera for the reporter to take a few pictures, he found Weinstein's Sean, whispering so asked.

“As I said, there are good things and bad things,” Weinstein said casually, “There must be people who don’t like you being mixed up with the Recording Academy, but Some people will think you've done a good job and put the Recording Academy down - you should know that, don't you?"

Sean certainly knew that during the several post-Grammy lobbying sessions on February 9, some people sneered at him for taking the golden gramophone again, and some people praised him for his unprecedented achievements. This is not surprising. When lobbying in the past, some people took various things or ridiculed or praised them. For example, they felt that which role he did not play well, or which movie was well made, etc., but this time it was replaced by a Grammy trophy. .

"So you're just not sure, aren't you?" Weinstein asked with a smile, "It's amazing that you can be insecure too, Sean, I thought you were forever They are full of confidence.”

"I'm still very confident," Sean snorted, then sighed again, "Just need someone to remind me of my confidence."

In any case, what he wants to do now, or what he expects to become a reality, is unprecedented. There is no one who has not won the best actor in Oscar history. Tom Hanks accomplished this feat. But 15 years ago, the problem is that it was really a huge test to be reelected at such a young age.

Fortunately, I have used some means to delay some movies to next year, such as the small-budget movie "Crazy Heart". According to Weinstein's judgment, Jeff Bridges, who plays the male lead, is the most likely threat to Sean.

Bridges has acting skills and qualifications, and is not young, plus he did a good job in "Crazy Heart" - Weinstein used some means to read the script - the film school is very good Possibly lift him out to gag Sean's mouth.

However, even if it took some effort to delay the release of this small-budget film to the second half of this year, the situation is still not optimistic, even if Weinstein keeps talking about the 70% probability, Shaw Well, it can't be easy.

However, when he walked into the foyer of the Kodak Theater and saw the era engraved on the doorposts on both sides, it was the year that the Oscars were held, from 1929 to last year, and soon this year will also be engraved.

So Sean calmed down. At this time, it will be revealed in about four hours at most. Why should he be so flustered? So, even after taking a few steps inside and seeing Naomi who hadn't entered yet, Sean just nodded to her.

I will definitely walk the red carpet with her, and they will pull one at a time, just wait and see. He thought so in his heart.

The lobby of the Kodak Theater has not changed much, it is still three floors, plus the left and right sides, Galen and the others seem to be sitting upstairs? Sean quickly found his place, greeted the familiar person, and sat down immediately.

Knock on the head, carefully recall the nominations for the best actor, there are Colin Firth-British, both a disadvantage and an advantage; Morgan Freeman-There are so many black actors One will do; Jeremy Renner - chaperone; George Clooney - already has a statuette.

The biggest threat is Firth and Clooney. Although the British are difficult to win the award, maybe the film school will give it to the next one, and Sean vaguely remembers that Firth was a Won Best Actor. As for the latter, like Sean, both of them have won a golden statuette, not to mention their qualifications. If the film academy really wants to give a golden statuette to someone who has already won an award, it will also consider him first.

Thinking of this, Sean laughed, he said why he was flustered before, and now he starts to think about it again, which is really helpless. Alright, alright, in any case, it has come to the last moment. When he came in before, he had seen the accountant from Pwong Wah Road carrying a suitcase to the scene, so wait patiently.

In fact, in addition to the best actor, Sean is also very concerned about the best film and the best actress, because of "Avatar", he remembers that the best film in this Oscar seems to be "Avatar" The Hurt Locker, and best director went to Catherine Bigelow of The Hurt Locker, James Cameron's ex-wife.

Hazanavisius may not be easy to win the best director, but it is difficult to say the best film, politics and nostalgia, which side will the film school choose? Will it win the first best female director and then hand over the best film to The Artist?

Sean shook his head, these will be revealed soon, don't worry too much, but if possible, he still hopes that Naomi can win a best actress.

Although many people, including Weinstein, believed that Naomi would have a higher chance of winning by declaring the best supporting actress, Sean insisted on declaring the heroine and invested a lot of money Funding for PR.

Although there is Sandra Bullock of "Weakness" this year - also thanks to "Avatar", Sean is still impressed by him, but Naomi is not bad, and also qualified, It also has word of mouth, the only difference is the entry time and nationality.

But Naomi is arguably the embodiment of the American Dream—that's how PR has hers—and, day in and day out, has finally seized the opportunity to become famous.

Other than that, her performance in "The Artist" is definitely better than Sandra's performance in "Weakness", plus the revised film and the name "The Artist" To be appropriate, so Sean believes she has the power to fight.

"So, I expect more than a little tonight." Sean murmured while pinching his fingers.

Soon, with most of the people seated, the awards ceremony finally begins. The stage has not changed much. Since the awards have been held in the same place for several consecutive years, it is not easy to change this aspect. Therefore, if you want to attract more attention, you can only work hard in other areas, such as the host, Like the opening statement.

This year's opening remarks are very creative. After the curtain is drawn, the nominees for the best actor and actress appear on the stage together, and they are named in turn by the narrator in the applause, and then nominated for the best supporting actor and actress. The leader came to the stage and led them down.

I don't know if it was intentional or not, but it was Blake Lively who led Sean down.

"In the Clouds" also won a lot of nominations this year, in addition to best film, best director and best actor for Clooney, it also won two best supporting actress, Vera Farmiga and Blake Lively.

Although the probability of her winning the award is very low, it is enough to raise her eyebrows in front of Leighton Meester, so after the nomination list came out, the two of them had a good fight with Sean in bed .

Then there was a grand dance, very gorgeous, really pleasing to the eye, and then the rare double host appeared.

This year's Oscars were hosted by Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin, the third time Martin and Baldwin hosted the Oscars, and the Academy again after 1987 Invite a number of hosts to take care of the awards ceremony.

I have to admit that it's interesting to turn over the old stuff from time to time and show it, and the interaction between the two old guys is also interesting, but Sean's attention is not on In this regard, even if he has calmed down, occasionally he is still a little impatient.

However, no matter how impatient he was, the awards ceremony was still moving slowly, and the first awards were still in the technical category - not all, but before that, the best supporting actor was awarded , with Penelope Cruz as a guest, presented to Christopher Waltz of Inglourious Basterds.

Troops took away several technical awards!

But the fact is that editing, sound effects and sound editing were taken by The Hurt Locker, and Avatar only received photography, visual effects and art direction, so it's no wonder the media jokes The Oscars are said to be a battle between an ex-husband and an ex-wife.

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