Bigshot Gets Loved By All After Transmigrating Into A Book

Chapter 21 Her original name was given to Jiang Wan

The point is that Jiang Yu's tone of speech is not annoying, she is not bossy, nor is she throwing a tantrum.

She is really like stating a fact, telling you that everyone should not deceive themselves.

Jiang Chenglang suddenly felt that the information on Jiang Yu that had been investigated was not credible. How could an introverted little girl speak so frankly?


Jiang Chenglang said that he was about to get the necklace back, but Jiang Yu stopped him.

She carefully wrapped the necklace back as it was, "return it to you."

Jiang Chenglang took the gift box, and Jiang Yu said again, "It's a gift, if you give me a gift, I'll give you a gift back, but I haven't made up my mind about what to give, just wait for me for a few more days."

Jiang Chenglang laughed dumbly, "You want to give me a gift?"

Jiang Yu nodded, "Is there something wrong?"

Jiang Wan finally found the time to interject, she hesitated to speak, and hesitantly said, "Sister, it's good that you want to give gifts to eldest brother, but eldest brother has nothing...

Moreover, if you give something to big brother, big brother can't take it out, and it's not suitable... So, wouldn't it be the same as your feeling when you received big brother's gift? Could it be... um..."

Jiang Wan seemed to want to save some face for her and didn't speak too directly.

But the meaning of the words does not mean that she will send Jiang Chenglang some things that are out of grade, which do not match his status and status. Jiang Chenglang doesn't like it when he receives it, so it's better not to give it.

"How do you know what I'm giving?"

Jiang Yu asked rhetorically, "I've come to a conclusion before I see it. Are you a prophet, or are you a roundworm in our stomachs?"

"Sister..." Jiang Wan pursed her lips and pulled the corner of her clothes with a sad face, "That's not what I mean, don't misinterpret what I mean... I really welcome you to Jiang's house, and I hope you can get along well with eldest brother. get along……"

Jiang Yu looked at the corner of her clothes with disgust.

Fortunately, Jiang Wan just faked crying and didn't wipe her tears and snot on her clothes.

"Thank you for having this heart, but I really don't have anything I need."

Jiang Chenglang didn't take Jiang Yu's words seriously. He thought the same as Jiang Wan's. Jiang Yu's adoptive parents were just ordinary employees and their income was not high. Jiang Yu's savings might not even be able to buy a diamond on his watch.

It's just that the little girl has this kind of mind, which is still worthy of praise.

Jiang Chenglang asked, "What should I call you?"

Just as Jiang Yu was about to say that it's fine to just call you by your name, she heard Jiang Chenglang say, "It's a little strange to call you by your first name. How did your adoptive parents address you?"

Jiang Yu took the words back and searched for his memory, "...They call me Xiaoyu."

"Then I'll call you Xiaoyu."

Why did Jiang Chenglang ask this, because... Jiang's mother gave her little sister Jiang Wan's name at that time.

Jiang's mother fell ill when she gave birth to her little sister. Later, after the little sister was lost, she was too worried and died within a year.

In the second year of Jiang's mother's death, Jiang's father married for the second time, and the stepmother brought her daughter into the Jiang family.

Later, the father insisted that the step-sister was also a girl, and the younger sister had been lost for so many years. In order to use her as a sustenance, the step-sister changed her name.

At that time, the third brother was the most opposed, but he couldn't beat his father. After a long time, everyone accepted it.

Although the little sister has now been found, Jiang Wan has lived in the Jiang family for so many years, they are all used to it, and it is not suitable for Jiang Wan to change her name, so they can only change Jiang Yu to Jiang's surname.

Jiang Chenglang thought that her mother's biggest wish was to find her little sister and reunite her family. She should not care about a formal name.

I looked at other great articles, and the recommended tickets are all over the place _(:3"∠)_

So ask for a wave of recommended tickets ~ the day when the recommended tickets pass 1,000, I will know and add a chapter ~ this small condition is very satisfying, right! (serious face)

Ps again: Oh, I saw the indignant comments of the little cuties in the past two days. I made some explanations for the character of the big brother and posted it in the comment area. I won't paste it because it is too long. ,sigh.

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