Bishop of the Devil

Chapter 65 Another cheater

Could it be that there are a lot of extra US dollars in my account? !

This was Richard's first thought...

The second idea is that after the press conference is over, you must go to the bank to see how much balance you have!

At the following press conference, Richard introduced his assistant coach Stevens to reporters and announced that he was recruiting three assistant coaches!

The reporters' performance was absolutely no better than that of the Blazers' executives...

This seemingly underage child is actually Richard's assistant? !

Could it be that today is April Fool's Day? !

After Stevens roared that he was twenty-one years old, reporters finally accepted this reality...

The day after the press conference, the phone number in the Blazers coach's office was almost exploded!

The salary of a teaching assistant is generally several hundred thousand per year. Even in a high-income country like the United States, such a salary is definitely top-notch. Many people want to try their luck, including some laymen!

Stevens was assigned by Richard to answer the phone, and his mouth went dry while talking on the phone all day long...

In the evening, Richard took over a list from Stevens. This was a more reliable list compiled by Stevens after answering phone calls for a day...

"Huh? Brad, this Ranbir..." Richard saw an extremely familiar name on the list and couldn't help but ask with his eyes wide open.

Stevens nodded...

"That's right, BOSS, it's Ranbir, that Bill-Ranbir..."

Richard didn't realize that this guy actually came to apply for his assistant coach? ! Are you sure God is not joking? !

When it comes to NBA villains, one person cannot be avoided, the devil Laimbeer!

Compared with the devil Ranbir, the egg-chasing Grimm of later generations is really just trying to make a fool of himself, and pales in comparison to the devil...

It is no exaggeration to say that if Egg Chasing Green faced off against Ranbir, Ranbir would definitely be able to crush Green's balls!

Such a guy is simply a nightmare for players of his generation...

Is Rodman fierce enough? But his evaluation of Ranbir was, "He is more vicious than any thug or robber!"

Is the magician strong enough? But he couldn't muster any desire to attack in front of Laimbeer. "One thing is strange. When Laimbeer looks at you under the basket with a blank face, you lose the desire to score a layup because there is no one." A fool hopes to end his career with just one layup!"

The Smiling Assassin is the Pistons boss, right? But he angrily cursed, "We all have to fucking listen to him in the locker room, a fucking white man!"

When they announced their retirement in 1993, many players in the league even held parties to celebrate...

Richard clearly remembered that Laimbeer seemed to be really interested in coaching and had actually been an assistant coach in the league, but it seemed that he had only been with the Timberwolves for less than three seasons...

On the contrary, he thrived in the WNBA, and the teams he coached won multiple championships!

For a moment, Richard felt a little bit pained in his balls. Do you want this Ranbir?

Richard is the kind of coach who values ​​defense, so the team's defensive assistant must not be casual. He must find someone with great experience, preferably those who have retired!

As for Laimbeer, apart from his extremely disgusting black hands and black feet, his defensive strength is actually quite good, and can even be said to be the top in the league...

Speaking of which, Richard has never actually seen Laimbeer play, and only knows about him through comments on the Internet.

And looking at his future achievements as a coach, his coaching ability must be quite good. Otherwise, he would not be able to lead the team to win so many championships.

"Come on, let's wait and see what happens in a few days!" Richard was hesitant.

"Huh? Man, this one looks like he's a student too, right? A UCLA player?" Richard saw a 21-year-old applicant on the list...

"Bob Myers? I seem to have some impression of this player. In the finals of the past two years, this kid seemed to have played!"

"Why does it sound familiar..." Richard frowned and recalled...

"Okay, let's pass on this Miles. If I hire two 21-year-old assistant coaches in a row, the whole world will think I'm crazy..."

Next, Richard read the list carefully and found no particularly satisfactory candidates, so he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

"Ding ding ding!" The office phone rang...

Stevens went to answer the phone with a grimace, but after a while he handed the phone to Richard.

"It's Carlisle, the former assistant coach of the Trail Blazers!" Stevens whispered in Richard's ear.

Richard was overjoyed. Rick Carlisle called him at this time. The purpose was self-evident!

Carlesimo, the former head coach of the Trail Blazers, was fired before Richard signed the contract. He simply switched to the Warriors without saying anything and became an assistant coach to Adelman...

Coincidentally, the former head coach of the Trail Blazers was Adelman, and Carlesimo took over Adelman's class...

When talking about Carlesimo, the first thing that comes to mind is that he was choked by the madman Sprewell for fifteen seconds, almost belching!

This is a very unlucky head coach...

Now that Carlesimo is gone, and his identity in the new team is only an assistant coach, in this case, his previous coaching staff cannot take him away...

How to take it away? Are you going to be a teaching assistant to a teaching assistant...

Under this situation, the original assistant coaches of the Trail Blazers naturally went their separate ways. Some joined other teams as assistant coaches, and some returned to the NCAA...

Maybe Carlesimo's luck was so good that it could infect the people around him. Anyway, Carlisle has been carrying his luck home for more than ten years after leaving Carlesimo...

In 2001, he coached a team as the head coach for the first time, the Pistons!

Before taking over, the Pistons were ranked tenth in the Eastern Conference and couldn't even qualify for the playoffs!

With a keen eye, he hired Ben from the Magic and tapped his full potential. In his second season as coach, he introduced the backcourt combination of Billups and Hamilton...

In the first season after taking over, the Pistons underwent earth-shaking changes and directly reached second place in the Eastern Conference record list!

In the second season after taking over, it was even more amazing, directly sitting on the top of the Eastern Conference record list!

Strong or not? ! Absolutely powerful!

This is also a cheating man!

But then bad luck struck. After only two seasons of coaching, he was fired due to friction with the management...

Can you believe it? ! Such a head coach was fired...

Then Larry Brown came, and everyone knew the result. With the help of the lineup built by Carlisle, Larry Brown won the only championship in his entire NBA coaching career...

Many fans feel that Larry Brown is in trouble because the Pistons won the championship in 2004...

But in fact, it was Carlisle who was really powerful. Larry Brown was just a dwarf standing on a giant!

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