BJ Swordmaster

Chapter 55 Exchange (3)

After entering Lupin's right hand.

Until Durandall's deal was over, Austin didn't bring up a single word and just watched Henry.

It was because he knew his position and thought it would interfere with Henry's desired flow.

Of course, it was a shocking act and result, and it was a sight that was not seen even when staying in the family, so curiosity was aroused.

When he finally got out of Durandall's exchange.

Austin exploded his pent-up curiosity.

"Henry, I just...….”

"A little later. Wait a minute."

But the reaction back was dry.

'There you go again.’

It was a familiar situation for Austin.

Sometimes Henry Camilton used to go into this state.

At the moment, Henry did not say unnecessary things, but only gave a simple answer that in a way seemed like a doll.

'Maybe this attitude has something to do with Henry's secret.’

It was a plausible guess.

Austin nodded and examined Henry's condition.

As I always feel, sometimes Henry feels as if his soul is gone.

So it wasn't a metaphor, it really was.

'This is what the necromancers used to say about this is what they said.’

Although rotten, the body remained, and the instinct remained the same.

But the opposite sex isn't gone.

'You're overreacting, aren't you?'

Henry had a reason.

It didn't go wild, it didn't show violence.

All Austin had to do was tap it as if it was annoying.

'Mana's flow is the same. Hmm…….'

Duke Rodrick's blood can "visually" read his opponent's lies.

What if it develops from there?

In other cases, the ability could be utilized.

For example, it was the case when the opponent was a fantasy or a fake.

But Henry, now visible to Austin, was clearly right himself.

I don't know. It's really unique. What the hell did you do before? No, that can't be the only question to ask.’

It was full of questions from one to ten.

So did the rapid growth, so did the ability that he had just shown, and so did the information that he sometimes threw out as if he had known it.

He was Austin, who was confident that he was used to unknowledgeable behavior, but Henry was beyond Austin's common sense.

And then suddenly.

Henry's eyes came alive.

To be exact, the expression that Mana moves more lively was correct.

It was a subtle difference that no one else could see, but Austin, who has been watching Henry over and over again.



"Can I ask you?"

"What are you asking?"

Still a blunt answer.

However, there was a clear difference from the previous one.

"How did you do that before? You have to be curious and be patient. Even if I talk to him several times, he keeps giving me the same answer."

"That's why you'really.”

"Rather than complaining...Wouldn't it be more of a request?”

Speaking humorously, Austin thought.

It wasn't the same answer.’

Henry's answer was different every time. It wasn't the same thing, but Henry didn't contradict his story.

No, maybe I was just thinking too deeply. Henry is a deep thinker when he's done with something important, and he can't pay any attention to anything else.….’

It makes sense.

It makes sense, but frankly it was a tricky condition.

"It's got to do with my abilities."

"As expected!"

"The ability is a secret."

"I don't think I'm referring to my ability as a knight."


"Can I say this?"

"I don't have a big mouth to talk to anyone."

It was true from beginning to end.

Especially in the last word, Austin blew away the complicated thoughts at once.

"You're the best, Henry."

"Maybe in some ways. Let's go. We'll have to keep ourselves busy to spend all this money."

"You're going to spend it all? If it's...…gold that you just got? Are you going to buy some souvenirs?"

Henry also went beyond Austin's expectations.

Austin's expectation was to take this money and return to the Academy.

Or stop by the central bank to exchange bills and entrust them to Austin's expected range.

"I'm going to use it all. I have something to buy."

"You came here to buy it? Or did you just think of it? Maybe it's just one thing or another.….”

"I was going to do both from the beginning."

"It must be really important."

Austin grinned.

I felt like I was digging into Henry's secret quite deeply today.

The fact that he was holding 12 pieces of pure river ingots, and the fact that he took out the golden bird's eggs at the same time.

Even planning to buy something worth hundreds of gold this time.

"It's beyond the power of the Duke of Camilton. That's Henry's dogmatic behavior, isn't it?’

When knights from a prestigious family visited the academy a while ago.

Among the articles that showed interest in Henry was the article of Rodrick Street.

Of course he found the Duke of Camilton, and Austin knew the process and the consequences.

It was thanks to the detailed delivery of the loyal butler.

High probability, the family won't know Henry's ability. It hasn't been long since you woke up. Maybe at the time of rapid growth.'

It was an interesting, pretty speculative guess.

Of course.

It's something anyone can think of up to here. But it was fun to guess.’

I didn't mean to dig that far.

Thinking like this was also because the process of speculation itself was enjoyable.

Austin knew why he liked Henry, and he had no intention of eliminating the reason.

Maybe it's better to stay like this.’

Henry shows some unique behavior, and Austin himself is surprised by it.

Through him, Austin was enjoying a sense of satisfaction that he had never felt in his life.

"Why are you so distracted?”

"Oh? Oh, did I? I was thinking about it. I wonder what Henry did. The egg of a golden bird. It's not common for things like that to pop out of your pocket, is it?”

Of course not.

So it was fun, and Austin decided to settle for the situation.

"So where are you going now?"

"Let's find Ken first. He's probably waiting nearby.”

A relationship where you can continue to face amazing things, and one day you can surprise Henry in reverse.


Right after Durandal's breakup.

Henry dragged Austin and joined Ken, the black market guide.

He was almost kicked out, but he was stamping his feet in a bitterness.

"Customer! You're alive. No injuries, Durandal must have been in a good mood today! What a relief!”

"Is it that great to be alive?"

"I couldn't tell you earlier, but he's actually a very dangerous man. Especially if you're carrying something as valuable as you are...….”

"Are you going to kill them and take them away.

To Henry tilting, Ken shook his head furiously.

"No, no, no. Durandal's values are that you can't do anything that goes beyond your will. He never takes it away, but he pays for even the smallest things."

"But why....”

"The deal is one thing, isn't it? There were customers who were rude in the negotiation process. Uh…… you're right to say 'there was.'

Ken smiled awkwardly.

Durandall was a man who did not tolerate insults.

As soon as it was called a black market merchant Naburang or laughed at the fact that he was from another country, the customer had to think that he could not walk out of the place.

"And it's a little vague because he's the same person who responds to the insults around him…I'm telling you this because you're not here, but there were people who seemed a bit upset.”

"Are you worried that I did, too?"

"That's right. Of course, it's not the atmosphere, but this is the place where people are judged by the atmosphere.….”

"That's enough. Just take this."

"What is this?"

It was a limp bag.

I could only notice that the money was in it, but the question was why I gave it to myself.


"So why Gold...…I wasn't even in charge of the deal?”

"I promised you I'd give it to you."

"No, it's a promise. It's a promise.…I promised to be in charge of sales…….”

Ken somehow seemed anxious.

An incomprehensible reaction for Henry.

Wouldn't it be a good thing if you could take the money you promised without having to work hard?



"I've never been here before, and I don't know the atmosphere that' I didn't actually know what you just said."

"Yes, I am……. That's right."

"What are you afraid of?”

"Oh, that's... I see. So."

The gun returned to Ken's dim eyes. It was because I realized that there was no reason to be afraid.

"Money has weight, right?”

"I know gold is heavy."

"That's not what I mean, I'm responsible. For example, suppose you stole the money somewhere. But I got some of them. From that moment on, I'll be responsible for the theft...….”


"You know what I mean? Of course, I'm not saying I stole it, but there are other things on the black market. It's not just one or two men who coveted a few gold coins."

"This is the money I received from Lord Durandal in exchange for the deal. There was no problem, and he's looking forward to seeing me again. It remains a positive relationship."

"Oh, then……?”

Ken's eyes flicked.

Henry, Austin, and a pocket of money, and whooshack! He grabbed a pocket of money.

"Thank you, but how is it heavy? Did you sell anything else?"

"Can you feel that?"

"Didn't you get about 220 gold each?"

Ken asked as if it were natural.

Because I was sure Henry, not himself, would have received that much.

If it wasn't for Henry's unexpected behavior, the deal would have been concluded at that price.

"I've received more."

"Is that right? It's a little too much though.….”

Assuming a generous 250 gold, 10 percent is only 300 gold.

But Ken felt the pouch weighed more than twice as much as 300 gold.

Then, he checked the contents.


Tub! I returned the pocket to Henry's hand.

"Ee, I don't accept this money.… That's enough. I have nothing to do with the money."

"Why aren't you answering?"

"It's not the amount that's going to come out of the ordinary way. Boo, I'm sure something terrible will come soon!"

"It comes from selling other things."

"…How much did you get for the pure course?"

"460 gold per ingot."


Ken took about five steps back from Henry.

I can't be faster than him.

His eyes trembled as if he could see a disaster coming soon.

"Oh, I won't take it. You can take them all. I will continue to serve as a guide, but I have nothing to do with the money! If you could just clarify that...….”

"Yes, of course."

Henry grinned and put his pockets together.

I didn't mean to shoulder the money to someone who didn't accept it.

Maybe later, if you know the exact situation, you'll shed tears of blood, but that was Ken's choice, too.

"Instead, let's make sure we pay 10 percent of the transactions we're doing from now on. If you're not going to accept the money, I can't help it."

"I'll take that. Do you want me to hold the money?”

"What if you misunderstand it's related to the money?”

"It's okay because it didn't go in my pocket. We're all in one place, aren't we? It's also one of the guiding roles."

The period of the black market was completely unknown.

Handing over the heavy pocket, Henry decided where to go.

"Let's go to a place where we sell artifacts. Where they sell things that aren't proven, they sell things that aren't quality checked."

BJ Swordmaster

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