Black Iron’s Glory

Chapter 151: despair

Chapter 151 Despair

This is simply a fairy jump, but Mr. Morsan has no reason to refuse. The meaning of Sir Fox is very clear. He is a member of the National Assembly and is not allowed to participate in these large-scale commercial activities, especially the smuggled ocean shipping trade. So although he entrusted Mr. Morssan to organize a merchant ship and cargo for him, the receipt was best changed to a loan.

If it is a five hundred gold krona loan, then Sir Fox can occasionally be on the premise of others, making people impressed. After the return of the merchant fleet, Mr. Morsan made an excuse for repaying a merchant ship and cargo to Sir Fox. So Sir Fox is making a fortune and no one is goingssip.

Mr. Morssan also did not question whether it would be unreasonable to mortgage a merchant ship loaded with slaves of the Nubianese mainland, worth nearly ten times the value of five hundred gold krona to Mr. Fox. At that time, he was full of golden light and Qian Jing, and he believed that the merchant fleet would return safely. After all, the new routes were only in their hands.

Mr. Morssan then wrote a piece of debit, and asked his friends to sign him as a witness. He also complimented Mr. Fox for his consideration. I remember that Bocker's father, Ruby Weir, was there at the time. When Mr. Morsan was ready to write a loan, he secretly pulled him twice. It is a pity that Mr. Morssan did not notice this. He thought that it was a crowd of people, and he changed his position and wrote a letter. Now he thinks he has regretted it.

Crowder finally understood that he had always felt a bit strange, not that Mr. Morssan had two merchant ships in the merchant fleet? The last time his father settled, he only remembered that his father had invested 350 krona and then borrowed 150 krona from the National Bank. This adds up to five hundred gold krona, only enough to invest in a merchant ship. There was also a merchant ship belonging to Sir Fox, but only in the name of his father.

Now that the merchant shipping fleet has gone wrong, all the investors are bloodless, and they have to affix the compensation and pensions of the sailor’s family members to appease the people. Mr. Morssan thought that he was debt-free, but he did not expect Sir Fox to let the boss of the Black Snake Club, Bill, take the loan and come to the door to ask for the debt of the five hundred gold krona.

Claude had no idea what to say. His father digs himself and he blames himself. He thinks that everyone has suffered heavy losses. So, Sir Fox, he will recognize the loss account. I didn’t expect Sir Fox to ask him to write a loan. He had already laid the backhand. The five hundred gold krona had become his debt. Although Sir Fox did not make a fortune from the merchant fleet, he could retrieve his own from his body. Loss.

"Those who want to pay are gone? What do they say?" Claude could only ask.

"Then, the black snake club's Bidil Bronchi said, give me two days to raise funds to pay off debts..." Mr. Morssan bit his face in pain, tears straight from the fingers whereabouts. When Bidelier Bronch took out the note he had written for Sir Fox, he immediately understood that he was trapped, black and white, and the signatures of those friends who were witnesses. The huge debt fell on his head like this...

"After those two days? What if you don't have the money to pay back the debt?" Crowder wondered if he would go to the old snake butcher Bill of the Black Snake Club at night, maybe he could retrieve his father from his body. The borrower, this time Claude has already killed.

"Two or two days later, no, if there is no money, he said that he would come to the notary public and the asset appraiser of the National Bank to assess how much our house can be worth..." Mr. Morsan looked up desperately top.

"They want to take our red brick house for debt?"

Mr. Morssan shook his head in frustration: "I can't get it. The last time I mortgaged 150 yen in the National Bank, this house was mortgaged. At that time, the price was only 320 kilograms. Even if I was around. There are more than forty Jin Kelang, and that is still about 140. If I don't have this house, I will go to where I get so many Jin Kelang and give them back..."

"Would you borrow it?"

"Let?" Mr. Morssan sneaked, but soon he was frustrated again: "Difficult, if you don't pay compensation and beard gold to those family members, it is not difficult to make a five hundred gold krona. But now they and me I have to spend all my money, I am afraid it is difficult to borrow, and I have no capital to pay so much money..."

"I am coming back." Claude said: "You know a lot of people, you borrow, I will pay back the money. When it is summer, I go hunting. If you are lucky, you should earn a few dozen gold krona, no problem. In a few years, I will be able to pay off this debt, and the interest rate is high."

Claude said that the **** snake will be robbed several times. I believe that the money will be collected soon. Now the father’s situation is that this is a loss, and the lawsuit will not win.

Mr. Morssan finally calmed down. He looked at Claude with emotion. He did not expect that his second son would be willing to stand up and take responsibility for himself in this most difficult time. As a father, he can't wait for it, sit down and see the bad luck on the head of the family. At the very least, he has to go to find Mr. Fox and ask himself a statement.

He rubbed his face hard and wiped away the tears. Mr. Morssan once again restored the serious look of the past. He cracked his mouth and smiled awkwardly: "Claude, let you see your father's joke. I am fine. I will go out and think about ways to stay. I can rest assured that I will go over the harder and harder, you don’t have to be nervous, I will find a way to solve this problem."

Claude looked at his father with suspicion, who was panicked in front of himself and who was shocked by the fearful man?

"Yes." Mr. Morssan said with certainty: "It's really okay, I will go to Mr. Fox to talk about it. It doesn't matter if I recognize the debt of the five hundred gold krona, but he will give me a long time. I will return the money for the deadline. I want to see that in the past few decades, he should promise me this reasonable request. As long as I have time, I believe I can earn this five hundred gold krona."

"What if he doesn't agree?"

"He will promise, even though I wrote a debit, but Ruby Weir, Thomas, they are all there. It is very clear why I wrote this debit at that time. If he doesn't want to be discredited, then I recognize this. He should be very happy with the debt."

Crowder grinned, and he didn't believe how good Mr. Fox could be like his father. A person who can use his power to defraud Neros crocodile from a few teenagers, just for the cheaper of more than a dozen Jin Kelang, is simply a member of the National Assembly who is not daring to bid. How can there be such a thing? And now it is related to five hundred gold krona, he will scruple the views of others? joke……

"Right, Claude, you go back to the forest, you are fine at home. Now my father can't give you shelter. You are also an adult. You can only rely on Mrs. Maria, only to get her care, your future. I will not be in the small place of Bailu Town like my father. If you can become a pharmacist, you may be able to go to Wangdu." Mr. Morssan calmed down and started to work on Crow. De teaches.

"Well, father, what do you want to tell me? If you forget, I will go home a few days." Perhaps for Mr. Morssan, preaching to his son is the expression of fatherly love. But Claude can't stand this, or go first.

For the next two days, Claude was running around the forest and the house, but he did not touch his father. The mother said that his father always came back very late. It looked like he was always the same. He asked him what he was in debt. His father always said that he had a clue and told him not to worry. It’s just that he sleeps very late every night, and one person sits very late in the study...

"Say! Where are your bosses?"

In the dark alley, Claude put a member of the Black Snake Club on the mud wall. The members of the Black Snake Club have been unrecognizable, their noses and face are swollen, and even their teeth have been knocked out.

"I, I really don't know, please, please let me go..."

The member of the Black Snake was caught in Clot's throat and soon could not breathe. When he was struggling, Crowder loosened his hand and asked him to take two: "You can't say..."

"Fishing, fishing, processing, field, you, you go there to see, see..."

Claude was boxing on his temple, and the black snake member slid to the ground against the mud wall.

"Nothing knows all the nonsense, and there is no money around!" Claude screamed. These two nights ran white. He didn't find the leader of the Black Snake Club, Bidil Bronch. The casino was still empty. I really don't understand why Bidil Bronchi came out of the military camp. This venue has not yet been reopened.

As for the fishery processing plant, Claude had been there last night. In addition to drying the open space and smelling fish, Claude had nothing to gain. After catching a small head of management, the little leader said that the boss had not come here for a long time. It is estimated that at least half a year or so, and he still owes him two months' salary.

Tonight, Claude ran to the old street again, just wanting to enter the headquarters of the Black Snake Club. But I did not expect that the fourth squadron had a team of more than ten people on duty here. In the face of ten arquebuses, Claude had to fight back, and it would be too embarrassing to have a shot in the black light. And he secretly observed for a long time, and found that the black snake members in and out were very lazy, which shows that the old butcher Bill is not here.

Finally, Crowder quietly followed a member of the Black Snake Club who came out to find a street girl to relax, and got him into this alley. He quickly asked if Butcher Bill was not at the headquarters of the Black Snake Club, but where did he go? This black snake member does not know.

Tomorrow is the third day, and the Black Snakes boss, Bidil Bronch, will bring the garrison members to the door to discuss, and I don’t know what my father is preparing. Crowder looked at the sky and decided to go back and forget it. Now the old streets are not easy to mix. Most of the women who come to visit the streets are the sailors on the two naval battleships, and they are masked like Claude. The robe is rarely, it is easy to be noticed.

And the black snake will now have a musket in his hand, and Claude can't arbitrarily attack as before. If he is found, he will definitely be fired by the garrison. To be honest, Claude is really afraid of the gunpoint of the arquebus gun. He knows the power of these arquebuses. He didn’t hit it. He said that the hit is guaranteed to be a thumb-sized hole, especially at close range. That power is bigger...

Counting the black snake will be better than Delier Bronchi, who hasn't touched himself for two nights. Claude decided to go home tomorrow morning to stay for a day, first to help his father through this difficult time.

At the same time, Mr. Morssan sat in the study room on the second floor and wrote a book and shed tears. In the past two days, he has traveled all over the town, but the response has made him cold. Sir Fox avoided seeing him. His butler said that he went to the county town, but Mr. Morssan knew that he was in the manor.

Then Mr. Morsan wanted to meet his eldest son, Albert, but he was stunned by the housekeeper, saying that Albert resigned two days earlier and stole the favorite pair of crystal silver candlesticks of Sir Fox. If it wasn’t for Sir Fox’s old-fashioned feelings, he smiled and he had already called Albert for a long time...

Mr. Morssan was so desperate that he spent almost a day at the door of Sir Fox’s manor, but no one cares for him, and finally he went home hungry and thirsty. The next day he went again, still like this, going to the friends in the afternoon, the result is not absent or love can help, and the only one who might help him, Rubyville, just went to Siromik County two days ago...

Mr. Morssan put down the pen, read the two pages he had written twice, changed two typos, wiped his tears, and finally signed the name, and pressed the fingerprint to blow out the candle. I sat in the chair for a long time and stood up. I checked my clothes by moonlight, then took out the bottle of kale from my pocket, took a sip, and went to the attic with a light hand. It was awkward. Climb out of the window, sit on the roof and start drinking the bottle of wine slowly.

When the sky was white, Mr. Morsan had finished drinking the wine. He slowly stood up and walked over to the eaves, spreading his arms, like a clumsy bird plunging into the sky...

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