Blessed by God

Chapter 22: play dumb

After three days of hunting, Yinyou's warlike factor as a man in his bones was almost worn out, and he got some skins and a bow and arrow rewarded by Kangxi, so on the way back to the palace, he had no time to get excited.

There are some princesses, concubines, and the prince's Fujin accompanying him, but Yinyou seldom sees these women, probably because of the difference between men and women. At this time in the reign of Kangxi, men and women have already paid more attention to the defense of men and women.

Most of the elder brothers rode forward, and Yinyou looked at the tall horse under Yinzhen enviously. The horse that Huang Ama rewarded the fourth brother was completely different from the one that was rewarded to himself before. The fourth elder brother was a good horse. I am a horse myself.

Some people in later generations said that Kangxi didn't dote on the fourth elder brother, and Yinyou didn't know this was a rumor until he arrived here. In fact, Kangxi has always attached great importance to the fourth elder brother. Although he is not as good as the prince, he certainly does not have the same attitude towards himself and the fifth elder brother. He remembered that a few years ago, when Kangxi was about to leave the palace for business, when he heard that the fourth elder brother was seriously ill, Kangxi turned back halfway, and continued to leave the palace after the fourth elder brother got better.

If this matter was left to him, he would have to wait for one or two imperial physicians.

"What is Seventh Brother thinking?" According to the order of brothers, Eighth Brother and Yinyou walked side by side. Seeing Yinyou's absent-minded appearance, he heard the words and reminded, "Be careful on horseback."

Yinyou came back to his senses, tilted his head and smiled at Yinhu, "ah, the weather is nice, maybe I'm a little sleepy."

"So," Yinhu raised his head and squinted at the sun in the sky. Hearing that Yinyou didn't have much level of perfunctory, his expression remained unchanged, "Brother Qi really has a good heart." To be sleepy on horseback, besides his chest, he also Have guts.

While controlling the speed of the horse, Yinyou said, "Probably because of the laziness in his bones." Can this kind of thing be related to the mind?

Yinhu curled the corners of his mouth, he had also heard about Yinyou's habit of not going out and visiting the garden, but he didn't know if he, the seventh brother, was really lazy, or if he didn't want to go out and meet people he didn't want to meet. With a low sigh, "It's true, I have stolen half a day's leisure." There was a sense of satisfaction on his face.

If Yinyou didn't know the records about Yinhu in history, and Yinhu looked like this, he would really think that Yinhu was an elder brother who was indifferent to the world. Yinyou nodded and said, "It turns out that the eighth brother is also a lazy person."

"Could it be that in the eyes of Seventh Brother, my younger brother was a very motivated person?" In the past two years, he has learned to hide his strength and bide his time. In the eyes of other elder brothers, he has only gained a good reputation for being gentle.

Yinyou tilted his head to look at Yinhu, and smiled gently, "I've always been inaccurate in judging people." So, whether you are motivated or lazy, as long as you know it in your heart, why do you need me to give you an answer?

Yinhu just smiled when he heard the words, changed the subject, and began to chat about other topics, such as a certain book, a certain story, and even discussed the content of the travel note that Yinzhen gave Yinyou.

Yinyou also cooperated with him and chatted with him. Since the fourth brother gave the book under the noses of so many people, why would he not read it? There is always someone free to inquire. Yesterday the crown prince tried it once, the third elder brother tried it once, and the eighth elder brother was already too late.

As an uncle, he is very calm and calm.

"Seventh Brother is very familiar with this book," Eighth Brother smiled tenderly, even the corners of his eyes were tinged with smiles.

"A few days ago, the fourth brother was afraid that I would be bored at night, so he just gave me this book. Fortunately, there are annotations made by the fourth brother on it. I don't think it is too difficult," Yinyou confessed kindly and innocently. During the whole process, it seemed that he didn't notice the other party's intention to inquire.

"Fourth brother has always been kind to seventh brother," Eighth elder brother smiled unabated, his voice lowered by two minutes, seeming envious and melancholy.

Yinyou nodded, "Well, the fourth brother is very kind to me, and the prince brother, the third brother, and the fifth brother have also sent me a lot of books. If you are interested, it's okay to send a servant to take a look." Brother , You are wrong, I treat you so innocently and kindly, why do you have to play tricks at this time? Although he didn't want to form a clique with the fourth brother, he didn't want to hold back the fourth brother either. This would be a serious crime.

Eighth Brother stopped talking, of course he didn't dare to say, these elder brothers are also good to Seventh Brother, as long as this is said, it may become that Eighth Brother is dissatisfied with his elder brother, how dare he provoke the Crown Prince. After a long time, Eighth Brother could only sigh leisurely, "Seventh Brother has always been good."

Yinyou was not really happy to get a good person card. He didn't know why the eighth elder brother put so much energy on himself, a powerless elder brother. Could it be possible to see himself befriending the fourth elder brother and win him over? Spy yourself? This is too much to look down on me, I don't know anything about the things my fourth brother did.

After returning to the palace, Yinyou asked the slaves to take a lot of the skins he had obtained, as well as the beaten rabbit meat and roe roe meat, to the concubine Cheng, and also presented some to the concubine De, and the rest to the concubines according to the rules. I sent some to go. He asked his servants to call for hot water, and then he went to pay his respects to Concubine Cheng after taking a bath.

After changing clothes, it's already lunch time, Yinyou is going to have lunch at Cheng's concubine's place.

When he arrived at Yonghe Palace, Concubine Cheng really hadn't started eating yet, Yinyou thought that Erniang might be waiting for him to come. Sure enough, after seeing Yinyou, Concubine Cheng showed a gratified smile, "Xiaoqi has grown up." Her eyes were slightly red.

Yinyou also felt uncomfortable, so he could only smile and say, "Emiang, my son is here to rub you for a meal today."

"You child," she said, asking someone to bring in the food. There is a small kitchen in the Yonghe Palace, and the concubine Cheng asked the maid to make some rabbit meat. When the roe meat was brought up, she endured the sourness in her heart and said, "Now you You're getting older too, Erniang hopes you will be healthy, and don't ask for anything else."

Chengbi's words were cryptic, but Yinyou understood in his heart, he nodded, looked at the dishes made from the prey he had killed on the table, and suddenly thought of his parents in the previous life, when they were not dead, they also had some good things. Things will think about themselves. And this woman, although she can't keep herself by her side, her heart towards her is the same.

The meal was very satisfying, Yinyou accompanied Cheng Concubine to talk for a while, and then heard the **** come to announce the decree, it turned out that it was Kangxi who rewarded the hunted animals to the people in the harem, unexpectedly, Cheng Concubine also got one A piece of rabbit skin and a piece of white fox skin, two rabbit legs and a catty of venison.

After stuffing the silver taels to the **** who announced the decree, Concubine Cheng slowly recovered, reached out and caressed Yinyou's fair cheek, without saying anything. In the past few years, she could only get what she deserved, and there was no special reward. Long live God was thinking about her share, and I'm afraid it was because of Yinyou's face.

There is comfort, there is worry, thunder and rain are all due to the grace of the king, and who can guess the thoughts of Long Live Lord?

Seeing Concubine Cheng like this, Yinyou just said some interesting things to accompany him, and didn't dare to say anything else, but Fuduo came to report in a hurry, saying that Kangxi wanted to summon him.

After leaving the Yonghe Palace, Yinyou hurriedly rushed to the Qianqing Palace, only to find that several elder brothers who accompanied him to hunt were there. Kangxi's face showed no joy or anger. After he invited Ann, he quietly stood aside.

"I'm very satisfied with the performance of you brothers in the paddock," Kangxi said slowly after offering seats to the elder brothers, "but I want to hear from you guys what shortcomings you still have."

Yinyou suddenly realized that it was the summary meeting.

After listening to the modest self-examinations of the brothers, Yinyou got up and went back, "Huang Ama, I have benefited a lot from this hunt. I hunted by myself, but the prey was less. I roasted meat by myself, but some meat seemed to be burnt in the test. A little more." Then, he didn't say anything, let him talk about the shortcomings, it is really a lack of hunting. It has not been upgraded from a material height to a spiritual height at all, and it has reached a certain level.

Kangxi raised his eyebrows and looked at Yinyou, "It's gone?"

Yinyou's face turned pale, "Also... my son hid some of the rabbit's hind legs." In his eyes, there was a trace of admiration that Huang Ama knew and the fear of being punished.

"Oh?" Kangxi's expression was very serious, but there was an indescribable smile in his eyes, "Why don't you share these with the brothers?"

Yinyou's complexion turned red and then turned white, turning white and turning red again. He glanced at the prince and at the fourth elder brother. Seeing that neither of them had any intention of speaking for him, he turned pale and knelt down and said, "I won't dare next time."

"Forget it, as a man of my Ai Xinjueluo family, you must not be petty. If I find you have such petty thoughts in the future, I will let you try it." The faces of the people on the ground were even paler, and then they slowly eased their expressions, and said to Li Dequan, "Li Dequan, give Xiao Qi two of my rabbit legs, so that he won't secretly hide those two little rabbit legs in the future. You are an ignorant child." The emperor's words can make you an ignorant child, or a selfish person who doesn't love siblings.

Yinyou kowtowed knowingly, "My son, thank you Huang Ama."

Kangxi waved his hand, as if you should hide away and stop irritating me, "The prince and the fourth child will take care of Xiaoqi more in the future, you can't learn to be petty."

The prince suppressed his smile and said, "Huang Ama, I feel that the seventh younger brother must not be stingy, it is just the first time I hit something, it is inevitable that it is a bit rare, the seventh brother is still young, I hope Huang Ama don't fight with me." He cares about it." But luckily the Seventh Brother's disturbance made Huang Ama's complexion much better. Moreover, Huang Ama's words revealed the meaning of trusting himself and the fourth child. Fortunately, the fourth child was his own, so he didn't have to be afraid that his opponent would have another bargaining chip.

Kangxi also saw that Yinyou's ideological awareness was not high enough, and he really didn't hear the deep-seated things in his words, so he said dryly, "Forget it, I also know that you brothers have always loved Xiao Qi. Xiao Ba, Tell me."

The prince smiled when he heard the words, and glanced at Yinyou, who had his head buried. It seemed that Huang Ama saw some things in his eyes. Is this an affirmation of his elder brother?

Yinyou sat back on the pier, lowered his head, and looked as if he had lost someone and repented, but he was greatly relieved. At this time, Kangxi asked his elder brothers to talk about his shortcomings. If he was not careful, he might offend others. brother. It's better to lose someone once and be stupid once.

Anyway, in front of Kangxi, he has always had an upright temper, not a flexible mind, and occasionally a silly image.

In short, Kangxi should be able to accept it from writing when he was a child, to drawing little people in the school, and now to Tibetan rabbit meat. Anyway, there is a Shi Ah in the harem who is more reckless, impulsive and simple-minded than himself. Brother, so Kangxi's ability to accept his various shortcomings should not be too low.

Therefore, it feels good to have someone at the bottom, Yinyou thought without feeling ashamed.

The author has something to say: Your Majesty, why did you give four or four horses, seven small bows, and eight or eight furs?

I have deep meaning

Butterfly wiped her tears and roared inwardly, horses are for riding, bows are for shooting, and furs are for wrapping. asshole! You are against my CP!

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