Blood Source Era

Chapter 23: : Van Side Town

Hunters usually fine-tune the details according to their own habits after receiving their new weapons from craftsmen.

Is like a long sword in Aaron's hand. In order to match his slender fingers, so that he can stick the entire palm to the hilt, he deliberately changed the thicker handle.

"If you are worried about the explosion, then either don't use it, or just open a hole in it?"

This is what Walm instinctively thought of.

Aaron's suggestion, he was like the wind beside his ears, he did not hear at all, let the hot water gradually cool down as he continued to absorb the heat of the barrel.

He opened the back cover of the machine gun, and looked at the delicate automatic ammunition supply device, and fell into contemplation.

Just when he considered what means he should use to further increase the rate of fire, the carriage finally crossed the street sign marking the town and drove into the small town of Van Side.

In this world, except for some nobles who have castles with their own swords, or the empire builds castles for military needs, most of them are like this kind of town.

There is no high city wall as a shelter, only a circle of fences surround it, and it is the hunter who professionally hunts monsters to take up and protect the village.

As long as you cross the town's sign, it means that the carriage has entered a relatively safe hunter patrol area.

If you encounter an attack by a beast of monsters within this range, then these hunters will come soon.

Over time, the guard line that used the monster's corpse and blood to build up has become a real line of defense against the monsters.

The foul smell from the dirty blood allows everyone to clearly smell the stench from afar.

This is especially true for monsters.

When the carriage enters this situation, it means that the situation has improved.

This also made Alfred's heart hanging all the time. At this time, it finally fell.

After reaching his destination, the bad rainy weather let the middle-aged coachman finally breathe a sigh of relief, especially when he saw the cannon on the gate of the town.

He has just escaped from the embrace of death, which makes him now do not want to continue to take risks.

After Aaron paid, he parked his carriage behind the town's tavern, sat down in the tavern, and drank a gulp of hard liquor.

If it is dark, and the gloomy rainy day has not improved, then he estimates that he should live in this town tonight.

Wearing hunter costumes contaminated with animal blood and not yet cleaned, those hunters who guarded the town always put their arms on their arms.

In this rainy day, the rain water scatters the stench of the blood of the beast, and the most likely thing is that the beast attacks the town.

Combined with the hazy heavy rain, covered everything like mist, shrouded in bushes and woods, the noise of the rain can definitely cover the footsteps of the beast.

This makes the hunter have to be more careful and alert, playing a twelve point of alertness to guard against monsters that may suddenly emerge from the grass.

At this time, the residents of the town also tried to minimize their behavior of going out.

Almost everyone stays in a place where they feel safer, and even the tavern becomes less frequented.

Aside from just sitting down, he was drinking liqueur alone, calming down his coachman, and there were no other people in the tavern.

In Alfred's intelligence, he got a strange incident about the small town of Van Sid from the Hunter Guild.

He didn't intend to come here specifically to solve this matter.

But since Aaron forcibly dragged him over, it is not impossible to solve this matter smoothly.

Thought like this, he told Aaron about it.

No one in the group felt boring about the information provided by Alfred, especially Aaron. He wished that at this time, there were some secret things waiting for him to solve.

So after Alfred said the matter, he immediately received unanimous approval from everyone.

Following the information, the four people traveled through the town and went to find the haunted house.

On the way they walked, Aaron noticed an inhuman race.

It was a dwarf living in the Loxo Mountains in the north. He was very surprised that he could actually see such a dwarf in a small town on the edge of the imperial capital.

He carried a hammer that was as big as his body, and passed by with Aaron and the others.

Only Aaron noticed the dwarf. When he turned around, the dwarf had already carried his hammer and entered the tavern.

"What are you looking at?" Link standing behind Aaron asked Aaron puzzled.

Then he looked back, but he was too late, the dwarf had entered the tavern, and there was no one on the street behind him.

Link felt more doubt in his heart.

Aaron shook his head, he faintly felt that the dwarf seemed to have something wrong, but he couldn't tell where it was.

Eventually he chose to bow his head ~ ~ buried his confusion deeply in his heart.

Under the guidance of Alfred Intelligence, at the end of the town, passed a long unattended trail, which was the gap between the two houses.

Because no one has walked for a long time, and it has been constantly eroded by wind and rain, which makes the alleys covered with green moss.

The black stone was shining with dim gloss. Under the gray sky, it seemed extremely hazy. The footsteps stepped on, and the stones rubbed against each other, making a sound like leather rubbing.

Aaron and his party came straight to this town, the darkest and most uninteresting place.

Presented to them is an abandoned manor.

Observed from the scale and momentum, the owner who owns this manor must have been quite rich.

I just don't know why, now it is abandoned.

For a long time no one has taken care of the courtyard, at this time has been covered with weeds.

The pool was in disrepair because of the old age. Under the pouring of rain, only the dirty sewage full of the pool was left, and the dark green vines covered the metal fence.

If there is no waste here, then it must have been extremely brilliant.

In the silence of nobody around, the deserted old castle in front of him looked more spooky and terrifying.

Alfred pushed his eyes, took a cautious step forward, and reached out tentatively to push the rusty gate.

The chain is pushing the iron door lock tightly, even if it is pushed hard, except for the rusty metal squeaking between the friction, there is no other reaction.

Everything seems to be a matter of course, and the abandoned manor should look like this.

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