Blood Source Era

Chapter 38: : Threat of violence

"I have lost a little patience." Aaron suddenly said at this time.

He doesn't like to listen to some of them, a high elf, here talking nonsense about greed and non-greedy things.

This thing is very heavy? Could it be that at this time, what she was thinking should not be how she escaped under her sword?

Aaron said, that is also a hunter, what exactly the hunter means behind, the world knows, especially in places that are more and more wild and desolate.

Aaron, who is used to solving all troubles and disputes with violence, does not like to move his mouth and show effort on his mouth.

He was more than happy to use his sword to let the unknown female elf in front of him understand who she was meeting.

So at this time, when Aaron showed his impatience, he immediately used his actions to show that he said what he said was not a joke.

He carried his long sword and walked to the high elves like a street ruffian rogue. Then he reached out and squeezed her chin.

Under the height difference, he forced the other person to look up at himself and then gritted his teeth and said, "You are just a human being who pretends to be a high elf."

She seemed to be pinched by Aaron, with a painful expression on her face.

But Aaron didn't let go of his hand at this time. He raised his eyebrows and looked at the face of the whole woman in a funny way.

It looks like he looks pretty good! This made him unable to bear the corner of his mouth raised.

Even if she showed a painful expression, at this time, Aaron did not choose to let go. He turned to grab the other person's throat and pressed her against the wall.

Alfred raised his eyebrows. He remembered that Aaron had a special hobby when his emotions were out of control.

That is not a good habit, especially for the enemy of Aaron.

Assuming that while fighting the beast, Aaron was irritated by the monster's behavior, even if he killed the opponent, he would continue to unload the monster's body for eight pieces.

He is such a cruel, brutal character, when facing humanity, Aaron has shown his most tender state.

Expecting Aaron to put on a good-looking complexion, to look at high elves or other races, that is almost impossible.

"How did he do this." The dwarf looked at Aaron and felt a little pain.

He didn't care much about the painful expression on the woman's face. What he cared about was that he wanted Aaron not to hurt the woman.

In terms of the dwarf's aesthetic, they only care about whether the other person's body is strong enough, the hair on the body is strong enough, and the smell emitted from the body is not strong enough!

So the dwarves usually like only female dwarves, or the orc women they dream of!

Every female orc is the goddess in the mind of every male dwarf.

Their bodies are as if they were tailored and built for the dwarf's aesthetic.

Contrast human women, or these high elves, in the hearts of dwarves, they are simply ugly and ugly.

So the red-bearded dwarf mumbled himself, he just smashed his mouth with the look of the goods.

In case of injury, maybe the price will be reduced, but he has one-fifth of the ownership promised by Aaron!

If the price is reduced, then does it mean that the money he has distributed to his own means that it has become less?

So at this time, he only showed such worries.

Alfred knew exactly what the dwarf was worried about. As the number one genius in the Academy of Magic, what kind of personality are all the races in the world, he knew very well.

He also knows how shocking the aesthetics of male dwarves are.

Is full of muscle protrusions, and can run a carriage on his arm unscathed. Even for human males, they wear heavy armor, which is like a skirt.

Even in the legends and stories of some orcs, there are often female orcs tearing the monsters and even pressing the monsters on the ground.

That splendid scene is simply to enable all human males to cover their faces and turn around, but unexpectedly can excite the dwarves.

As long as you understand this, then everything is easy to explain.

So as if Alfred didn't hear the dwarf's complaint, he turned his head to see how Aaron would deal with the matter at hand.

After Aaron pressed the high elf against the wall, he sniffed his nose.

Then he showed a dark smile and said, "You know, for the high elves, what is the most effective way to extract blood?"

Her face was ignorant, and the force Aaron intentionally or unintentionally caused her to lose her breath.

In this case, thinking to her, UU reading looks like expensive luxury accessories.

So she did not make any response, just let Aaron muttered to himself.

"If you can't properly" preserve "the blood in your high elves' body will quickly degenerate and lose their magic power."

So in order to ensure the amount of blood, while ensuring the magic content in the blood, a little bit of blood is not cost-effective.

Aaron had seen the cruelest slave trader in the shortest time, how he used the same way as the domestic animals to throw his slaves into the huge machine.

That is the foundation of the most powerful country in the world. It is used to crush some people's bodies into blood extracted in a state of vague flesh and supply them to some people.

While ensuring powerful force, even the nobles will fill their bathtubs with dozens of blood and take a bath in them.

He was like telling a horror story, one word at a time, clearly speaking to the woman's ear.

It ’s just not a horror story, but a fact, and Aaron is n’t scaring her and telling jokes like human greed.

Before talking about whether human beings are greedy, this woman is best to think about how brutal people will do in order to achieve their greedy purpose!

And before she had absolute power and brutality, the most normal reaction she should make was to feel fear and fear.

This is the respect she deserves!

After talking, Aaron let go of his palm, raised his lips and smiled as he watched the high elves who suddenly got fresh air and took a big breath.

"Now, do you still want to talk to me about anything boring about greed?"

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