Blood Source Era

Chapter 47: : Openly provocative

"I've heard enough of what you said, so, let's solve the problem in my way now." Aaron trembles his wrist at this time.

The long sword swings flexibly in his hand, just like his extended limb.

Just as he was ready to start, the town chief finally came out at this time. He sniffed his nose, looked at Aaron, and then turned to look at Luna.

The square face with cellulite looks very scary when the expression becomes ruthless.

Especially his pair, exuding eye pupils, is like a nightmare.

"I think I want to reiterate here, this is my territory, and you are not allowed to make trouble in my territory."

Said that he pulled out his weapon and looked at Aaron "Young man, you seem to be very confident in your own strength."

"Why don't you let us do it?" He said word by word, spitting each word clearly.

Everyone present was surprised. This uncle, who looks 40 years old, or 50 years old, looks like he has n’t been in battle for a long time.

Body has already begun to become bloated, and even said to be out of shape, the fat and chubby face does not seem to be powerful.

"Are you sure ?!" Aaron seemed to be poked, the anger that he couldn't provoke in his heart.

When he spoke, the tone was already with the smell of gunpowder. If Aaron in this state worked, then Alfred knew the result of this matter.

If he started, he would not be merciless.

"Are you sure ?!" The chief of the town repeated a side, he smiled and shook his head and said, "Of course I am sure, I have seen guys who are more self-righteous than you."

Aaron took a slight step back and was ready to fight. He took off his hat, raised the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile.

"That doesn't mean that the self-righteous guys you have seen will have something like me."

"You should at least learn to respect seniors, young people, and experience is something to be respected." The town chief said, and then he didn't know where to find a small wine bottle.

When the bottle cap is unscrewed, everyone can smell the smell from the bottle. That smell is not all the mellowness of the liquor.

That's the smell of blood. This enticing pungent fragrance of blood, everyone who can smell it will unconsciously raise his eyebrows.

And this also includes Aaron, he opened his mouth wide, can't believe this scene happened in front of his eyes.

Only the hunters who belong to this town disagree.

After the town chief drank the blood in his bottle, he finally noticed the strange eyes around him at this time.

"What's the matter? Any questions?" He asked puzzled.

Aaron opened his mouth at this time, and felt congested for a while, things were not normal everywhere, but they were normal everywhere.

For everyone present, the only person who can qualify to evaluate the chief of the town to do this is Aaron.

Because the next person to fight is the two of them.

After finally recovering, Aaron spoke to the town chief word by word.

"You are cheating!"

The blood of high elves has a great stimulating effect on humans, especially after taking it just now, it is like eating the most powerful stimulant.

Whether it is strength, reaction speed, or consciousness will be unprecedentedly improved.

According to the truth, the battle between Aaron and the chief of the town belongs to a fair battle between the two hunters.

The so-called fairness is to carry out pure force comparison without using any blood of higher elves.

And for the chief of this town, it was like farting, maybe he did n’t even know it.

In this way, took out the blood of the high elves he carried with him in front of everyone, and then drank it.

"Cheating? You said I cheated! What a joke." At this time, the chief suddenly acted as a noble.

Raised his arms high, looked around, exaggerated, and his expression was extremely exaggerated.

"Young man, you need to know what kind of enemy you are facing, I am old ... So, treat the old man with due respect."

He said seriously, as if this matter were taken for granted.

At this time, Aaron finally closed his chin and nodded hard.

Can't say that he refused this argument, just like he and a senior elder playing chess, the other party will inevitably go through some thought and then make his own next step.

Out of politeness, waiting is a must.

However, it is possible to make a life ... a duel, and this predecessor is like this, blatantly drinking the blood of the high elves.

And for Luna, she finally seemed to understand what status she was in at this time.

She is like a little woman who has seized the opportunity, covering her mouth and covering her smile.

Before Aaron said the next sentence, she gently raised her head and said.

"Aaron ~ ~ You are an imperial capital hunter, you won't even have this kind of humility."

Luna ’s remarks had a simple purpose, which was to deliberately embarrass Aaron. Indeed, this was a fair duel.

And at this time she finally saw clearly, the real chief of the town.

There is no essential conflict between the two, so Luna at this time is decisively standing on the side of the chief to open the mouth gun to Aaron.

Aaron at this time, it can be said to feel quite uncomfortable.

Listening to what Luna said, and then looking at the leader who took the initiative to stand up for them, Aaron bit her lip and shook her head in response to Luna.

"Well, it doesn't matter whoever it is."

After taking a deep breath, he fixed his eyes on the chief of the town and his eyes.

"Even if it is the blood of you and my high elves, I can beat you as well."

Aaron can say this with his teeth and teeth, because he did feel that he was being bullied.

Did not expect that even in this situation, he was still calculated by the woman Luna.

There were still people standing up to take the lead for her. Was it because of the wrong timing, or what went wrong, Aaron thought back carefully, but soon he shook his head and interrupted his thoughts.

Thinking about so many things is useless for now.

So the other party drank a bottle of blood from the high elves in front of his own eyes. And he has put down such cruel words, and what he said is like it is really raining heavily, and he can't get it back.

Aaron never had the consciousness of regret, even if he really noticed that he did something wrong!

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