Blood Source Era

Chapter 67: : Old days

"Then, this thing is really interesting." At this time, Aaron's face began to show an unpredictable expression.

"At present our information, can we find the main messenger behind this matter?" He tried to ask this question immediately.

However, for this problem, Luna shook her head regretfully, saying that she could not solve it.

And she told Aaron the truth based on the information on her hands.

"It's a pity that the guy was already dead and was executed by the Hunter Guild 35 years ago." After explaining, Luna pushed a thick pile of things to Aaron.

This is the record, all relevant information.

And this is why the manor will be deserted.

Thirty-five years ago, from the hands of an unknown stranger, the Hunter Guild received a report that someone was studying the ancient gods, and that person was the owner of the manor.

Thirty-five years ago, the Hunter ’s Guild was very different from the current Hunter ’s Guild.

At that time, this organization also strictly applied cold and violent means.

As soon as there are any dangerous experiments that desecrate the purity of the human race, the Hunter Guild will mercilessly kill them directly.

There is no reason or excuse for.

According to what is stated in the document, the above description explains this matter.

After receiving the clue, the Hunter ’s Guild sent out the most elite cadres without any hesitation and washed the town with blood.

Did not leave any live mouth, because everyone has the possibility to become an experiment, and anyone who survives means danger.

The town should have been deserted, if it was far away from the city.

But because this town is really close enough to the imperial capital, even if a living person was killed in the town, there is no time left, and new people are injected into it.

After realizing this, in order to prevent this similar time from happening again, the Hunter Guild also arranged a branch to be stationed there.

The abandoned manor, the reason why no one cares about that place is because everyone knows there should be no one left.

Aaron thought about the corpses he had encountered in the deserted manor.

The truth of all the facts seems to have surfaced at this time, and the cold-blooded and ruthless Hunter ’s Guild blood washed a small town.

People are used to it and think it is a normal thing.

But the thing that the Hunter ’s Guild is most worried about now, it still seems that innocent people have died.

Aaron just felt sorry for those who had died.

These people should not have died, but they died because of someone's greed and the brutal tyranny of the Hunter Guild.

"According to the information on the file, it was just two people who made the wrong decision." Aaron came to his conclusion after browsing through it quickly.

Since someone made a wrong decision, someone must bear the consequences.

"Then the high elf is still closed with you now." At this moment, the two of them suddenly thought that they would personally ask the identity of the high elf.

But Luna's face changed slightly.

"I think it's better not to ask, it may affect your appetite." These words are already very polite to describe the current misfortune of the high elf.

Was able to torture a high elf to the point of affecting appetite, and Aaron refrained from looking at Luna at this time.

In order to get the information she wants, this woman can do anything.

Aaron did n’t know exactly what Luna had ruled against the high elf, but one thing was obvious, it was definitely not a good thing.

"You shouldn't put such a heavy hand." At this time, Aaron said a little bit unbearably, after all, the other party still has this high value.

"I have a heavy hand?" Luna raised her eyebrows instead of reprimanding Aaron.

"In order to solve this problem, the Hunter's Guild slaughtered a whole town, but she still lives in the manor."

Luna said coldly.

"Arrogant and lifeless, thinking that she is still a noble lady, I can assure you that every knife she has on her body represents every ordinary person who has died."

How many people died, that number is a horrible thing.

Hunter's Guild has once killed many normal people in order to solve the threat of beastification once and for all, which is also a terrifying thing.

It is better to forget some things like this. If someone remembers it, it means that there will be a big conspiracy behind this matter.

A lot of nosy things, but Aaron, who will let himself lose his life, remembers this wise saying.

Since all these are the choices made by Luna ~ ~ Then let him go, Aaron doesn't want to argue with Luna in this matter.

"So, since you said that, we will let this matter go first." Aaron said this, and then he hesitated a little.

"Oh, I have one more thing to talk to you about."

Everything about the letter, as well as what the president of the trade union said to himself, all this requires an explanation or conclusion.

Aaron doesn't know what will happen if this thing continues to develop. This is a troublesome question, the worst situation that can be faced.

In this situation, maybe it ’s your turn to find an ally.

The entire emperor is one of the few who can be well-informed.

And the vast majority of well-informed people, their identity and level are places that Aaron can never easily reach.

Those guys, they all live in their own mansions, with drinks and beautiful women every day.

What they need is something Aaron can't give.

So if you want to bribe the group of people, it is almost impossible.

But Aaron had another idea.

Unless all well-informed people are all high-level people, such as Luna in front of him, he also has a very strong information ability.

Is familiar with all aspects of things, so she will be in this position today.

Is not only necessary to have strong enough abilities and wrists, but more importantly, it is absolutely sensitive to some things.

Knowing that some things are full of danger is something that you should never touch.

Well, in this case, you might as well ask the other party about the castle.

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